Chapter 11: No more detours...right?

First Impressions, Permanent or Not?


First Impressions...Permanent or Not?
It was like the day after a rainy day. The way the sun shines brighter, the air feels fresher, and the world shines in a new light and clearness. This was how the day felt after that night of clouds and rains. 
“Shh,” a soft voice was heard somewhere near. Jenhee shifted in her sleep, but her body much heavier than her wore down on her.
“Don’t wake mommy up.”
“Come on.”
The birds tweeted like a new day had never been any more beautiful. Clouds came and passed. This was a new day. 
“Here, try this,” Jaejoong offered Mina carefully. Mina was a bit reluctant to try the food Jaejoong was offering. She would stare at the morsel and back at Jae, her eyes full of questions. “Its okay,” he smiled and offered it once more. Shyly she took it and ate it. He smiled brightly, as if a grand feat had been accomplished. 
“Good morning,” Jenhee softly introduced herself as she walked into the kitchen. She pulled on her nightgown nervously, the last night’s events still quite vivid in her mind. 
“Hey,” Jaejoong greeted unfazed. “Come, take a seat. I made breakfast.” He pulled out a seat for her and no sooner had she taken a seat that she was served a delicious breakfast.
“Wow! This looks amazing!” she smiled wholeheartedly. It was a splendid breakfast, her breakfasts she ate on a regular basis were not as impressive. 
“Think so? Try it,” he smiled proudly as he passed her a fork. 
“You don’t have work to do today?” Jenhee asked curiously as Jaejoong relaxed on the chair opposite to her. 
“No, not really.” 
Accusingly pointing her fork at him, “Not really?” she quoted. “Don’t make me be the one the reason why you miss work.”
“No, you’re not,” he chuckled. “I really don’t.” 
"I'm seriou-" Jaejoong wasn't able to finish his response for a phone began ringing.
"Ah, I'll get it, be right back."
Jenny walked back to the living room area and as soon as she saw the caller id picked up the call. "hey, Sora"

Sora- hey do u need me to babysit mina today?

Jenny- um hey  thanks but no not no-

Sora- u sure?

Jenny- yeah thnks though

Sora- oh hey ur mom called yesterday...

Jenny- she did? Y u?

Sora- she was pretty upset...said she had called u several times but u werent piking up...

Jenny- ah yeah yestrday i was hardly at home..

Sora- hey is everythin alright with u and mina?

Jenny- yeah..yeah! Haha no nothing bad at all but yeah dont worry...ill tell u everything tmrw yeah?

Sora- oh ok yeah sure...

Jenny- well ok byee thnks again

...end call

Jaejoong- everything ok?

Jenny- yeah yeah just my friend sora...she helps me caring fr mina...she has a more flexible shedule and all

Jaejoong- ah i watz todays schedule?

Jenny- u tell me Jaejoongshi...i hauled u around yesterday so toda-

Jaejoong- -my turn to haul u around?

Jenny- haha if ya want to y not!

Jaejoong- yeah? Ah but where wuld i take u? If we were in korea...

Ding dong~

Jenny: Oh ill get it...b rigbt bak....

As he stayed alone Jaejoong turned to mina.. "hey r we boring u?" He chuckled at her confusd expression....he sighed as he contemplative azked "where culd i take u two to?"

Jenny- omma! Wha- what r u doing here? She asked baffled at her mothers sudden appearance

Mothr- wat? Do i need permission to visit my own daughter?

Sorry for the short update!! Ive had a tough day ;_;

And sorry if its not even in proper format! I will do my best to another day go back to it and correct it and whatnot...but is it okay like this for a while? sorry!!! "I'm so sorry..but i love you!" haha I just really wanted to please bear with me! ^___^ luv u all!!

Thnks for the lovely comments! U keep me going!! (haha and esp. monique11 not that i have favorites but haha ur my faithful comment-er!) And i saw that got new subscribers: AWESOME!! Haha :)

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monique11 #1
Aww, poor Jenny <br />
will be waiting for the next update :D <br />
I know you won't dissapoint us (your readers) :)) hehe :D
monique11 #2
Yay! you updated! this chapter is so cute and sweet, thanks for mentioning me :) I appreciate it as well as i appreciate your story :D <br />
LOVE THE UPDATE :))) i really do, haha ^^<br />
PLease update soon, We are all WAITING :))) THANKS! :D
monique11 #3
by the way, your pic of jaejoong in chap. 8?? Gosh! that smile?? every girl would've fainted with it. hahaha :D
monique11 #4
OMG! Please update soon... i'm craving for more :D thanks :D
monique11 #5
your story is really great! please update soon! :))<br />
*Jae is so understanding and so sweeeetttt!!!! ♥
JaejoongPrincess #6
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!! I love this story. OMG!!!!!!!! I am soooooo subscribing to this!!!! Sorry for over reacting.
Emerald_Lee #7
aww at least jae doesnt care that she has a child cos mostly having a child is like a men repellent lols -- oh so there is a reason as to why shes soo bit*hy to jenny
@Emerald_Lee haha i agree ^^ i'll try to work out a chapter as to why she's like that on the future, but for now thanks for reading!
Emerald_Lee #9
Omg can her friend not man if i didnt know any better ild say she was more of her enemy
update soon! <br />
the plot is interesting :))