Natural Idolness

With Yu and Yoru

    They blinked and blinked, that was sudden. Yoongmun didn't intend to say that but she did accidentally, she was saying her point and so, she was now dead silent and was just staring intently at the candle in front of her.

"Maknae, really?" Soochan was holding herself not to laugh, "You think Minho-oppa is handsome?"

No answer from Yoongmun. She kept staring at the slowly melting candle.

"Well..." Rinhyo was now back, "I think Yoongmun's right, Minho-oppa is really handsome"

"Hahaha!" Hyegun laughed, "I totally agree with you dongsaeng, fake sibling has a natural idolness"

"Natural Idolness?" Soochan asked, "Where did you get that one halmoni?"

"Soochan-ah! Call me eonnie!" Hyegun whined, hating the fact that they kept calling her grandma or auntie, "Anyway, natural idolness, you know. Fake sibling Minho has the aura of the boy next door type eventhough he ignored it and such. He might be the next Korean idol with that striking face he has."

Minho just smiled silently, he has no idea that his female friends think that he's really handsome. Taemin was just listening to them, taking tips how to be an idol. Key and Onew kept rolling their eyes as the girls continued to admire Minho's natural idolness. Jonghyun on the other hand was jealous to Minho, he wanted them to say, that he has some natural idolness within him too.

Rinrin laughed hysterically.

"I thought I'm the only one who thinks that Minho-oppa is handsome! Thanks Yoongmun-ah, you really did made us realized that."

Minho blushed at that statement, was he really that handsome? Key gaped, even his agiya agreed with her eonnies.

"Rinrin-ah, you really think so?" Key asked, "Soochan, you two?"

His surrogate family members nodded. Key's a bit worried, was he going to loss his surrogate family because of Minho's natural idolness?

"Neh... Thanks for your compliments; I never thought that you girls think that I'm cute"

"Handsome!!!" They argued. All the boys except for Minho, shook their heads. Minho laughed and blushed, heads bowing down.

"Okay! Okay! Minho is handsome, Minho is handsome!" Key said sarcastically, "Could we talk about the news now?"

The girls agreed and Yoongmun came back to reality.

"Where were we?" Yoongmun inquired, perfectly free from shame.

"If the killer's a gay or what" Soochan answered, "What do you all think?"

"Appa, I think he's a gay and his next victims would be boys!" Rinrin concluded, "Maybe handsome boys only seeing that he only killed pretty girls"

"Minho-oppa, beware then!" Rinhyo laughed still lingering in Minho's natural idolness. Taemin frowned and his lips began pouting. They say that Minho was handsome, what about him?

"Neh, noona?" He began shyly, "What about me? Should I be careful too?"

Rinhyo thought for a moment. Taemin was really cute, there's no doubt about that but she wanted to blanket partner.

"No, I don't think so, you're just cute Taeminnie yet you have no natural idolness" Rinhyo said with a laughed. Taemin opened his mouth and his eyes were watery.

"Rinhyo-eonnie, you're so mean!" Yoongmun observed, "We all knew that Taemin is really cute and I guess the gay killer likes cute boys especially if it’s young."

Taemin beamed, Yoongmun said that he's really cute but what if the killer likes cute boys? Taemin began sulking.

"Haha, half-brother beware! You might be the next victim!" Rinrin warned and received a look from her umma.

"Rinrin-agiya, don't talk like that! Do you want your half-brother to die?" Key asked disapprovingly.

Rinrin shook her head. "Of course not umma! But Taemin is cute and might be the liking of the gay killer, you know"

Now, the gay killer wants cute guys? Jonghyun was pissed about this killing talk; it’s not even a talk, more like admiring Taemin and Minho. Key considered her answer; cute guys might be very irresistible to gay killers.

"Handsome, Cute, what about boys that are old?" Hyegun inquired, "You know, the old man that went missing"

"Eww" Key said disgustingly, "Hyegun-ah, why would he choose a guy that half its age? Do you have a valid reason for that?"

"I'm just saying the possibility Key-sshi" She argued, "You don't know that maybe the killer likes old men"

Key just shrugged. Taemin's thoughts about the old man were suddenly popping out.

"Old man? Hmm... If that's what the killer wanted, the third years should beware" Soochan commented. Onew and Jonghyun looked at her like, 'Take that back!' look.

"Soochan-noona, you mean Jonghyun-hyung and Onew-hyung should be careful?" Taemin asked knowing that the said boys were third years. Soochan nodded while Rinrin and Hyegun laughed hysterically.

"Jjong! Have you heard about that?" Hyegun laughed, "You're old! The gay killer might kill you!"

"Shut up, Hyegun-ah! And call me oppa!" Jonghyun cried, "As if you're not old too! Remember you're the same year as us!"

The merong contest started, in the left corner, Jonghyun and in the right corner Hyegun. On the other hand, Rinrin contemplated about her appa's statement about oldies. She glanced at Onew, who was not saying anything since the killing talk started. Was he scared?

"Oppa, are you alright?" She asked, "You don't seem to talk much right now"

Onew looked at her, "I'm cold" Indeed he was cold, Rinrin pushed him away awhile ago. She blinked and smile apologetically at him.

"Mianhe, here's the blanket" She scooted next to him and spread the blanket all over. "You look pale."

"It's your fault" Onew said and took the blanket, "and the temperature also. But mainly it was yours!"

Rinrin frowned; Onew was one of his moods again. If he's angry, he looks old and stuff. Rinrin was now looking at him and concluded that Onew was old.

"Oppa you look old" She observed, "Beware!!!"

"Old? I won't walk you home anymore then!" Onew confirmed, "And if that will happen, the gay killer might kill you and thus I have no dongsaeng who kept getting into my nerves!"

The merong contest still continued, but these two were not watching the contest anymore, they were busy arguing. So far, Jonghyun got five points while Hyegun got three.

"You're so mean!" Rinrin talked back, "You're supposed to be the concerned oppa like what you've said before about the beer!"

"Well, I'm not concerned anymore!" Onew declared, "From now on, you'll walk home 'alone' and be eaten by the night being!"

Rinrin began whining, she hated the night being.

"Then I'll ask Minho-oppa to buy me cases and cases of beer" She informed, "because like you said, you're not concerned anymore! I'll get myself drank every afternoon after class!"

Onew gritted his teeth, why is it that this brat kept pushing the beer scenario, does she wanted to be a drinker in the near future? But as the eldest in the gang, he's responsible for the well-being of all his dongsaengs, especially this one particular spoiled brat beside him. Thank goodness, he has a lot of self-control so he sighed and gave in.

"Alright! I take it back! I'm your responsible and concerned oppa so anything might happen to you and all of my dongsaengs I'll be the first one to blame" He stated, "I'll walk you home just don't drink beer or anything bubbly and alcoholic, arasso?"

Rinrin smiled, success! Onew couldn't win in this game of 'raison d'être' against her. She knew that Onew is really responsible and always feel troubled if his dongsaengs were getting pretty silly sometimes.

"I know oppa that you are..." She yawned, "I won't drink beer then... eventhough... it calls me"

The surrogate parents of Rinrin were silently listening to the discussion of the two and after Onew gave in, they smiled and proclaimed to themselves that Onew is really concerned.

"Haha! I win!" Jonghyun beamed, "I always do"

Hyegun rolled her eyes and yawned. "You cheater..." She muttered.

It was now one in the morning and the sneakers were slowly getting weary and all. The first years were already fast asleep while the second years except to Rinhyo and the third years were still up. Jonghyun let Yoongmun take the entire blanket so she could sleep warmed and comfortable despite the fact that she's lying on the hard wood. He went to Hyegun's side and allowed the maknae to take all the space, Jonghyun, after all was a gentleman too, his friends couldn't see it because Minho always take the scene, without his knowledge.

"Look at them" Soochan pointed.

Taemin was leaning on Onew's left shoulder while Rinrin on his right. Onew was having a hard time moving or else these two would wake up and started complaining about disturbing their sleep. First years were really getting into his nerves. The only second year that was asleep was Rinhyo, she was humming on her self while silently getting the covers away from Taemin, she is just half asleep actually.

"Hyung, don't move or else my agiyas will wake up" Key warned as he watched how Onew was about to move.

"Key, I'm not their umma, it's you" Onew groaned, "Why don't you switch places with me?"

The surrogate umma laughed, "I rather not hyung or else you are not the concerned oppa anymore"

Onew continued to groaned, why did he say that in the first place?

Haldir lives!!! Wahahaha--- random. Anyway, let’s go home and drink some bubbly drinks.



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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~