Heart Vs Mind

Dream Prince Charming

Minho's Pov

I heard what Nickhun said, and im pretty sure it was crystal clear, that the Red-Ferrari car belongs to him and he was fetching Yuri in it. I glared at Yuri, somehow I looked dissapointed in her, my eyes looked more dissapointed than anger . 

"Why did she have to pretend to be caring?"

"Why, didnt she tell me"

"Why" "Why" was alll I could thought off ( Why -Dbsk hehe) 


"Dammit , Did my father heard what I said in my dream? I hope not" i sighed

I woke up, bathed and headed down to the breakfast-table. Servants all greeted and i nodded. Then I saw my dad still  here ,sitting down and reading the newspapers. Im somehow  scared with  his presence , I dont know why, he hasnt done anything wrong yet Im always nervours around him. I took a sit and started eating my bagels.

"Good morning dad" I said while stuffing myself with food

He didnt wish but cleared his throat, folding down his newspaper slowly , put it down on the table. He then crossed his legs, at that time he was not looking at me. This made me even more nervous and uncomfortable by his presence. He lift up his cup filled with his favourite tea in it and  sipped it. I was swallowing my saliva slowly down my throat, sensing  danger or even a lecture. It was quiet, all that could be heard were the sounds of the teacup and myself munching. Then he spoke, words that I fear .

"Minho, who is Yuri?"

I paused for awhile to think of the best solution and answer. I stopped eating and then  I calmed myself down.

"She's my "school-partner" ,thats all" I replied carefully

"So your having dreams about your school partner?" 

This provoked me a little, how can anyone control one's dreams? That is so absurd. 

"I didnt just have dreams about her , I had dreams about .... " I stopped before muttering the other persons name, because I know for sure it will cause a heated argument and stir our emotions. 

"Who else? and I see that Yuri is a girl"

"Nobody and yes she is" I replied firmly

"Minho, how many times have I told you that dont be so naive and deceived easily?, Girls are good at manipulating,you should not be close to her and certainly even dream about her!" he replied with a slight raise of voice and signaled the servants to do their respective jobs.

"She is..... welll Different Dad, Im sure of it , my heart tells me, is it wrong to follow my heart?" i replied

"Still you dont know her, she might deceive you someday, and then you will all be heartbroken, use your brains! dont just follow your heart " he spoke like a philosopher.

"Well , Im off to school" that was all I could say. I did not want to bring back the past and memories and cause a heated argument with my dad. It was not fair.

*End of Flashback*

Yuri's Pov

My eyes widened, words that I wished I would not hear and certainly not to be heard by Minho. But all was too late, It was too loud, he would be deaf to not to hear it. I sighed and rejected Nickhun's offer politely.

"Nickhun I cant im sorry"

"Why not?" he asked curiously and eagerly

"Because.....Because," then my head turned to Minho and turned back to Nickhun, my body communicated to him 

"Hmmpph , because of Minho?, seriously, Yuri ? Why ? Not like you did anything to him? he replied coldly

" I did , I pretend to care only after what i did, I mean we did something wrong to him and did not tell him it was us. Karma striked me back, Im not just gonna leave my partner and what more someone who was blamed for being late , when obviously we caused it. Im just not gonna go back with you and i want to  help him,Im sorry" I replied without looking at him and headed towards Minho.

Nickhun stompped off. It could be heard. Seriously is he that kind of person? I thought he was this friendly ,nice looking guy , turnes out he is just another rich ,cocky guy that you meet regularly.

I came close to Minho, I walked to him slowly, at this time everyone had already left , the class was empty and Minho was starting to sweep the floor all by himself. I stood near him to him calling out his name .


He did not reply , nor even looked at me , nor even paused , he did not even care, i was like a ghost in front of him, completely ignored. I felt sad and i knew i deserved all this. 

"Im sorry Minho "

I apogized for about 5 times, still no reaction, I can tell that he really hates me now. I felt so sad and even more dissapointed at myself, I was so close to him and now i screwed everything up. Finnally I gave up apologizing, but still I didnt leave him, instead i took a piece of cloth to start cleaning the place and started helping him clean.

Then i heard the broomstick dropped, I turned to look at Minho. He then walked slowly towards me , with an unpleasant face. Did i startle him?( Left 4 dead you just startled a witch muahha) . He came closer and closer, each step closer , my heart pounded so hard i could feel the movements of my blood throughout my body ,from brains to my upper body to my lower body. It felt scared and nervous. Then he finnally stood next to me, saying something in a low tone with a low voice.

"Please leave "

That was all he said, It was cold, these words were as cold as ice, went throughout my body, I could sense that he was dead serious, and women arent always wrong about instincts. I knew he is boiling in the inside. Nevertheless I stood there,not moving and inch , i gathered all my courage and spoke.

"Im not leaving, not after all I had done and Im sorry"

"Please LEAVE" he replied 

"Im not Minho, im your partner and I shouldnt have caused this trouble and punishment to you"

"PLEASE LEAVE" he started to get louder and louder this time almost shouting , I could hear the echos of the statement. I was so frightened , my mind was telling me to leave , but my heart and body didnt want to , I stood there abit shaky, but still I stood there.

"Please Leave  before i get freaking mad and start tearing up everything" 

I still stood there without moving an inch , staring at his eyes, although i was scared , I challenged him.

"I might even hurt you so please leave,"

Still i stood there with a frown , scared but with a stern expression.

That was when he started to rage. He started pushing the tables and chairs hard. Flipped the tables upside down one by one. Threw chairs . It was so loud and scary , as if something possesd him already. He turned to me and said.

"See what ive done? So please leave, I dont want to see your face" he said with a slow voicesoft but heart pearcing.

"I dont want to see your face" this words replayed in my mind, I was dumbstruck, these words made my heart crushed, my heart breaking to pieces, its like i forgot what he just did and all the rage that happen and only i remebered these words.

"Im not leaving until you forgive me " I said this time with a serious face, with eyes that were wattery, that I could just burst into tears at any moment. I did not understand why is this happening. I dont understand why am i so stubborn towards him, Why do i care so much about him, when he treats me so harshly, i knew i didnt sign up for this when i enrolled in this school , but why am i so willing to go through this trouble with him?

"Your so stubborn" with these words Minho turned into a "devil" . I guessed this is his evil form, he can be so sweet at times but when his angry , you dont want to mess with him, this is the first time I saw someone so angry, but he was more than angry, he was somehow possesed , I know for sure that this is not himself, something must have provoked him, or has he been suppressing something ,that when released now its almost unstoppable?

He started going beserk throwing even more things , his faced changed, facial expression was like a mad devil , evil flaming eyes was all I could see, It was so scary yet i remained at my position but was afraid that at anytime i might be strike and his next victim. Still i was holding back my tears. It was so intense then he looked at me. Pinning me against the wall , it was so hard that cause me to had a little pain on my back , he looked at me angrily and punched the wall so hard near me that caused a little crack on the walls.

This was too much for me to handle, I could not hold it anymore and tears flow from my eyes to my cheek , I was so scared, I looked so sad to see him like this uncontrollable. Still he pined me against the wall, I could not move, I felt somehow useless now, there was nothing I can do to make him calm down, he then shouted in my face.

"Your now scared arent you? you wish to leave now dont you?" 

"Yes Minho im scared but I dont want to leave you alone"

"You ....." he said raising his arms ready to strike another blow

"Minho please , please let me go , Im so sorry, Please dont do this , I know  your better than this" however it was useless his fist didnt stop moving closer to me . 

Just then before his fist landed on me , he paused, somehow not willing to hurt me,  it was as if the "good" in him was fighting to come out from this evil version of him. Then he let out a scream so loud , as if his mind was blowing. 

"Minho are you ok? your scaring me?" I asked still with tears

I was still against the walls, and both Minho's hands were trapping me in the inside. Then he looked up after the scream , he somehow realised that he was going crazy then he asked me to leave again.

"Yuri leave now"

"Im not leaving until you tell me your ok and forgive me"



That was when he started going beserk again , i was still pinned against the wall by him , and this time he shouted in my face "KWON YURI , LEAV.................

Before he could finish his last sentence , my mind was telling me not to do it, it was such a crazy idea, but still at that moment I could not control the movements of my body, It was an involuntary action , but my heart was asking me to do it. Yes I KISSED him on the lips. His words was cut by my lips pressing against his lips softly, tears still rolled down my cheeks, but when i kissed him everything changed, i closed my eyes and i could feel the warmth of the kiss, his lips were soft and smooth, scent so appealing, that all my broken pieces of heart mended together one by one , the flow inside my body was amazing, it was my first kiss, my kiss with my dark knight. I wasnt worried about anything in the world when i kissed him, it seemed like nothing just happened and all i knew was his lips were so damn good. Then I opened my eyes to him, he was suprised and clearly calmed down, then he realised everything that he had done, he looked at me ,our lips still onto each other, I felt embarrased and pulled off.

He looked at me , this time tears were caught in his eyes, a tear drop from his eyes and was evidently heard. 

"Yuri , Im so sorry" His eyes were red and he had the most apologetic tone, it felt so sincere, and i felt so sorry for him.Almost like he knew what he did and was very sorry.

"Its okay , I returned a smile, let me help you clean this mess" that was all i said when i ran out of the class to fetch a pail water. He stood there still with tears , almost like regretting everything he had done, that sign made me felt relieve, it was not himself afterall , i thought. 

I went to fetch a bucket of water to clean all the mess now in the classroom, and then i stumbled upon some seniors. It was three of them , all looking at me with weird faces, I bowed to them as a sign of respect, they smiled, then they started to surround me , and one even touched me with a ert face, such face that the person already had plans what to do with me.

"Young Girl are you knew here?, because you look so fine" hehehehe the senior let out an eerie laugh

"Awwh dont look so scared we wont hurt you, only to pleasure you my young lady" ahahaha another said

"lets get this done with " the final one said, with that all 3 came closer to me

This time my heart was full of fear, I tried to run but it was impossible, i knew i could nothing but to shout to my dark prince, and hopefully he will be on time to save me like always , with this i shouted.



OMG SUCH AN EMO CHAPTER, dont worry itl get brighter and brighter, Sorry I wanted to update this earlier but I couldnt cause no internet access for 3 days, i had to go to a wifi cafe to read fanfics Lol. Tell me what you guys think of this chapter. Thank you for all the loyal commenters , And thanks for subsribing. Comment dont be stingy. Have a good day and weekend  ahead =D

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mo_mo_moana #1
New reader here~
please update soon!
i just love this! its so cute...do update!<3
Maiiez #4
great work :D plz update soon ><
before i go with my comment.<br />
i just notice some things, correct me if i'm wrong. OK?<br />
i just notice that your whole story up to now is only chapter 15 has only been a week.<br />
but they seem so close and they already fall for each other.<br />
so many things have happened to them in 1 week or 3 days to be exact.<br />
1st day of school was when they met<br />
3rd day they knew their partner, then the train scene.<br />
next day, that was when Yuri and Nickhun got Minho dirty, and dismissal time, when Minho got angry and stuff with the first kiss, they got beaten up, then Minho's house finally Yuri's house.<br />
then now this part.<br />
<br />
wow, so many things happened every day. ^^<br />
i think they're really the girl/man of their dreams.<br />
that's only my observation.<br />
<br />
back to the story.<br />
what happened between Sooyoung and Minho?<br />
that in Sooyoung mind she's a bit angry or upset about what happened in the past.<br />
and for Minho to think that Sooyoung was slapping her 2/3x only means that minho knew something that he has done something really bad to make sooyoung hit her 3x. or he just dreamed about it unconsciously? hmm?<br />
<br />
sorry if i commented really late.<br />
I've been so busy with school and stuff. ^^<br />
<br />
by the way, have you seen the video of love request when the ahjumma called Yuri CHOI Yuri?<br />
and the BEST PART is when Leeteuk called Yuri CHOI Yuri too. really! I've been one of the happiest when i watched it. ^^
Joasarah #6
Wow, I'm amazed by how things turn around. It was only a dream. Well written! =)<br />
Sooyoung is Minho's cousin. hmm.. cousins that don't meet often? <br />
Minyul moments are sweet! Love Yuri!
coolgirlaamy #7
Great update. I really thought that Minho had actually lost it but I was like thank god nothing happened when he woke up. <br />
Sooyoung is Minho's cousin? I never really expected that. What's the past between them? Did something bad happen? Hmm. <br />
I love how much Yuri is in love wth Minho. It's really sweet. Well thanks for updating and don't forget to update soon. Love coolgirlaamy x
edwined91 #8
I at being mushy and cheesy! Still learning though! So comments and suggestions are much appreciated! Thank you again all Silent readers and subsribers as well as my loyal comment-ers xD
edwined91 #9
@elyse17 yeap your super right shes his cousin! Why are you so smart T.T Lol , thank you for your loyal comments ;D<br />
@Joasarah Thank you so much for your loyal comments, and heres a little clue SooYoung isnt any bad lol , tell me how I did this chap <br />
@coolgirlaamy Hi there i really admire your fanfics, subsricbe to two of them , but just got the chance to read one, dont worry, as im free now, il read them and enjoy them , hehe love your stories, update soon, and thank you! i just updated ;D
coolgirlaamy #10
Hi there. Please updates soon. I really love this fanfic and I need to know who Sooyoung is. Love coolgirlaamy