EPILOGUE: The Invite

Non Compos Mentis
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“Inspector Choi, I did not sign up for this!” Chaerin came barging in his office, unannounced as always, but Seunghyun had expected it. Amidst the hustle on the floor of the SMPA, some of the officers took time to crane their necks to see what the famous Inspector Lee has to say to Inspector Choi. Rumour has it that they’re dating, but all were unconfirmed since both kept tight lipped. Chaerin, knowing the gossip mills were fast, slammed the door to prevent the whole department from overhearing anything.


The latter feigned an offended look, amusedly biting his inner cheeks, as he resisted the urge to just kiss the life out of his favorite girl. “And I’m the one who’s without manners. Don’t you know how to knock?”


“The only thing that I’ll be knocking is your head!” Chaerin fumed. “What is this?!” Chaerin held up a piece of paper, almost rubbing it on his face.


“It’s an envelope, I believe, or do you want me to inspect it thoroughly Inspector Lee? Let’s investigate if there are fingerprints of criminals imprinted on the flap. Or is it disguised to be an envelope but it’s actually a box? Hmmm?”


“Don’t push it, Seunghyun!”


“Relax babe, it’s just a dinner invitation, it’s nothing.” Seunghyun chided, the amusement did not fade in his tone. Chaerin only squirmed, her squared shoulders indicated confidence but more than that, Seunghyun could see she was nervous. 


“A dinner invitation from your whole clan! And it’s a Christmas dinner… in a hotel ballroom. Could your family be more subtle?” He laughed freely, head jerking backwards, thoroughly amused by his girlfriend’s issues. “It’s nothing, it’s just dinner.”


“With your whole clan!”


“I don’t see a problem with that, we’re dating.” Seunghyun reaches out for Chaerin and forces her to sit on his lap. “For almost a year now.”


“Seunghyun, we’re at work!” Chaerin whispers urgently, looking around to see if somebody was eavesdropping or peeping.


“You’ve slammed the door quite hard darling, I’m sure the whole department took it as a signal to steer clear from our parameters, just in case…you know.” He wiggled his eyebrows, irritating Chaerin more. "Wanna reenact what happened the first time?"


“Don’t stay out of topic, dimwit! I’m serious!” Chaerin swatted his arm, there was genuine concern and worry on her face now, and her nonstop squirming did not help in controlling…his…urges. Lee Chaerin will be the death of him.


“Babe, look at me.” Seunghyun holds her face with both hands, steadying her. “It’s just dinner, we do it all the time. We smile, exchange pleasantries, acknowledge people, give my spoiled brat nieces and nephews some gifts, then were done!”


“It’s not as easy as it sounds!” she whines again.


“And you failed to mention the media men that will be there!”


“Who told you that?”


“Our officemates!! They said it has been a tradition in your rich family to hold a Christmas ball for equally rich people.”


“Okay, so I omitted some things. We’ll have dinner, we smile, exchange peasantries, exchange gifts and the media will be all over the place to cover everything.”


“That did not sound comforting at all.”


Seunghyun sighed. “I will be there, with you, all the way. I’ll hold your hand all throughout the occasion if it’ll make you more comfortable. Why are you so nervous about this anyway?”


Chaerin leaned on to his chest and rested her head on the crook of his neck. “It’s your family, Seunghyun. It means we’re getting serious…I don’t even know if this….thing of ours…is…”


“This thing? After all these months, you still refer to us as ‘this thing’, how eloquent of you darling.” Chaerin felt Seunghyun’s body went rigid. She could feel the anger boiling inside of him, and being the stubborn woman that she is, she refused to get caught up with the situation, and be pressured just because he is angry.


She moved away, standing in defiance. “I am still not going, and you can’t make me feel guilty just because you’re too sensitive with my choice of words.”


It stung, Seunghyun could not believe the fast turnout of events.


This was supposed to be a light discussion. “It will be just dinner! How hard can that be?” Seunghyun stood up, attempting to catch up with Chaerin as she headed for the door.


“With your whole clan!”


“What is wrong with you, it’s just a family gathering!”


“With a whole bunch of media men!” Chaerin emphasized that again.


Seunghyun lightly gripped Chaerin’s shoulders. “I’ve been waiting to invite you to this event because my mom is excited to see you, it’ll be the first time that I’ll ever be inviting someone… so special. And it’s important to me.”


Instead of the desired effect, Chaerin’s face scrunched up in annoyance, “Way to put pressure on me, Inspector Choi. You still can’t make me!” she shrugs his hands off and stomps away.


“Fine! Be a b!tch!” Seunghyun watched as she strutted her down the aisle. He would also want to describe it as fine and gorgeous plumps but he was too angry for that.


Ignoring the tingling feeling, he was able to school his expression to avoid further office rumors. He noticed almost everybody pretending to be busy, but was obviously listening to the latest events of their life.


“Back to work people! Nothing to see here.” He bellowed and slammed the door behind him.




Chaerin did not understand him. More so, she did not understand why she had reacted that way. She has been trying to work for the last three hours but she was stumped. She was troubled and she knew she couldn’t concentrate anyway if she can’t settle this, especially when it’s about Choi Senghyun. She had learned early on that when it’s about this man, all other things just do not function well in her brain.


She hurriedly gathered her things and prepared to be out early. She did not care if she had loads of work to do, but she had to get this off her chest. And when she’s conflicted, there’s only one person she runs to. Kwon Jiyong. The former deputy commissioner aka her bestfriend. Ever since the debacle, Jiyong decided to quit his job, and just focused on his kids. He’s living off in the money of his family business and had all the free time in the world to work on his shaken reputation and family. Despite it all, he had maintained a positive outlook in life, which Chaerin wished she had.


And as she arrived on his driveway, he was greeted with a knowing smile from him.


“My second visitor of the day. Deep ?”


“As always…it’s about – ”


“– Seunghyun, I know.” Chaerin gave a curios look as she settled on his couch.


“He was here moments ago, ranting about how his girlfriend didn’t want to go to the family dinner.” Jiyong offered a cup of coffee to Chaerin, and he watched as she gulped in a generous amount, before starting her piece.


“With their whole clan!” Chaerin places down the cup, now her hands were full of gestures.


“And oh did he mention the amount of media men that will be there? Oh Ji, and h

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You write skytempo the best! I love this so much <3
ChaerinOh #2
Chapter 9: Reading this over because it's still so good!
oneknight #3
Chapter 15: This is too good to be ended T_T
I always never get bored re-read this story. Too awesome.
I hope you could come back and finish 32 hours and post more stories. U're so talented~•°•
I'm a huge fan of your stories ^^
cipluk #4
Chapter 12: I love the kiss scene here !!!
oneknight #5
Chapter 15: You are my fav santa!!!!!! Damn, God Bless u!! Muaaaaaah muaaaah

Btw I thought Jiyong & Bom were died before this, but glad it's clear now.
nienie11289 #6
Chapter 15: Thanks for the addrd epilogue! I love that their relationship is still as fiery as ever! :)
nienie11289 #7
Chapter 14: I always love reading your fanfics. They never disappoint. The push and pull relationship of Chaerin and Seunghyun was just so good and HOT! haha... Loved their bickering and budding relationship. The story itself was really interesting. The ending was definitely a shocker and the killer's identity was a surprise. I really enjoyed reading this fic. I hope you update your current stories and I hope to read more skytempo things from you again! =D
oneknight #8
Chapter 14: I love re-read this story hihihiii
It's just so y =^w^=