Easier Said than Done...or how did that saying go?

First Impressions, Permanent or Not?


First Impressions. Permanent or not?
“Okay so first things first…grocery shopping!” Jenny announced as Jaejoong attently (is this a word???) followed her. 
“Oh if you want you can wait here and I have my car parked-”
“No,” Jenny shook her finger in front of him. “Bus, we take the bus.”
“Oh okay,” he chuckled at her desire to show him a real look into her life. Jaejoong and Jenny then continued their walk to the nearest bus station. 
Jaejoong couldn’t help but admire Jenny. She walked at a quick pace compared to most girls, people in general. She seemed to be always set on a goal that no others could tell, but her. Though she walked quickly she seemed to do it with grace. Her dress would flow side to side to the rhythm of her hips and-
“Hurry!” Jaejoong suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as Jenny suddenly reached down for Mina. “The bus is there! Jae get the stroller quick!”
“Ah, oh okay!” he replied as he tried to close the stroller. How do I do this? He panicked. Seeing Jae struggle with the stroller Jenny didn’t hesitate in pushing down the buttons to fold down the stroller despite her being the one caring Mina. 
“Okay there! Run!” she shouted as she began rushing towards the bus. “Hey! Wait! Please Wait!” Jenny shouted at the bus in big hopes that the bus driver would hear and stop. And thank God the driver did hear.
“Thank you so much!” Jenny smiled at the kind driver who simply nodded his head and returned the smile. Jaejoong trailed Jenny behind trying to catch his breath. Though he wasn’t out of shape she had taken him out of surprise. He had never done that before. 
After Jenny had paid for the bus fare for the three of them they took a seat at the back. Poor Jae stumbled with his balance, trying not to hit anyone with the large stroller at the same time trying to keep moving towards the back at the bus. “Sorry, I’m so sorry,” one could hear him say here and there.
“You okay?” Jenny asked, trying not to giggle. 
“Yah,” he replied a bit annoyed at her gleam in her eyes.
“Mwo?” she asked, trying to hide her true feelings.
“You could of warned me,” he tried to excuse his embarrassing attitude and actions.
“I did, remember?” she giggled. 
“I remember,” he laughed. He brushed back his hair, clearing his forehead. “I don’t think I can take anymore.”
The rest of the bus ride was a bit quiet except Mina who cooed now and again at thinks or people who moved, got on, or off. “Oh look, that’s a supermarket!” Jae pointed to a large store.
“The stuff they sell is really expensive though,” jenny replied. “The one I always goes to has cheaper prices,” she smiled back at him a bit shyly.
“Oh,” he simply replied and did not ask any more. 
“Ah, we’re here!” she announced happily as they had finally arrived. “Do you want me to take the stroller this time? You can take Mina,” Jenny asked as she remembered Jae’s struggle before.
“Anyo,” he chuckled. “I think I got a hang of it.”
“Okay then!” she smiled back and they got off the bus. 
“So we need some milk, and oh lettuce, and oh quite a few vegetables! Do you want to split up or-?” Jenny asked as she analyzed her list. 
“Anyo. Why would I?” Jaejoong gave her a sly smile. “when I want to be near you,” he replied as he pulled her in towards him.
“Jae!” she whispered loudly in nervousness. “People will see!” she excused herself.
“Let them.” That was his final answer as he pulled her in for a tight hug before letting go. “We’ll get started here and then go around.”
“Ah, okay,” Jenny replied with a dark blush of red on her face at his actions. She wasn’t so used to showing signs of affection, much more in public. 
The two of them took their time selecting the groceries, now and again arguing about a certain brand or prices. The two of them were fine when~

laugh Viola! :D Another update? Could it be?

haha yes! yes

I'm so happy and I keep singing and dancing and writing!

So as long as I keep typing then so will the updates...keep coming!! 



So are you all liking them updates? heart

I hope so!!

Please don't be angry at my no updating before!!

Enjoy them now! 




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Luv u all!


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monique11 #1
Aww, poor Jenny <br />
will be waiting for the next update :D <br />
I know you won't dissapoint us (your readers) :)) hehe :D
monique11 #2
Yay! you updated! this chapter is so cute and sweet, thanks for mentioning me :) I appreciate it as well as i appreciate your story :D <br />
LOVE THE UPDATE :))) i really do, haha ^^<br />
PLease update soon, We are all WAITING :))) THANKS! :D
monique11 #3
by the way, your pic of jaejoong in chap. 8?? Gosh! that smile?? every girl would've fainted with it. hahaha :D
monique11 #4
OMG! Please update soon... i'm craving for more :D thanks :D
monique11 #5
your story is really great! please update soon! :))<br />
*Jae is so understanding and so sweeeetttt!!!! ♥
JaejoongPrincess #6
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!! I love this story. OMG!!!!!!!! I am soooooo subscribing to this!!!! Sorry for over reacting.
Emerald_Lee #7
aww at least jae doesnt care that she has a child cos mostly having a child is like a men repellent lols -- oh so there is a reason as to why shes soo bit*hy to jenny
@Emerald_Lee haha i agree ^^ i'll try to work out a chapter as to why she's like that on the future, but for now thanks for reading!
Emerald_Lee #9
Omg can her friend not man if i didnt know any better ild say she was more of her enemy
update soon! <br />
the plot is interesting :))