You: Part I

The Blithe Café



Since when was Chanyeol like this? Since when did he avoid my eyes like this, or plow through the snow, hood shadowing his face, like he's doing now? When has he ever gone a full mile, trampling through the white of winter without making a sound, taping up the posters with red fingers but not opening his mouth once. Something was going on with him, and I intend to find out what it is. So when he turned around, another fluttering sigh stuck on a lamppost, I stepped in his way and tried to stare down the giant. 

He met my eyes for a millisecond before his skittered away, focusing on a snow covered bush behind me with great intensity. I blew out a breath, irritated by the way my best friend was acting. Something was wrong. He had a secret. I've been best friends with him long enough to know that he's quite horrible at keeping secrets, and I know when he has one. 

"Channie. What is it?" 

"Nothing." Chanyeol kicked at a clump of frozen snow, eyes still looking anywhere but me. "I'm okay." 

"Channie," I said, but it came out more like a sigh. "I know when you're keeping a secret." 

He met my eyes, finally, and held onto them like a man clutches a life ring in a roaring ocean, but he tore them away all too soon, and with a fury like it hurt. "No. No, I'm not. I'm okay, Baek. Don't worry about me. You have Jina to care about." The bitterness with which he spat out that last sentence surprised me, and something clicked into place. 

"You don't like Jina?" 

His eyes darkened, narrowed, and his lips thinned before he pulled himself together and, with effort, regained a poker face. "No, Jina's fine. Good. Perfect, in fact. She's just perfect." And then he stormed away. 

Bewildered, my heart plummenting, I ran after him, and caught his arm. He turned, but the anger in his face had been suddenly, fully, replaced by this horrible sadness and confusion, and it broke my heart. "Channie... please tell me what's wrong," I whispered. 

"I... I don't know," he whispered back, and suddenly he was sobbing, tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't... I can't..."

"Channie... Is it me? Is it my fault?" Even as I asked the question, my heart dropped. I didn't want to be the cause of Chanyeol's pain, his sadness, but I have a sense it's me, and I reach forward and hug him. His arms come willingly to hug me back, even as his muscles tensed, and loosened, as if he was unsure what to do. 

"I just... I'm so confused," he says, and I hug him tighter. I don't know why he is, but I know that I hate to see him sad and I need to help, I need to help my best friend. But he only cried harder. 




Why? Why does he have to be so sweet, so caring to me when I'm bursting to tears in front of him? Why does he have to hug me when I'm crying about him, and what I know, and what I know will happen when I tell him what I know. I wish I didn't. I don't want this. But it's still here, nagging me and I'm trying to fight it but every look at him sends my heart beating too fast, and the blood rushes to my cheeks when he stares at that me that that. 

He has no idea. He has no idea what I feel, and that's a good thing. It would ruin our friendship, tear us apart. He would probably be disgusted. He would probably never want to see me again. And I'll move, because I'm under his power, even if he doesn't know it, he's controlling me and I can't do nothing. My life will be ruined. I'll lose Baekhyun, I'll lose Blithe, I'll lose everything. And I don't want that to happen.

So I force my tears to stop and I force myself out of his grip even though he's so warm and I want to stay there forever but I can't. He's Jina's. I can't do anything about it. 

And so I'll just have to live with it.




I know its horribly short but I want to try this thing where I update one little pair for this story each day... So hopefully ill have time and look out for lotsa updates (even if theyre short) this week!


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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 24: It's true the end is a little rushed, but it's still beautiful, because there are a lot of feelings and i loved read you story, it touched me a lot.
AnnoNiji #2
Chapter 23: I'm happy for KiSeob. Anyway it's still so sad... (and what about JunHyung ?)
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 22: Omg i'm still crying, i can't stop myself T_T
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 21: Now i'm crying. It's horrible.
AnnoNiji #5
Chapter 20: What the was that ? O_O I'm so curious and scared for them !! ><
AnnoNiji #6
Chapter 19: Channie be strong ;___;
AnnoNiji #7
Chapter 18: Omg. Just... omg.
AnnoNiji #8
Chapter 17: Omg. I don't know what i can say. Junnie, Seobie... ;w;
AnnoNiji #9
Chapter 16: Seobie i want to hug you ;;
AnnoNiji #10
Chapter 15: Ohw ohw... it will hurt for sure... ;_;