Chapter 10

Chasing Happiness


Gui and Aaron are sitting on the bus as they await their destination. She's constantly looking out the window at the view of the mountain side. He's sitting beside her looking at nothing else, but her.

He sighs, "you owe your mom an explaination."

She slowly turns and looks at him, "explaination?"

Aaron nods, "I bet you didn't even tell her you were leaving. Don't you feel bad not telling her?"

Gui pouts and looks away, "I told her."

He looks at her, remaining silent for the real reason why she left in the first place.

"At her funeral I told her," Gui says with a sigh and looks out the window first, "I told her I wouldn't leave if she'd come back... but she can't. I knew I had to leave even if she did come back... I can't face her anymore."

Aaron looks at her seriously, he didn't want to jump to the question, just hearing her talk was good enough for him.

"If... if she knew do you think she'll be mad at us?" She pauses, "I think she wouldn't even claim me as her daughter." Gui fogs the window with her breath and begins to write scribbles on it.

Aaron looks at the words she wrote, it says... 'ma... i'm sorry' He looks back at Gui as he notices her hands were shaking... she was crying already. Not being able to withstand seeing her in her state, he quickly grabs her hand and holds it.

Gui quickly looks at him and pulls away, "don't..."

He holds onto her hand once more, and stares into her eyes telling her with them, 'I want to hold your hand forever...'

Staring back at him, she too can tell what he was trying to tell her. She continues holding his hand, she then rests her head on his shoulder.

"Aaron..." she says to herself, "don't give me the chance to let you back in my heart... it'll just hurt me even more..."

The whole ride there was silent, as they held hands just like old times...

***************************at their mom's burial site*****************************************

"The grass has grown longer..." Gui says as they cross through an open field that lays beside a creek and a small red bridge to leads them across to another field. She takes in a deep breath of the clean air as she quickly runs up to the bridge happily, "it's still here?!"

Aaron couldn't help but smile as he slowly follows, "how else will we cross the creek?"

Gui turns back and look at him, their childhood memories become very clear and brings a smile to her face. "do you remember what happened her during that summer?"

Aaron looked at her as he thought about that summer... he too begins to smile, "you weren't even up to my shoulder then... and you were a chubby little kid--"

"Ey," she whines, "at least I grew out of it. Unlike you, you still look the same." She then walks along the bridge and touches the railing as she does so, but she continues to smile, "I remember... I came here a lot after my parents divorced. My mom loved taking me here... she said this is her heaven... she can't leave from it."

Aaron follows behind her, also touching the railing after her, "is that why she asked to be buried here?"

Gui looked back at him and nods, "this place is our happy memories... my mom grew up around here, after she re-married she came here to cry the day before the wedding... she didn't want to leave from it... but she told me it's ok... because happiness will follow her."

Aaron looks at her touchingly with his eyes, "what about you? Did your happiness follow you?"

Gui stops in her tracks and lets out a deep breath. She shakes her head, "I'm still chasing it..." She then walks off the bridge and continues down the sandy banks as Aaron follows her. They then come to her mother's burial site.

******************************a minute later***************************************

After giving the offerings, they remained quiet as they just sat there looking at it.

Aaron looks at Gui, "do you have something to say?"

Gui doesn't look at him as she lets out a sigh, "I already did... I told her with my heart."

He looks back at the site and sighs, "then I'll say something," he clears his throat and waits for the right moment to say it, "ma..." he begins, "I'm sorry... it's been eight years... eight long years and every time I come here I kept it away from you..."

Gui looks at him suddenly.

"I love Gui..." he finally says, "I've always loved her..."

Both of their eyes begin to fill with tears.

Aaron takes in a long breath, "I've been waiting on when I should tell you the truth... I'm really sorry." He pauses, "but I promise you... I'll protect her with all my heart... and I'll love her till my last breath... I won't let her be sad... I'll give her her happiness..."

Hearing his words, Gui couldn't help but cry as she watches him confess their big secret... even up till now she couldn't even say it, not even to her mother's grave, she's only reluctant to say it in silence. But even though she was touched at this moment, she was also in a state of rage because... Aaron... she was starting to fall in love with him again. She couldn't finish hearing his words, her first initial reaction, was to run, run away as far as she could get, far enough to not be able to hear him.

Aaron watches as Gui runs off, he chases after her as she doesn't bother to take the bridge but to instead just run straight into the river to cool herself. He grabs onto her hand stopping her from progessing any further. She faces him. He sees her tear struckened face.

"Why?!" Gui cries to him in anger, "why did you tell ma?! Do you not want her to remain happy in her heaven?!" Her cries began to soften as they stare at each other, "don't you know... I'm guilty already?! I admit, I left because I love you! I admit, I left because I can't love you as well don't you know?! We can't go on like this forever!"

"Gui, this is why you left? Just because you felt guilty?"

She continues to cry and looks down, "we shouldn't have started in the first place..." she says without looking at him, "mom and dad were already happy... why didn't we think about them... why'd we have to be so selfish to fall in love..."

Aaron pulls her into his embrace. He holds her tightly, refusing to let go as he sighs, "mom and dad were happy... I know... but we were happy too weren't we? They found their happiness... we found ours too. Even if they found out and torn us apart I'd still love you."

Gui shakes her head and pulls away from him in tears, "you don't get it! Even if we were happy we still won't be happy... the whole time I was with you, I was so sad at the same time! I was about to explode! I couldn't take the pressure of being your sister the next minute and then being your girlfriend! I couldn't take it... I wasn't happy!"

Aaron looks at her, hearing her tell him her true feelings made him unable to say anything. He just felt stupid not noticing her feelings of the past, now that he finally knew, he wasn't prepared for it.

She looks at him and wipes her tears quickly as she takes in a deep breath, "why... why do we have to hold onto those feelings from eight years ago? We were just foolish kids... we didn't know what love was... it was just a game..." she keeps telling herself, "it was just a game..." She finally walks out of the waters and sits onto the green grass. She stares at him as he slowly faces her. She sighs, "we have to let it go..."

He looks at her, heartbroken. He pauses before he could answer, "I can't..." He takes in a deep breath, "I love you."

She continues to look at him, those words begins to break her down even more. She covers her ears and shakes her head, "you can't love me!"

He rushes up to her, moves her hands away from her ears, stare her right in the eyes, "I love you..." he says calmly to her as she looks at him. Their tears continues to run down from their eyes. He continues to stare at her passionately, "Gui... I love you..."

She hears it once again... feeling guilty all at once and also happy... but she knew no matter what she felt, she couldn't help it... she loved him too. She pulls him to her and kisses him.

Gui's POV "ma... no matter how guilty this pleasure is, I love him... even if my happiness doesn't follow me, I'll chase after it while holding onto Aaron's hand... because I know, he'll give me my happiness..."


I want to know how my story's going along


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
readingglass #4
ariel right?? the girl??
please update! im hear to read!
SuperGeneration13 #7
Love the story~!
SuperGeneration13 #8
update please~!
Can you please please update!!!!
I love this story!!! ><
-HaeFany-Forever- #10
Please do update ! I would reallllyy KILLLLLL YOU if you don'ttt :( Please , I'm begginggg you! :(