Chapter 3: Of All Days

First Impressions, Permanent or Not?


Of All Days
“Sora! You can’t do this to me,” Jenny cried over her phone. “You promised! -Please, you know I can’t afford- Sora~” 
As Jenny argued over the phone Mina silently watched her pace back and forth. Mina looked down at her food and then back at her mom who now stood before her, “Mina, honey, please eat- Sora, please~”
“Alright, fine, Sora. Just know that what you’re doing- alright, okay, Sora I’m sorry, but you know-” before Jenny could apologize she heard the dial tone ring. “She hung up?” she asked herself before she sighed loudly, placed her phone on the kitchen counter.
“Mina, sweetie, please eat.” Mina simply stared back at her. “Here,” Jenny began feeding her. She sighed heavily as she thought of all the problems she was to face that day. Sora had called in excusing herself, saying that she had a date with a guy she had been crushing on and unfortunately she wasn’t going to be able to make it today. 
*A date at 8 in the morning? Honestly, Sora how could you? You’re the only one I rely on.*
“Okay, there you go,” Jenny replied as she strapped in her precious daughter into a stroller. Meanwhile, Mina played with her pom poms dangling from her hat. Jenny smiled at her innocence, even amidst so much stress her daughter remained unaffected. She lightly patted her head before walking over, grabbing her cream colored yarn sweater and putting it on with haste she got behind the stroller and began pushing. “C’mon, darling.”
Jenny entered the building where she worked with sweat beads forming on her head. She had forgot her purse at home and had to take the bus rather than a taxi to work. *Of all days!* she had scolded herself. 
The bus she got on, just to her luck, was full. Every seat was full and she was forced to stand with Mina on one arm and the stroller on another. She tried her best to balance herself without pushing or bumping into anyone, but it was definitely a challenge. On the long trip a man had brushed his hand several times on her and she wanted to confront him, but she was much to vulnerable. Tears welled on her eyes, but she gulped them all down as she tried to comfort the frightened Mina who wide-eyed stared around. 
At last she had arrived to work and she pushed the stroller along, but already she was tired. The stroller felt heavy, but she did her best to keep on pushing. So caught up on her own weaknesses and preparing herself for a lecture by her boss she hadn’t noticed how fast she was going and how she almost ran someone over with the stroller.
“whoa!” a voice exclaimed as he jumped out of the way. 
Jenny snapped out of her thoughts and looked up. “Do you hate me that much?” he laughed a husky laugh. 
“Wha-?” she looked up at the man she almost hurt badly. “Omo! Jaejoong-shi,” she whispered. “Are you okay?”
He laughed with a firm nod, “Yes. Are you?”
That was the correct question. Was she alright? What was going on with her?
“Are you?” he repeated. Jenny nodded, but it was evident that she clearly was not. 
“Jennifer? What are you doing here? You were due upstairs two hours ago!” an older woman’s voice chided from afar. 
Jenny cringed at her voice, looked to the opposite side her voice came from and to herself thought *not her, not her, not now, not in front of him!*
“Ah, she was with me. If you don’t mind I’m going to keep her a bit longer. Ah, is that alright with you?” a charming voice spoke up. Jenny looked up at Kim Jaejoong speaking to her superior. She wasn’t even really her superior, just an older secretary who worked with her boss, but she was always ordering poor Jenny around like if there was no tomorrow. She often pushed the limits and would scold her for the smallest of details. 
“Ah, well- you see-”
“I am really sorry, but its sort of important,” he persisted with great skills at persuasion. Her superior finally conceded with a gracious smile and nod, but before she could walk away she glared at Jenny and spoke to her, “Just make sure to return to my office as soon as he’s done with you,” another sickening fake smile and she was off.
Jenny finally sighed as she was able to regain her breathing. “Wow, she is scary!” he laughed as he walked over to her. 
Jenny laughed a tired laugh as she shook her face in amazement. He indeed was Kim Jaejoong! Even those unfamiliar to him would do as he wished. He was very charming and great with words. 
“And who is this?” he asked as he crouched to be eye level with the young girl on the stroller. *Mina!*
Jenny walked over to the front of the stroller. There Jaejoong waved at Mina who smiled timidly. *Wow, she’s often so demure with strangers!*
“Who is she?” he asked again as he looked up with a sweet smile.
“She’s- she’s my daughter, Mina.” Jenny breathed out slowly, nervously. *Why am I being like this? I’m ashamed of my own daughter! Seriously! I am a horrible-*
“Daughter?” he repeated, his face wore a confused expression. 
*Oh no!* Jenny a human man-repeller Sora’s words echoed through her.
“She’s cute just like her mom,” he laughed shyly as he looked down at Mina and played with her.
*Wait! What did he say? ‘Cute’? Wait! Was that a compliment? Why isn’t he running away yet? Could it be that he likes meee?!-*
Thank you to all my subscribers! I was so happy to see new ones, Emerald_Lee and DonDon! Hope you guys found this chapter to your liking~! So sorry for not updating yesterday but *sigh* I've been going through a lot and well yeah~~~ but the chapter is now up! :D I'll see if I can make a double update by the end of this week!!! :D Well let me know what ya'll think! I'm trying very hard to make it as interesting as possible~~~ is it?
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monique11 #1
Aww, poor Jenny <br />
will be waiting for the next update :D <br />
I know you won't dissapoint us (your readers) :)) hehe :D
monique11 #2
Yay! you updated! this chapter is so cute and sweet, thanks for mentioning me :) I appreciate it as well as i appreciate your story :D <br />
LOVE THE UPDATE :))) i really do, haha ^^<br />
PLease update soon, We are all WAITING :))) THANKS! :D
monique11 #3
by the way, your pic of jaejoong in chap. 8?? Gosh! that smile?? every girl would've fainted with it. hahaha :D
monique11 #4
OMG! Please update soon... i'm craving for more :D thanks :D
monique11 #5
your story is really great! please update soon! :))<br />
*Jae is so understanding and so sweeeetttt!!!! ♥
JaejoongPrincess #6
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!! I love this story. OMG!!!!!!!! I am soooooo subscribing to this!!!! Sorry for over reacting.
Emerald_Lee #7
aww at least jae doesnt care that she has a child cos mostly having a child is like a men repellent lols -- oh so there is a reason as to why shes soo bit*hy to jenny
@Emerald_Lee haha i agree ^^ i'll try to work out a chapter as to why she's like that on the future, but for now thanks for reading!
Emerald_Lee #9
Omg can her friend not man if i didnt know any better ild say she was more of her enemy
update soon! <br />
the plot is interesting :))