Chapter 9: Promises

First Impressions, Permanent or Not?


First Impressions
“Hey,” a voice whispered close to Jenny. Jenny stirred in her sleep and then realization hit and she quickly sat up.
“Omo! Sorry I must of dozed off!” Jenny quickly apologized in embarrassment. 
“Its okay,” Jaejoong laughed softly. “Here, I’ll help you with Mina.” He gently took the dormant child into his arms and stepped back. “Watch your step,” he announced as with his free hand extended it out to Jenny who was still a bit sleepy. 
“Thank you,” she blushed. 
“Come, I’ll leave Mina inside with you and I’ll come back for the groceries.” 
“Oh I could-”
“Its okay,” he replied which Jenny accepted his help thankfully. 
“Oh, okay you can put Mina there,” Jenny spoke as Jaejoong carefully laid Mina into her crib. 
“I’ll be back,” Jaejoong smiled as he left the room to go retrieve the groceries. Jenny softly covered Mina with a blanket before leaving her and going into the living room. Though it was around 6pm it was pretty dark being that winter neared and the nights came sooner. 
“Ah, here,” Jaejoong came in falling down with several grocery bags.
“ah wow! Did you bring them all in one go?” Jenny laughed at his cute clumsiness. 
“haha yeah.” 
“Ah well thank you!” she giggled as she began taking some bags into the kitchen area. 
“Well since I’ve been through the toughest day I think I deserve dinner.” Jaejoong proudly announced as he came into the kitchen with the remaining grocery bags.
“Hmm, so that’s what you were up to.” Jenny eyed him playfully. “Arasso.” She smiled as she turned away to look into the fridge. “Oh, wait.” she stood up and turned around to him. “I am warning you, once again, I am not the greatest cook, so if you’re prepared to have a badly prepared meal then you can stay if not-”
“As long as it isn’t as bad as the errands you run then I’m in.” He chuckled at her frown. “and even if it does taste bad I’ll pretend it doesn’t.” 
“Okay,” she laughed, but this time a bit more tired. 
“Here, I’ll help you prepare dinner though.” he walked over to her side as he pulled up his sleeves.
“Ani, I got it.”
“No, you’re tired.”
“You’re tired too.”
“Well I’m okay now.”
“Lies,” she laughed as she softly nudged him.
“I’m serious!” he laughed as he reached down and begin tickling her. 
“noo! Hahanah no! noooo! Please!” she pleaded as she tried to run away from him. 
“come back here,” he laughed alongside her as he pulled her by her waist into his arms. 
“Saranghaeyo,” he whispered into her ears as he held onto her tightly. 
“me too,” she whispered softly and then she looked up at him. “I love you.”
He smiled down at her. She was so beautiful in her own way. She wasn’t extremely beautiful, she was no siren, but she was definitely a charmer in the way she smiled, the way her eyes gleamed, the way she spoke and walked. 
Having her all to himself before him he couldn’t resist, he just couldn’t. He slowly bent down and before Jenny could take in what was really happening he captured her lips and tenderly kissed her. They stayed like that for a couple of moments before she broke the kiss and looked at him with a worried look in her face.
“Wae?” he softly asked, worried if he had made a move too soon. He didn’t want her to think badly of him.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry. I just- I- I love you. I do.” she stared straight at him, “but how do I know this is right?” 
“you don’t.” he brushed away a loose hair from her face. “neither do I.” 
“We can always give it a try can’t we?”
“I don’t want to hurt you, or get hurt by you.” 
“I won’t. you won’t. I promise.” 
After dinner and after having cleaned the dishes Jaejoong startled Jenny with quite a sudden question.
“Can I sleep over tonight?”
“Jae,” she stopped him mid track and as he turned around to face her his brows furrowed together. “can I talk…honestly?”
“of course.” 
“I know this might sound hypocritical of me, being a mother and well, but I don’t want to do anything um…more with you. I want to wait. Though I love you I don’t want to jump into a complicated relationship with you. With Mina’s dad I made several mistakes that now that I look back I wish I could of waited, or I don’t know. Am I making sense?” she chuckled nervously. “Probably not.” 
“Anyo. You are. And I understand. I really do.” 
“I know you do,” she smiled back at him, now a bit shyly at having to have told him in the first place.
“but thank you for telling me.”
“thank you. I want you to tell me stuff like that. If we’re going too fast or even too slow,” he chuckled, “tell me. I want to know. I thank you for telling me…it shows that you trust me and want this to work out and for that I can‘t thank you enough.”
Jenny was at a lost for words at this, but in the end she settled with a smile and a nod.  
As they slept across each other she smiled shyly at him. He smiled back as he gently pulled her closer to him. “I want to stay like this, forever,” he whispered to her. 
She smiled from under his chest. “Is this for real?” 
“What do you mean?” Jaejoong was taken aback by her sudden comment.
“I mean, I’m not just dreaming right?”
“No, you’re not. And if you are then so am I.” She smiled at his odd way of comforting her. He was so beautiful, so perfect in many ways, why had he chosen her? 
“What?” he laughed nervously as he caught her staring at him for a long time. 
“Oh nothing,” she smiled back before snuggling back beside him. 

mail So i got two lovely NEW comments from monique11

and well i read them this morning and i was so happy to read such positive reviews! laugh

haha thank you so much!!!




Sorry if this is a sorta small update (I think) wink

but i will try to update regularly now haha

well until inspiration lasts haha! devil


Anyways hope you enjoyed the story so far 

and looking forward to your comments! cheeky

they really help inspire me and even give me ideas at times! haha cool


btw awesome gif i found huh? i wonder who made it ^^

its so nice! haha angel


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monique11 #1
Aww, poor Jenny <br />
will be waiting for the next update :D <br />
I know you won't dissapoint us (your readers) :)) hehe :D
monique11 #2
Yay! you updated! this chapter is so cute and sweet, thanks for mentioning me :) I appreciate it as well as i appreciate your story :D <br />
LOVE THE UPDATE :))) i really do, haha ^^<br />
PLease update soon, We are all WAITING :))) THANKS! :D
monique11 #3
by the way, your pic of jaejoong in chap. 8?? Gosh! that smile?? every girl would've fainted with it. hahaha :D
monique11 #4
OMG! Please update soon... i'm craving for more :D thanks :D
monique11 #5
your story is really great! please update soon! :))<br />
*Jae is so understanding and so sweeeetttt!!!! ♥
JaejoongPrincess #6
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!! I love this story. OMG!!!!!!!! I am soooooo subscribing to this!!!! Sorry for over reacting.
Emerald_Lee #7
aww at least jae doesnt care that she has a child cos mostly having a child is like a men repellent lols -- oh so there is a reason as to why shes soo bit*hy to jenny
@Emerald_Lee haha i agree ^^ i'll try to work out a chapter as to why she's like that on the future, but for now thanks for reading!
Emerald_Lee #9
Omg can her friend not man if i didnt know any better ild say she was more of her enemy
update soon! <br />
the plot is interesting :))