Ch. 06

Joie de Vivre.

"Why do you know me?" The girl said to Percy.

"I know your forefather, Lucas." Percy smiled at her with a sad expression on her eyes and patted the girl's head.

"You know my great grandfather?" She asked with curiosity in her eyes. Percy just kept her smile and shook her head yes.

"What is your name, young lady?" Percy asked.


"Ynoa..? What's your surname?" Percy said.

"Sur.. ne? ne.. im?" Ynoa said with difficulty in her pronounciation.

"Oh, you don't have one?" The girl shook her head no.

"So I guess Lucas didn't taught you that."

"How did you know my great grandfather?" Ynoa asked Percy. Percy slowly turned her head away and Ynoa gave her a questioning look.

"We.. somehow.. friends.." She scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly while Ynoa just narrowed her eyes on her.

"Forget it. How old are you Ynoa?" Percy asked and Ynoa looked straightly at her eyes.

"Sixteen." Ynoa said.

"What? From what I knew, kinds like you lived hundreds of years now." Percy said sounded amused.

"Im a newborn generation of our kind." She explained and that made Percy understand.

"But, why are you here?" Percy can't help but to ask this. She has so many questions in her mind but if she would ask those, it will make Ynoa suspicious towards her.

"Humans.." Ynoa said and started explaining what happened.




Ynoa was hunting alone in the woods when she suddenly heard wolves whining. She realized it was her siblings and she ran as fast as her four legs could take her. She stopped running as she saw three large cages and inside of it were her three siblings.

She started barking and howling, catching one of her sibling's attention. Ynoa bit the large, thick rope. Hoping that it would break off. But It was too thick and her teeth and fangs couldn't break it. Suddenly, their mother wolf jumped out from nowhere and started biting the thick rope. It started to break but it still needed some loosing so Ynoa helped her mother when a big truck came and five men came out.

Just in time, the rope fell off and Ynoa and her mother pulled the cage's door and her sibling came out.

Her other two siblings were still in the other cages and they couldn't make it in time but her mother still tried biting another cage's rope but then..


Ynoa saw how her mother got killed by a bullet in her head. Ynoa can't move. Even though she's not that close to her, she's still her mother.

She's paralyzed from what she saw and the men took their chance to kick the small wolf Ynoa into the empty cage where her sibling came out earlier. The men started to tie a new rope around the cage but not as thick as the other rope.

She heard them curse at her, that she made them do another job. She only wanted to free her siblings, but then they killed her mother.

Her blood starts to boil and her yellow eyes turned red. The men started to inject tranquilizers to her siblings and they fell asleep. But when it's her turn, she bumped the cage making the tranquilizer fell to the ground and spilled.

"You one lucky dog, be thankful that's the last tranquilizer we got!" The men started to put the other two cages first, and then her and closed the truck's door. The truck started to move. It's dark and cold inside.

She felt like crying.

She remembered how her mother fell to the ground lifeless, her great grandfather was right. Humans are all the same, they're ruthless, bastards.

She's now completely angry and furious, then the truck drove into a big hump and it bounced lightly, enough for the unlocked truck's door to open. She atleast had one hope.

She used her anger to bite the rope, hoping that it would fall off. Tears start to fall from her red eyes, she can't lose that one hope. She had to live. She had to.

She used all of her strength to push the cage's door even though the metal scrathes her face and arms. She felt something changed.

She's slowly losing her consciousness. No, she can't. Atleast not now.

When suddenly there's an outburst of energy from her body and used it to make the rope fall off completely and made her roll outside the truck.

She crawled into a dark alley, noticing two hands with five fingers each as she crawled. She laid on her side and used her remaining strength to get up and grabbed something but it only fell onto the floor making a noise. The noise was too much for her sensitive ear and she twitched from pain.

She saw a shadow from the street.

With all of her might, she opened and said,





A/N: Soooooooo, how is it? =) =) IM SO SORRY IF THERE ARE SOME GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. English is not my first language im so sorry /_\

Did you guys read the chapter when Jin found Ynoa in the alley? This chapter right here is what really happened before Jin found Ynoa. So just connect the scenes and chapters, you will get it.xD You understand me? XDXDXD

Thank you for those who subscribed! ILOVEYOU IM SO HAPPY EMEGHED ;;;;;;;;;

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Updates every weekend or if I have a free time from school :):)



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CherryTotomatoZELO96 #1
Chapter 11: Awesome Story!! HahahaXD Dont worry!!Ur English is perfect!!HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM!!
Chapter 7: This is such a good story! Can't wait for more >< and my nationality is Thai/Chinese but I live in London, UK.
Chapter 7: Me:I'm half Black and Mexican with traces of Native American and Italian,living in California
Commentary:Bad bad bad Jin,granny told you to wait.......bad!!!!I love it!!!updates make me happy >v<
Chapter 5: Your storyline is very interesting,update soon>v<
steffyy #5
Chapter 4: Jin >< update please ^^ I love this story ~~
exocase #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;