Chapter 13

Russian Blue

It’s another Saturday with nothing better to do and no one to spend it with.  You gently push the heavy door in and as soon as you enter, you hear the noise of the incoherent crackles and murmurs being thrown back and forth by the crowd walking about.  It’s a little too crowded today and as usual the place had a familiar scent of popcorn in the air.  From across the entrance you find a long line of people following the red ticket rope.


“Are you already at the movie house?” Junho asked over the phone as you stroll along looking at the posters of feature films on the wall.


“Yes.  I’m here.” you answered as you approach an ice cream booth on a corner.  “Mint chocolate chip please.” you said to the lady behind the counter.


“Cup or cone?” she asked.


“Cone please.” you replied with a smile.


“Are you buying ice cream?” Junho asked.


“Yup!” you said.


“It’ll be too cold inside the theater.” Junho said.  “Wouldn’t the usual popcorn and soda be better?”


“It’s for while I wait.” you said as you hand the woman the money and you take the ice cream in your hand to .  “It’ll take half an hour before I could watch the movie.”


“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.” Junho said.


“What isn’t?” you asked as you enjoyed your ice cream.


“Allowing you to watch a movie alone.” he said worriedly.  “It might be dangerous.”


“It won’t.” you argued.  “And I don’t have anything else to do either.  And I’m already here too.  Besides, today will be the last filming day for this.  I really wanted to see it.”


“I know, but…” Junho said,


“No more buts.” you firmly said.  “Anyway, I’m already lining up for the tickets.  Just call me later after your schedule.”


“I want to be there with you.” Junho said with longing in his voice.


“I want you to be here with me too.” you said sadly.  “But you can’t, you have to work and it’s a weekend with a lot of people around.  So…”


“Are you disappointed?” he asked in an apologetic tone like you could already see his sorry face right before your eyes.


“No.” you said with a warm smile.  “I’m missing you, but I totally understand.”


“You do?” he asked.


“Umm.” you replied as your foot played with the stanchion.


“You really want me with you?” Junho asked.


“Of course I do.” you said.  “Did you have to ask?”


“Maybe I’ll go Harry Potter on you and just appear out of the blue.” he said with a chuckle.


“You’re quite silly, you know that?” you said suppressing your laughter.


“Why?  Just say abracadabra and I’ll ride my broom over to you in a flash.” he said.


“I don’t remember Harry Potter using that word.” you said giggling at the craziness of your boyfriend on the phone.  “You’re more like the Amazing Mumford from Sesame Street than Harry Potter.”


“Ala peanut butter sandwiches!” Junho said imitating the Amazing Mumford to make you laugh even more.  “But really, say abracadabra and I might go flying over to your side.”


“Junho.” you said.  “You’re making me miss you even more.”


“So, say it!” he urged you.


“I won’t.” you said as you looked around.  “Because even if you could really fly towards me right now…with this crowd…it won’t be good for you.  I don’t want you to get in trouble or have any sort of worry all because of me.”


“You love me that much?” Junho asked.


“Umm.” you nodded as if he could see you.  “You’re lucky Lee Junho.” you said teasingly.


“I know.  I’m lucky to have you as my girlfriend.” he admitted,


“As long as you know.” you said playfully.  “Oh well, go work already.  I’m next.”


“Alright.  I’ll see you later.” he said as you hung the phone up.


You unconsciously let out a deep sigh as you see a couple holding hands pass you by exchanging sweet nothings while you stood in line.  In your mind you completely understood why you couldn’t do that with Junho, but your heart couldn’t help but feel the sheer unfairness of it all.


You hurriedly finish the ice cream in your hand as you purchase the ticket to the movie you wanted to see.  Getting out of the line you look at the single ticket in your hand, hoping you were holding two right at that moment.


“Hi.” you heard a man say beside you.


You looked up to see the man’s face and not recognizing him, you simply gave him a nod and walked off.  But noticing that he was matching your pace, you immediately turned the other way to avoid him completely.


“Wait.” he said as he stood in front of you.  “I’m Chris.” he said with a smile.  “I just couldn’t help but notice you from the ticket booth.  And I couldn’t help but notice you’re alone.”


“Not alone.” you said as you walked off without giving him a second look.


“Of course you are.” he said as he tried to catch up with you.  “You bought one ticket.”


“Are you some kind of stalker?” you said as you rolled your eyes at him increasing your pace.


“No, God no.” he said with a chuckle annoying you even more.  “Actually, I just wanted to know your name.  You caught my eye in an instant and I told myself I’d be stupid not to try and approach you.  I might end up regretting it for the rest of my life.”


“Does that line still work?” you said as you stopped walking to confront him head on.  “Look here.  I’m not interested.” you said flat out.  “I’d be the world’s most stupid girl if I get picked up with that kind of line.  So leave before I make a scene and call the guards on you.”


“Come on.” he said with a smile.  “I just wanted to know you.” he said as he tried to touch your shoulder.


“Don’t touch me.” you said as you swatted his hand away.  “Abracadabra…Junho…please….” you thought to yourself all the while.


“What are you trying to do?” you heard a voice similar to that of Junho’s as you felt an arm over your shoulder.


You turned to the owner of the voice and surprisingly you see Junho with no glasses, no hat, nothing to hide away his identity standing beside you glaring at the man pestering you.


“Where you bothering my girlfriend?” Junho said angrily.


“Y…’re girlfriend?” the man stuttered recognizing Junho almost immediately.


“Are you deaf?  Well, let me say it loud and clear, my girlfriend.” Junho said loudly as he pulled you closer to him, his large hand latching on to your waist.


You looked around and found people passing by glancing at your direction and in no time, the murmurs were getting louder as a crowd draws near.


“Aren’t you Lee Junho?” the man said to Junho.


“I am.  So that makes her Lee Junho’s girlfriend.” Junho said.  “If I see you bothering her or even just merely looking at the direction of my girlfriend…”


“I won’t.  I’m sorry.” the man said as he walked away red in embarrassment.


“What in the world are you doing?” you said as you tried to walk off to leave Junho.


“Where are you going?” Junho said with a smile as he stopped you by holding on to your arm.  “You wanted me here right?”


“I told you not to come.” you said in a hush tone looking around and seeing people staring in awe of Junho.


“Look at me.” Junho said turning your face towards him.  “You don’t want me here?” Junho asked with a pout.


“It’s not that.” you said as you try to drag him off someplace where you don’t feel like a goldfish in a tank.  “Let’s talk somewhere else.”


“No.” Junho said shaking his head.  Both his hands wrapped around your waist refusing to let you go.  “This is fine.  Here is fine.”


“People are starting to recognize you.” you said worriedly.  “You didn’t even wear a cap or glasses.” you said as you tried to cover his face with your hands.


“I don’t care.” Junho said with a smile, removing your hands from his face as he looked at you.  “Let them see that I am yours.”


“This is going to be bad for you.” you continued to worry.


“I don’t care.  I just wanted to be known as your boyfriend.” Junho said, his eye smile making your heart melt and your knees wobble.


“Junho…” you muttered as you look at him not knowing if it’s right for you to be happy or just be scared for him.


“Are you ashamed of being seen with me?” Junho asked, to which you shake your head vigorously.  “You want to be with me right?” he asked again making you nod.  “You did say abracadabra, right?” he said as he leaned in to give you a chaste kiss on the lips.  “Let’s get some popcorn and drinks.” he said as he lead you to the snack bar, all the while wrapping his arm around your waist and giving you kisses on your cheek and head,


“How did you get here?” you asked as you walked closely side by side.


“Magic.” Junho said.


“No really.” you said.


“I already planned to see the movie with you and surprise you inside the theater.” he said.  “But then I saw you being followed by a creep, so…”


“Stalker.” you teasingly said.


“Well, you’re mine.  I can stalk you all I want.” Junho said.  “See, I was right, it is not safe for you to watch movies alone.”


“You’re still paranoid.” you said.


“Lost you once.” he said.


“That was a long time ago.” you said.  “We were kids then.”


“And I hated myself for years because of it.” he said.  “I’m not letting anything get in between of us.  And I’m not going to make you feel disappointed again.”


“Junho…” you said as you squeezed his hand tight.


“I know.” Junho said with a gentle smile as he looked at you, knowing pretty well what was running in your mind before you could even say it.  “I love you more.” he said as he kissed you amidst the growing crowd.


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I've been searching for this story!
I read it when I didn't have an account so I couldn't comment or subscribe!
I loved this story so much and here I am, going to re-read it! ^^
Good job on this!
sam098 #2
Chapter 13: This story is so sweet <3
I love it so so so much^^ junho being so lovely <3
Thank u author-nim to write this story^^
Beastlovergirl #3
That was sooo cute! Great story!!!
2029 streak #4
Chapter 13: Wow! Such a sweet story... I enjoyed myself reading this :)
Chapter 13: sweet love :D
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 13: sweet of him,hehe,doone reading this one,hehe,looove it :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 13: Aww, I missed a lot. >.<
Congratulations on completing this fic, with a nice overloading fluff in the end. ^^ Junho really needs more love in this site and thanks for sharing this story! Keep it up~! <3
Nichkhunloveyou #8
Chapter 13: Awwww that was sooo CUTE!!!! Junho such a good boyfriend
Chapter 13: OWEMGEE, HOPotter! You made me miss HO Potter, cat. You really, do.. XD

Last chap = FLUFFINESS OVERLOAD! Yaay <333
I'm gonna miss Junho tho. I mean this ff.
You know I love him so mucheuu. But I know there'll be more new ff from you. Maybe some Nuneoxyou ff ;)

Thank you caaaaat! This was amazing. ^^

P.S /sobbing