chapter 17


 IU’s pov~

It’s been 1 week already im staying at BAP oppas house. I miss chunji oppa and L.joe oppa,my dino and EXO oppa. How are they doing right now without me? should I go back to EXO oppas house? I miss the maknaes and I miss to cook for them. Ugh~ what should I do. Should I go back right now? No I shouldn’t.L.joe oppa might go there and found me there and also I don’t want BAP oppa and EXO oppa meet with each other. They were rivals I should know that. I should stay away from EXO oppa if I didnt want BAP oppas hurting them. IU was still with her thought but she doesn’t know that daehyun spying at her.

DH:’what was she’s thinking? I hope she’s not going back to her oppa.’

-knock knock-

IU:*smiled*”oh, daehyunnie oppa,what are you doing standing there. come here and sit with me”

Daehyun enter the room and sit by her side.

IU:”what is it oppa?”

DH:”jieun ah,you know it’s been a week we you already live with us and…”

IU:”and?? Oppa you guys don’t want me to stay here?”*sad*

DH:”a-a-aniya jieun ah, its not like that. Actually your grandma want us to go back to US tomorrow. Do you want to come with us?”

IU:”oppa even though right now I didn’t want to meet my oppa but im not going to leave my country here. This is where I was born oppa. And im not going to US oppa. Please just can we not talk about this. You know how much I hate to go there oppa.”

DH:”but jieun ah, if we’re back to US , you’ll be alone here. And also don’t you want to live with us together like long time ago when we’re still kids.”

IU:”oppa I told you I don’t want to go there. it will be a lied if I didn’t said that I miss our old times when we’re litte kids but like I said I don’t want to go there. and I don’t want to meet him oppa.”

DH:” ”come with us jieun ah,we’ll be together like the last time,please come with us jieun ah.”

IU:”oppa if you want to live like our old times, why don’t you guys live with me here. Just don’t go to US.”

DH:”you know we must obey what your grandma said. And we,BAP,want to repay our gratitude because if your grandma didn’t pick us from the streets years ago we might be died already jieun ah. That’s why we always obey her rules.”

IU:”oppa can you just get out from this room first. I just want to clear my mind.”
DH:”okay but tell us what’s your decision about going with us to US. think about it okay. Oh and btw, remember what I told you last night. If you don’t want something happen to them, better come with us.”

Daehyun stand up and get out from the room.’hope you choose a wise decision jieun ah. I don’t know what’s going to happen if luna told them to grandma. all their lives might be in danger’daehyun thought and left the room leaving IU alone.

“what should I do? Should I follow them to US or just stay here in korea? But if I stay here, they might hurt EXO oppa.and my parents business will be ruined and bankrupt by grandma”IU mumbled.



Flashback on last night~

IU was standing outside EXO’s house but the house was dark.there was no lights on and she was afraid to go there.

IU:”are they sleeping already? I should get inside right now and tomorrow I should cook breakfast for them and apologise about the incident. And I hope they’re not going to be mad”

IU was about to enter her master house when suddenly someone pulls her hands and make her stop.

Person1:”if I were you I’m not going to come back to this house.”

IU spun around and see luna and yongguk.

IU:”luna, yongguk oppa why are you guys here? And how come you guys know that im here?”*puzzled*

YG:”jieunnie, kaja, let’s go somewhere else to talk”

IU:”but-but- I want to meet my mas…”
LUNA:”if you want to why are we here and how come we know that you’re here, come with us. we’ll tell you everything that you must know.”

IU:”what do you mean by that luna? I don’t understand”

YG:”just come with us”

LUNA:”do you know why your brother came back here?”

IU shook her head

IU:”aren’t they came back here to meet me?”

LUNA:”nope you are wrong. Your oppas didn’t tell you about your parents business aren’t they?”*smirked*

IU:”wait how come this problems that you’re saying involving with my parents business?”

YG:”like luna said jieunnie just come with us and we’ll explain everything.”

IU want to meet her master but she want to know everything that her oppas didn’t tell her and it’s even involving her parents business so she just surrender and follow luna and yongguk.”


At the café~

IU:”now spill it”

YG:”geez,fine we will tell you EVERYTHING that you didn’t know”

IU:”1st question:how do you guys know that im at EXO oppas house?. 2nd question:how come you guysknow EXO oppas when I never told about them to you guys. 3rd question:why chunji oppa and L.joe oppa came back here 4th question:how come this involving grandma,BAP,luna and my parents business and lastly:did luna is my real cousin or what?”

YG:”yah lee jieun are we your suspect? You like interrogating people who have a sin. Too many questions*shook his head*”

IU:”oppa its just 5 question. I didn’t ask you too many question. Just 5 okay, its not a big deal”

YG:”okay2. we will tell you”

Yongguk look at luna and luna nodded her head.

LUNA:”jieun ah, I will tell you everything okay.



Flashback in US~

LUNA:”granny I miss you~”*run& hug her granny*

GN:”I miss you too dear”*forced smile& ruffle her hair*

Luna know that her granny just put a fake smile. But because she really loves her grandma,she will bear for it as long she have loves from her grandma.”

GN:”luna yah, can you call those two punks to come here right now?”

LUNA:”ne granny. I will call them.i’ll be back okay”*smiled widely*

Luna then went into chunji and L.joe’s room to wake them up.

LUNA:”oppa, wake up ppali. Granny asking for you guys right now and she want to meet you guys now”

CJ:”umm*groans* go away. Im still sleepy. Don’t disturb me”

L.joe:”tell her we still asleep arasso?”

Luna just pout when she hear their reaction. She went back to the office room to meet her granny.

GN:”luna , do you already wake them up and told them?”*raised her eyebrow*

LUNA:”I wake them up already but they said they still want to continue their sleep”*pouts*

GN:”its okay dear. Now sit by my side.GUARDS!!!”

4 guards enter the room.

4 GUARDS:”annyeonghaseyo mrs. President lee, why are you calling us?”

GN:” can you guys bring me those punk right now. I don’t care if you guys use harsh way as ong as they come here. Forced them understand?”

4 GUARDS:”neh mrs. President lee”

GN:”now go”

The guards then went out and theey enter L.joe and chunji’s room.

5 minutes later~

L.joe:”yah, let me go you idiot. I said Let.Me.Go.”

CJ:”cant you guys bring us using a nice way.not a harsh way.”

Person1:”sorry but your grandma ask us to use the harsh way to bring you 2”

Then the door was open revealing L.joe and chunji.

GN:”yah you punks*smack their head* I’ve call you and you 2 just continue your sleep? I should make you guys enter that damn military so that you punk behave like  the 6 boys I’ve raised”

CJ&L.joe groans when her grandma hits their head.

CJ:”yah grandma its hurt you hit our head*pouts*”

GN:”don’t you dare to use your puppy eyes. Im not going to accept that except your sister of course. Mentioning your sister, I’ve got a task for you to do”

L.joe:”task? What is a task?”*blink his eyes*

GN:”yah deo*point at L.joe* you didn’t know what task is. Are you pabo?”

CJ:”yah,task is like a mission you know.”*whispers*

L.joe:”so that’s mean we have a job I mean a mission to do?”

CJ:”yup its like a mission”
L.joe:”why you give a task to us? why don’t you give this task to the 6 person that you raised? And why would you think that we will run your errands?”

GN:”hahahahahaha.L.joe ah, wanna know why? Its becauseits about your sister.”*laugh out loud*

CJ:”wait how come its about our sister? She didn’t even in US”

GN:”good question chunji. And you know what your mission. Bring my granddaughter to US and that’s mean the two of you will bring her back here understood?”

CJ:”how we’re going to bring her back. She doesn’t even want to come here grandma.”

L.joe:”in your dreams grandma. Im not going to do this stupid mission anyway. Hyung, kaja. Lets continue our sleep”

L.joe turns around but then

GN:”L.joe ah you think you can just go and continue your sleep? If you guys didn’t bring back your sister here, I will make sure that you parents business will be ruined and bankrupt and they will have no business. I really will ruined that LOENT company if you guys didn’t hear what I’ve said”*smirked*

L.joe:”don’t you even dare to ruined their business grandma”*clench his teeth*

GN:”you know I can do whatever I want. I have powers and I have money to controlled and makes people to do something”

L.joe:”you’re so evil grandma. Don’t you know that our father is your son?”

GN:”I told you guys already right. I never want to accept your umma form the beginning of their marriage. But after your sister was born, she inherited something from me that she never know.”

L.joe:”what does she inherited from you? That ballet dance? Don’t you remember you forced your daughter a long time ago to dance ballet dance and she died. Do you want the history repeated again. if its involved my sister, Im not going to do that stupid task”

CJ:”yah chunji ah, iwe have to do this task?”

L.joe:”hyung~ how come you want to do this stupid task”

CJ:”if we didn’t do this LOENT company might be bankrupt okay. Remember our parents worked hard to makes that company famous like now and if it was ruined by our grandma, do you think they will be happy? They worked hard with their own sweat to built that company and makes the company famous”


CJ:”grandma even though I really hate to do this task, but I will do it like you said. As long as you didn’t touch our patents company.”

GN:”L.joe you know L.joe, you should think wisely like your brother.”

L.joe just put his poker face.

GN:”okay listen to me. luna will help you guys and she will be my spy. And also if you guys couldn not take her here I will send 6 person to forced her to come here”

L.joe:”fine as long you never ever touch our parents and their company and also I don’t want that 6 guys to touch my precious sister or ELSE”

L.joe then walk away leaving his brother chunji dumbfounded.

GN:”okay so its settled. Luna will come with you guys when you guys going there. are you going to be okay luna?”

LUNA:”I’ll be fine granny”*smiled widely*

GN:”now get outfrom this toom. I need to do something.”

Luna and chunji went out from the room. Chunji was heading back to his room when suddenly luna taps his shoulder.


LUNA:”can you tell me what’s happen to her daughter?”

CJ:”who’s daughter?”


CJ:”ah~ you want to know why she died?”

Luna nodded her head.

CJ:”its because grandma forced her to dance using red shoes. And the red shoes have a power. The red shoes never stop making her daughter dance until she died.”

LUNA:”I don’t understand”

CJ:”okay the story was like this. Grandma once was a famous ballet dancer all around the world but when she’s married, she stopped become a ballet dancer. Then when she give birth to my father and her daughter….”

LUNA:”wait. Does that mean they’re twins?”

CJ:”yup they’re twins.after she give birth to them, she wish my father like my grandpa while my father’s twin, becoming like her. When she was grown up as a young woman,s he forced her to use red shoes that she bought for her. At first her daughter didn’t accept it. But then after grandma forced her,she take the red shoes and wear it. And from there, she strated to get famous and become wealthy but after a long time she become a ballet dancer using that red shoes, she feel tired and then she secretly throw that shoes away from her but suddenly the shoes get back to her and then the shoes started to move by itself. It follows her everywhere because she was the shoes’s master. And then when she use the shoes, the shoes start to plan to kill her by making her dance until her feet was bleeding and then she died just like that. Tragic isn’t it?”*pitied to his father’s twin*

LUNA:”that was pretty scary.”

CJ:”now I need to continue my sleep before Im back to korea”
chunji then left luna alone.

LUNA:”IU sshi even though I just know your name and your age, I just cant avoid my jealousy feeling towards you. Vbecause the loves that grandma gave you was a lot than she gave me. I hope im not going to see you as a rival”(note:this conversation that luna said about rivals and jealousy towards IU she didn’t even tell her, I mean IU)


End of flashback in US~

IU:”wait I have something that I never know? Do you guys know what Is it?”

LUNA:”nope granny bnever ever told me nor them. But she just told us she wants you to go there so I hope you think about this okay?”

Luna then left the café and leave the two of them alone.

IU:”oppa is it true that you and EXO oppa a rivals?”

YG:”where do you know that. Did BAP told you about this?”

IU:”nope. I’ve heard EXO oppa’s conversation a few days ago I think and I’ve heard they mentioning about BAP oppas was their rivals. Whats happening?”

YG:”do you really want to know?”

IU just nodded and yongguk sighed.


“jieunnie~ I mis you baby~”

He pulls her into a hug.

IU:”yah daehyunnie oppa what are you doing here?”

DH:”luna told me that she left the 2 of you alon at this café and I don’t want yongguk hyung to flirt with you~”*mehrong to yongguk*

YG:”*shook his head* yah jieun ah, if you want to know ask daehyun. I gotta go now bye.”
and with that yongguk now left the 2 of them alone.

DH:”what’s is it all about yeobo?”

IU:”oppa can you not fool around right now. I want to ask you you a about EXO oppa”

DH:”what about EXO? And why you call them oppa?”

Daehyun voice earlier was bubbly but after IU ask him about EXO, his voice was changed. There were some hatred on his eyes when she mentioned about their names.his face even become darker.

IU:”is it true that you guys a rivals?”

DH:”what did they tell you?”

IU:”they never told me but I’ve just heard their conversation saying that you guys are rivals. Is it true?”

Daehyun nodded his head and sighed.

IU:”can I know what’s the reason?”

DH:”their parents killed our parents.”


DH:”I don’t care you believe it or what but its true and that’s the fact.”

IU:”so why EXO hate syou guys? If you guys hates them I understand but them, hate BAP oppas? Why is that?”

DH:*sigh again*”its because youngjae date with one of their sister.”

IU:”who’s sister?”

DH:”I think its kai sister. Youngjae date her because ethe two of them was fall in love but when he knew that it was kai’s sister , he broke up with her. And then after they’ve broke up, kai and EXO met us and kai ask why he broke up wit her sister when they madly in love with each other.”

IU:”and what did youngjae oppa said?”

DH:”he said: its simple, your family killed my family and their blood was inside your body so I just want to play around d with her”

IU:”isn’t he lied oppa?”
DH:”yup he actually lying so that she can forget about him but the next day, there was new that her sister died, stabbed herself using knife”

IU:”poor that girl. But aren’t youngjae oppa was beaten up by kai and did youngjae oppa crying?”

DH:”no he never being beaten up by kai because kai said that he will hurt him in the future by using his weakness and of course youngjae was crying all night long when he heard the news. He felt guilty towards her and kai.”

IU:”what did youngjae’s oppa weakness?”


IU:”why me?”*puzzled*

DH;”because he likes you. All of BAP oppa likes you including the maknaes and of course me”*smiled*

IU:”ah~ so that was the real story.”

DH:”yah jieun ah, lets go home. Yongguk hyung might mad at us if we’re late”

IU:”okay lets go”


End of the flashback~





Sorry guys if you found out there’s 2 flashback.the first flashback was IU remembering bow she knows BAP and EXO become rivals and 2nd one its about luna telling the truth about the mission that was given to them except when she thought about IU as rivals. I hope this explanation makes you guys understand a little bit:D

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Sehun_lisp #1
Chapter 18: Update soon ^^
Its becoming more interesting ^^
baekhyunblah #2
Love your story!
nanaboo17 #3
yup daehyun is the one who saved her. yeah i like baekyeol especially baekhyun;)

i hope you guys comment my story above:)

hope there's another exou interaction and btw i just saw IU sing wolf just now on youtube and also shinee fanboying^^
Chapter 16: Is Daehyun the one who saved her???
And i watched the video!!! It was sooooooo funny! Especially baekyeol!!!
And pls update soon~~
Chapter 16: Daehyun was the one that saved her right???????
Pls update soon, author-nim!
Sehun_lisp #6
Chapter 16: Is the one save her is Daehyun-ie ? Hehe .
Yup ! I saw the video too ! Jieun is so cute singing along to Growl >\\\<
Chapter 15: Pls update sooooooonnnnnnn!!! Can't wait to find out who they are!
Chapter 15: Is it B.A.P???
Sehun_lisp #9
Chapter 15: Whooooaaa . She met Daehyun ?? I'm curiousss ~~
nanaboo17 #10
Chapter 15: sorry i update the story just short chappie

and i cant promised that i will update fast

and thank you for your comment and subscribers , love you all^^(KISS&HUGS;p)