Chapter 11

Russian Blue

It’s been about a month since Junho left for his overseas schedule and though he calls you regularly, you still can’t help but miss everything about him.  You especially miss his scent, which seems to console your weary heart every time.


Right now, all you could do is to wish you could be by his side and tell him everything that had happened.  And since wishes are usually the more important and more elusive things in life, even if you dare to make it, it never meant you could actually have it though you hope with all your heart that it could come true and be real somehow.


Your two-week notice from the office is up and as soon as it did, you couldn’t think of a better thing to do than go back to your grandmother’s house for some needed vacation.


“Grandma I’m home!” you shout as you enter the door.


“I’m glad your back.” your grandma said as she rushes to see you.  “How are you feeling?”


“I’m okay.” you said as you smile wanly.


“Come here.” she said as she opens her arms to embrace you.


“Grandma.” you muttered as you hugged her tight.


“Come sit here.” she said as she leads you to the couch.  “So…what happened?”


“I turned in my resignation.” you said with downcast eyes as you fiddled with your fingers.


“I thought you said like working there.” she said.


“I did.  But the idea of working there just doesn’t seem so good anymore.” you said sadly.


“And why is that?” you grandma asked.


“I really don’t want to talk about it grandma.” you said as you rested your head on her shoulder.  “Besides I have other offers.  I could start work as soon as I’m ready.”


“Will you be happy working at another company?” she asked as she pats your head.


“I hope so.” you said.


“Well sweetie.  If you can’t seem to tell grandma about it, I suggest you tell Junho about it.” she said.  “It will make you feel better to let it all out.”


“Grandma.” you muttered.


“Huh?” she asked.


“Do you think auntie will let me borrow Ggomaengi tonight?” you said.


“Go ask yourself.  I’m sure that will be quite alright.” she said with a gentle smile.


That night you shared your bed with Junho’s cat, Ggomaengi and although it’s not the same as having Junho himself beside you, somehow his cat will do.  You her little head gently as she looks at you with her bright green eyes.


“Are you judging me right now?” you asked as you looked into her eyes.  “It’s not like I wanted it to happen.  And it’s not like I plan to keep it from Junho. I just don’t want him to worry unnecessarily.” you said as a tear escapes your tear-filled eyes.


You remember vividly what happened a few nights before that lead you to turn in your resignation.  It was late and you were working overtime to finish a presentation for the day after.  You, Jeff and closed quarters didn’t actually equal a wonderful time.


“I’m almost done here.” you said as you enter the filename to save the presentation.


“Good.” Jeff said as he walks towards your direction.  “Let me see.”


Jeff stands behind your chair looking at the screen bending over to level with you making his face close to yours.


He suddenly lowers his head towards your ear whispering, “Doesn’t this feel better?  Leave Junho and come to me.” as he breathes down your neck making you flinch and jump off your chair feeling startled and somewhat afraid.


“Why are you so scared of me?  I won’t hurt you.” Jeff said as he moves towards you with a smirk.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you asked as you trembled, stepping backwards until you were finally stopped by the wall.


“I just want to make you realize I can love you better than him.” Jeff said as he stood in front of you grabbing both your arms pinning them to the wall with painful force.


“I don’t care about who can love me better.  I only care about who I love.  And that’s not you.  It’s Junho.” you said you tried to push him away, but all your attempts fail.


You watch Jeff’s eyes flare with anger as you try to fight him off.  His grip tightening on your arms as he bent over to kiss you, but you moved your head just in time that his lips graze your cheek.


“Don’t do this.” you begged as he pins you harder to the wall as you struggled even more against his grasp, your eyes welling up in tears as you shivered in fear.


Jeff holds your face firmly with his hand as his lips came down on yours with a bruising force, pushing ardently against your quivering mouth.  He was kissing you with a hard, desperate passion that made you tremble and weak.  You felt his lips were soft despite the anger.  Suddenly you felt his tongue forcing entry into your mouth and you squirmed even more to free yourself, but to no avail, he was just too strong and too determined for you to push away.


“I want a life with you.” he said huskily as he kissed you.


“Jeff…please…please…let me go.” you said as sobs escaped your lips knowing well that you had no way of escaping.


Deep inside you wanted Junho to save you right at this moment, but he couldn’t.  He wasn’t there.  He usually never was.  And now you are stuck in there, vaguely aware of what will happen to you next.


Slowly, as if he regained the sanity that he lost, he gradually pulled away from you in tears as he breathes for air, catching his breath as he loosens his grip and steps away from you.


“Leave.” he muttered as he falls to the floor with his head down.  “Leave while I can still let you.”  He said as you hurriedly took your bag and left the office without looking back.


Now more tears came, new tears silently streaming down your cheeks as you recalled how bitterly a friendship has ended.  You took the cat in your arms as you sat up to wipe away all the pain, all the fear. 


Just then your phone rings.  Junho is calling.  You take a long deep breath to steady your trembling nerves and to clear the fog out of your head.


“Hello.” you answered the phone trying to suppress your sobs.


“What’s my baby doing?” Junho asked cutely.


“Nothing much.” you said trying to sound normal.  “I was just missing you and getting ready for bed and missing you some more.”


“I miss you too.” he said as he chuckled at your response.  “We’re all finished here.  I guess we can come home in a few days.”


“Good.” you said.  “That’s wonderful news.”


“You don’t sound so happy.” Junho said.


“Of course I’m happy.  I can’t wait to see you.” you said and it was as if his cat felt the same way that she purred and meowed while you held her close to you.


“Was that a cat?” Junho asked.


“Ahhh…yes?” you said unsure as to how to explain that you are with his cat at the moment.


“You got a cat?” Junho asked again.


“More like borrowed.” you said.


“From whom?” he asked curiously.


“Your mom.” you said softly.


“My mom?!  Are you home?  Don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?  What are you doing there?” he asked one question after another.


“Too many questions.” you said with a sigh.  “I’m just staying here for a while…at my grandma’s and I asked your mom if I could borrow Ggomaengi for the night and she agreed.”


“Are you alright?” Junho asked worriedly.


“Umm.” you answered.  “Don’t worry about me.”


“Are you sure?” Junho asked.


“I’m fine, but I’ll be much, much better in a few days when you get back.” you said.


“Alright.” he said.  “Rest with Ggomaengi for tonight.  I promise to be back soon.  I’ll see you soon.  I’ll be with you soon.  We’ll be together soon.”


“Umm.  Soon.” you said.  “Goodnight.”


“I love you.” Junho said.


“I’ll love only you.” you answered as you hung up.


You look at the cat as you lay beside it, the soft fur on her back.  “I’ll tell him, but not tonight, alright?” you said to Ggomaengi as you close your tired droopy eyes.


The morning after you awoke late lying on your side.  You slowly open your eyes and rubbed them as you yawned.  Trying to stretch you realize you couldn’t move much as an extra arm and leg drapes over you to your surprise making you jump in fright.  The same arm and leg stops you from moving as you heard a soft groan behind you.  “Don’t get up yet.”


The voice was familiar and you knew right away it was your Junho.  Your breath quickens and your heart was thumping noisily in your chest as your eyes shot open reacting to his voice.  You quickly spun around to turn towards him and saw his sleeping face inches away from you.  You smile warmly as you touch his face making him smile too with his eyes still closed.


“Good morning.” Junho mumbled as he opens his eyes a tiny bit.


“You’re really here?” you asked in disbelief as you could not contain your excitement nor your happiness.


“Ummm.” Junho nodded.  “I arrived early this morning.”


“Why?  How?” you asked as you kept touching his face.


“It’s a short, a couple of hours flight.” he said.


“I thought you won’t be back till a few days.” you said.


“After our phone conversation, I called your grandma.  She said you’re staying here again.” he said as he tightened his arm around you.  “I got worried., got on the next fastest plane and now I’m here.  You looked so tired and sound asleep that you didn’t even notice me climbing in bed with you-now that’s wrong.  You can get in trouble like that.”


“I don’t care about the trouble as long as it’s you.” you said as you buried your head in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent.


“You’re smelling me again.” he said with a chuckle.


“I know.” you said as your lips touched the skin of his neck.  “I’m really weird.”


“Let’s sleep some more.” Junho said.  “Then after… you’ll tell me everything.  Every single thing.  Including your sudden resignation.” he said in a commanding voice making you nod as you embrace him some more.


“Where’s Ggomaengi anyway?” you said as you tried to get up to look for the cat.


“Floor.” Junho answered as he prevents you from moving away from him.  “I’m taking my cat’s place.”

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I've been searching for this story!
I read it when I didn't have an account so I couldn't comment or subscribe!
I loved this story so much and here I am, going to re-read it! ^^
Good job on this!
sam098 #2
Chapter 13: This story is so sweet <3
I love it so so so much^^ junho being so lovely <3
Thank u author-nim to write this story^^
Beastlovergirl #3
That was sooo cute! Great story!!!
2029 streak #4
Chapter 13: Wow! Such a sweet story... I enjoyed myself reading this :)
Chapter 13: sweet love :D
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 13: sweet of him,hehe,doone reading this one,hehe,looove it :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 13: Aww, I missed a lot. >.<
Congratulations on completing this fic, with a nice overloading fluff in the end. ^^ Junho really needs more love in this site and thanks for sharing this story! Keep it up~! <3
Nichkhunloveyou #8
Chapter 13: Awwww that was sooo CUTE!!!! Junho such a good boyfriend
Chapter 13: OWEMGEE, HOPotter! You made me miss HO Potter, cat. You really, do.. XD

Last chap = FLUFFINESS OVERLOAD! Yaay <333
I'm gonna miss Junho tho. I mean this ff.
You know I love him so mucheuu. But I know there'll be more new ff from you. Maybe some Nuneoxyou ff ;)

Thank you caaaaat! This was amazing. ^^

P.S /sobbing