Chapter 12

Unexpected Joy


Watching him walk away was one of the most difficult things I had to do. I was lost. And confused. I didn’t know what was going on. I needed to have everything explained.

“ZICO!” I yelled, but he continued walking as if he had heard nothing. I sprinted to catch up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He acted as though he felt nothing. I spun him around with all the strength I could.

“what do you want.” He answered coldly. I looked away. His tone was more than enough to know he was serious.

“Why are you being like this?” I said, not looking into is eyes.

“Like what?” He said, as if he was still confused as to who I was.

“Why are you leaving?” I looked up at him to see his expressionless face.

He scoffed. “Leaving? It’s what I do. You saw me before. And I’m pretty sure your little friend talked about me. And its true. I play with whoever I want. I them, then I leave. That’s what I did with you. Don’t think for a second you were special to me. “ I bit my lip. He didn’t look hurt at all. So was what he just said true?

I hadn’t noticed, but six other people had joined us. Zico seemed to notice though, because he started walking away. I stepped in front of him.

“I don’t believe you.” I whispered.

“well, you better step out of your bubble and believe it.” He pushed me aside. I was still weak from the night before, so I easily fell down. Jaehyo rushed to aid me.

“Leave her.” Zico said harshly. Jaehyo looked at him, obviously confused, then to me, who was holding back tears.

“What do you mean?” Jaehyo questioned, his hand still on my shoulder. Zico began to walk away.

“Unless you want to get your kicked, I suggest you leave that , and come with us.” Jaehyo looked shocked, his mind probably on the events of the previous night.  “Now.” Zico said, his voice came out as more of a growl, a voice I had never heard him use before. It scared me. Jaehyo gave me a pleading look, as if to say that he’s terribly sorry, got up, and walked away. The seven figures disappeared from sight, and I was left there on the ground.

I don’t understand why I got so hurt. I said it myself, it’s what I expected.

But this had hurt more than any other heartbreak. This seemed real.

It sounds stupid, now that I think of it. Love. It’s all a lie, right? Sweet words created by guys like Zico, to promise happiness. In reality, you die the same way you were born, alone. (A/N: Anyone watch Mad Men? Don Draper said something along these lines heh heh.. )

I tried to convince myself that this was true, but it was useless. I was still feeling lost and confused. I didn’t even notice that I had gotten up. Without knowing where my feet were taking me, I began to walk. Why was it suddenly so cold? It was as if everything was against me. The tears silently flowed down my cheeks. They stung when they hit the few scars that hadn’t healed overnight. I wondered if Rina and James would show up to school. I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t. Why would they ever show their face to me again.

I arrived to the school, having no one to walk through the gates with me. I wondered where Zico was.

No, SunMi, you aren’t allowed to think of him. He can’t be in your mind at all. He did you wrong so he doesn’t deserve to be in your head.

This thought made me wonder, how long was I going to continue lying to myself? Thinking that he cared for me even for a second? It brought even more tears to my eyes. I questioned my sanity because I started bawling right before I entered the school.

I eagerly walked over to the water fountain, where Rina and James usually were. No one was there. No one that I wanted to see, anyways. Eunjung waved and smiled at me sweetly, as if she hadn’t done anything. I wanted to launch myself at her. A hand stopped me from moving. I turned around, hoping it was James, but disappointed when I saw Jaehyo standing behind me.

“Oh.” I said, the smile fading from my face.

“Look, SunMi, I don’t know what’s going on, but.. don’t think too much okay? He probably has a good reason for thi-“ I scoffed, cutting him off.

“A good reason other than using me? Other than drawing me in just to throw me out?” I almost yelled at him. I knew it was wrong, and that It was in no way his fault, but I was angry. I wanted him to feel my pain too.

“You don’t understand. The way he talked about you. The very same day we first saw you. It was like he was… obsessed, infatuated. But after he really got to know you, it was obvious that he really loved you. “ He looked at me with pleading in his eyes again. I still didn’t believe him.

“So now you’re defending him? Jaehyo, you and I both know he’s wrong. You and I both know he used me. He left as soon as he smelled trouble. Lucky for him, trouble happened the same day he got in my pants, so no worries for him right?” I said in a cold town, and stared him down before turning around and walking away.

“Oh, and another thing.” I stopped in my tacks and slowly turned around. “If he really loved me, he wouldn’t leave, and he’d be by my side now.” I took in a deep breath before walking away.

School was awfully torturesome that day. Having to sit next to him without being able to yell at him, or hit him, or show him how wrong he did me. I didn’t glance at him at all, and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t even on his mind. At lunch, I decided I had had enough, and called Junho to pick me up. He claimed to be my older brother, and the office ladies believed him.

“What’s up?” he said as soon as I entered the car. He had bags under his eyes, suggesting he hadn’t slept in a while.

“I can’t take it anymore.” I said, another tears streaking down my bruised cheek.

“What do you mean?” he looked worried now.

“He left me. He left me during this time. When it was his responsibility to keep me safe.” Junho sighed and leaned across the seat to hug me. I flinched because my body was still badly bruised. He apologized quickly.

“SunMi, what does this guy look like?” He said, his facial expression changing from worried to that of one who had horrible intentions.

“Why?” I asked, dreading his answer.

“So I can punch him clear in the groin.” I let out a small smile. “He’s not a man, so there’s no reason for him to need that.” This brought out my regular smile. “SunMi, I’ve grown to care for you like my own sister, and if anyone hurts you, it hurts Rina and I. Please don’t be sad about it, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want me to turn into a murderer.” This time, it was me who leaned across the seat to give him a hug. He smiled and drove me to his apartment, where James and Rina were watching TV, looking extremely bored. As soon as I walked through the door, Rina gave me a giant smile. James as well. Junho said he was going to sleep for a bit, saying that James and Rina were in good hands. I smiled and wished him a good sleep.

“How was school today?” Rina asked in a tone that was both concerned and curious.

“I’ve had better days. Much better.” I said, looking away so my watery eyes wouldn’t be noticeable.

“Was it Eunjung?” Rina said with utter disgust in her voice.

“What about Zico? Didn’t he do anything about it?” James asked, looking as if he could care less about Zico.

This statement caused me to tear up and cry. As soon as I calmed down, I told them the story, and everything that had happened since last night. If Rina looked angry, James looked furious. After they were sure I completely calmed down and had no more tears, James got up.

“Where are you going?” My voice was husky from the tiny screams welled up in my throat.

“To talk to someone.” James said with his fists clenched and his back to us. He quickly left after that.

Rina and I both looked at each other in terror.

It couldn’t be, right? He wouldn’t be that stupid , right?


It seems funny how everybody was against you. They knew you did me wrong. At least they thought they knew. Whatever your intention was, you broke your promise again. You hurt me greatly.


14 more cranes. Only 14.  



Hey little Dubus! Yaaaay, another update. I hope you guys enjoy, I'm trying to update more frequently now e__e. But it's hard since I don't really get computer time anymore, its about time I start my AP English Summer Work. heh heh c: 

BUT FEAR NOT, I am a huge procrastinator, and I've already read one of the books, so I'll still be writing regularly! 



I have decided that I'll release the Forward for my apply story in a few days. I'll give the apply about two weeks to stay open, if I write a chapter a day with this story, it'll be finished by then, and won't bulk up :D

Since you guys are my loyal subscribers, I'm giving you the oppurtunity to apply first!

YOU MAY HAVE A BIGGER CHANCE IF YOU APPLY AS A MALE. Just saying. The answer to the last one in alohamora btw. c: 

Spazz with me! :

Talk to me! : 

Bother Rina! : *I'm sorry baby daddy, I just had to. You're as important as me here~~* 

~ DammThadDubu

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Jikook8 #1
Chapter 28: This story was so amazing I'm literally crying right now! The whole time I felt like I was right there with them! Great job!T_T
b2utyYTF #2
love your story
lovessnsd2pm #3
Chapter 28: My eyes are red from crying~ This is an amazing fanfic. :D
Chapter 28: This story was absolutely amazing. I cried pretty much the last 10 chapters. Thank you for writing this!
Tiararogue #5
Chapter 28: Imagine me reading the last chapters in a public place and trying to hold back my tears and failing.....i loved every bit of this story. Thank you authornim
I cried so much reading this
Thank you for an amazing story ♥
dalamjwi07 #7
I cried a lot in 3last chapter. geez, how can you do this to me?
You dont know how much i cried!
I really love your story!
Keep up the good work.
Hwaiting! ^^
nianinini #9
oh my god. I am such a mess right now. sahfkjdbvhsqbmcx
maxxichu #10
love it<3