Heaven's Sent



Hannah groaned in her sleep as the sun hit her face. She slowly pried her eyes and immediately got blinded by the light going through her curtains. The heat was also starting to enter her room, as she slowly tried to get up from her bed, her eyes landed on the alarm clock beside her bed.


7:00 am


"Holy shi- I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Hannah ran to the bathroom for a quick bath and almost tripped on the carpet on her way out. As she walked out of the room, she saw Kai sitting on the couch watching the morning news.


"Oh, you're up already. I left you some pancakes just in case you're in the mood to eat breakfast." Kai said, giving her a short glance before returning his attention to the TV.

"Well, just so you know I'm late. Why didn't you even wake me up?!" Hannah said, as she tried to balance herself as she tried to put on her socks.

"I just thought you needed some rest, since you cried yourself to sleep last night. I didn't want to wake you up either, you looked like you were still in deep sleep when I entered your room." He said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You were even drooling..." He continued stifling a laugh.

"I do not drool!" Hannah protested.

"Yeah, right. You might want to hurry up or you'll be late for class."  The blonde male said, shooing her away, the latter just rolled her eyes at him.

"Ugh, whatever!" Hannah said, rushing to the door, causing her to slip and fall face first on the floor.

"Yah! Be careful on your way to school." Kai shouted, laughing to himself when he heard the loud crash Hannah made.



Hannah's 15 minute ride to school shortened to less than 10 minutes. She passed all of the stop lights in a swift, overtook every car earning her a few angry drivers asking if she wanted to die for riding her bicycle too fast.

As she entered the school gates, one of the head teachers saw her. He gave her an unpleasant look which made Hannah feel uncomfortable, and start to fiddle with the hem of her blouse.


"Why are you late?" The head teacher Mr. Hwang asked.

"Uh-I woke up late Sir. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Hannah said with a pleading voice.

"Of course you won't. I let you off today, but make sure you will never be late again." Mr. Hwang said before turning around and heading to the field.


Meanwhile, inside the classroom, Sehun couldn't stay still for the first period was about to end and Hannah hasn't arrived yet. He was about to raise his hand to excuse himself out of the room when someone knocked at the door, and Hannah entered the room.


"Good morning Mr. Lee, sorry I'm late." Hannah bowed as she was greeted by the unpleasant look of their homeroom teacher. She continued to keep her head down as she went to her seat. She didn't notice that the moment she entered the room Sehun couldn't take his eyes off her. Sehun noticed how Hannah's eyes were a bit puffy, as soon as she sat down, he didn't even think twice and asked her what happened to her.


"What happened to your eyes? Did you cry?" Sehun said, his voice with a hint of worry in his voice.

"W-what do you mean?" Hannah said, giving him weird looks.

"If you're using this as an excuse to talk to me then-" Before she could even finish Sehun placed a small bottle on her lap.

"Put some around your eyes to at least hide the swelling and so it doesn't look so red, it's kind of obvious you cried."  He said giving her another worried look.

"T-thanks... I guess." She replied.


After a few minutes Mr. Lee already finished discussing his last reminders to the class, but before he left the classroom he called Sehun's attention.

"Mr. Oh, I'm assigning you today to clean the classroom and I'm assigning Ms. Lee as well since she was late for class." After that he left the room not minding Sehun's protests.




Class ended and the only people left inside the room was Sehun and Hannah, the atmosphere was overflowing with awkwardness and they would always end up standing awkwardly in front of each other. The room was filled with silence, and Sehun couldn't bare with it anymore.

"Okay, can we stop?" Sehun said, as he dropped the broom off his hands. The loud clunk on the floor made Hannah look at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Why?" Hannah said, crossing her arms.

"I hate silence. Can we at least talk and get to know each other?" Hannah then gave him an unpleasing look and instead of replying she took her phone and played some loud music.

"Happy?" She said, tilting her head to the side before going back to arrange the chairs. Sehun had no choice but to shut up and continue sweeping the floor.


Hannah was too busy arranging the books on top of their lockers at the end of the room, that she didn't even notice that Sehun was walking towards. The moment she noticed it was already too late, as the girl turned around, he was only a few inches away from her. Hannah gave him a questioning look, and moving back at the same time, her back hitting the lockers.


"What the hell are you doing?" Hannah said, crossing her arms in front of her. She was about to speak again, when Sehun placed his hands on the lockers trapping in between Hannah. She was already starting to panic the moment she remembered her first encounter with Sehun. 

"Yah, If this is your way of 'getting to know each other' sorry, but I'm not interested." She was trying to hide her fear and was about to push him back, when Sehun slammed his fist on one of the lockers which frightened Hannah.

"C-can you please just listen to me, at least once?" Sehun said giving her a pleading look. Hannah was silenced by his actions, 

"Why can't you just give me another chance? At least let me explain whatever happened on the first day we met." Sehun said with his head down, he didn't wait for Hannah's answer and just continued on what he was about to say.

"You know what, I was actually happy when Mr. Lee assigned us to clean the classroom today. I just needed some time with you I guess, I also wanted to clear everything up since you never really gave me a chance to do so." Sehun said, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. He placed his head on Hannah's shoulder before taking a deep breath.

"That night, I wasn't myself. I-i didn't know what got into me when I did that to you. I guess it was all the stress and heartbreak at home. I just got pulled out of school that time, and my dad practically threw me out. I don't really blame my father for having a good for nothing son like me, I actually blame my mom. Did you know that she left my father for some other rich dude and said she was tired of my father already. She left when I was five, I saw her fighting with my father, saying rude s about him. My father loves her too much that he was completely broken when she left us for good. Our business almost got bankrupt because he was too careless and was always preoccupied. He managed to get back up though, but he turned into a complete jerk who is unable to keep an eye on his son because he has too many s to deal with." He said looking at her, a single tear falling from his eye. She saw how anger and sadness filled his eyes. Hannah didn't know what to do, she just stood there frozen. They just stood there for a while, Sehun kept his head down and Hannah was having a fight with herself whether to act strong or try to comfort him.

"B-but still you shouldn't have done that to me, You have your friends to talk about that, but you chose to do that to me, I get it you don't have a stable situation at home, why did you let it take over you then? You should've stayed strong instead. While you did that to me, your friends were stopping you but you didn't stop. For goodness sakes did you know how I felt so dirty that night?! I just wanted to murder you for being such a douche." Hannah said, leaning her head on the lockers.

"I know, I regret that so much you know. I guess the thought of hating women engulfed me to do that. I'm really, really sorry p-please, forgive me." Sehun said looking deeply into Hannah's eyes.

"Let's start over... L-like nothing happened. P-please?" Hannah can see how sincere Sehun was that moment, but she was scared that he was only trying to play with her. Hannah didn't know what pushed her to nod and say that it was fine.

"Okay." After she said that Sehun's eyes started to brighten up. 

"A-are you really forgiving me?" 

"Not really forgiving you. It's just that I'm tired of getting angry at you all of the time. I just to end the hate, and well yeah more like starting over." Hannah said with a monotone voice.

"O-oh, I understand. But still, thank you for at least  agreeing to start over." Sehun said, before giving her a slight smile. Hannah looked at him and smiled back, but what she was shocked the most was when Sehun give him a peck on her cheek.

"Thank you again." He said, before moving away from Hannah. Leaving the latter dumbfounded and frozen on her spot.

"Let's go,It's almost 6pm." Sehun said as he took his backpack.

"A-ah, okay." Hannah said, walking to her desk and almost tripped on her way out good thing Sehun caught her by the waist.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, I'm fine." Hannah said as she fixed herself. 



When they exited the building Sehun's friends were waiting outside talking. One of them saw him coming and started to whisper something to the other members before going to Sehun.

"Hello there, lover boy." One of his friends, Chanyeol said, ruffling their maknae's hair.

"Aish, hyung will you stop it." Sehun said sending a cold glare to Chanyeol, but the older male didn't mind and continued to mess with him. Hannah just stood there awkwardly. She wanted to say goodbye before leaving, but she couldn't get the chance since they were too rowdy. As she looked around, she saw a familiar figure standing by the school gates.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Hannah mumbled. One of the members seem to catch her mumbling and traced where she was looking. 

"YAH HYUNG STOP!" Sehun's loud voice broke her stare at the figure near the school gates.

"A-Uhm... I have to go. Bye." Hannah said, bowing and running away from them as soon as they acknowledged her farewell.


When Hannah was near the gates, the figure she was starring at earlier turned around, and smiled at her.


"Yah! What are you doing here?!" Hannah said, pushing Kai's shoulder.

"Hey, shouldn't you be thanking me for waiting for you? Some girls even mobbed me earlier." Kai said, crossing his arms in front of him.

"Wait, they can see you?" Hannah asked.

"Duh, of course they do.”He said, flicking her forehead, earning a groan from Hannah.

“But I can always hide myself, so that you're the only one who can see me." Kai said smirking at Hannah.

"Tch. How conceited." Hannah said, crossing her arms in front, mirroring Kai. Suddenly Kai started ruffling her hair.

"Yah! What the hell!" Hannah said as she aimed to punch Kai in the stomach, but Kai was fast enough to stop her.

"Stay still and act normal, someone’s coming." Kai whispered to her. Hannah then looked around and saw Sehun and his friends walking towards them, he then accidentally locked gazes with her. It made Hannah feel uncomfortable. When the group passed by Kai and Hannah, Suho immediately noticed them and greeted the pair politely.

"Oh, Hello Hannah! And good evening..." Suho said waiting for the blonde male to answer.

“Kai.” He said plainly, before turning his attention back to the rest of the group in front of him

"Hello." The pair said in chorus. Kai looked curiously at Sehun as he s his arm around Hannah's waist. His sudden action made Hannah jerk up.

"Um, excuse me, but we have to go." Kai said before bowing at them, his arm still around Hannah's waist.



When they were in front of  the apartment Kai broke the silence by saying something that shocked Hannah.

"Hey, did you know that one of those guys, we talked to earlier likes you?" Kai said giving Hannah a teasing look.

"W-What are you talking about?" Hannah said, as she almost dropped the keys to their apartment.

"When I put my arm around your waist I could see the jealousy in his eyes." He said placing both of his hands on Hannah's waist.

"Are you serious? T-that's impossible I don't even talk to them." Hannah said as she opens the door to their apartment.

"Really? But you stayed out late with one of them." The blonde male said settling himself on the couch.

"I- We were assigned to clean the room, okay! I wasn't supposed to be there anyway, if only someone woke me up earlier." She replied sending deathly glares to Kai.

"I was just trying to be nice, okay~" Kai cooed at the pissed off Hannah in front of him.

"Ugh, whatever, say what you want I don't care." She replied slamming the door as she entered her room.

"Hahaha! Yah, Lee Hannah don't scare me about, locking yourself in your room! I know you'll come out once you smell food." He said throwing a pillow at Hannah's bedroom door. He laughed even harder when he heard Hannah's loud groan.






LOL kbye :--)))

I hope you enjoy this chapteeeer~ <3




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y u people no tell me :((( I don't know if you guys prefer long or short updates


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Chapter 1: Omo!! O.o ! Hannah sing Monday to Sunday?!! It's BtoB song!! XD *Too excited :3
Chapter 10: oh i really love this story!
Chapter 7: Mannnn I was just reading not paying attention to the chapters than I was,like Awwwwwwwwww what's going to happen tomorrow than I went to press next but it wasn't there..if only you knew how disappointed I was
nananeko #4
Chapter 4: aah boyaaa more more XD author,you really did a good job here~