
Heaven's Sent



"YAH! What are you doing with those letters?!" Hannah said shouting at the boy getting the letters from he mailbox. The boy just looked at her for a bit then continued to fill his bags with the letters.



"Yah!" Hannah said pushing him and blocking the opening of the mailbox. The boy simply pushed her aside getting the last letter inside the mailbox and locking it. Hannah couldn't just let him go with all of those letters.



"Yah! Answer me!" The boy only ignored her and walked pass by her, his shoulders brushing off hers. Hannah followed her and had the urge of pulling his hair. Tch,What a snob!



Hannah kept on follwing him and throwing him a bunch of questions. He suddenly stopped making Hannah bump her head on his back.



"Ack. What the- " The mysterious boy suddenly turned around with a cold face. "Shut up." He said with a firm tone that made Hannah frozen on her spot.



Who is he? What is he going to do with those letters? Is he a postman or something? Or am I seeing things? Oh dear is he a ghost?!



She was too busy with the thoughts inside her head when the boy stopped walking when he felt like someone giving him sharp stares.


"Yah, don't you know it's very rude to stare?" The boy said with a firm tone turning around to face the dumbfounded girl.



"Yah!" The boy shouted at Hannah making the latter jump a bit.



"A-ah, Neh?" Hannah stuttered trying to get back her confidence.



"Stop staring will you." 



"Ah..Uhm... Do you mind, but who are you?" Hannah asked him with a hint of nervousness in her voice and the boy just gave him a confused look.



"Don't you watch the news?"



"Erm...Am I supposed to know you? You practicaly look like a fashionable postman, I suppose?"Hannah said stiffling a laugh, when she looked at him from head to toe. He was basically wearing all grey except for his white shirt under his cardigan, white chucks and an old brown bodybag. He didn't mind her reaction and continued to stare at her in disbelief.



"Well you are right about one thing. Yes I am a postman but not an ordinary one." He replied crossing his arms on his chest. "I was sent from heaven for a special mission, well of course other than collecting these letters. Now if you don't have any questions left, I'll leave now rather than waste my time on you." He scoffed and turned around to continue walking.



"Yah! Are you crazy?! Do those things really exist? Are you a crazy postman claiming himself as an angel from heaven? Pwahahaha~!!" Hannah laughed at him.



Is she serious? Maybe... Maybe she's the one I'm looking for...




a/n: OTL

I'm so sorry for the crappy udpate :((

I'm really busy at school and forgot to save this chapter and had to do it all over again .________.

Please forgive your forgetful and clumsy author ;A;

Anyway bye bye~ <3


~iambrielleiant ;A;

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y u people no tell me :((( I don't know if you guys prefer long or short updates


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Chapter 1: Omo!! O.o ! Hannah sing Monday to Sunday?!! It's BtoB song!! XD *Too excited :3
Chapter 10: oh i really love this story!
Chapter 7: Mannnn I was just reading not paying attention to the chapters than I was,like Awwwwwwwwww what's going to happen tomorrow than I went to press next but it wasn't there..if only you knew how disappointed I was
nananeko #4
Chapter 4: aah boyaaa more more XD author,you really did a good job here~