Chapter 8

Russian Blue

First date…There’s an adequate amount of excitement flowing throughout your whole being as each second passes that takes you closer to that awaited moment.


You have pictured it in your head about a hundred times ever since Junho asked you out on your real first date.  Your heart beats rapidly even more and adequately so, thinking that this date is the very first one in your life.


You imagined how you’d meet in the theater.  How both your eyes would light up with delight after making initial contact, locking arms as you buy the tickets for which ever movie it is you both pick out.  You thought about how you’d watch the movies while holding hands, sharing a single popcorn and drink, while laughing and tearing up together as the film progresses.  Afterwards you would share a meal together in a place that is not too loud allowing you both to share a conversation that flows freely with no uncomfortable luls, pressure or stress.


It would be the perfect first date filled with positive energy, in which time seems to fly by.  And to add the cherry on top at the end of it, he walks you home and upon reaching your door he leans down and you look up for a nice kiss.  The type that is not too long, but not too quick, just enough to show that you both were happy and satisfied with the day and with each other’s company.


Well, that was the main idea in your head and hopefully something that could turn into reality pretty soon as you await Junho’s arrival at the theater with anticipation.  You wanted to watch a horror flick that was showing, but have decided to go with Junho’s choice of an action movie instead, so you read up on the reviews online on your phone as you wait.


As you were browsing the reviews, you suddenly received a text message from Junho that read:

“I know the movie starts at 3, but I’m sort of running a little late.  Sorry.  Work hasn’t finished yet, but will wrap up soon, so maybe we can catch the next showing.  What time will the next one be?”


You glance at the screen to check on the movie schedules. “It starts at 5.  Do you want me to get the tickets for that already, so we can go in as soon as you get here?” you replied.


“No, it’s alright.  I think I could get there before 5.  We’ll have plenty of time before it starts.  Wait for me there okay?” he texted.


“Sure.” you replied with a sigh.


“A couple of hours of waiting would go by in a flash.” you said to yourself as you sat down on the waiting area of the theater watching people pass you by.


It’s a Saturday and as expected the mall was packed with people, especially couples who went out to watch a movie and enjoy their time together.


“Couple.” you thought to yourself with a smile.  “Who could’ve thought I’ll be a couple?  Definitely not me and definitely not mom.  She’d be so surprised when I tell her.”


Time went by slowly as you wait for Junho, but it did go as it should and now it’s 4:51 and soon the screening will start, so you decided to call him and ask where he is.


“Junho, it’s almost screening time, where are you?” you said over the phone.


“Walking towards the theater.” he said.  “We’ll make it in time.  I can already see you from here.”


“Really?” you said as you stood up to look around searching for him.  “Ah!  I see you too!” you said happily as you notice him even with a cap and glasses on.


“I missed you.” he said sounding all cute on the phone.


“Me too.” you said shyly unable to hide your smile as you looked at him coming towards you, hanging up the phone almost simultaneously.


It was easy to spot him in the crowd, even though he wore his cap and glasses on, anyone would know who he is.  He just had this certain appeal to him that draws your gaze at him even when you were young.


The theater was packed with people being it a Saturday and all.  People who mostly knew Junho.  And in an instant you see him being surrounded by a few people asking for an autograph and a picture with him or just a picture of him.  As he neared your location the few just became a lot.


You never took your eyes away from him as he walked towards you not even as he walked passed by you.  And then he was gone and out of your sight as you stood at the same spot unsure as to what has actually happened.


“Sorry.  Sorry.  Too many people.  I guess we didn’t think this through.” he said over the phone in an apologetic tone.


“Umm.  I guess we didn’t.” you said.


“Are you mad?” he said.


“Not really, I guess you can say, I can understand the situation.” you said.


“Really?” he asked in a doubtful tone.


“Umm.  Don’t worry.” you said trying to hide your disappointment.


“So, how do we get to watch the movie now?” he said.


“I guess watching the movie now would be impossible.” you said.  “Maybe we can watch it some other time, like on a weekday, when there’s not much people around.”


“Yeah, I guess we really should meet on weekdays instead.” he said.  “Are you sure you’re not mad at me?”


“Of course I’m not mad.” you said.  “In fact, I was shocked, who would’ve thought you had a lot of fans.” you said teasingly.


“Hey, I’m quite popular, you know.  Aren’t you glad to be the girlfriend of the popular Lee Junho?” he bragged.


“Well, I really have no one to tell and brag to.” you answered.  “I mean, am I allowed to tell people you’re my Junho?” you asked, but a long pause at his end came after that and somehow that silence answered your question.  “Junho!  I’m kidding.” you immediately said.


“Well it’s just that…you know…my job is kind of…” he tried to explain.


“Yeah, I get it.  No need to explain.” you answered.  “So what are you up to now?”


“I’m back in the car.” he said.  “Actually, there’s this rehearsal I have to be at right now, but I kinda played hooky for a while to watch the movie with you.”


“That’s not good.” you said.  “You should go back and sing or dance or rehearse or work or whatever it is you do.”


“What if we eat together before I go, I mean now that the movie is impossible at least we should eat together.” he said.


“It’s a Saturday, restaurants will be packed.  It’ll be the same story when we get there.” you said.


“You’ve got a point there.” he said.  “But…I’m quite afraid that you’re disappointed.”


“Honestly, I may be a tiny wee bit disappointed that you’re not here.” you said.  “But…I understand why, so don’t worry too much about me.  This type of disappointment doesn’t last long.”


“But I still feel bad about it.” he said.


“Just make up for it.” you said.  “On a weekday.”


“I will definitely.” Junho said.


“By the way, would it be okay if I just stayed here and watch the horror movie I wanted to see?” you said.


“Alone?” he asked.


“Umm.  I do often see movies alone back home.” you said.


“Hmm…I don’t know.  That doesn’t sound very safe.” Junho said as you heard warning beeps alerting you that your battery is going low.  “Why don’t you call your friends and ask them to meet you there to watch it together?”


“Everybody’s probably already out somewhere.  They’ve got their own plans.  Anyway, my battery’s about to die, I might not be able to call you much until I get home.” you said.  “So please, please, please, let me watch it.  You don’t like horror movies anyway.”


“Alright.  Alright.  Just make sure to call me as soon as you get home, okay?” Junho said.


“Will do.” you said.


“I lo…” Junho tried to say before the two of you were cut off with your phone dying on you.


You walk towards the ticket counter slowly and with heavy steps, feeling saddened on how the day turned out.  It made you wonder if you were right not to expect anything, especially knowing that unmet expectations often lead to disappointment.


But still no one was to blame.  He did come.  He wanted to be with you, but the circumstances never gave you both the chance to be together.


As you approached the girl on the counter you heard your name being called making you turn around to see who it was.


“Hey!  What are you doing here?” Jeff said as he approached you on the counter.


“Movie.” you said pointing to the poster of the horror flick you have chosen.


“Really?  Me too.” Jeff said.  “Who are you with?” he said looking around for a familiar face.


“Alone.” you muttered.  “I’m watching it alone.”


“Why?  Did your date fell through?” Jeff asked teasingly not knowing his joke was indeed true.


“Something like that.” you answered.


“For real?” he said looking worried.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.  Who’s the crazy guy who stood you up?”


“He didn’t.  He showed up.  He just can’t stay.” you said.


“I don’t understand and since you don’t seem to care so much, I guess I shouldn’t care as well.  Anyway, mind if we see it together?” Jeff asked.


“I guess that’ll be okay.” you said.


The movie was two hours long and scary as hell as you found yourself jumping and shrieking in your seat as you watch each scene intently.  There was a moment when it got a little too scary that you found Jeff to be so surprised as well that he held on to your hand real tight.


“That surprised me.” Jeff whispered as you both laughed.  “Your hands are cold, are you cold?”


“Nah, I’m fine.” you said as you quickly pulled your hand away from his.


“Sorry.” Jeff said as he looked at you, to which you gave him a smile.


You love these kinds of films, the type that gives you a jolt and sends your heart into a rampage.


As the film ends, you decided to take Jeff up on his offer of dinner before going home.  He leads you to a little quiet restaurant that according to him serves great home cooked meals.  The place is new to you and you were eager to try out their dishes.


“You were right, the food here is great.” you said.


“I told you didn’t I?  I’m good at finding places like this.” Jeff boasted.


“I should bring him here someday.” you said as you empty your plate.


“Who?” Jeff asked.


“There’s just this someone.” you answered vaguely.


“A boyfriend?” he asked.


“Umm.” you nodded.


“Ahh that hurts!  A single gesture and a knife in the heart.” he said holding his chest.  “Does that mean I’m too late to apply?”


“Funny.” you said.


“So does this boyfriend have a name?” he asked as he leans on the table towards you.


“Let’s just say…he’s someone.” you said as you took a drink.


“Hmm…Someone.  Since this someone doesn’t have a name that means he’s still dispensable.” Jeff said as he takes a sip of his drink with a mischievous smile.  “I still have a chance.”


“Are you always this weird?” you asked.


“Yeah, you could say I am.” Jeff said as you both laughed.


There was good food and good company and the stories and laughter went back and forth, time seemed to have went by in a flash that you both didn't even realize they are putting the chairs up and closing down on you guys.  It was as if it was signaling you that’s its late and that its time to go.


Jeff drives you home telling you or more like convincing you that it’s late and not safe to be on the road alone.


“This is me.” you said as you unbuckle your seatbelt and Jeff immediately goes down and almost runs to your side opening the door for you.  “You didn’t have to do that.” you said with a snicker.


“I wanted to.” Jeff said as he helps you off the car.


“Thanks Jeff.” you said as you walk towards your door.


“It’s fine.” he said.  “I just want to make sure you get home safe.”


“Don’t be weird.” you said.  “I’m not a kid.”


“I know.” Jeff said as he draws closer to you making you step back a few steps away.


“What the hell is this?” Junho shouted surprising you both as he stood in front of your door and came towards you.


“Junho!” you said surprised but at the same time delighted to see him that you almost could not stop yourself to run towards him in an embrace.


“Why is it that every time I decided to show up at your place, you’re going home with him?” Junho said angrily.  “And why is your phone off?”


“I told you my battery is about to die earlier….and it did while we talked, remember?” you said.


“Well, we bumped into each other at the theater and we decided to catch a movie together since we’re both going solo and was intending to watch the same movie anyway.” Jeff explained to Junho.


“Let’s go.” Junho said as he pulled you by the wrist while he glared at Jeff.


“Hey!” Jeff said as he held on to Junho to let your wrist go.  “You’re hurting her.”


“Mind your own business!” Junho said angrily.


“She is my business.” Jeff said sternly.


“She’s my girlfriend, so how is she your business?” Junho retorted with his anger level going higher by the second.


“Excuse me?” Jeff said as he slowly lets Junho’s hand go.


“Didn’t you tell him?” Junho said as he turned to you, who suddenly froze up unsure what was happening.


“I wasn’t sure you wanted me to.” you said looking at Junho.


“What do you mean you weren’t sure?” Junho said.


“Earlier…I asked…and it seems like you didn’t want people to know.” you said.


“You could tell him.  In fact you could tell the world.  Better yet I’ll tell the world myself.” Junho lashed out at you.  “So, here’s the thing.  She’s my girlfriend and I don’t want you hanging around her anymore.  She’s mine.” he said to Jeff.  “Let’s go.” he said as he yanked you away.


“Bye Jeff.  Thanks and sorry.” you managed to say as Junho dragged you off.


“Will you be alright?” Jeff shouted at you in concern.


“Yes.” you said with an assuring smile.  “I’ll see you Monday.”


“Get in!” Junho said as he shoved you inside your home and closed the door behind him.  “Did you just say see you Monday?  Did I not make myself clear?  You’re mine and you’re not to see that guy anymore!”


“Junho, Jeff and I work together.  So I am really to see him in the office on Monday and the days after that.  Calm down will you?” you said.  “And let me go already.  You’re hurting my wrist.”


“Are you trying to make me mad?” Junho asked as he tightened his grip on your wrist and pushed you up against the wall.


“No!  What’s wrong with you?” you said as you started to get annoyed, frightened and hurt all at the same time.


“What did you do with him all this time?” Junho asked as he glared at you leaning over you a little more.


“We told you, we bumped into each other at the theater so we watched the movie together.” you said feeling a little scared of Junho’s temper and a little confused of his reaction.


“Movie?  That damn movie took that damn long?” Junho said.


“We had dinner before he sent me home.” you said.  “We got to talking and didn’t notice the time.  Junho, let me go, okay?  You’re really scaring me.” you said trembling as he leans in closer.


“Argh!” he grunted as he hits the wall beside you while you flinched and kept your eyes shut thinking he was about to hit you.


“Junho…” you whispered throatily shaking as tears started to fill your eyes with shock.


“I’m sorry, sorry.” Junho said as he saw your eyes about to cry.  The anger in his face changed to worry in an instant.  “I wasn’t going to hit you.  I’m not going to hurt you.” he said as he was your face gently.  “I would never hurt you.  I was just…crazy…jealous.” he said as he pulls you in to an embrace.


“This is why I don’t like relationships.” you said in between sobs squirming to have him release you.  “It’s too complex.”


“Don’t say that.” Junho said not letting go of you.  “Don’t cry.  I’m sorry.  It’s just that seeing you with someone else made me so mad.  I was supposed to be your first date.  Now it’s Jeff.”


“We didn’t go on a date.” you said pushing him away from you.  “We just happened to be together today.  That’s all.  It’s not like I did anything with him that I shouldn’t have.”


“I know.  I know you didn’t do anything wrong.” Junho said still holding you close as he looked at you straight in the eyes.  “I’m sorry.”


“I imagined how this day will be.  I think I played it in my head a hundred times since you asked to go on a date.” you said.  “This isn’t what I imagined it to be.”


“I know, it’s my fault.  I should’ve just held your hand and walked away with you at the theater no matter the circumstance.” Junho said.


“Maybe…I…didn’t think this through.” you said keeping your head down.


“I know, we didn’t think the whole date on a Saturday thing through.  We’ll make up for it.” he said with a smile as he touched the tips of your hair.


“No.  Not that.  I mean….I think I rushed into this.  Maybe it’s all too sudden.  Maybe I’m not ready for all this.” you said.  “Now I remember why I don’t like relationships.  I don’t even like keeping pets.”


“Don’t say that.” Junho said as he closed his eyes shut and shakes his head.  “Don’t even think that.  This is nothing.  We can get through this.  We’re just starting.” he said, but you remained quiet not knowing what to say or what to think.  “I wasn’t really going to hurt you, you know that right?”


“I do.” you said with a nod.  “I just think…”


“Don’t.” Junho said as he leaned in to kiss your lips preventing you from speaking any further.


Yes, the day might have been a letdown, but somehow this kiss was just how you imagined it to be minus the tears.  He leaned in to touch your slightly parted lips with his, gentle and lingering.  His jaw pressing and putting more pressure on your mouth.  He was taking his sweet time exploring your lips and you can feel his breath quicken and his heart pounding against your chest.


“Don’t leave me.” Junho whispered as he slowly comes away from your lips, but keeping his face close to yours still as you froze up feeling weak in the knees.  “Don’t even say you’re leaving me.  Don’t even think it.”


“It’s not fair.” you said as you went down on the floor.


“What?” Junho asked as he sat in front of you wiping your tears away.


“Just when I think I could…you pull me in even closer.” you said.


“Meaning?” Junho asked.


“Meaning you’re making me fall in love with you even more.” you said as you punched him lightly on the chest.


Junho exhales deeply letting the air out through the gap of his lips.  “Thank you” he said as he smiles.  “I thought the worst.  I thought for a moment there I lost you.”


“Junho, you should really keep your temper in check.” you said.


“I could never hurt you.  You have to believe that.” Junho said as he held your hands.  “I was just mad…at myself mostly, for letting you be with him.  It’s like I pushed you into his arms.”


“You should really stop obsessing about Jeff.” you said.  “He’s just a friend.”


“That’s not how he looks at you.  Believe me I know.” he said.


“Then you should learn to trust me.  Just as how I trust you.” you said.


“I trust you, I don’t trust him.” he said.


“Junho…” you said.


“One more thing, from now on I don’t mind if you tell anyone and everyone about us.  I’ll do the same.” Junho said.


“We don’t have to go that far.  I know your image is important to you.  And I do understand.” you said.


“I want my territory marked.” he said.


“Spoken like a true beast.” you answered with a smile.


“You finally smiled.” Junho said.  “Forgive me?”


“I already did right after the kiss.” you said.


“Then can you let me continue my apology?” Junho said with a sly smile as he reaches to touch your face.  “I love you…so much.” he said pulling you in for another kiss.

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I've been searching for this story!
I read it when I didn't have an account so I couldn't comment or subscribe!
I loved this story so much and here I am, going to re-read it! ^^
Good job on this!
sam098 #2
Chapter 13: This story is so sweet <3
I love it so so so much^^ junho being so lovely <3
Thank u author-nim to write this story^^
Beastlovergirl #3
That was sooo cute! Great story!!!
2030 streak #4
Chapter 13: Wow! Such a sweet story... I enjoyed myself reading this :)
Chapter 13: sweet love :D
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 13: sweet of him,hehe,doone reading this one,hehe,looove it :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 13: Aww, I missed a lot. >.<
Congratulations on completing this fic, with a nice overloading fluff in the end. ^^ Junho really needs more love in this site and thanks for sharing this story! Keep it up~! <3
Nichkhunloveyou #8
Chapter 13: Awwww that was sooo CUTE!!!! Junho such a good boyfriend
Chapter 13: OWEMGEE, HOPotter! You made me miss HO Potter, cat. You really, do.. XD

Last chap = FLUFFINESS OVERLOAD! Yaay <333
I'm gonna miss Junho tho. I mean this ff.
You know I love him so mucheuu. But I know there'll be more new ff from you. Maybe some Nuneoxyou ff ;)

Thank you caaaaat! This was amazing. ^^

P.S /sobbing