
My Sweet Devil


Failing in discouraging her, he complied, on the condition he joined her. It was then decided JR, Minhyun, and Aron would join her and form a barrier around her. Xiumin and Ren would linger beyond the border, on the alert, trained for enemies. They were also to pull them out of harm’s way should they fall; Xiumin would inform Kris and others of the situation if they arrived in time.

Cautiously, Chaerin stepped into the arena, and edged her way towards Baekho, his heavy breathing the only distinct sound she could make. Gently, she extended her arm, grazing his limb when he snapped forward, and thrashed, splitting open old wounds, fresh blood oozing over his torso. Startled, she pulled back – she clearly had not been expecting that. She anxiously glanced around, hoping she didn’t awaken predators to their area.

Furiously, she whispered, “Goddamn it, now is not the time for this Baekho. We don’t have much time for you to resist. We’re going to get you home, okay?”

Her guards scanned the environment, ears twitching in heightened alert for any peculiar sounds. JR suggested she get Baekho to recognize his ‘sister’.

“How does that even work?”

“Just do it!” Luhan urged, fingers twitching.

Preparing herself for his spasm, she neared again, and gently brushed his hair. She cooed, soothing his erratic tantrums. “You remember me, don’t you, Baekho?”
He was subdued enough to calmly sniff the shoulder in his view; he crooned, recognizing her in his delirious state. Relieved, she smiled and tugged at the silver chain link.

“!” Luhan cursed, the rest of the males tensing, their senses picking up on wolves headed in their direction. And they were currently outnumbered. “Chae, I think it’s time you hurry the hell up.”

She looked up, ready to reprimand them for rushing her when Minhyun’s body crumpled forward, his chest sliced, blood spewing forth. Chaerin reeled back, horrified, her scream wedged in her suddenly dry throat. Ren screamed, snapping her out of her daze. Her guards quickly transformed, growling, barking as she wrestled with the silver, unfamiliar voices filtering through, forcing her to glance their way.

 “Pay up, Youngjae, I called it!” Zelo sweetly cried. Startled by the intrusion, she gaped at four male figures – all of them strikingly blond. A wolf stretched out betwixt them, blood staining his paws. 
Baekho caught the scent of blood, his inner beast riled; he struggled against his confines, accidentally scraping her in the process. She grimaced, pressing her hand over her flowing liquid.

Clasping her arm, she confronted the blond strangers, her remaining wolves barricading her. They drowned out her presence, animatedly conversing with one another. “Did you do this to him?” She started, her voice low, cracking.

“Did you do this to him?” Her tone rose in volumes, her demand evident as she flung a rock near the wolf who snarled, his tail swishing. Only then did they gaze her way.

Himchan rubbed the back of his neck casually, as if this was nothing new for them. “What’s it to you, sweetheart?”

“Himchan, can’t you smell it? That boy marked her. She must be pissed.” Daehyun commented, kicking his legs back and forth as he perched on a ledge.

Himchan smiled slyly. “Why don’t you come and find out then?”

Brashly, she stepped forth only to be deterred from their direction by Luhan, his barking demanding her to remove herself from harm's way. Swallowing her anger, she hurried to Baekho as he groaned, pulling his restraints as she met his side.

Zelo frowned. “Hyung, they’re going to let the monster loose.”

Himchan furrowed his brows. “That doesn’t seem quite right, does it?” He snapped his boys to attention, “And he was ordered to stay. Make sure he stays.”

The atmosphere tensed as they too shifted into beasts. Chaerin remained on task, not really up to watching another round of boys transforming into wolves, the first experience burned into her memory and certainly more than enough to carry her on for a life-time.

Bones popping and rearranging did, however, make it to her ears, her back shuddering as a result. Grunting, she wrenched at the binds, the wolves around her dashing up ahead to meet their rivals. She had to hurry, they were few in number, and she wasn’t sure just how much stronger the blond pack were –what if her boys got their asses handed to them? 

Get him out, Chaerin.

Cocking his head playfully, Daehyun awaited his prey, his tail sweeping ever so gracefully. JR neared, his pale-green irises never wandering from his opponent, haunches rising. Simultaneously, Luhan rammed into Youngjae, the sneaky bastard trying to reach Chaerin’s position. Youngjae flipped over, legs askew. Snarling, Luhan taunted him, promised death if he so much as smelled the girl.

Aron wasn’t as lucky as he recklessly charged after the ring-leader, unaware of Jongup rearing up from behind, his jaws crunching down on his leg, a cry released from his stretched lips. Sorely disadvantaged, he switched from offense to defense, two sets of eyes memorizing his movements.

Huffing, Youngjae bounded away from Luhan, the slender enemy turning out to be more of a challenge than he originally believed. They paced, Luhan trailing Youngjae, his steps gradual, haunting. Always one to utilize his brain-power, Youngjae kept a distance, analyzing his counterpart.

Eventually Luhan teased, prancing forth and then swiftly retreating, wily baring his teeth. Anxious, Youngjae fell prey to the trick a few times before he caught on, and finally confronted the sleek wolf, refusing to be frightened any longer.

Unfortunately, his wit was no match for the mind of Luhan, whom had lived longer, his skills advanced, his cleverness sometimes the bane of his family. Having reeled in his opponent, he utilized his agility and swiftness, swiping the legs out from under Youngjae, a similar tactic he used on Baekho himself.

Clattering to the ground, Luhan his paws down on the furry torso, shifting his entire weight onto Youngjae, bruising ribs. Crying out in pain, Youngjae’s body could only twist, Luhan’s paws harshly pressed into his ribcage and throat.

Although aware of JR’s status as an alpha, it did nothing to stop Daehyun from dabbling in danger, he did, after all, breathe it. Following a bout of wrestling in which he got the upper hand, Daehyun dug his claws into JR’s neck, dragging them down his shoulder, fresh crimson oozing along the opened wound.

JR recoiled, slashing at Daehyun’s figure – only to swipe at air as Daehyun edged away. Hoarsely, JR watched as Daehyun lied in wait, his eyes reflecting his certainty that this battle was his. Pride was on the line, JR figured, and he would see to it that he would not lose.

Jongup threw his head back and whined, Aron latched on his neck, drawing blood. Panicked, Himchan smashed against Aron’s failing body, his hind leg unable to recuperate from its earlier assault. Cringing, Aron released Jongup, his body throttled to the side. He stubbornly rose to his legs, his body threatening to give out entirely. Mustering a snarl, he tried to at least seem intimidating to his two opponents. Himchan glowered in return, and Jongup howled, desperate for vengeance.

They dashed straight at each-other.

Surreptitiously, Zelo approached a trembling Chaerin, profanities falling from her lips that ended upon her success in undoing some of the chains. She cried in glee that she only needed the other half and they would be good to go when her body tensed alerting her to another presence.

Turning, she met glaring orange irises, the owner a wolf from the opposing team. He was similar to Luhan in that he, too, liked to tease, his body attempting to lunge.

Gasping, Chaerin covered herself with her arms.


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There wasn't really a plot for this, omg. I think I have improved since MSD. Yes, yes.


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babycresent #1
Chapter 2: Accidentally chanced under this story n I must say I like your writing style . N have been binge reading your stories ??
Authornim, I only stumbled upon this ChaeKris ship this afternoon (I know, my bad) and I've been turned crazy by the little amount of ChaeKris fanfictions out here until voila! I found yours! May I just say that, your story just rocks?! I apologize for the excessive use of exclamation marks, but I'm practically b with excitement here over the wonderful and oh so mighty pairing of ChaeKris.

Have a great weekend!
Chapter 31: I really enjoyed it. Will definitely subscribe to your stories.
shiniheiji #4
Chapter 31: Normally, I'm not really like supernatural story, but this is amazing. Because of chaekris, I try to read it and I not disappointed at all !! Thanks because write such a beautiful story ^^
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story. I love it! I thought them leaving was gobna be the end, but yay!!! They're back together. I wonder who the young man was. :3
Chapter 10: So, I've been reading up til now and I gotta admit, it's super good, super interesting, and super omg, but I'm confused as hell. Lol. It's like, I get the big picture, but not so much of the little picture. Like, some parts are kinda confusing cause all of a sudden something just happens and some parts I don't really get what's going on. But then again, maybe it's just me and my brain that isn't working so well at the moment, hahah. So far, this kinda reminds me of them college papers, the words are simple and not difficult but the main point is difficult to grasps. Hahah. But now that there are names though, I'm finally getting it! :D
Anyways! All I really wanted to say though was, omgggggggg, I died when Yongguk came into the picture. ♥

P.S. Sorry for this super long comment! And please, don't take my comment badly, I really love your fanfic! C:
xxcherryblossomsxx #7
hanbeannie #8
HowGoddess #9
Chapter 31: Can't handle my feeling,OMFG!!! it'll be nice if NC, LOL LOL LOL. author youre daebak, make another Chaekris story juseyooooo.