My Friend

Dream Prince Charming

Reader's Pov

Yuri was about to sit when he heard a voice calling .


It was Minho, he came in with two plates closed just like in the restaurants, he placed both the plates on respective sides and came near to Yuri.

"Here , come let me do this your a little hurt"

Yuri was a little shock , when Minho came near to her to pull her the chair outwards just like a gentleman.However Yuri being skeptical of Minho questioned him.

"Your not going to pull this chair off and make me fell arent you?"

"You just had to say it huh, you just had to ruined this wonderful atmosphere I just created, no im not going to and since when did I actually let you fall down after all I had done?" Minho replied feeling a little offended

"Oh thank you so much for helping me at those times and Im so sorry Minho for ruining your wondeeeeful atmosphere" being a little sacarstic (wonderful) Yuri teased

Yuri felt very happy, even though Minho has saved her many times, this time she felt Minho was very sweet towards her, she cant help herself but to smile widely till she opened up her dish to find that her plate had no steak but only 2 cabbage slices and 4 cucumber slices.

Yuri was dissapointed but she thought it was Minho's diet , so she peaked at Minho's plate and to her suprise she saw his plate with two pieces of steak and a corn . She felt so angry. She asked Minho.Minho was eating happily at his food at this time.

"Minho what is this , Why is My plate Empty!"

"Its not it has vegetables, Its healthy Yuri come on , Eat up" Minho told Yuri, still continue eating without even lifting his head to look at Yuri

"Whattt, I want steak , Minho"

"No you dont deserve it because you lied to me and you have been annoying since school" Minho told her

"WHAT? FINE"just when Yuri thought Minho is starting to be sweet ,here he goes again doing this, with that Yuri threw off her table cloth and stomped out of the dining table angrily, Minho laughed at her angry actions and expression , but then stood up quickly and caught Yuri by his hands, he grabbed hold of Yuri's wrist.

"Hey why are you leaving, arent you hungry?" Minho asked obviously teasing but Yuri is oblivious to it

"You pabo, of course Im hungry, but how can I eat with so little food, its not even healthy" Yuri kept on ranting but Minho just pulled Yuri back towards the dining table, pushing her shoulders down to the chair forcing her to sit.Yuri was hesistant but then gave it. She sat but still glaring at Minho and continued ranting. Minho then went back to Yuri with her plate full of two steak pieces as well as a corn , and then he gaved Yuri his share of steak to Yuri's plate. He also sliced a piece  of steak and motioned it to Yuri , wanting to feed her.

"Here try it, Open your mouth, Ahh" Minho asked sweetly

Yuri suprised opened and ate the juicy coocked tender meat. (im sorry if i got confused with this steak/tender/limbs, im not good at food!) It was so delicious , not to mention it is her favourite, she savoured it slowly and enjoyed every moment of it, but she was still suprised of Minho's actions , that her expression was blank and stared at Minho eventhough the steak was amazing. He was so sweet to offer his share to Yuri .

"Is it Thattttt Badddddd?" Minho asked slightly dissapointed with his cooking skills

"Oh no ,, Yuri shooked her head,ITs very good, Your so good at cooking where Did you learn it? wait did you cook or your servants did it?" Yuri knew he cooked but was teasing him

"Of course I cooked , who else can be this good at cookinga steak,even this table i set it up by myself" Minho replied confidently 

"Reallly? " asked a little shock but found it a little amazing of him

" Of course , I have servants but still, I like doing things and learning things myself" he replied

"Oh okay" Yuri by then was out of words

Then Minho realising the akward moment, called in one of his servants to play the violin for them , to make a soothing atmostphere. 

"I thought you liked doing things yourself" Yuri asked cheekily

"Not everything , most of the things, and besides this is just,,,,,,"

"Just?" Yuri asked 

"Just for fun" realising how dumb his answers were when Yuri was giggling at him.

"Im just joking Minho" Yuri told him

He ignored her and then music was played, both of them enjoyed their food,music and most importantly each others COMPANY. 

Minho's Pov

I was listening to the good music my servant played for me and eating , I didnt know why, but for the first time after so long , I felt happy, I enjoyed every moment of it, I kinda feel happy Yuri is here with me, she is so cute when she is embarassed. She is such a caring friend. 

Before I could continue eating, talking, listening or thinking, I felt a little light headed , and next thing I know my eyes were slowly shutting down , my system was going down , and then all I heard was.

"Minho , Minho Minho are you okay / Young Master , young Master are you okay?" both simultaneously, both were the last thing I heard till my face landed on my plate hard and I was unconscious, it out.

Yuri's Pov

I suddenly saw Minho falling down slowly, I called out his name and his servant did too , but no response, next thing I saw , was he fainted. Omg is he okay? Im so worried now, he did not even rested, after everything he took care of me and still cooked for me. 

"Kwon Yuri, how can you be so stupid, You should have let him rested" i thought to myself

I did not know what happen in the fight when i out, but im pretty sure his injured and his surely tired and warn out. I then quickly headed towards him and with the help of his servant I went to help carry Minho to his room.

I then placed him on his bed, I had to help him relieve him from his injury, I took the aid box and I knew what I had to do. I ed of his shirt. I felt to erted doing that, but I had no choice , I took of his shirt with the help of his servant, taking out his shirt, I observed his good looking tonned body, such a perfect body, with chest so hard and rock solid chocolate abs, his bices and triceps were amazing , shoulders were broad and y -looking , he had a V-line body shape.

Being new and first time looking at a guy shirtless , I know I feel as though I just sinned, but I had no choice I had to do it, still observing and admiring his body, I forgot about his scars and everything till his servant called up to me.

"Miss Yuri, young servant , please dont be scared" He replied

I nodded and with this both of us succesfully bandaged him well, there were lots of cuts on his body. I took out a white piece of cloth , damped it with water and washing his body clean , clearing the cuts of his body as well as his beautiful magnificent creation of God's  face. Finally when both of us took care of him, his servant left .

Now I was all alone in his room, waiting for him to wake up  I decided to explore his room. I went to the windows and opened the windows as I cleared the curtains.To my suprise it was actually beautiful, the beautiful beach sceneray could be seen, so refreshing and bright and youthful, it seemed like he never opened this window for long, because it was quite rusty and hard to open.

I stared at the beautiful beach scenery and thought of my life these past few days, It has actually been different from what I had experience during my pre-school years but this is so much interesting, happy or sad, I liked it and especially meeting Minho.

I then decided to look around his room , I looked at his pictures, It seemed strange but I see no Mother pictures with him. All I could see was he and his dad, they look quite alike, both serious looking. I wondered where is her pictures of her mother, I kept on searching under his drawer till I saw a picture of him and her mother with his father, they were smiling , it was a happy picture but Minho looked so young and cute.

"Aigoo so cute" I said softly not wanting to wake him up, then to my suprise there was a letter underneath the picture. I looked at it and It tittled

"To my precious Minho Baby , I love You" 

I was just about to open it when I hear Minho's voice.

"Already checking my things ?"

I could feel all my nervous system and I turned around quickly putting the things back .

"Im sorry I just felt bored" I replied

"Tshh your always such a busy body, dont you learn manners? You cant just enter in someones room and check his private stuffs" Minho said in "Fatherly" voice

"Im sorry ,sorry I felt bored"  i replied with my head down 

"And you just opened my window like its your room" Minho raising his voice

"IM sorry for everything" with tears which clouded my eyes

Reader's Pov

Minho realising that he was too harsh felt guilty. He then got up to Yuri. 

"Hey Yuri , look Im sorry, I just abit sensitive when it comes to my past" 

"Its okay, Im sorry for this , I think I should be leaving" Yuri replied

"Uhhh Wait Yuri" He held Yuri's hands

"Im really sorry for my attitude , I dont like it either, but Im trying to change," he told Yuri with sincerity while cupping her face looking at her, while Yuri's eyes were red.

Minho was so shocked of his words when he realised what he just said. He did not want to say that but his heart just spilled it out, however he did not regret what he said, He knows his harsh attitude ,and figures he wants to change it . After meeting Yuri, she has shown him that people like her can actually be caring and be a good friend to him , and besides he enjoys Yuri's company.

"Come on forgive me already" he wiped off Yuri's tears as she couldnt handle it, just tears came out, she didnt cry loudly or anything.

"Stop crying already, come on you dont look beautfiul when you cry" he told Yuri .

"Wwwhy do I look beautiful when im not crying?" she replied now she had stopped but her cheeks were still red.

"Yes" Minho replied

She felt happy now , and smilled a little , first not many guys have ever complimented her of her beauty , and she did not think she was beautiful at all , and the fact that it was Minho that said it, Yuri has even happier.

"See , now that you smile, your beautfiful, and since your not crying anymore...*Whispers*(Minho whispers to Yuri)

"I was joking that your beautiful" Minho teasing  Yuri

"Yahhhh " Yuri slightly hit Minho on his chest While he was giggling. "Well you look cute when your laughing,especially since I never see you laugh"

"Huh really? No girl has ever tell me that, I guess I should laugh alot?" Minho still confused but happy

Just then Yuri came and whispered into his ear "JUST KIDDING PABO!"

"Youu!.." then he say Yuri laughing and they both laughed together. Actually they both meant it, they were not joking.Both of them were laughing till Minho felt abit pain on his chest. Yuri immediately asked if he was okay?

"Im fine" Minho replied then he realised his bandage and everything. He called and asked .

"Yuri , did you help me bandage all this?" 

"Yes with the help of your servant"

"Did you see my y-killer abs?" Minho smirked

"Yes I did, they were ok , seen better" she told Minho obviously lying

"Fine" minho said

"OH yeah Minho! you still didnt tell me what happen when I out"

"It was nothing, you know i just waited for them to finish , you know whatever they were doing at you then I just got you up, thats it" minho said

Yuri's eyes went wide , "ITS THAT true MINHO? TELL ME ITS A JOKE "

Minho seeing Yuri this anxious and almost breaking down again told her it was just a joke. 

"YOU Minho!, your not good at joking arent you!" she told Minho with an upset voice

"Calm down missy, I just started with this joking thing , bear with me"

"Dont ever Joke like this to a girl, especially me"

"Got it MAAM' MInho saluted being all dorky

This was the first time Yuri saw this side of Minho. It was so different, she felt happy as well as attracted to Minho, how can he bo so lovely, Yuri thought. She giggled. "So Minho what actually happen"

"We fought obviously and I won, thats it, I never lose you know?" he told Yuri 


"Yes Yuri?"

"Thank you for saving my life and everything you did for me, your such a sweet guy, and im so sorry for everything and all the lying I hope you will forgive me" Yuri replied

Minho smiled and he said the only way to forgive her is for her to do 10 push ups on the floor now. Yuri being naive almost did it when Minho stopped her. 

"Aigooo, please dont be so naiive , Yurii-ahh" he said

"Your the one who asked me to do it" Yuri pouted

"Look doenst me one says something you have to believe or do as he says" Minho replied annoyed with Yuri's stupidity

"Ok fine, then you forgive me?"

"Yeah , and Yuri Im so sorry for being crazy , you know , in ... class and  you had to calm me down and see that side of me" Minho stammering and rapped so fast at the "calm down" part

"Its okay Minho , were partners and friends arent we?" Yuri replied with a smile but thought of her first kiss. Not as she imagined but still it was near perfect.

"Yes we are, Yuri , please dont lie to me again okay? I hope we can be close friends and il try my best to be your partner" Minho said while lifting his hands for a handshake

Yuri was shocked of Minho's attitude, he changed totally, now he wants to be close friends with me. 

"Ok, i would love to, take care of me well okay Minho!?" she replied shaking his hands

"Well Yuri , you know your actually the first close firend I would actually have you know? He told Yuri. Both of them then were conversing and getting to know each other better, till Minho heard his servant calling.

"WELCOME HOME MASTER, your early today"

"WHERES MINHO, I WANT TO TALK TO HIM" he replied sternly at his servant.

Minho heard this panicked. "" not now . 

"Yuri hide now!"



"Why should I hide?"

"Il explain later Yuri, for now hide for goodness sake, hurry"

Then Minho heard the footsteps of his father getting closer , and finnally opened the door.

His father looked shocked, "MINHO WHAT IS THIS!" 

"Im in deep trouble" Minho muttered under his breath.....


Finally completed, Comments please guys, i need some motivation, and if you guys are confused or if i had make any mistake please let me know, didnt have time to edit, so yeah let me know what you think of this two chapters. Oh and btw updating the next chapter till i have at least 10 comments =P . Yes im not lying, Ok no Im just messing with you, Il update either Tommorow or Sunday , so tune it for the next Episode,AND I LOVE MY LOYAL  COMMENTERS AND SUBSRIBERS, you know who you are commentators !!! woots, bye have a good weekend ;)



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mo_mo_moana #1
New reader here~
please update soon!
i just love this! its so update!<3
Maiiez #4
great work :D plz update soon ><
before i go with my comment.<br />
i just notice some things, correct me if i'm wrong. OK?<br />
i just notice that your whole story up to now is only chapter 15 has only been a week.<br />
but they seem so close and they already fall for each other.<br />
so many things have happened to them in 1 week or 3 days to be exact.<br />
1st day of school was when they met<br />
3rd day they knew their partner, then the train scene.<br />
next day, that was when Yuri and Nickhun got Minho dirty, and dismissal time, when Minho got angry and stuff with the first kiss, they got beaten up, then Minho's house finally Yuri's house.<br />
then now this part.<br />
<br />
wow, so many things happened every day. ^^<br />
i think they're really the girl/man of their dreams.<br />
that's only my observation.<br />
<br />
back to the story.<br />
what happened between Sooyoung and Minho?<br />
that in Sooyoung mind she's a bit angry or upset about what happened in the past.<br />
and for Minho to think that Sooyoung was slapping her 2/3x only means that minho knew something that he has done something really bad to make sooyoung hit her 3x. or he just dreamed about it unconsciously? hmm?<br />
<br />
sorry if i commented really late.<br />
I've been so busy with school and stuff. ^^<br />
<br />
by the way, have you seen the video of love request when the ahjumma called Yuri CHOI Yuri?<br />
and the BEST PART is when Leeteuk called Yuri CHOI Yuri too. really! I've been one of the happiest when i watched it. ^^
Joasarah #6
Wow, I'm amazed by how things turn around. It was only a dream. Well written! =)<br />
Sooyoung is Minho's cousin. hmm.. cousins that don't meet often? <br />
Minyul moments are sweet! Love Yuri!
coolgirlaamy #7
Great update. I really thought that Minho had actually lost it but I was like thank god nothing happened when he woke up. <br />
Sooyoung is Minho's cousin? I never really expected that. What's the past between them? Did something bad happen? Hmm. <br />
I love how much Yuri is in love wth Minho. It's really sweet. Well thanks for updating and don't forget to update soon. Love coolgirlaamy x
edwined91 #8
I at being mushy and cheesy! Still learning though! So comments and suggestions are much appreciated! Thank you again all Silent readers and subsribers as well as my loyal comment-ers xD
edwined91 #9
@elyse17 yeap your super right shes his cousin! Why are you so smart T.T Lol , thank you for your loyal comments ;D<br />
@Joasarah Thank you so much for your loyal comments, and heres a little clue SooYoung isnt any bad lol , tell me how I did this chap <br />
@coolgirlaamy Hi there i really admire your fanfics, subsricbe to two of them , but just got the chance to read one, dont worry, as im free now, il read them and enjoy them , hehe love your stories, update soon, and thank you! i just updated ;D
coolgirlaamy #10
Hi there. Please updates soon. I really love this fanfic and I need to know who Sooyoung is. Love coolgirlaamy