
Heaven's Sent



          "Hey, where are you?" Hannah said as Kai finally answers her call.

          'I'm at my old house. Didn't you see the note I left along with the food I prepared for you?' he said nonchalantly.

          Hannah woke up later than usual today, since no one barged into her room at 8:30 in the morning like Kai usually does during the weekends. Having Kai along made the house feel less empty- it was like he was another piece of the puzzle that made the house a home, where someone would always be there for you when you came home after a long day at school or from work. It is the first time that Kai wasn't around the house when she woke up- it felt so unusual and lonely with just the thought of living alone again. She lost her appetite and didn't eat breakfast, the first time since two people started living in their little house. She didn't seem to have the energy to do anything today but she had to go to work. 


          "I- I didn't eat breakfast today." She stuttered, since he really hated it when she didn't eat in the morning. He heard a deep sigh from the other line. "I'm on my way to work now, what time will you come back?" she continued to put him on  another topic.

          'I just have to talk to someone, I'll be back before dinner.' 

          "Okay, bye." She said before ending the call.


          Everything about today made Hannah uncomfortable in every single way- it was like something is about to happen or something is happening to someone close to her. She had that gut feeling that something is wrong, and she knew that it wouldn't let her sleep tonight. She took her phone again to dial Kai's number, when she accidentally bumped into a rather young looking old woman. When her eyes met with the old woman a sudden glimpse of a dream, or rather memory. Hannah's head started to throb- she closed her eyes and using her thumb and index finger she tried to massage her temples. Once the pain was gone she opened her eyes and saw the old woman in front of her giving her a hand to help her up.

          "I'm sorry." She said, and as she bowed she saw a ring on the floor.

          "Uhm, I-I think you dropped this." Hannah said giving her the ring but the ahjumma didn't answer back and just smiled. The old lady slid the ring on her ring finger and whispered into her ear. 'It is yours. It has always been yours, Hannah.' 

          Her voice, the way she spoke- the way she said her name to her was very familiar that it gave Hannah a soothing feeling deep inside, a feeling of safety and love... Something she knew she felt before, but was long lost in her heart filled with grief and anger. She closed her eyes as she let that soothing feeling course through her body, giving her the inner peace she needed at the moment, but as she opened her eyes the old lady was gone. Hannah looked around, to see if she was still near- she wanted to know how and why did she know her name. She turned around and saw a woman wearing an identical dress the old lady was wearing, but when she got to catch up Hannah was wrong. She suddenly felt helpless, she didn't know why she had that surge of emotions- why she actually got worried and why she had that feeling that she knows who that old lady is. 

          After a while of running she took a seat at a nearby bus stop, she fiddled with her fingers and felt the ring on her right finger. The ring was a perfect fit on her- it  had elegant curlicues as the base of the ring and half on an angel's wing. She removed the ring and took a closer look at the wings,  her eyebrows furrowed thinking why does it only have half of the wing? She thought that maybe it symbolized a fallen angel perhaps, but she shook the idea off her head. She glanced at her wristwatch and saw that she was almost late and was about to sprint into a run when her phone rang.

          "Dara unnie, I'm on my way to the coffee shop, why did you call?"

          'Dongsaeng-ah, the shop is closed for today--I mean for the whole week. Something came up, mom just called me." Hannah heard her unnie sniffing from the other line.

          "Unnie... Is there something wrong?"

          'Honestly I don't know, but I'll talk to mom later. I can handle this okay? Bye bye dongsaeng."

          "Okay, bye bye unnie"  Hannah said before ending the call.


          Hannah sighed as rested her back on the pole of the bus stop. A lot of things were running through her mind- it made her feel confused and nauseous. She tried to slow down her breathing and closed her eyes. She tried to recall how the old woman looked, but it only made her head hurt even more. A surge of nightmares and dreams suddenly went wild inside her head as she recalled the woman. Beads of sweat were rolling from her forehead down to her cheeks. Hannah felt like she was about to faint and her legs started to weaken. She was about to drop on the floor when she felt stong arms encircling her waist. As she opened her eyes she saw a pair of brown eyes looking worriedly at her.

          "Are you okay?" Sehun said, his arms still holding Hannah firmly on the waist. He brushed of a few strands of stray hair out of her face.

          "I-I'm fine. Thanks." Hannah said  removing his arms around her and her heel to leave-- before she could even take a step further away from him, Sehun had already held her wrist.

          "I'll send you home." In times like this Hannah would've argued with him, but she was too tired to even say a word. She just looked at him and gave him a slight nod.


          The walk to Hannah's home was silent as neither of them wanted to talk. Sehun still had his arms around Hannah's waist to support her just incase she would suddenly faint. He saw it in her eyes that she wasn't really fine, not the usual feisty Hannah ready to fight back. Hannah didn't seem to mind his gesture at all, she was actually thankful he's next to her or else she would've fallen to the ground feeling helpless.

          When they got infront of Hannah's house Sehun still couldn't let go of her. He was afraid something might happen if he left her alone. He was still in deep thought thinking of the possibilities if she was left alone, but those train of thoughts stopped when he felt Hannah remove his arms around her waist.

          "Sehun-ah, thank you for sending me home." Hannah said and bowed at him. She then turned around to open the door, her hands were shaking as she tried to insert the key on doorknob. She took a deep breath to calm herself and tried to pry the door open again. Once she was about to close the door as she entered, a hand stopped her.

          "Can I stay here for a while? I just want to make sure that you're alright." Sehun said.

          "I'm okay Sehun, you can leave now. You don't have to worry about me anymore." Hannah said giving him a reassuring smile.

          "Please, just for a while..." He pleaded. Hannah sighed as she was sure that the won't stop until she lets him inside.



          As Sehun entered the Hannah's house he looked around and saw how simple Hannah lived. He was too preoccupied when Hannah tapped his shoulder to ask him if he wanted some water. He nodded and settled himself on the couch. Hannah came back with a glass of water and a plate of chocolate chip cookies- he thanked her then busied himself with the plate of cookies infront of him. She also gave him the tv remote just incase he would get bored and uncomfortable because of the silence.

          Hannah went to the bathroom to take a shower after she saw that Sehun was busy enough to not notice her leave the room. As she was about to turn on the faucet she saw that she still had the ring on her finger. Hannah stared at it for a while before removing it, placing it on top of the bathroom countertop. She took her time feeling the warm water tickling her skin, and soothed her senses making her feel a little better. She wanted to forget about the things that happened today, it only gave her headaches and pain. Thinking back, Hannah felt like it has been a long time since she last felt pain and sadness. Eversince she met a certain angel, all she felt was love, care and importance- eventhough Kai can be such an ignorant at times he still made her feel the caring she longed all her life. Remebering those times with Kai made her smile and the thought of him made her forget the worries rushing through her.

          After finishing his cookies Sehun turned the tv off and looked around the house, one particular pastel colored door caught his attention. He knocked on the door a few times, but no one answered, so he just went in and he was greeted with a sweet scent that he had come to love because of Hannah. He sat on her bed and continued observing her room.

          "Her room is less than half the size of my room." He said patting the pink duvet under him. He then turned his attention on the simple desk Hannah had filled with all types of post-its and other papers. It itched him seeing her messy table, so he took the chance and arranged the papers and post-its clattering her desk. As he was pilling up a pink post-it fell on the floor, he picked it up and saw the the words written in thick black ink 'STAY AWAY FROM OH SEHUN and friends' , he sighed as he remembered how much Hannah hated him for what he did, that she wouldn't even look at him. 

          "What are you doing?" Hannah's voice made him jump a bit. He hid the paper on the pocket of his pants and turned around to look at Hannah. Her hair was still a bit wet and she was wearing an oversized shirt and pajamas. A small smile crept on his lips seeing how adorable she looks, but Hannah only raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for his answer.

          "I was just looking around, sorry if I entered your room." Sehun said walking towards her. He saw Hannah lift her arms in front of her, her palms up as if she wants him to give her something. He gave her a confused look and she pointed the rilakkuma plushie in his hands.

          "Oh, sorry." He said, giving her the plushie before leaving the room.

          "Aren't you leaving already?" Hannah asked.

          "I'll just finish eating the cookies, don't worry I won't break anything I promise." Sehun said giving Hannah a reassuring smile and Hannah just smiled back at him. Sehun was grateful Hannah didn't saw his empty plate, the thing about 'finishing' his cookies was just a lousy excuse so he can stay longer. He personally thought that he looked like a creep for wanting to stay longer in her house, but he couldn't stop it he just wanted to be close to her as much as possible for now, after what happened earlier all he wanted to do was to take care of her. 

          Once he heard the door close behind him he went straight to the kitchen, he was relieved when he opened the refrigerator and everything he needed was there. He gathered his ingredients and started cooking crab and corn soup for Hannah. He carefully chopped and measured his ingredients well, and prayed that Hannah would not wake up while he is cooking. The smell of the soup reminded him of how his mother used to make it for him whenever he was sad. Yeah, he hated his mother big time, but he couldn't deny the fact that he wants her back. There were a lot of questions inside his head waiting to be answered. He used to ask their maids at home to cook this for him but he was never satified, it tasted different from his mother cooked for him. When he grew up he learned how to cook this particular dish, and he would cook this whenever he was sad or simply wanted to let his mind off of the stress. 

          After 30 minutes, the soup was already finished. He poured the soup into two separate bowls- one for Hannah and one for himself. It was actually his first time to cook for two people. He never even cooked for his friends; they don't even know that he knows how to cook, it was as if this was his most treasured secret of all. Sehun took his time eating, savouring the creaminess of the soup and memorizing every part of Hannah's house as if he would never enter it ever again after this. He was starting to daydream when his phone started vibrating on his pocket, he took his phone and saw a message from Kyungsoo.

          'Where are you?! Suho hyung is going crazy. Why did you suddenly run off like that?! Hyung almost had a mental breakdown when you suddenly disappeared. You better have a good explination about this or else...'

          Sehun sighed as he saw his hyung's message. Suho has always been the 'mom' who always worries about him and to be very honest even though Suho is a guy, he acted like his true mother more than the person who actually gave birth to him. He sat up from his chair and placed a cover on top of the bowl of soup he left for Hannah then cleaned the dishes he used. Before leaving he knocked on Hannah's room, but no one answered so he let himself in- the vanilla scent filled his nose once again and saw Hannah snuggling on her stuffed toy. He couldn't help smiling when he saw her, he thought that she looked like an angel as she sleeps. He went near her and curled strand of her hair behind her ear. He leaned down to her and kissed her on the forehead.

          "I hope you get well soon..." He whispered.

          "I love you." As those words came out of his mouth he was also shocked and his heart started beating fast; he felt like it was about to burst out of his chest! but he couldn't seem to care less about and tried to keep his cool. He showed a nervous smile at her sleeping face as he caressed her cheek making her whimper a bit. He then left the room carefully so that he wouldn't disturb Hannah's peaceful sleep. 


          He left Hannah's house with a smile on his face as he remembered saying such an affectionte word to Hannah as she was sleeping. He was shocked, but it felt nice to finally say those words. He felt that warm and enticing feeling course through him, he felt his cheeks warm up as he placed his placed his hands on them. He was sure he looked like a girl who just got a confession from someone she likes only it was a complete opposite for him. His daydreaming was cut-off when he suddenly bumped into something, or someone with blonde hair; someone he recognized. 

          "Oh, Sorry." He said as he helped the blonde male pick up the letters he dropped when he bumped into him.

          "No, it's okay." The blonde male said raising his head and became face to face with Sehun.

          "K-kai?" Sehun mumbled.

          "You're Hannah's friend right?" Kai said smiling at Sehun.

          "Uhm, yes." he answered back.

          "Well, it's nice bumping into you here...literally."  Kai chuckled.

          "Yeah, I guess so..." Sehun said and laughed awkwardly.

          "Uh...okay. I have to get going now. Bye." Kai said, and bowed politely at Sehun.

          "Bye." Sehun replied mirroring Kai's gesture.


          Sehun walked awkwardly after that, when he turned around, he saw Kai walking towards the direction to Hannah's house and the thought of them living together made his eyebrows furrow. He started to get chills and walked faster to the bus stop, his head filled with even more questions about Hannah and Kai. Seeing that Kai was walking towards the direction to Hannah's house earlier he thought that they lived together, but that would be too obscure, so he just concluded that they lived in the same neighborhood.

          When Kai entered the house he felt eerie and uncomfortable. He went straight into Hannah's room to check on her and saw that she was sleeping peacefully like what she always looked like when he would sneak into her room to get extra covers when the pink duvet wasn't enough for him. After that he went to the kitchen to make dinner for the both of them. He saw that the breakfast he made was untouched, but there was something else on the table. He lift the cover of the bowl and saw some crab and corn soup, it was still warm and he though that Hannah made it for herself and left it there when she got sleepy. 


          While he was making dinner for them he also made some fresh orange juice. Yeah, Hannah could live with drinking orange juice for the whole day; she could approximately drink 3 pitchers of orange juice a day. He had to manually juice the oranges since using the juicer would be too loud- not that he didn't want to wake her up but because he was annoyed with the sound of the juicer as well. After making the juice he took a glass for himself and ate some of the tuna rolls he made. He sat on one of the kitchen stools while eating. The silence helped him relax and made him scared at the same time- this was the type of silence he hated the most; the type of sadness that made him recall all of the mishaps in his current life,adding to the grudges he felt. He took a deep breath to get rid of the thoughts that might come and hit him once again. He then heard a noise coming from Hannah's room, out of impulse he ran to her room and saw that Hannah just fell on the floor and still sleeping as if nothing happened. He smiled to himself as he saw her curled up into a ball and tangled in the sheets of her bed. He then picked her up in a bridal manner and placed her gently on her bed. Kai also fixed her covers and of course placed rilakkuma next to her; he wouldn't want her panicking in the morning just because Hannah would probably go mad and repeat the words 'rilakkuma got kidnapped last night we should find him'. 

          "I don't think  I'll ever get tired of your childish antics even when you sleep." Kai said, as he brushed some stray hair away from her face.

          "Good night kiddo." 






okay okay kill me now :( how many months did I not update?! I'm sorry guys TT TT Ill have to update irregularly (even more irregular than my usual irregular update lol :( ) I'm in my senior year  and  I need to focus more on that. I'm going to try and update but  I'm torn between having long updates (takes more time to write,like this one but it would have more explanation;details and more feelings kekeke~) or short updates (shorter time to write ofcourse but I won't be so sure of the content, it wont be as detailed as this one.) help meeeee okay? Thank you <3 

please comment comment commeeeeent (~***)~ thank you thank youuu /bows/




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y u people no tell me :((( I don't know if you guys prefer long or short updates


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Chapter 1: Omo!! O.o ! Hannah sing Monday to Sunday?!! It's BtoB song!! XD *Too excited :3
Chapter 10: oh i really love this story!
Chapter 7: Mannnn I was just reading not paying attention to the chapters than I was,like Awwwwwwwwww what's going to happen tomorrow than I went to press next but it wasn't there..if only you knew how disappointed I was
nananeko #4
Chapter 4: aah boyaaa more more XD author,you really did a good job here~