
Office Romance (?)

“I get to choose where we eat this time, okay?”

“And I get no say in this whatsoever?”

“Well, you brought me to McDonald’s last time. I thought I’d return the favor.”

“Fair point. But what if I don’t like the food?”

“Oh, believe me. You’ll like it.” He gave me a knowing smirk. Wow. I felt my face grow warm. I’m not sure if it’s because he made an assumption about me, or because he just smirked.

We settled into a comfortable silence as he drove to our destination. After a few minutes, he finally pulled up in front of a fancy ramen restaurant.  I say fancy not in the context of fine dining, but fancy because ramen shops are usually homey and run by kind ahjummas. This one’s a bit… fancier, for lack of a better word.

“This is actually pretty awesome,” I said as I sat on a cushion on the floor. Somehow, the ambience was just right. And you could never go wrong with hand-made noodles.

He beamed. “Glad you like it. But wait till you get the food!”

We quickly ordered—mine was a Wonton Ramen Combination while he opted for Shrimp Tempura Udon.

“I actually wanted to do something with you today.”

“Hm?” Tonight has been great so far. It’s just so easy to be with Sehun.

He put his backpack on his lap and started rummaging for something.

“Oh, here it is!” He took out a Ziplock bag full of familiar post-it notes.

“You kept those?” I looked at him, incredulous. “I thought you threw them away!”

He unlocked the baggie, strewing its contents on the table. I wasn’t sure if I saw a hint of a blush in those cheeks.

“I want you to make two piles: one pile for true, and one pile for false.”

“Why?” Where’s he going with this?

“Just do it.” He gently pushed the hodgepodge my way.

“Alright, then.” I cleared a space on the table and took a handful of post-its. “Let’s see. ‘We don’t smoke.’ Definitely true.”

His eyes stayed on me as I went through the hundreds of post-its, one by one. I wanted to hide for cover—his eyes were burning holes through me. They were attentive. They were caring. And they were the perfect color a pair of eyes should be.

“And the last, ‘I’ve never a spark plug.’ Also true.” I put it on top of a big pile on my left.

“Really?” He looked amazed. “Where was your childhood?”

“My mom kept the house child-proof, okay?”

“I thought all kids have, at one point, one.”

“I haven’t.” I stuck a tongue out.

“Wow. You missed out.”

“I think I went through my childhood okay without a sparkplug.”

Our food came. He took a second Ziplock bag from his backpack. “We’ll continue this later.” He quickly swept post-its away from the table, keeping the piles segregated.

I don’t have enough words to describe how perfect wonton and noodles are together. It’s just… an awesome party in your mouth.

I caught him looking at me. “What?”

“It’s fun watching you eat. You look like you’re enjoying the food,” he laughed.

“Oh.” I should curb my enthusiasm for food. “Um, thanks?”

“No problem!” He went back to his own bowl. “Want a tempura?” Before I could answer, he already had a shrimp straddled between chopsticks, plopping it down towards my bowl.

“Here. Have some of mine, too.” It became a quick food exchange—tempura on mine and wonton on his. He smiled in appreciation.

It's so easy to be with Sehun.

"You put 'I don't look good in leggings' in the true pile."

"I did." I nodded at him.

"I think I'll have to confirm that."

"No, you don't. Just take my word for it." It's these moments when i wonder what thoughts were running through his head.

He laughed at the look on my face. "I was just kidding."

He motioned for one of the servers to give us the bill. He paid, and we headed out, both thoroughly full and satisfied with the meal.

"You put 'I've never had head lice' on the false pile," he tried hiding a smile unsuccessfully.

"How do you even remember which post-it went to which pile? There were so many of them!"

"Business school from prestigious university, remember?" He tapped his index finger against his temple.

I punched him in the arm.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his arm. "Fine. Those were the ones that stood out to me the most. So. Head lice?"

"What's so special about that? I was a kid who played with other kids in the playground. Heads bumped against each other, and bam! There you go. Head lice." I made a face.

"You must have been a dirty kid. Don't head lice just feed on dirty hair?" We were driving back to my place.

"No. I wash my hair every day, you meanie. Head lice aren't selective, if you must know. They don't care if you're a neat freak or a slob."



I waited a few seconds.

"I guess that's something your prestigious business school didn't bother teaching you, huh?"

He smiled. "You got me there."

After a few more minutes, we arrived at my house. As I got out of the car, he did too. He jogged my way so we were walking side by side to my door.

"Tonight was so much fun," I beamed at him.

"Yeah, it was."

There we were on my front yard, my back facing the door, him with his hands on his pockets.

He stepped closer, slowly bridging the distance between us. He leaned closer, looking at me just to let me know what he was about to do.

I closed my eyes.

But I opened them again. Right when we were close enough to feel each other's breaths, I turned away, giving him a quick hug instead.

I don't know why I did that.

He didn't either.

"See you tomorrow, okay?"

He nodded. I quickly opened the door and stepped in, waving last time before closing the door to his face. What did I just do?


Omg thank you for all the comments!! I loved talking and replying to y'all. I wish you'd always comment, because it's seriously awesome! ♥

Sorry to Sehun x Shiyoung shippers... the majority has spoken. :/

On a completely different note, this chapter was put together almost all in my phone, because I was out on a family trip. I just need to tell you that it wasn't easy. You have to put in c++ codes to format the paragraphs the way you see it right now, and omg. Gah. It's a pain. But since you guys were so awesome, I'm willing to put up with minor difficulties. Haha

On yet another tangent, I accept all friend requests I receive in AFF, because why not, right? Haha but something's got me really curious. Some people randomly add me as friends for no reason. They don't read my stories, they don't talk to me, they don't subscribe to anything. They just... I don't know. Why do some people do that? Is it to make their friends list look bigger? But people can't even see how many friends you have. So, why request to be friends with someone you don't have an interest talking to, anyway? Will someone enlighten me, please?

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katbaukee #1
Chapter 23: Uwaah~ nice ending here..^^ so cute..
Chapter 23: I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things when I saw that you updated xD This was so cute!! Omigosh, I totally died at the note haha >~< I really miss you!! How are you?

Good luck on your midterms :) Take care!! Miss you like crazy and I hope you are doing well ^-^
sokissme09 #3
Chapter 23: What a nice ending!!!!
Chapter 23: I had such a pleasant shock of my life seeing that you updated XD This really was a great finish to the story :) And, I'm glad you gave it closure and that she's good friends with Sehun now^^ The cute note, and the kiss...>///< Omo...died at that part XD But, thanks for such a great story :DDD Like I said before, I'm not too big on love triangles/squares/etc. but this was actually really great and I'm glad to have read it along with your other stories :) I really miss you and I'm glad your Kyungsoo/OC story led to me meeting such a great friend like you to spazz with EXO about^^ Even though we're all getting busy now, I'd love to see you make new stories if you can and I'd still support you in the future! Fighting! Love you~
SoJeehyon #5
Chapter 23: Good luck with your exam, author! I really want to thank you for this great story. Two big thumbs up!
Chapter 22: AHHHHH!! Author-nim! I MISSED YOU (and still miss you!) T_T

I got excited seeing that you updated..only to see that this wasn't another chapter XD It's fine though^^ I'M STILL SO GLAD YOU LEFT US A NOTE ON HOW YOU ARE AND THAT YOU'RE DOING WELL AND LIKING COLLEGE :D Sorry I didn't comment sooner; junior year means MUCH MORE hw and studying >.> But, I'll still wait for you, and even though the XOXO promotions are over, I still want to spazz about EXO whenever we can^^ Can't wait to hear from you and I'll always be waiting^^ Take care, love you <3
Chapter 22: Awhhhh. Okie then ):
Chapter 22: Aww I miss you sooooo much!!!! I'm super glad you're having a great time :D I'm sure we can all wait for you ^-^ We all want and wish the best for you!!! With lots and lots of love, take care!!
Chapter 11: Chanyeol! Of course he loved (and I really hope he STILL LOVES you & I really hope he WILL LOVE you forever :D)