The First Impression

A new beginning (monstar)

I stood outside the main office as the teachers discussed where I would be place. They thought I couldn't hear, but I heard their judgements about my past and how I would obviously bring in gansters. The princple promised that wouldn't happened but I would have to immediatly be placed in All Four One which I wasn't exactly sure what that was I was just hoping it wasn't a counseling group. After a few moments, a teacher finally came out and told me to follow her. Kim Nana told me this was a good school but I wasn't sure I was meant for this school. It seemed to new and important for somone like me. I was used to donated books, walls with chip painting and bathrooms covered in graffite. The teacher talked about the school and the class schedule as I pretened to listen. 

"Are you my homeroom teacher?" I asked politely as we turned down a hallway. She looked shock that I could speak perfect korean. My pale skin and blue eyes seem to surprise people but I couldn't help my parents were American and I was born and raised in Korea. We didn't have enough money to go back to America once my father's business compeletly failed.

"Yes, I am" She said looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I just want you to know, all I want to do is graduate. I'm not going to cause any trouble as long as I can help it" I said sincerly. She nodded and continue to walk and before long we were walking into the classroom. The students looked up surprised to see me. I scoped the classroom and smile as soon as I realized I didn't know a single person. There was two empy desk in the back which I knew was were I would sit and I was okay without having a desk mate. The homeroom teacher said her usual introduction. When she was finished I walked to the back desk as I dropped my bookbag the backdoor open.

"Your late nana" The teacher said with a sigh of desperation. I heard a mumbled sorry. I knew before I turned around that it was my old friend Kim Nana. I pulled out the chair slowly and sat down. After a second and she still hadn't sat down, I looked up towards her. She was standing in the hallway looking at me. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Hey" I said as I normally would. It seem to snap her back to her senses. She walked over and sat down without taking her eyes off of me.

"What are you doing here?" She almost whispered towards me. Everyone in the class in deeply. I looked up surprised at them. Why were they being so wierd?

"I was kicked out of my old school" I said pulling out my notebook. "What section are we on in history?"

"I figured that but why? and I don't know" she said leaning back.

"How do you not know?"

"Why are you avoiding the question?" She said crossing her arms. The room was silent and I looked towards them to see all of them were facing us with shock looks on their faces. 

"Why is the entire classroom listening to our conversation?" I asked harsher than I meant to. Most of them turned quickly around and started whispering.

"I don't talk much, and don't have many why are you here" She said once again barely above a whisper.

"You said it was a good school, there was even an idol that went you know I need to stay our of trouble and I figured a good school would be a good start" I said leaning back in my chair to almost mirror her position.

"You were top in that school, how could they let you go?" She said knowing her way to find the answer she was looking for. 

"Well you start by knocking four teeth out of the biggest donater to the school.." I said slowly and looking towards her. Her reaction was priceless as she busted out in laughter which cause the entire class to look back at us. 

"Aw Nana laughed!" a girl beside me said immediatly. I looked over towards and she actually looked excited. She was a pretty girl with a very naive innoncent look. I psf out of disbelief.

"How quiet are you here?" I said looking towards Kim Nana. I was answered by a boy on the other side.

"About ten words, in five years" He said looking at me strangely. He gave me a weird feeling, I could tell by the way he leaned against the table he was up to no good. "You really knocked out four teeth from someone?" He finished his statement.

"Yeah, he was bullying a smaller kid. I don't like bullies, so I beat him up" I said sternly towards him. From his reaction, I could tell that he was most likely the bully of the class. 

"Aw I would have loved to seen his face" Nana said when she finally got herself together "He needed a good beating"

"Tell me about it, I warned him once and he didn't listen to he brought it on himself" I said justifing my actions. 

"Well don't worry there aren't any gansters here, just a few crazy fan girls and a few wanna be's" She said looking over to the guy who gave her a smug look.

"Oh yeah, who is the idol here?" I looked towards Nana. Once again the class gasped, I was getting slightly frustrated at how nosy they were. Nana even looked at me strangely. She raised an eyebrow and said you really don't know. I shook my head.

"But I know you listen to them, Men In Black?" She said looking behind me. I followed her gaze back to the innoncent girl and a boy who also looked shock. I turned back to her and gave her a what are you talking about look?

"Yoon Seol chan? Men in Black?..." She asked slowly. I thought about it for a second.

"I know Men In black, they have that song I like...but" I said but I was cut off by her

"You seriously have to start watching videos" she said desperatly. She pointed to the boy.

"That's the idol, Yoon Seol Chan" She said with almost a laughter. I nodded at him as he sighed desperatly and couldn't believe this was the second person he had met that didn't know him. 

"What? I don't care about their image just their music, by the way what's All For One?" I asked and received another loud gasp of disbelief 

"Seriously guys?" I yelled at the class in desperation. Kim Nana just shook her head and started giving me the true rundown of the school...

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Simi777 #1
Chapter 17: I hope you add more :)
nice story ^^
dallasgirl7 #3
Chapter 17: Wish you'd do some more chapters, just not enough Monstar fanfic out there :)
Chapter 17: Oooh~~ can't wait to see what happens next! ^.^
Chapter 12: Noo.. She found out..
Who's da other person?
aries99 #6
Chapter 12: Great story. Can you write a story that Nana is the main character? Pleae please please.........
Chapter 6: update more :D