Chapter 23

Unexpected Joy


SunMi’s POV

One of the nurses came back with my test results as I was looking through the bag of crafts Taec got for me, to keep me occupied. I thought I was only going to be in here for three weeks, but it looks like my health had something different planned out for me.

“Miss Park. I’m really sorry, but, I’m afraid if we don’t find a cure soon, or find a way to put your illness off, you’ll live for roughly a hundred days.” She said, while I nonchalantly looked through my bags. Due to my non responsiveness, she cleared .

“Counting today?” I said, looking up at her. She solemnly nodded.

“I better get started then.” I smiled and tore open origami paper. One hundred sheet to a packet. I quickly made a paper crane, deciding that this would be the way I would mark the days until my disappearance. I placed my new friend on the window sill, and stayed silent. The nurse was about to say something, when someone opened the door and slammed it behind them. I was too busy looking out the window to notice who it was. They charged over to my bed and pushed my shoulder down. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the nurse rush over, and try to get the person to leave. I could see that they pushed the nurse off. I slowly turned to find Zico, with his eyes swollen and red, and his chest puffing, as if he had run here.  My eyes grew wide.

“Zico..” I tried to say, as my worst nightmare was becoming a reality.

“Why.” He said. His voice cracked, and sounded unfamiliar.

“Why what?” I said, my mood suddenly changing emotionless. I didn’t want to tell him I was dying just yet.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He said, his eyes growing watery. He dropped to his knees next to my bed. The nurse took this as a sign to leave. Zico began to loudly sob on my bed.

“I didn’t want you to find out.” I said, looking out my window. The last thing I wanted was this reaction from someone normally so strong.

“You’re so stupid.” I could hear him mutter between sobs. I turned to face him, and lifted his face up. He furiously rubbed his tears away with his sleeve.

“You won’t lose me. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I only have 100 days before I get better.” I said, smiling. It was a huge lie, but I wanted him to smile again. To not worry and be able to live on. He launched himself at me and embraced me.

“I’m still scared, SunMi.” He whispered into my hair. I don’t know how long it was before he calmed down, but after a while, he did.

“I feel stupid.” He muttered and wiped his face again.

“Why?” I said, wiping a few escaped tears from my face.

“All I can do for you is cry and pray.” He said. I could tell from the look on his face he was really beating himself up about it.

“You can stay with me too.” I said, looking out my window. It had become a bit of a habit without me even realizing. I guess I was trying to get used to the only thing I would be seeing for my remaining days.

“I will. I’ll be here all the time. No matter what.” He said, as he took my hand. He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if saying “Please get better. You need to.”

“You need to go to school. I want you to go to school. Plus, what about visiting hours?” He rubbed the back of his neck. It made me smile. He then quickly grabbed the drumstick plush I had on my bed, and took off the ribbon.

 “Yah, what are you-“ I tried to get out before he proceeded to run outside. Seconds later, I saw his smiling face outside of my window. He waved and tied the ribbon around one of the branches on the tree. He disappeared again, and when he came back in the room, he smiled and pointed proudly.

“This way, I can be with you no matter what. As long as that’s there, I’m here.” His grin brought me both joy and sorrow. Poor kid, he didn’t know what would become of me.

“But, SunMi, how did you fall?” He said, after he had gained his breath again. I gulped. I hadn’t imagined him to ask that. I had lied to him so much already, it was hard for me to spit this one out.

“You know how clumsy I can be.” I finally managed to choke out. He was silent before nodding.

“SunMi, you should get rest. I think the nurse said it was good for you.” He said quietly before walking over to kiss my forehead. I subconsciously yawned, noting that I was getting sleepy.

“But I want to spend the rest of the day with you.” I said, turning over to my side.

“I’ll be here when you wake up.” He promised. I slowly closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.


Zico’s POV.

I have to find her.

I have to find that monster and kill her.

I warned her. I warned her that if she ever touched SunMi again, she would be dead. I’m one to keep my promises. I knew where she lived, and I knew that judging by the time of day, none of her siblings would be home. I sprinted angrily to her house, next to the convenience store, and furiously knocked.

She opened the door a crack, looking frightened. I forced the door open, and pulled her outside by the collar of her shirt.

“O-oppa.” She said, looking at me wide-eyed. I dangled her over the stairs, probably the same stairs the had dangled SunMi over.

“Give me one good reason not to let you go right now.” I said, my voice coming out more furious than I had ever heard it.

“Oppa. I didn’t mean for something this bad to happen.” She gulped, her voice sounding pleading.

“So you admit, you did it.” I said, loosening my grip on her. A small yelp escaped from . Just when I was about to let her go, a loud commotion from behind us made me throw her onto the pavement I was standing on.

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here boys.” A voice I recognized too well said. I turned to look, and it was the leader of that gang I had fought with Mino and the rest of the guys about a week ago. Their faces were still bruised up. Did they come all the way to Seoul to find me.

“.” I said, as I looked around, looking for an escape route.

“Nowhere to run now.” One of them said.

“Not so tough alone, are you?” Another one shouted. The cornered me into the back of the alleyway.


SunMi’s POV

I woke up to find the chair empty. I got up to look out into the hallway. Maybe Zico was there, having something to eat while I woke up. I searched and searched, but nothing.

“Uh, Excuse me, Nurse. Did you see where the boy I was with went?” I asked my nurse. She shook her head no, and I stopped to think.

“You wouldn’t be that stupid, would you?” I wondered aloud as I thought of all the places Zico could possibly be. Thinking of everything that could have happened to him, I slowly turned around, and ran towards the exit.


That was the last day I saw you smiling.

Only 3 cranes left. My fingers are growing shaky just thinking about it now.


SORRY FOR THE SUPER LONG WAIT GUYS. I have been super busy.

And well, feeling like crap. But, hey, I’m still here :D

So, I guess now you guys get the paper crane thing? 

I just love that so much c: 

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Jikook8 #1
Chapter 28: This story was so amazing I'm literally crying right now! The whole time I felt like I was right there with them! Great job!T_T
b2utyYTF #2
love your story
lovessnsd2pm #3
Chapter 28: My eyes are red from crying~ This is an amazing fanfic. :D
Chapter 28: This story was absolutely amazing. I cried pretty much the last 10 chapters. Thank you for writing this!
Tiararogue #5
Chapter 28: Imagine me reading the last chapters in a public place and trying to hold back my tears and failing.....i loved every bit of this story. Thank you authornim
I cried so much reading this
Thank you for an amazing story ♥
dalamjwi07 #7
I cried a lot in 3last chapter. geez, how can you do this to me?
You dont know how much i cried!
I really love your story!
Keep up the good work.
Hwaiting! ^^
nianinini #9
oh my god. I am such a mess right now. sahfkjdbvhsqbmcx
maxxichu #10
love it<3