chapter 11


Chunji’s pov~

Today is the day. I already sent L.joe to find that 6 man. I can’t tell luna because I know she will tell grandma. I know she needs my grandma’s love. Poor that girl. Just being used by grandma. Now where should I hide to spy my sister?

LUNA:”oppa , where should we hide ourselves?”

CHUNJI:”lemme think. Ah~ we should hide behind those bushes”

The two of us hide behind those bushes and look at IU who was going out with the arrogant guy.

LUNA:”oppa, what’s your plan?”

CHUNJI:”I don’t know. Have any idea?”

LUNA:”I don’t even know too oppa.”

CHUNJI:*sigh*”lets just hide first and spy them okay.”

LUNA:”okay. Anyway where’s L.joe oppa?”

‘oh shoot. She’s asking about L.joe. what should I tell her what should I tell her*panic in mind* ah~ I just tell her that L.joe went to his girlfriend’s house to visit her.’ Chunji’s thought

LUNA:”oppa~ ppali where L.joe oppa?”

CHUNJI:”eh~ he went to visit his girlfriend. I’ve just heard from him this morning that last night he proposed her and she accept it. Maybe the want to plan to make a party or something” *shrugged*

LUNA:”oh~ I thought that he went to search for that 6 man.”

CHUNJI:”yah~ is it true that they’re strong and powerful?”

LUNA:”nugu? That 6 man?”

I just nodded.

LUNA:”from what I’ve heard from grandma , she said they’re the strongest here and they also have powers”

CHUNJI:”really? They have power as well?”

LUNA:”yup, they have powers as well. And they’re Korean like you oppa”


LUNA:”why you’re asking oppa?”*raise her eyebrows*

CHUNJI:”just curious”

Aish~ I shouldn’t ask about them anymore. She might get suspicious.


IU pov~

Aish~ this is boring. I shouldn’t negotiate with him last night. I shouldn’t make him help me and now, he bring me everywhere doing nothing.  Im not like a maid but like his PA his guard. And now im in a café with him. And he’s staring at me and it makes me uncomfortable. This jerk I should kick his .

IU:”yah~ jerk , stop stare at me.”*give death glare*

KAI:”im just wondering why you want to be a maid?”

IU:”its non of your business young man”

KAI:”yah you clumsy girl, do you like to call give a nickname for people?”


KAI:”im asking you you asking me back, just forget about it”

Kai called the waiter and order cappuccino and saying something in Italy. Urgh~ show off. *thud*

IU:”ouch~”*rub her legs*”YAH WHY YOU KICK ME YOU JERK” scold him

KAI:”yah~ im asking you what do you want to order but you just daydreaming. Dreaming in your own world.”

IU patient IU be patient.

IU:”I just order tea”

KAI:”don’t you want to eat something?”

IU:”no.i just want to have a drink. Im on diet*looking away while rolled her eyes*

KAI:”okay that’s it. You can go now”

The waiter go after he take our order but from afar I can see he’s looking at me. is there something on my face? I should ask kai.

IU:”yah~ kai is there something on my face?”

KAI:”yup. There’s written im an idiot in your forehead”

IU:”yah~ im not joking here”*pout*

Kai laugh when he see im pouting.

KAI:”see, now its written im a duck. Hahahahaha”

IU:”urgh~ stupid jerk.fine just.. forget about it”

I looked away embarrassed and also im mad. I glance to the waiter and still he’s looking at me.there’s something wrong when he’s looking at was like he….

KAI:”yah~”*smack my head*

IU:”ouch~ why you…”

KAI:”im just kidding just now. Are you mad? Why you’re asking that stupid question anyway?”

I tell him to come near me and I whisper ”the waiter that was taking our order was looking at me. he keeps staring at me and you know I hates people who do that.”

I can see kai sit straight and the he turn around to see whether I was saying true or not. And then he look at me and then he take his phone out. He texting someone. I kicked his legs but there’s no replied. His face was really serious when he’s texting. After he texting with the person that I don’t even know he look at me.

KAI:”hey you know that person?”he whisper*glance at the waiter*


I look at his mouth and he’s saying you-know-that-person?

IU:”nope. I neer know him nor meet him. This is the first time I see him. Wae?”

Kai just shrugged his shoulder. Aish~ this jerk, I can tell in his face that he knows that person. Our order came and he just eat in silent. Then my phone’s vibrate.

-jieun ah, L.joe oppa proposed me as his fiancée*exclaimed*-DINO

-really??  Then?? Do you accept it ??-BABY IU



-fine, I just want to make you curious.sheez~-DINO


-I’ve accepted it okay. I said yes. Happy?-DINO

-jinjja?? Yah~ congratulations chingu ah~ you’re gonna be my sister in law*mehrong*-BABY IU


-yah~ are you not happy?? Become my oppa’s fiancée??-BABY IU

-I’m happy jieun ah. Im happy it just that….-DINO

-nevermind jieun ah. Anyway where are you now?-DINO

This dino, is there something happen. Should I ask.nah~ I dopnt want to ruin her mood.

-I went out-BABY IU

-with who?? Don’t tell me its kai jieun ah.-DINO

-yup its him-BABY IU


-yah~ we’re not dating. You know last night I asked his help and now to repay my debt about last night, he wants me to follow where he goes —‘-BABY IU

-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I thought you two dating-DINO

-ain’t gonna happen know I’m still unsure about guys feeling and you know I’m still heal my heart.-BABY IU

-yah jieun ah. I know that. Now stopped thinking about that stupid man that dumped you just for another girl.just enjoy your DATE with kai. Make new memories together*mehrong*-DINO


-just deny it first IU ah.but sometimes you never know you wi…

Kai snatch my phone and I glare at him.

IU:”yah~ give back my phone”

I see kai looking at my phone. Oh no, he read my text with jiyeon.*sigh* im going to get a big trouble this time. Aish~ stupid me.

KAI:”yah you”*pointing his hand at me*

When he’s pointing at me, I feel that my saliva was stuck in my throat.

KAI:”who’s that guy that dumped you?”

OMG I forgot that we saying about that man. Aish~ now he knows my secret.

IU:”none of your business.”

KAI:”if you didn’t tell me right now, im not going to give your phone”

IU:”but…..urgh~just take it. I don’t even need it”

I saw he smirk at me. after he done eating, we went out at the café but he hold my hands. At first I want to let it go but because of the waiter still his eyes glued at me I don’t have a choice but surrender. I let him hold my hands and my waist even though I hate it but I want to make the waiter to think that kai was my boyfriend and then he will not satre at me anymore. We get in the car and head back to home.

In the car we just keep silent. Then kai open a radio and playing some songs  that I never heard. It was really beautiful and I like it.

KAI:”hey, I want to stop by somewhere. Are you okay with that?

I just nodded her head. We were heading  somewhere I never knew.

After a half minutes later~

KAI:”hey we arrived”

IU:”where are we?”

KAI:”welcome to my secret place.”

IU:”wait, secret place? If it secret place, why you bring me here?”

KAI:”I don’t know. My feeling told me that you not going to tell others and you can keep it secret.”*shrugged*

We enter and I saw many mirrors inside it. There’s also bench for sit. He order me to sit and I just sit there.

I watch him dance there and he was really a good dancer. I was mesmerized by his dance. He looks so hot when he dance. wait do I say that he’s hot? Stupid IU he’s not hot. He’s not hot okay. pabo IU*smack my own head*

KAI:”yah,are you… always…. Smack .your.. own head??”*catching his breath*

IU:”none of your business” I muttered

He quickly sit next to me and take out his water and drink it.

IU:”you know, that man was my ex-boyfriend”

KAI:”nugu?? The waiter??”

IU:*sighed*”not the waiter. The one who dumped me years ago.”

KAI:”ah~ that text. Why he dumped you?”

IU:”I don’t know. He broke up with me and said that he wants to after a girl that can ballet than me.”

KAI:”so he’s dumping you because of that?”

I just nodded my head.

IU:”I cant dance you know. I’m bad when dancing but because I like him that time, I try to learn dance. He take a ballet so I take ballet dance too”

KAI:”a boy? Ballet?”

IU:”yup.he’s a ballet dancer. He’s famous in my school and many girls admire him including me.”

KAI:”how come you guys become a couple?*curious*”

IU:”well because I tried to learn ballet and I learn ballet dance for 4 months and then I can dance ballet dance. there’s competition about ballet dance and i enter the competition to make him imress with me and it works. I got the first prize and the next day he ask me out and after that we hang out together for 2 weeeks. And then he ask me to be his girlfriend and I accept it.”

KAI:”wait you accept it. You just knew him for 2 weeks”


KAI:”okay, continue your story”

IU:”after I accept him, our relationship was spreading fast. Many people envy us. I was happy that time.”

KAI:”how many years or months or weeks you guys date?”

IU:”for 1 year. And when our anniversary came, I bake a cake, cupcakes for him, to celebrate our anniversary and I ask himto meet at our café we used to go. he just okay with it, the cupcakes was actually surprised for him but then…..”*start to cry*

Kai just comfort me by hug me but still I want to continue my story anyway.

IU:”I enter the café and and sit infront of him. Then when I want to say something, he says to me




Boy:”babe lets break up”


Boy:”im not interested with you anymore and I don’t love you”

Girl:”but I’ve made cupcakes for you”*give the cupcakes to him

Boy:”throw away the cupcakes* I told you I want to break up with you”

Girl:”tell me why???? Its hard for me to bake that cupcakes and you break up with me on our 1st anniversary.”

Boy:”want to know why? It because I want to after a girl that who was really good in ballet dance than you. She’s even famous than you.”

The girl start to cry.

Boy:”yah~ you think if you’re crying like this I would go back with you. Never!!”

The boy start to stand up and want to leave him.

Girl:”yah~*stand up*if you take one more steps im not going to forgave you until I died.”

The boy just leave the girl just like that.

Next day~

 The girl went to school and many girls looking at her pitiful.

‘poor her she’s been dump on her 1st anniversary’

‘yeah. Bet she’s crying all night’

‘the boy even leave korea and went to US’

‘pity her. Getting hurt by her own boyfriend on her 1st anniversary’

And the girl only low her head down. She hears whispers everywhere about herself and her ex-boyfriend. Then she walk to her class and sit down. She keeps silent until one of her friend eunji called her.

EUNJI:”jieun ah”


EUNJI:”I’ve heard that you borke up with him. is it true?”

IU just nodded.

EUNJI:”do you know who he’s after to?”


EUNJI:”its bae suzy. You know that famous ballet girl”


Then the teacher comes in interrupt the two girls.


All of them just nodded.

TEACHER:”I hope you guys will be like one of them. I’ve heard also that the two of them are together.”

Then the teacher take their attendance and went out. People in her class was whispering about the rumours.

‘kim myungsoo wait and see. Im going to make you regret for broke up with me. im not going to forgive you until I died.”


End of flashback~


I was crying and kai still comforting me.

“that jerk was stupid to dump you. He didn’t know you’re so precious to other people  eyes even me” kai muttered

I calm myself after that and I can see kai just keep smiling at me.

IU:”kai sshi can you keep it a secret?”

KAI:”hahahahaha. You’re talking formal to me for the first time.”


KAI:”hahahaha. Fine I keep it a scerte as well but you must keep a secret about my secret place”

I just nodded. Then I saw a guitar at the side of the bench.

IU:”kai are the guitar’s yours?”

KAI:”yeah, why?”

IU:”can I borrow it?”

Kai take the guitar and gie to IU.

KAI:”what for?”

IU:”just listen. I know my voice was really bad and the song was bad too but just listen. You can comment it if you want to”


Author’s note: IU singing the story only I didn’t know. Imagine it ;)


Continue the story~


After I finished singing my song, I saw kai’s jaw was drop.

KAI:”woah~ your voice was really beautiful. I was in awe when I heard you sing. That song, you wrote it?”

I nodded.

KAI:”I think that song was for your ex right.”

IU:”uhm uhm”*nodded* ”but you must pinky promise me”

KAI:”for what?”

IU:”don’t tell people that I can sing and my past only you knew. And don’t tell the others too”

Kai just nodded. After that we went home. I was sleeping in the car along the way because I feel sleepy.



KAI pov~

KAI:’woah~her voice was beautiful. When I heard that I was in awe. I even complimented her voice’

After we went home I lift her bridal style and I lied her at her bed. My hyungs was just keep silent. I knew some of them were jealous I lift her. I can feel that I was the person who was really close to her. I gie a peck at her forehead.

‘jieun ah, sleep well.’ Kai smiled when he’s out from her bedroom.



No one’s pov~

Person1:”is it true that person you saw was HIM?”

Person2:”hyung, I told you its true. He even stare our maid from afar.”

Person3:”why he’s there?”

Person4:”yeah, he’s there?”

Person2:”I don’t know. But he staring like there’s something but I don’t know.”

Person1:”now now guys. Start tomorrow don’t let IU going out. Een if she really desperate wants to go out 3 or 4 of us must be with her. We must protect her. For 10 years they hid themselves already and now they start to make themselves appear in front of us.”

Person3:”yeah~ we didn’t know what they want from us. we should satr be careful guys.”

Person1:”now go back to sleep. This meeting ends here. I will tell CEO about this tomorrow and kris will come with me. and the others, keep an eyes on IU. She’ll might get kidnapped by them and make her as their hostage understand?”

All of them nodded and they went back to sleep.




Sorry guys for late updating. I don’t know how to put a song and picturesL  anyway I hope you guys enjoy itJ I just want to ask you guys. I mean I want your opinion. What group should be the bad one?? I don’t know what group to choose…..Chunji’s pov~

Today is the day. I already sent L.joe to find that 6 man. I can’t tell luna because I know she will tell grandma. I know she needs my grandma’s love. Poor that girl. Just being used by grandma. Now where should I hide to spy my sister?

LUNA:”oppa , where should we hide ourselves?”

CHUNJI:”lemme think. Ah~ we should hide behind those bushes”

The two of us hide behind those bushes and look at IU who was going out with the arrogant guy.

LUNA:”oppa, what’s your plan?”

CHUNJI:”I don’t know. Have any idea?”

LUNA:”I don’t even know too oppa.”

CHUNJI:*sigh*”lets just hide first and spy them okay.”

LUNA:”okay. Anyway where’s L.joe oppa?”

‘oh shoot. She’s asking about L.joe. what should I tell her what should I tell her*panic in mind* ah~ I just tell her that L.joe went to his girlfriend’s house to visit her.’ Chunji’s thought

LUNA:”oppa~ ppali where L.joe oppa?”

CHUNJI:”eh~ he went to visit his girlfriend. I’ve just heard from him this morning that last night he proposed her and she accept it. Maybe the want to plan to make a party or something” *shrugged*

LUNA:”oh~ I thought that he went to search for that 6 man.”

CHUNJI:”yah~ is it true that they’re strong and powerful?”

LUNA:”nugu? That 6 man?”

I just nodded.

LUNA:”from what I’ve heard from grandma , she said they’re the strongest here and they also have powers”

CHUNJI:”really? They have power as well?”

LUNA:”yup, they have powers as well. And they’re Korean like you oppa”


LUNA:”why you’re asking oppa?”*raise her eyebrows*

CHUNJI:”just curious”

Aish~ I shouldn’t ask about them anymore. She might get suspicious.


IU pov~

Aish~ this is boring. I shouldn’t negotiate with him last night. I shouldn’t make him help me and now, he bring me everywhere doing nothing.  Im not like a maid but like his PA his guard. And now im in a café with him. And he’s staring at me and it makes me uncomfortable. This jerk I should kick his .

IU:”yah~ jerk , stop stare at me.”*give death glare*

KAI:”im just wondering why you want to be a maid?”

IU:”its non of your business young man”

KAI:”yah you clumsy girl, do you like to call give a nickname for people?”


KAI:”im asking you you asking me back, just forget about it”

Kai called the waiter and order cappuccino and saying something in Italy. Urgh~ show off. *thud*

IU:”ouch~”*rub her legs*”YAH WHY YOU KICK ME YOU JERK” scold him

KAI:”yah~ im asking you what do you want to order but you just daydreaming. Dreaming in your own world.”

IU patient IU be patient.

IU:”I just order tea”

KAI:”don’t you want to eat something?”

IU:”no.i just want to have a drink. Im on diet*looking away while rolled her eyes*

KAI:”okay that’s it. You can go now”

The waiter go after he take our order but from afar I can see he’s looking at me. is there something on my face? I should ask kai.

IU:”yah~ kai is there something on my face?”

KAI:”yup. There’s written im an idiot in your forehead”

IU:”yah~ im not joking here”*pout*

Kai laugh when he see im pouting.

KAI:”see, now its written im a duck. Hahahahaha”

IU:”urgh~ stupid jerk.fine just.. forget about it”

I looked away embarrassed and also im mad. I glance to the waiter and still he’s looking at me.there’s something wrong when he’s looking at was like he….

KAI:”yah~”*smack my head*

IU:”ouch~ why you…”

KAI:”im just kidding just now. Are you mad? Why you’re asking that stupid question anyway?”

I tell him to come near me and I whisper ”the waiter that was taking our order was looking at me. he keeps staring at me and you know I hates people who do that.”

I can see kai sit straight and the he turn around to see whether I was saying true or not. And then he look at me and then he take his phone out. He texting someone. I kicked his legs but there’s no replied. His face was really serious when he’s texting. After he texting with the person that I don’t even know he look at me.

KAI:”hey you know that person?”he whisper*glance at the waiter*


I look at his mouth and he’s saying you-know-that-person?

IU:”nope. I neer know him nor meet him. This is the first time I see him. Wae?”

Kai just shrugged his shoulder. Aish~ this jerk, I can tell in his face that he knows that person. Our order came and he just eat in silent. Then my phone’s vibrate.

-jieun ah, L.joe oppa proposed me as his fiancée*exclaimed*-DINO

-really??  Then?? Do you accept it ??-BABY IU



-fine, I just want to make you curious.sheez~-DINO


-I’ve accepted it okay. I said yes. Happy?-DINO

-jinjja?? Yah~ congratulations chingu ah~ you’re gonna be my sister in law*mehrong*-BABY IU


-yah~ are you not happy?? Become my oppa’s fiancée??-BABY IU

-I’m happy jieun ah. Im happy it just that….-DINO

-nevermind jieun ah. Anyway where are you now?-DINO

This dino, is there something happen. Should I ask.nah~ I dopnt want to ruin her mood.

-I went out-BABY IU

-with who?? Don’t tell me its kai jieun ah.-DINO

-yup its him-BABY IU


-yah~ we’re not dating. You know last night I asked his help and now to repay my debt about last night, he wants me to follow where he goes —‘-BABY IU

-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I thought you two dating-DINO

-ain’t gonna happen know I’m still unsure about guys feeling and you know I’m still heal my heart.-BABY IU

-yah jieun ah. I know that. Now stopped thinking about that stupid man that dumped you just for another girl.just enjoy your DATE with kai. Make new memories together*mehrong*-DINO


-just deny it first IU ah.but sometimes you never know you wi…

Kai snatch my phone and I glare at him.

IU:”yah~ give back my phone”

I see kai looking at my phone. Oh no, he read my text with jiyeon.*sigh* im going to get a big trouble this time. Aish~ stupid me.

KAI:”yah you”*pointing his hand at me*

When he’s pointing at me, I feel that my saliva was stuck in my throat.

KAI:”who’s that guy that dumped you?”

OMG I forgot that we saying about that man. Aish~ now he knows my secret.

IU:”none of your business.”

KAI:”if you didn’t tell me right now, im not going to give your phone”

IU:”but…..urgh~just take it. I don’t even need it”

I saw he smirk at me. after he done eating, we went out at the café but he hold my hands. At first I want to let it go but because of the waiter still his eyes glued at me I don’t have a choice but surrender. I let him hold my hands and my waist even though I hate it but I want to make the waiter to think that kai was my boyfriend and then he will not satre at me anymore. We get in the car and head back to home.

In the car we just keep silent. Then kai open a radio and playing some songs  that I never heard. It was really beautiful and I like it.

KAI:”hey, I want to stop by somewhere. Are you okay with that?

I just nodded her head. We were heading  somewhere I never knew.

After a half minutes later~

KAI:”hey we arrived”

IU:”where are we?”

KAI:”welcome to my secret place.”

IU:”wait, secret place? If it secret place, why you bring me here?”

KAI:”I don’t know. My feeling told me that you not going to tell others and you can keep it secret.”*shrugged*

We enter and I saw many mirrors inside it. There’s also bench for sit. He order me to sit and I just sit there.

I watch him dance there and he was really a good dancer. I was mesmerized by his dance. He looks so hot when he dance. wait do I say that he’s hot? Stupid IU he’s not hot. He’s not hot okay. pabo IU*smack my own head*

KAI:”yah,are you… always…. Smack .your.. own head??”*catching his breath*

IU:”none of your business” I muttered

He quickly sit next to me and take out his water and drink it.

IU:”you know, that man was my ex-boyfriend”

KAI:”nugu?? The waiter??”

IU:*sighed*”not the waiter. The one who dumped me years ago.”

KAI:”ah~ that text. Why he dumped you?”

IU:”I don’t know. He broke up with me and said that he wants to after a girl that can ballet than me.”

KAI:”so he’s dumping you because of that?”

I just nodded my head.

IU:”I cant dance you know. I’m bad when dancing but because I like him that time, I try to learn dance. He take a ballet so I take ballet dance too”

KAI:”a boy? Ballet?”

IU:”yup.he’s a ballet dancer. He’s famous in my school and many girls admire him including me.”

KAI:”how come you guys become a couple?*curious*”

IU:”well because I tried to learn ballet and I learn ballet dance for 4 months and then I can dance ballet dance. there’s competition about ballet dance and i enter the competition to make him imress with me and it works. I got the first prize and the next day he ask me out and after that we hang out together for 2 weeeks. And then he ask me to be his girlfriend and I accept it.”

KAI:”wait you accept it. You just knew him for 2 weeks”


KAI:”okay, continue your story”

IU:”after I accept him, our relationship was spreading fast. Many people envy us. I was happy that time.”

KAI:”how many years or months or weeks you guys date?”

IU:”for 1 year. And when our anniversary came, I bake a cake, cupcakes for him, to celebrate our anniversary and I ask himto meet at our café we used to go. he just okay with it, the cupcakes was actually surprised for him but then…..”*start to cry*

Kai just comfort me by hug me but still I want to continue my story anyway.

IU:”I enter the café and and sit infront of him. Then when I want to say something, he says to me




Boy:”babe lets break up”


Boy:”im not interested with you anymore and I don’t love you”

Girl:”but I’ve made cupcakes for you”*give the cupcakes to him

Boy:”throw away the cupcakes* I told you I want to break up with you”

Girl:”tell me why???? Its hard for me to bake that cupcakes and you break up with me on our 1st anniversary.”

Boy:”want to know why? It because I want to after a girl that who was really good in ballet dance than you. She’s even famous than you.”

The girl start to cry.

Boy:”yah~ you think if you’re crying like this I would go back with you. Never!!”

The boy start to stand up and want to leave him.

Girl:”yah~*stand up*if you take one more steps im not going to forgave you until I died.”

The boy just leave the girl just like that.

Next day~

 The girl went to school and many girls looking at her pitiful.

‘poor her she’s been dump on her 1st anniversary’

‘yeah. Bet she’s crying all night’

‘the boy even leave korea and went to US’

‘pity her. Getting hurt by her own boyfriend on her 1st anniversary’

And the girl only low her head down. She hears whispers everywhere about herself and her ex-boyfriend. Then she walk to her class and sit down. She keeps silent until one of her friend eunji called her.

EUNJI:”jieun ah”


EUNJI:”I’ve heard that you borke up with him. is it true?”

IU just nodded.

EUNJI:”do you know who he’s after to?”


EUNJI:”its bae suzy. You know that famous ballet girl”


Then the teacher comes in interrupt the two girls.


All of them just nodded.

TEACHER:”I hope you guys will be like one of them. I’ve heard also that the two of them are together.”

Then the teacher take their attendance and went out. People in her class was whispering about the rumours.

‘kim myungsoo wait and see. Im going to make you regret for broke up with me. im not going to forgive you until I died.”


End of flashback~


I was crying and kai still comforting me.

“that jerk was stupid to dump you. He didn’t know you’re so precious to other people  eyes even me” kai muttered

I calm myself after that and I can see kai just keep smiling at me.

IU:”kai sshi can you keep it a secret?”

KAI:”hahahahaha. You’re talking formal to me for the first time.”


KAI:”hahahaha. Fine I keep it a scerte as well but you must keep a secret about my secret place”

I just nodded. Then I saw a guitar at the side of the bench.

IU:”kai are the guitar’s yours?”

KAI:”yeah, why?”

IU:”can I borrow it?”

Kai take the guitar and gie to IU.

KAI:”what for?”

IU:”just listen. I know my voice was really bad and the song was bad too but just listen. You can comment it if you want to”


Author’s note: IU singing the story only I didn’t know. Imagine it ;)


Continue the story~


After I finished singing my song, I saw kai’s jaw was drop.

KAI:”woah~ your voice was really beautiful. I was in awe when I heard you sing. That song, you wrote it?”

I nodded.

KAI:”I think that song was for your ex right.”

IU:”uhm uhm”*nodded* ”but you must pinky promise me”

KAI:”for what?”

IU:”don’t tell people that I can sing and my past only you knew. And don’t tell the others too”

Kai just nodded. After that we went home. I was sleeping in the car along the way because I feel sleepy.



KAI pov~

KAI:’woah~her voice was beautiful. When I heard that I was in awe. I even complimented her voice’

After we went home I lift her bridal style and I lied her at her bed. My hyungs was just keep silent. I knew some of them were jealous I lift her. I can feel that I was the person who was really close to her. I gie a peck at her forehead.

‘jieun ah, sleep well.’ Kai smiled when he’s out from her bedroom.



No one’s pov~

Person1:”is it true that person you saw was HIM?”

Person2:”hyung, I told you its true. He even stare our maid from afar.”

Person3:”why he’s there?”

Person4:”yeah, he’s there?”

Person2:”I don’t know. But he staring like there’s something but I don’t know.”

Person1:”now now guys. Start tomorrow don’t let IU going out. Een if she really desperate wants to go out 3 or 4 of us must be with her. We must protect her. For 10 years they hid themselves already and now they start to make themselves appear in front of us.”

Person3:”yeah~ we didn’t know what they want from us. we should satr be careful guys.”

Person1:”now go back to sleep. This meeting ends here. I will tell CEO about this tomorrow and kris will come with me. and the others, keep an eyes on IU. She’ll might get kidnapped by them and make her as their hostage understand?”

All of them nodded and they went back to sleep.




Sorry guys for late updating. I don’t know how to put a song and picturesL  anyway I hope you guys enjoy itJ I just want to ask you guys. I mean I want your opinion. What group should be the bad one?? I don’t know what group to choose…..

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Sehun_lisp #1
Chapter 18: Update soon ^^
Its becoming more interesting ^^
baekhyunblah #2
Love your story!
nanaboo17 #3
yup daehyun is the one who saved her. yeah i like baekyeol especially baekhyun;)

i hope you guys comment my story above:)

hope there's another exou interaction and btw i just saw IU sing wolf just now on youtube and also shinee fanboying^^
Chapter 16: Is Daehyun the one who saved her???
And i watched the video!!! It was sooooooo funny! Especially baekyeol!!!
And pls update soon~~
Chapter 16: Daehyun was the one that saved her right???????
Pls update soon, author-nim!
Sehun_lisp #6
Chapter 16: Is the one save her is Daehyun-ie ? Hehe .
Yup ! I saw the video too ! Jieun is so cute singing along to Growl >\\\<
Chapter 15: Pls update sooooooonnnnnnn!!! Can't wait to find out who they are!
Chapter 15: Is it B.A.P???
Sehun_lisp #9
Chapter 15: Whooooaaa . She met Daehyun ?? I'm curiousss ~~
nanaboo17 #10
Chapter 15: sorry i update the story just short chappie

and i cant promised that i will update fast

and thank you for your comment and subscribers , love you all^^(KISS&HUGS;p)