Chapter 24

Unexpected Joy


How long has it been since I’ve been silent? Everything’s been zooming around me since Zico collapsed in my arms, and since then, I’ve been silent.

I heard the BANG of the gunshot, and I gasped, hoping that they had somehow avoided Zico and hit me. How could I have been stupid enough to not realize that they would not rest, and would most likely kill Zico on the spot. I looked up to see Zico’s face. His mouth was slowly releasing blood. There was no doubt he was going to die soon. I started screaming for him not to leave, and embracing him even harder. He was too embracing me, but as the light left him, his grip got lighter and lighter, until finally, he let go completely, and he fell limp.

While this was going on, two other things were going on as well. One expected, and one unexpected. As soon as I had arrived, Eunjung had taken her phone and dialed 911. It would be too late though. They eventually arrived, about 30 seconds after Zico had fallen limp. Directly after the shot was taken by Zico, the group of monsters had run away, taking the weapon with them.

When the paramedics arrived, I was in hysterics, screaming at Eunjung that it was all her fault, screaming at the paramedics for trying to separate me from Zico, and screaming at Taec, who had heard about me leaving the hospital, and had followed the paramedics, hoping that I would be at the scene.

“SunMi, calm down.” He said, as he was dragging me away from the body that the paramedics were trying to get on the ambulance. Did they not know it was no use? Did they not know he was already gone? “They’re gonna bring him back, Cris. Stay calm” If I wasn’t screaming and kicking, I would have turned around and yelled at Taec, but I was too focused on the ambulance, who was already driving towards the hospital. Taec and a nurse helped me get into his car, despite my protests.

I looked down at my hospital clothes. Bloodstained.

With his blood.

I held my fist to my mouth, trying to muffle the hysteric cry that was about to escape my throat. It was too late; my cry was already filling the car. When we arrived at the hospital, we had heard the news that Zico was already in the emergency room.

Did nobody know that it was too late?

I was numb at this point. Zico was gone. I had wanted Zico to learn to live without me, but now I myself had to do that. And I knew how weak I was.

When Zico left me for even a little bit, I couldn’t bear it. Everything would be better when I knew he was coming back. But what about now? When he wasn’t going to come back? When I wasn’t going to see his face?

I walked without knowing. Taec led my heavy feet to a chair outside of the emergency room, to wait.

How long had it been? Seconds? Minutes? Hours?

It felt like an eternity.

“SunMi!” I heard a familiar voice call, and snap me out of my thoughts. Chaerin burst through the doors, along with Zico’s older brother. Two older people followed them. They looked distraught.

“Chaerin” I stood up and said in what I tried to make out as a stable voice, but it came out distressed. When I stood up, I got dizzy, and almost tumbled. Luckily, Chaerin caught me.

“This is my mom and dad. Mom, dad, this is SunMi, the girl Zico is dating.” I tried my best to hold my tongue and not say “was”. I bowed to them and introduced myself. I offered them my seat, and stood up, telling Chaerin what had happened. It was silent after that.

Heartbreaking silence.

Everyone looked up  when the door to the emergency room opened. Out came a doctor, with a solemn look on his face.

“Family of Woo Jiho?” He asked, in a serious tone. We all stood up and walked over to him.

“I’m afraid it was a lost cause. He had already lost too much blood when he was brought in.” He grabbed on to Mrs. Woo’s hands. “Your son has passed.” I don’t know why I was so surprised. I knew what had happened, but I just didn’t like hearing it from someone else. Someone who could care less about it. I grabbed on to the counter for support, and watched as Zico’s family all got together and cried. The nurse, knowing that I had nothing to do anymore, pushed me out and to my room. The Woo Family’s screams and cries could be heard down the hall.

My heart was slowly disappearing.


It seems I had been staring at the ribbon for hours. It never moved, despite the wind and rain clouds that covered the skies, the ribbon held its ground. There was a knock on the door. I figured it was either the nurses or Chaerin again. The nurses came in often to try to offer me food, and Chaerin came in a couple of times to tell me that I would be alerted when funeral preparations had been made. But this time, I heard a voice that I hadn’t in a while.

“SunMi” He whispered as he walked closer to my bed.

“Jaehyo?” I said, turning around. I looked at his face, and it was red, as if he had been crying. He walked over to my bed and sat down. We stared at each other for a long time, before he finally embraced me.

“It’s okay to cry.” He whispered into my hair. Once again, I was in hysterics.

Jaehyo. My savior. The person that was always there when I needed him.

I guess I had fallen asleep crying, because when I woke up, the sun was bright, and Jaehyo was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the calendar, and it had already been changed a day. I quickly took a paper from my table, and began to make a crane. Also on my table was a tray of food, and a formal invitation.

To Zico’s funeral, the next day.

I didn’t want to admit it.

He wasn’t gone. This was all a joke. He was going to come out of nowhere soon, and we would be together.

We would be happy.

The rest of the day was spent like it was the day before: Numb.

I didn’t talk to any of my visitors; not my family, not James, not even Rina. Who I needed wasn’t there. He was dead.


I had been allowed to go home early the next morning, to get ready for heartbreak. I made a crane before I left, and marveled at how fast days were going by. Does this mean we would be together sooner?

I showered and put on a black dress. I smoothed out and combed my hair. I had to look pretty for Zico.

I regretted going to his funeral after I entered the church. It was full of his family and people at school, all mourning. Even his 6 tough friends were crying; the last people I had expected to cry. I was silent the whole time, knowing that Zico was a few feet away, and that he didn’t like seeing me cry.

One by one, we were asked to go see Zico. I stood at the back of the line. I wanted to see him the longest. I was being delusional. I was hoping that he would magically come back to life.

I was completely calm until it was my turn to be in front of him.

He was completely pale; his lips, his skin, everything. He was not a lively Zico anymore. He wasn’t even a peaceful Zico. He was just a cold, dead block. That was when I couldn’t take it anymore. I started bawling.

I fell to the floor and shouted his name. I didn’t care that people were staring. I missed him. I needed him. It took Jaehyo, Kyung, and Minhyuk to finally be able to drag me away. When the ceremony ended, Taec was telling me to get in the car to take me to the hospital. I told him I would be a minute, and that I needed to use the restroom. In reality, I ended up walking along the highway. By the river. Nobody was driving by, and it was unusually empty.

If I decided to go now, to be with Zico sooner, no one would be able to stop me.

“I miss you Zico.” I said, grabbing onto the railing of the bridge.

I started to prop one leg up after the other, getting closer to the edge, and the end of it all.

The pain was unbearable. There was an empty space right where Zico had fought to create one. And that space was too big for me to handle.

“I’ll see you soon.” I whispered to Zico. I was just about to free fall when something grabbed my waist.

“What are you doing?!” the person screamed, and forced me down from the bridge. Without looking up, I already knew who had saved me from what could have been either my happiness, or my eternal suffering.

Jaehyo. My savior. My Guardian Angel.


Maybe it was you who told Jaehyo where I’d be.

Did you want me to live on? It doesn’t matter anymore, does it? I just have another night, and tomorrow, I’ll make the final crane, and be with you.

1 crane left.

We’ll be together soon. 

I am so sorry guys ;________; I was home sick today, and so I decided I'd write a chapter :D Yay~

Well, this chapter was pretty depressing to write, so no yay. I hope you guys enjoy, and anticipate the next chapter, which will also be the last.

I know this is a little much to ask, but I would really appreciate it if on this chapter or the last chapter you could ALL comment what you think of the story? C'mon, there's 65+ of you, I hope you will all do me this favor!

Thank you Little Dubus c:

And also, be on the look out for some of my stories: 

One Of A Kind (Starring B1A4's Baro; not yet on here)


 And if you need a review! :

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Jikook8 #1
Chapter 28: This story was so amazing I'm literally crying right now! The whole time I felt like I was right there with them! Great job!T_T
b2utyYTF #2
love your story
lovessnsd2pm #3
Chapter 28: My eyes are red from crying~ This is an amazing fanfic. :D
Chapter 28: This story was absolutely amazing. I cried pretty much the last 10 chapters. Thank you for writing this!
Tiararogue #5
Chapter 28: Imagine me reading the last chapters in a public place and trying to hold back my tears and failing.....i loved every bit of this story. Thank you authornim
I cried so much reading this
Thank you for an amazing story ♥
dalamjwi07 #7
I cried a lot in 3last chapter. geez, how can you do this to me?
You dont know how much i cried!
I really love your story!
Keep up the good work.
Hwaiting! ^^
nianinini #9
oh my god. I am such a mess right now. sahfkjdbvhsqbmcx
maxxichu #10
love it<3