Chapter 10: Accidental Unrest

First Impressions, Permanent or Not?


First Impressions

Permanent or Not?

“Ani. Ani. Ani!”
“Jenny!” a voice kept crying, reverberating again and again in her head. She heard them, she felt her body being moved, but she was trapped. She herself couldn’t move. “Jenny!” and finally the voice broke through to her.
“Eh?” Jenny weakly asked as he stared at a man with a very worried expression on his face. His hair was messy, did she wake him up? For how long had he been calling her name?
“Its just a dream.” He forced a small smile, but the woman before her was much too shaken to come to her senses right away. “Everything’s okay, I promise.” 
She nodded her head softly, still a bit confused as to what exactly was okay, what wasn’t. Slowly coming back to her senses she reached up to wipe of some tears that seemed to have slipped while she dreamt. She brushed her hair back nervously, “Thank you,” she finally said in a raspy voice. “Thank you,” she repeated.
“Do you want a glass of water?”
“Huh?” she looked up at him, but before his question could register in her mind and she could refuse he crawled over her and walked out of the room to the kitchen. 
Jenny sighed, still very tired and confused, as she listened to the single clinking of cups in the kitchen. Jenny rubbed her eyes tiredly, she couldn’t exactly remember her dream but that it had frightened her deeply. She remembered bits here and there, but nothing enough, just that feeling of knowing it had been a bad dream.
“Here,” Jaejoong smiled as he handed her a cold cup of water. 
“Kammsamnida,” she returned the smile, only a bit weakly. Though she hadn’t really felt thirsty at first she found otherwise as a sip became several gulps.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked as he took a seat beside her on the bed. Jenny stared at her hands nervously, even if she did she wasn’t sure how to explain it. “Its okay if you don’t want to,” he added after a while.
“Anyo!” she quickly replied, afraid that he had mistaken her silence for mistrust. “I just, I don’t know what I even really dreamt,” she laughed it off softly. 
“Mm,” he nodded, trying to understand her. “I think I’ve had dreams like that before.” 
“Yeah,” she simply repeated. 
“Come here.”
“Huh?” her teary eyes searched for explanation in his though the night was dark. 
“Come here,” he repeated as he motioned towards himself. A bit unsure as what or where he meant Jenny sat wide eyed until Jae’s hands gently wrapped around her and pulled her closer. 
Though Jenhee felt a bit uncomfortable at first in his arms she decided not to protest as his warmth soon passed to her and she felt a warmness flood within her. 
“You have a lot that you deal with yourself. Work, Mina, even yourself.” he paused, contemplating. Gently he picked up where he had left up and continued, “I guess its normal for you to have such bad dreams. It happens when we’re too stressed.” 
As Jenhee sat in between his arms she simply meditated on his words. To be honest, it was a lot of hard work and even if it wasn’t physically exhausting it was definitely emotionally exhausting. Mina was her life and she often reprimanded herself for not having time enough for her, but how could she if she needed to pay bills? Work? Tears filled her eyes.
“You can cry.”
“Huh?” she snapped out of her thoughts and asked in a broken voice.
“You can cry, its okay to cry. I’m here for you-” he paused once again. His hands her arms in consolation. “I know you won’t trust me right away, even if you want to. The mind is complex. You have a history and so do I. right now, even though we’re living the present, it’s at play. It’ll always be like that. But no matter what, just please, please, know that I’m here. Even though you may not feel the trust right away it doesn’t mean its not here.”
Jenhee hadn’t even noticed when the tears rolling of her eyes became more than just a soft drizzle, when her shaking became soft sobs. There was a lot of things going on. Hearing Jaejoong’s lecture her heart shrunk in both pain and shame. He was right. Though part of her felt bad for being so ungrateful of Jaejoong’s love and trust, her other half pulled back and feared. 
“Until the fear dissipates we won’t fully love each other,” he smiled down at her though she kept on crying. He shifted a bit in bed and then held her tighter than before. “But I won’t expire any time soon. Until it goes, until you’re ready, I’ll be here.”

So much for my daily updates! haha crying

haha sorry about none yesterday but viola! laugh

it was kinda of a depressing chapter indecision

but i'll try to make the following ones lighter! haha cheeky



haha you're awesome! heart

thanks for the faithful reading! yes

will do my best not to disappoint! haha wink

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monique11 #1
Aww, poor Jenny <br />
will be waiting for the next update :D <br />
I know you won't dissapoint us (your readers) :)) hehe :D
monique11 #2
Yay! you updated! this chapter is so cute and sweet, thanks for mentioning me :) I appreciate it as well as i appreciate your story :D <br />
LOVE THE UPDATE :))) i really do, haha ^^<br />
PLease update soon, We are all WAITING :))) THANKS! :D
monique11 #3
by the way, your pic of jaejoong in chap. 8?? Gosh! that smile?? every girl would've fainted with it. hahaha :D
monique11 #4
OMG! Please update soon... i'm craving for more :D thanks :D
monique11 #5
your story is really great! please update soon! :))<br />
*Jae is so understanding and so sweeeetttt!!!! ♥
JaejoongPrincess #6
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!! I love this story. OMG!!!!!!!! I am soooooo subscribing to this!!!! Sorry for over reacting.
Emerald_Lee #7
aww at least jae doesnt care that she has a child cos mostly having a child is like a men repellent lols -- oh so there is a reason as to why shes soo bit*hy to jenny
@Emerald_Lee haha i agree ^^ i'll try to work out a chapter as to why she's like that on the future, but for now thanks for reading!
Emerald_Lee #9
Omg can her friend not man if i didnt know any better ild say she was more of her enemy
update soon! <br />
the plot is interesting :))