Nice to meet you.

Love Is Like Magic

Song Eun Chae's POV

"Who the heck texts me in the morning on a Sunday!?!" I woke up rubbing my eyes and combed my hair with my fingers. Ok it's only 8:45AM. I sat up and reached for my phone that was on my desk, beside my bed.  'Wake up sleepy head!' it was from Hye Su. I fixed my hair a bit and opened my door. It was silent, all I could hear was the clock ticking.

"Hye Su!?" no reply. "Min Ae?!" I looked around and no one was there.

'WHERE DID YOU GUYS GO?!'  I quickly texted as I headed to the bathroom.

'We're at the park.' Hye Su replied. Damn, why'd they go? They ditched me! I was sleeping and they decide to leave me all alone! I pouted. I quickly changed into a tank top, which had another tank top under, and a pair of jeans then tied my hair up in a bun. I randomly found a pair of ankle socks and wore my shoes then left the dorm. I speed walked to the elevator, waited for a while, went in, waited again, came out and speed walked instead of running to the park. By the time I almost reached there, I realized that I could of teleported. Ugh! So stupid of me.

"Su! Min!" I called to them who were sitting on a bench.

"Good morning Chae." they both said.

"Yeah. Good morning. Thank you so much for leaving me alone in the morning. I don't think I ate! No~ my stomache will growl and make weird sounds." I patted my tummy and sat down next to them when they scooted over.

"We technically tried to wake you up, we even played a song loudly next to your ear with her iPod but you still continued to sleep." Hye Su pointed to Min.

"Yeah. We tried." Min emphasized the word 'tried'.

"Well I was playing on my laptop yesterday and then I think I fell asleep at 1AM?" my index finger was on my chin thinking if it was really 1AM. Or maybe it was 1:30AM? Or was it just 12AM?

"Slacking off when you should be practic-"

"hey! I wanted to enjoy my weekend ok? But now I can't! Today's the last day of procrastination because then I have to practice my skills.." I cut Min off and sighed. Yeah, I call Min Ae just Min and Hye Su, Su like Sue. They just call me Chae since Eun sounds a bit like eonni and I'm the youngest.

"Why are we here?" I asked but before they could answer I noticed someone walking. "Ohh hey, I see somebody coming! He's approaching to you, Su!" I whispered and . No wonder Su likes Seunghyun. He does look quite cool. And he's Water!! What a wonderful couple. I noticed him walking with his group of friends towards us. EWW He's friend's with Seungri?! I hate that guy. He's erted! We talk sometimes but he's just a total flirt. I was sitting next to him, more like he sat next to me after he saw me, and then he put his arm around my shoulder. Like seriously?! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. And he tries to act like we're friends. I quickly texted that to Su since he might hear me or one of them.

"What?! Yeah I know, he is. And I thought Earth's are kind and nice." she whispered in my ear.

"Well that's a stereotype. Not always."

"What? Who?" Min wondered.

"Hey, Hye Su." we all looked up and it was Seunghyun. Wow, he's tall. Never knew he was this tall.

"Hi." she smiled to him, obviously. Soon we were basically surrounded by all these guys I'm pretty sure people who pass by will think we are getting bullied. Hye Su and Min Ae were talking to the guys while I was just there, sitting and listening to their conversation until my phone vibrated. I took out my phone and saw "incoming call." I got up and walked somewhere else . I didn't pick it up and just stared at that number. It literally said 1-234-567-8900. Seriously? I scrunched my face. I waited until that person hung up. Stupid callers. I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket until the chain fell off.

"ohh no, again?" I bent down to pick it up. I brushed off the dirt and tried to put it back on my phone.

"Are you ok?" someone asked. I turned around. It was one of Seunghyun's friends. When did he get there? Wasn't he with the rest of the guys?

"Yeah." I smiled politely then sat down by a tree and tried to fix it. I could see from the corner of my eye that dude standing there watching me. Creeper?

"Ok there." I smiled and stood back up while brushing the dirt off the pants.

"You know, if it keeps on falling off you should get another one." we both started to walk back to them.

"It's ok though." I like the chain. It's hard for me to find one I like. I would have told him that, but I don't know him a lot. Nor do I know his name O_o

"So, what's your name?" he asked.

"Eun Chae." I don't normally tell people my last name. I glanced at him a bit. To be honest, he is quite good looking.

"Ahh.. You can call me Taeyang." I guess he doesn't either.

"Are you... Earth?" I asked him. He seems like one.


"Ohh cool mee too." we were behind them and then I noticed a guy stole my spot. Ohh well. Now that I realize, all of his friends were quite good looking -.- They didn't even notice me until I sneezed.

"Bless you."

"thanks." I started to shiver a bit. Why did I choose to wear a tank top? Why is it a bit windy- DID MIN AE DO SOMETHING?! =.=  I looked up to the sky and saw it was going to rain soon because of the clouds.

"Hey Chae?" Su called me.

"Yeah?" I continued to observe the sky.

"This is Seunghyun.." yes I know. "Seungri which I'm pretty sure you two know each other," the .  "and then Daesung," he smiled to me I smiled back. He seems like a happy dude. "This is Jiyong and Tae- ohh you two are right next to each other. Yeah so he's Taeyang." Min noticed.

"Ohh yeah. We just talked to each other for a sec... ish.." I didn't know what to really say with all these guys here.

"And guys, this is Eun Chae."



"So it's raining after all." I mumbled and looked through the window as we are now in a cafe in the campus.

"what?" ... Yong. Ji? Ohh wait Jiyong, asked. He was sitting in front of me. We took 2 tables for the 8 of us. I was sitting with Min Ae, Jiyong, Daesung, I remember his name because he's so smiley. Hye Su sat with Seunghyun, Seungri and then Taeyang.

"nothing." I shook my head. No offense but Jiyong looked a bit like a girl... but you can tell he's a guy. I believe Jiyong is Fire. I want to ask but at the same I don't want to.

"You are an Earth?" he asked first.

"Yeah.. you?"

"Fire." he leaned over to his left to take a sip of his drink but looked at me at the same time expecting me to say something to continue the conversation.

"Hahah! I know right?" Min started to laugh with Daesung. When I saw him laughing, I felt like laughing too so I chuckled a bit. He should be a Wind just like Min. They both are cheerful.

"I wonder what about the others- oops" I realized I said that out loud.

"Huh?" Jiyong asked.

"Ohh I was just wondering what's their element.." I looked at the rest of the guys.

"Ah. Daesung right here is Wind, Seunghyun hyung is Water, Seungri is Spirit and then Youngbae is Earth."

"His name is Youngbae?" I thought it was Taeyang.

"Yeah, but people call him Taeyang." I see. So Seungri is Spirit.. I don't know many people with that element.

"So.. were you here for all these years? Because I don't think I recognize you..." he said.

"Yeah. I don't think I've seen you around much either." Or maybe I just don't look at guys in general =P I only know them if they are in my classes.

"Oh hey the rain stopped!" Jiyong and I both looked out the window. Yeah we took the window seats. He seems nice for a Fire. If he's pure Fire then he should be a bit meaner. Just like this girl I know, I dislike her very much. I just realized that these guys are all the 5 elements together. Wow.  For the 'field trip' coming up, they must be together as a group. Most likely Su, Min, and I are going to be in a group since the school makes us into a group depending on how well we work together. And that leaves to 2 other students being in the same group as us. I wonder who. Most likely strangers.

This 'field trip' I'm talking about is... basically groups of 5, each person a different element, going on a 'mission' or 'quest'. We go into the forest for a few days and travel to the checkpoint. The purpose of this is to test our skills of magic. That's what I heard. The point is, we have to try and survive in the forest for a few days. If we succeed, we can graduate. If we don't, we will have to stay back another year and take the 'quest' again. One person screwing up will affect the whole group. It is a bit risky...

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha