Chapter 19

Unexpected Joy

I smiled as Taec woke me up for school that morning. Wait, I had no reason to be excited. I still went to a different school than Zico. 

That's when I remembered how amazing yesterday turned out to be. They liked Zico. They might even let me be with him. I rushed out of bed and to the bathroom, to make sure I was awake. It seemed silly, but things were never this great, since I've been in Korean, this is perhaps the happiest I've ever been. 

"You're in a good mood." Taec said as I skipped out of the bathroom. 

"How can I not be?" I smiled and closed the door to my room. Taec was waiting for me when I got out. "Why are you following me around, creeper?" I said playfully. He pushed me, just as playfully. 

"I'm walking you to school today." He said, examining his nails. 

"Why?" I thought I didn't need a protection plan anymore. 

"I wanna see if Zico's there. He doesn't go to school right? I really wanna hang out with him again. He promised me karaoke." I groaned. Their bromance was still alive? 

"Don't you have any other friends? What about Junho? Isn't he like your lover as of yesterday?" I wanted to get him as far away from Zico as possible. My boyfriend hanging out with my older brother? Not exactly the greatest experiment ever.

"Well, yeah. He'll be coming with us.. he said he'd introduce me to 4 other guys." I stared back at him blankly. 

"You're semi attractive, Taec. Why don't you go hang out with females?" He chuckled. 

" I got too many when you guys left." He smirked and winked. I gagged. I didn't want to know what exactly he was doing in his apartment. 

As promised, he was walking me to school. It was annoying, hearing all the girls walking to their different school squeling at Taec. More gagging. He decided to be a e and smirk, wave, and wink at them. 

"Taecyeon! That's disgusting!" I said, walking backwards, and instantly regretting it, after feeling a wall behind me. 

"Oh, I'm sorry sir." I bowed and looked up to find Mino. "Oh, oppa? What are you doing here?" 

"I have to walk you to school." He said sternly. His voice still sounded strange to me. 

"Oh. Okay. Taec, you can go now." I said, shooing him away. 

"Damn, SunMi, you have way more luck here than back home." He said to me in English before chuckling and walking away. 

"Who was that?" Mino said. It was nice that we were actually communicating. 


“My oppa!” I said cheerfully. Today was just a really good day for me.

“Oh. Okay. We should hurry, schools starting soon.” I nodded and skipped along with him.

School resulted in having an extremely ominous feeling to it. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was very … much like when Eunjung turned against me at my old school.

I wasn’t going to worry about it though, nothing could ruin today. I skipped cheerfully past people whispering. I realized I had spoken too soon.

“Omo, I can’t believe it. She seemed so pure.” I heard a girl whisper to another. They stared in my direction but I played it off. I looked and Mino was fighting through a crowd of students to get next to me. I giggled.

“Oppa! Hurry up!” I piped up cheerfully, receiving glances from the two whispering girls.

“Did you hear that? Oppa? It might be him.” The one who spoke first said.

“Really? That .” The second one gave me a disapproving glance. I looked at Mino, confused. He shrugged and we continued walking. Our classroom was near and we went to our seats as soon as we got in.

“Hey, New girl. Is it true?” An innocent looking boy who I remember to be named Sandeul asked me, staring at me up and down.

“Is what true?” I looked at him, confused.

“You’re in denial? She said you’d be in denial.” He said, shaking his head.

“What am I denying? “ I said, becoming irritated.

“Who’s the father?” He said, making it more of a demand than a question.

“OF WHAT?” I practically screamed at him.

“Your baby.” He replied calmly. I was momentarily in shock. I said nothing and stared at him. He chuckled.

“Everybody knows.” His friend sat down next to him.

“And how exactly does everyone know.” I said, fighting the urge to kill someone. This couldn’t happen again. Not when things were so great.

“Eunjung.” They both said, simultaneously. How did I not guess before? Eunjung was always the cause of all my social troubles. She just didn’t know when to quit, did she? I got up to look for her and possibly decapitate her, but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“No.” I turned around to see Mino staring at me seriously. 


“And why not?” I snapped at him.

“Because. Zico’ll find out if something happens at school.” I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and sat down.

The day droned on after that. During lunch. In the hallways. Even in class, while the teacher was teaching, I heard things along the lines of “” and “easy”, and even asking what I was going to name the baby. I didn’t bother with any of them. I had faced this before, I could face it again.

The problem was that I couldn’t take liars. And this was a huge lie. Mino told me to not say a word to them, but if I didn’t justify myself, I would keep receiving these verbal abuses, and these random phone numbers and toys appearing in my locker, followed by roaring laughter from the crowd behind me when I moved to throw them away.

The final bell was my salvation. I raced outside and onto the road where Zico was waiting for me instead of Taecyeon. I grabbed him by the hand and led him to a local diner.

“Yah, SunMi, what’s wrong?” He questioned once I sat us down. If I told him the truth, would he get involved? Oh, who was I kidding, of course he would. He didn’t even know Eunjung went to my school. I guess she knew we were still together.

“Rough day at school.” Was all I said.

“What do you mean?” He looked at me, his eyes concerned.

“Nothing. You know. Girls.” I laughed it off and drank water that the waiter brought us. He didn’t look convinced.

“What were they saying?” He looked even more concerned.

“Just… making fun of my weight. Calling me pregnant.” I laughed again. That wasn’t technically lying to him, right? He shook his head.

“I think you look great.” I blushed. Now was not the time to focus on how adorable Zico was. There was a few minutes of silence, before he interrupted it, sounding very enthusiastic.

“Yah, SunMi, what if we give them what they want.” My eyes grew narrow in confusion.

“What do you mean?” I said, casually looking over the menu.

“Let’s have a kid.”

“WHAT!?!” I said, all too loud. The entire staff and customers were looking at me. I quickly bowed and apologized.  “Are you crazy?” I whispered.

“Come on. It’ll be fun.” He said, grinning like a child. How could he expect me to have one when he himself was one?


“I at least want to get married first.” I said, picking up my menu again.

“What the heck, let’s do it.” He smiled at me. (A/N: HEHE, U-HOO HOO REFERENCE c:)

I smiled as he grabbed my hands. We both laughed and I forgot about what had happened today.

It wasn’t until when I got home and was asked how my day went that I remembered what a horrible school I had been sent to.

One thing was certain though.

Starting tomorrow, I wasn’t putting up with Eunjung’s . 


That decision was perhaps the stupidest I ever made. 

If I could go back in time and change one thing, it would be to change that. 

Sure, I could say that I would regret meeting you since you were the one who got hurt, but I would rather have died on the plan to Korea than face a life without ever meeting you. 

7 Cranes Left. 




I started school last week, and let me tell you, I have had to work my off. AP WORLD HISTORY IS NO ING JOKE. 

I am so sorry. I will try to update more. ;____; 

ENJOY THOUGH, only 6 chapters left~


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Jikook8 #1
Chapter 28: This story was so amazing I'm literally crying right now! The whole time I felt like I was right there with them! Great job!T_T
b2utyYTF #2
love your story
lovessnsd2pm #3
Chapter 28: My eyes are red from crying~ This is an amazing fanfic. :D
Chapter 28: This story was absolutely amazing. I cried pretty much the last 10 chapters. Thank you for writing this!
Tiararogue #5
Chapter 28: Imagine me reading the last chapters in a public place and trying to hold back my tears and failing.....i loved every bit of this story. Thank you authornim
I cried so much reading this
Thank you for an amazing story ♥
dalamjwi07 #7
I cried a lot in 3last chapter. geez, how can you do this to me?
You dont know how much i cried!
I really love your story!
Keep up the good work.
Hwaiting! ^^
nianinini #9
oh my god. I am such a mess right now. sahfkjdbvhsqbmcx
maxxichu #10
love it<3