Chapter 1

Russian Blue

It’s not that you don’t like animals, it’s just that you never liked having pets.  In fact you refuse to keep a pet.  Not for any kind of animal rights on being free.  But the truth is you have never had a pet in fear that they might die on you or run away from you in the end.  If that happens, it will just be too sad and too hard to deal with.


So maybe it’s the same with your relationships or the lack thereof.  You have never tried to give your heart to anyone in the same fear that it will all just lead into sadness.  You believe it’s wise not to be too invested on someone who will just leave you in the end.


It’s not that you were born pessimistic and cynical.  You could’ve been born as a bright, shiny, happy child who just so happens to have seen a lot of relationships fail around you, your parents not being any different.


But that aside, you wonder, for someone who’s not too fond of keeping pets…they just keep on popping up around you and following you as if seducing you to keep them.  Today is no different as you find a Russian Blue cat trailing your every step in front of your grandma’s house after a morning run.


You hear a cat meow continuously as if calling your attention making you turn to find a blue gray coated cat slinking its tail on your leg.


“What are you doing cat?” you asked the cat as you sat down adjusting the cap on your head to its head noticing its bright green eyes.  “Stop following me and go home.” you said, but all it did was move closer to you and scratch its paws on your jeans.  “You’re very cute, but I don’t keep pets.  And it seems you already have an owner anyway, so go home.” you said as you checked the tag on its neck that read, “Ggomaengi”.


“Hey!  What are you doing to my cat?  Are you trying to catnap her?” you heard a male voice shout out to you making you turn to find a familiar face.


He was your best friend then when you were kids.  And somewhere between then and now you have gone your separate ways, dissolving any relationship you had slowly and stoically.  Even if you haven’t seen him for a while and even if you haven’t thought about him as much as you used to, you can still recognize his face and his voice.


“He hasn’t changed much.” you thought.  “He still seems to be the same Junho that I know.”


“Do you talk or do I have to pull a string?” Junho asked looking at you.


“Catnap?  What the hell is that?” you asked as you stood up.  “Does he not recognize me at all?” you thought to yourself.


“It’s like kidnap only it’s a cat, so it’s a catnap.” Junho tried to explain.


“There’s no such thing.  A catnap means to sleep for a moment.” you said crossing your arms over your chest.  “That’s the most idiotic thing I heard in my entire life.”


“So, how do you call taking a cat?” Junho asked raising an eyebrow at you.


“It’s called theft you idiot.” you said in a haughty tone.


“Well, whatever!” he shouted in response to the embarrassment.  “You were taking my cat away, so give her to me before I report you to the police.” he said pointing at you.


“Who’s taking what away?” you asked angry at the accusation.  “I should be the one to report your cat for stalking me.  I was on my way home and it won’t leave me alone.” you said pointing to the cat.


“Does it make sense to report a cat for stalking?” Junho said.


“Does catnap make sense to you?” you retorted.  “Take your cat and get away from me.” you said as he tried to grab the cat at your feet making it hiss at him and showing its claws as if intending to attack.


“Ggomaengi, let’s go.” he said to the cat.


“She doesn’t seem to like you very much.  That officially makes two of us.” you said with a smirk as you look on at his desperate attempt to take the cat with him.


“Can’t you help me?” he said looking at you in desperation.


“Didn’t you just accuse me of taking your cat?  What was it?  Oh yeah, catnapping.” you said smirking as the cat hides behind one of your legs.


“I’m sorry okay.  I’m desperate.  Can you please help me with her?” Junho said.


“Fine.  Out of the goodness of my heart.” you said as you picked up the cat and handing it to him.  “Here.”


“Thanks.” Junho said as he tried to hold the cat in his arms as it tries to wriggle its body out of his hold.  “I think we might have gotten on the wrong foot.” he said.


“That’s an understatement.  I think the better description would be you stepped on my foot and crushed it under yours.” you said.


“Again, I’m sorry.  I just got worried over my cat.” he said.  “By the way, I’m Lee Junho.”


“I know.” you said.


“Could it be you’re a 2PM fan?” Junho said with a smile.


“Hell no!” you said with a disgusted look.  “Hell yes.” you thought to yourself.


“Then how do you know me?  Are you from around here?  I don’t think I remember seeing you around our neighborhood.” Junho said.


“I was from around here, you just can’t remember.  But that's understable since that’s how most stupid people are.” you said annoyed that you have confirmed he has indeed forgotten all about you.


“What?  Did you just call me stupid?” Junho asked as you turn to leave and went straight through your grandmother’s house, slamming the door behind you.  “That was…I mean…it couldn’t be her.  She’s back?” he said as he froze still on his spot letting go of the cat.

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I've been searching for this story!
I read it when I didn't have an account so I couldn't comment or subscribe!
I loved this story so much and here I am, going to re-read it! ^^
Good job on this!
sam098 #2
Chapter 13: This story is so sweet <3
I love it so so so much^^ junho being so lovely <3
Thank u author-nim to write this story^^
Beastlovergirl #3
That was sooo cute! Great story!!!
2029 streak #4
Chapter 13: Wow! Such a sweet story... I enjoyed myself reading this :)
Chapter 13: sweet love :D
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 13: sweet of him,hehe,doone reading this one,hehe,looove it :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 13: Aww, I missed a lot. >.<
Congratulations on completing this fic, with a nice overloading fluff in the end. ^^ Junho really needs more love in this site and thanks for sharing this story! Keep it up~! <3
Nichkhunloveyou #8
Chapter 13: Awwww that was sooo CUTE!!!! Junho such a good boyfriend
Chapter 13: OWEMGEE, HOPotter! You made me miss HO Potter, cat. You really, do.. XD

Last chap = FLUFFINESS OVERLOAD! Yaay <333
I'm gonna miss Junho tho. I mean this ff.
You know I love him so mucheuu. But I know there'll be more new ff from you. Maybe some Nuneoxyou ff ;)

Thank you caaaaat! This was amazing. ^^

P.S /sobbing