Before the trip...

Love Is Like Magic

Hye Su's POV

"AHHHHHH! I'm so excited!" Eun Chae cheered. "I can't wait for tomorrow!"

"Wae? You're excited because you will get to see Seungri?" I winked at her followed by a chuckle from Min Ae.

"A-ani." Oh everybody knows what's going on between those two... they have a thing for each other. Something more than friends could ever define.

"Su, aren't you excited about tomorrow?" Min Ae asked me, taking selcas by herself. Hmm... I wonder who got her into taking those selcas -winkwink-.

That's right. Tomorrow is the first day of the field trip or what we'd like to call: a mission or a quest. Everyone is split up into different groups; each group must have five separate elements, or if you'd like, you can call them 'contradicting elements'. All groups are expected to advance past each obstacle in order to graduate. Although it sounds quite simple, it's in fact difficult to achieve. If one member in their group makes a mistake or isn't co-operative enough, then that group must take the survival exam next year (which is totally not worth the while). It can be compared/contrasted with normal schools: when an individual fails a course, then they have to re-take it.

Basically this event goes on for several days. Maybe even a week if possible. During the trip in a deadly forest, we are required to use our magic in order to arrive at each checkpoint (which I believe there is above 10 of these checkpoints). The professors want to know how much we know about our own element; thus he is testing us on our ability to use our power. At the same time, we're able to further enhance our capability in handling with our treasured element. 

There is a camera at every angle within the environment, so it will be evident for which group decides to cheat. Using magic is not a cheat in this world. In fact, if you don't use your powers, you could easily be expelled from the school. But I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to d- wait a minute... never mind. 

Three years ago, there was this group of exorcists who actually didn't believe that magic was all that strong. So instead, they survived the three days in the forest, without using their magic. To them, using too much magic could damage their health, which is somewhat true. If you over use your power, you could collapse and of course they didn't want that to occur. The result of their scheme was that they were expelled by the principal and was never seen at school again.

"Ehhh... I just want to graduate." I said. It was the truth and truths don't lie. "And Min, shouldn't you start packing now?"

Min Ae pouted at me and frowned. 'Later..." I sighed. That girl... she's so lazy and I thought I was the lazy one.

"Same... it's so boring not being able to graduate. I want to learn new skills for future purposes." Eun Chae said.

"Oh yeah..." Min Ae started, "Are you two still cool with the other two group members?" she looked up from her camera.

First she turned to check on my reaction, which was simply a nod. It wasn't really anything new and I guess I could try to ignore Jiyong if he gets on my nerves. As for Eun Chae, she was turning bright pink (oh la la~) and nodded her head as well.

"Great.... then we should go get some sleep." I yawned.

"Omo! You're done packing already?" I nodded.

"Packing is an easy thing to do with some help of magic." I winked and then stood up. I walked back to my room and shut the door, locking it in place. Then, I walked over to my bed and flopped my entire body onto its surface.

"I hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow..." I mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

No One's POV

"Yah... do you think it's really okay for Su? I mean... Jiyong is a fire." Eun Chae asked, worried for her friend.

"They seem to get along fine so I think it's alright." Min Ae replied. Both of them were staring at Hye Su's door and silence filled the room. But then Eun Chae decided to break that silence by saying random stuff.

"Unnie... I think you should really pack. It's getting late now. Oh and since I'm almost done, I'll be going to sleep." she yawned and got up, and then walked to her room, leaving Min Ae the only one in the living room.

"I'm left... alone... again." she sniffed.

---The Next Morning ---

After a long bus ride, the group of students finally arrived at their destination: the training forest. You can call it a camp or whatever since they're going to be staying there for several nights. 

"Ok I gotta go now, bye!" Eun Chae quickly texted her brother.

"Good luck! And remember; to get rid of something, you must defeat them." He replied. "Obviously. I know that." Eun Chae thought to herself.

"Cellphones!! Cellphones!!" the teacher came around to collect their phones since they were not allowed to bring them iinto the field.

"Can we ride on animals? Like horses?" a random student asked.

" As long as it's not teleport. You can walk, run, jog, skip, anything but teleport. You must use your skills; any skills as long as it's not teleport. Ok, the next group. You can go in the portal now." he said and pointed to a blue glowing door that leads to the forest.

The five of them entered the portal one by one. Jiyong went first then Seungri, Eun Chae, Hye Su, and lastly Min Ae.

"WAH!!" Jiyong took a step and fell onto the floor. He looked up and saw that the portal was actually floating 1 meter above groundlevel.

"Owh, my arm.." he rubbed it and then suddenly someone fell on him.

"Woah!!" Seungri fell on his hyung.

"AWwhh.. Yah get off me!!" he pushed Seungri off and stood up to brush the dirt off his pants without moving an inch from his spot.

"OOuffh!!" Eun Chae accidentally landed on Jiyong's back and they both ended up falling down.

"How in the world?!" Eun Chae got off Jiyong and then stood next to Seungri. Then she stared at the portal in disbelief.

"I know right? Why would they AUGHH!!" another person fell on top of Jiyong.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Hye Su was about to get off Jiyong's chest but..

"WEE~! HUh? Who's this?" Min Ae noticed she was on Hye Su's back.

"Help...." Jiyong was squished at the bottom.

"Let's join~!" Seungri was about to pile himself on top until Eun Chae stopped him.

"Yo! He's going to die! Look at him suffocate. He's red already." she helped Min Ae and Hye Su get up.

"THANK YOU! AIR!! AIR!" Jiyong took a couple of deep breaths once they all got off him.

"Tch." Hye Su rolled her eyes at him.

"Now let's see. We are..... here!" Eun Chae took out the map from her backpack and observed the area.

"How do you know?" Seungri leaned closer to look where she was pointing.

"It says. There's even a red dot on it." Min Ae came in, forming a circle.

Later, after examining the map, the five elements wandered around the forest. The guys weren't as prepared as the girls; they didn't equip themselves beforehand. Who knows if an obstacle might block their path in graduating? It's always best to keep an eye opened in case of anything... or better yet, anything - oh it's creature wise.

"But how do we know if we have to defeat something? I'm pretty sure there's a hint for us to know there's something out there that's trying to make us unable to graduate." Eun Chae asked, scanning the area.

"I guess we just have to keep our guards opened at all cost." Min Ae said.

They continued walking in pairs. Seungri was walking with Eun Chae, keeping her safe from the creatures hidden in the forest. Jiyong was, instead walking alongside Min Ae since she said she was afraid to walk alone, leaving Hye Su walking alone. It's not like she wanted to walk with Jiyong anyways. She kicked rocks as she walked with her arms crossed across her chest, slighty pouting. 

Seungri, who was watching out for Eun Chae, wasn't aware of where he was walking. 

"OOOFFF!" he rubbed his forehead.

That's right! The infamous byuntae maknae just walked straight into an oak tree. 

"YAH be careful next time!" Eun Chae frowned.

"Psst... I think he has a thing for you." Hye Su and Min Ae walked up to Eun Chae and whispered into her ear. Then without any hesitation, she walked further away from him. She was somewhat creeped out. He is a byuntae after all. Eun Chae thought.

Jiyong walked up to Seungri, patting him on the back. "Nice going dude. Now you made the pretty lady think you're clumsy." he chuckled then stroded off with the rest of the group, now leaving Seungri alone. But luckily, he caught up with them since they were walking at a slow pace.

Hye Su and Min Ae were now walking alongside each other. Jiyong and Eun Chae were walking next to each other, talking about the most random thing you would hear on Earth. 

"Psstt do you think he likes her?" Min Ae leaned closer to Hye Su's ear and whispered into her ear.

"Meh... it's not like I care." she said as she looked at her camera after snapping some quickshots of the nature surrounding them. Photography is one of Hye Su's hobby. "Hey Min, what do you think of this picture?" she showed Min Ae the picture she just took.

Whilst the two friends were doing that, Jiyong and Eun Chae were discussing about Hye Su. No, it's not gossiping/talking behind people's back... well, in Jiyong's opinion, it's not. He's only trying to get to know Hye Su more... through her friend. This is why he is so friendly to people.

"Eun Chae-yah..." he started, "Um... can I ask you something?"

Eun Chae nodded. Just as Jiyong was about to speak, Seungri popped out of nowhere. "What are you two talking about?" he asked, being the nosy kid he always was.

"Go away. We're busy talking." Jiyong pushed Seungri away from them. He frowned and left to bother Hye Su and Min Ae.

"Oh yeah.. continue what you were about to say." Eun Chae said.

"I don't know if this is an appropriate question but... can you tell me what happened with Hye Su in the past?" he scratched his nape.

Eun Chae glanced at Hye Su, hesitating for a bit. She bit her lip as she observed her friend fooling around with a camera. Hye Su was taking selcas with Min Ae and Seungri was just in the way (yeah ruining a perfect picture).

"Um... I can't tell you everything that happened in her past. I think you should ask her yourself but I don't guarantee she'll reveal her past." Eun Chae said after thinking twice about what might happen if she said something she's not supposed to say. "I'm sorry..."

"Oh... it's okay." Jiyong looked away, feeling disappointed. He really wanted to know what happened to Hye Su in the past. Most of the time, she seemed depress about something. And as a friend, he wants to be there to comfort her. 

He glanced forward and noticed Hye Su's bright smile as she slapped Seungri on the shoulder, scolding him for ruining the picture. Min Ae was just there, holding her stomach to calm down from the laughter. Eun Chae looked at Jiyong and thought to herself, This guy doesn't know his own feelings, does he?

As he continued to stare at Hye Su, Hye Su, on the other hand, felt a chill on her arm. She was wearing a sleeveless tee and forgot to bring a sweater with her. She scanned the area but there was nothing in sight. Hmm... I guess it's just the wind. She thought. But as she continued looking around the district, she noticed a pair of eyes staring at her; rather it was Jiyong's eyes locked on her.

"Hey... why is he staring at us?" Hye Su whispered into Min Ae's ears. Min Ae glanced at Jiyong and Eun Chae's directions and saw that Jiyong wasn't blinking at all. 

"I don't think he's staring at us, but more less he's staring at you." Mn Ae nudged Hye Su's arm.

"Ew..." she said, looking away. "Creeper..." 

Meanwhile Eun Chae tapped Jiyong on the shoulder which snapped him back into reality. "Huh? What? Oh.. um hi." he uttered.

"Are you okay?" she grinned, knowing exactly who he was observing.

"Oh uh... yeah I'm fine." he said and then walked off to the three group members. Eun Chae shrugged her shoulders, doubting his response. She caught up with her friends and then leaned her head on Min Ae's shoulder. 

"Hey hyung, I know who you were staring at." Seungri winked, chuckled, and nudged Jiyong, causing a shade of pink to appear on his cheek bone. 

"This is so boring... when will the real mission begin?" Eun Chae sighed. She was still leaning her head on Min Ae's shoulder and this time, she was swinging Hye Su's arm.

"We've been here for almost half the day without any encounters." Hye Su exclaimed.

"I'M BORED!" Min Ae whined.

While the girls were busy complaining about the day, the guys were suddenly feeling paranoid. Then, all of them felt a gush of wind past by them. 

"Min, stop that!" Hye Su shouted, rubbing her arms from the sudden goose bump that she felt a milisecond ago.

"That wasn't me though!" she exclaimed. Hye Su, Eun Chae, Seungri, Jiyong, and Min Ae glanced at each other, shrugging their shoulders and shaking their head. 

"If that wasn't you... then...." Seungri rolled his eyes around the district, feeling another breeze.

"The trip has just begun." Hye Su and Eun Chae smirked, looking far into the distance.

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha