The Night Being

With Yu and Yoru


 After the great commotion about food and bubbly drinks, the gang members were seated again and another candle was lighted. It was now eleven in the evening but still all of them were energetic as they were since the sneaking started.

The temperature went down and the blankets of Yoongmun were now needed, much to the maknae's delight. She brought with her the blankets that were too were stolen from her mother's dress shop. She brought five pieces and they were light as a feather that she has no difficulty in carrying it.

"It's nice that you brought blankets with you Yoongmun-ah" Jonghyun admired.

"Neh... Thanks oppa but actually I stole it from my mother's shop."

"Eh? That's not nice..." Minho teased.

"At least, I didn't buy a beer for an UNDERAGE friend!" Yoongmun opposed with a hint of silliness. Key coughed.

"Before another nuclear war might start from both parties, let’s start the story telling, shall we?" Key said casually. "Hyegun-halmoni? Do you have a story to tell?"

"Of course I have, if only you would call me noona and not halmoni nor ahjumma" She gushed.

"Mianhe... Hyegun-noona?"

"Okay, lets begin the tale..." She began but was interrupted by Taemin, Rinhyo, Soochan, Jonghyun, Minho, Yoongmun, Key, Rinrin and Onew. All of them actually.

"What?" The blankets were not handed out properly to them and as they complain the temperature went down to 15 degree Celsius.

"It's cold... I'm cold" Rinrin moaned. "If I did drink the beer I wouldn't feel cold... Err"

Onew looked at her with the look that clearly state that 'You can't drink beer as long as I live'. Rinrin looked at him with the look that state, 'Then I'll kill you'.

"Yoongmun-dongsaeng, how many blankets did you bring?" Rinhyo questioned while sipping her stolen milk from Taemin, without the knowledge of him of course.


"Okay, then 1 blanket for two people" Rinhyo calculated, "Taeminnie, you'll share with me"

"Why do you want to share with me noona?" Taemin asked innocently. Rinhyo was mute.

"Eh!!! Just don't ask Taemin-agiya, share with Rinhyo, no buts!" Key confirmed. "Soochan-ah, who's your surrogate wife?"

"That would be you" Soochan answered. "I know, I get it, I'll share with my wife."

"Minho-oppa..." Yoongmun muttered, "Me or Hyegun-eonnie?"

"For what?"

"For the blanket sharing?" She also questioned herself.

"I'll get the maknae, go with your fake sibling noona Minho-ah" Jonghyun ordered, referring to Hyegun.

"Okay, then I guess I'll share it with my fake sibling... Hyegun-noona, come here" Minho called. Hyegun stood up and kicked Jonghyun.

"That's why I don't want to be with her, she's a kicker." Jonghyun muttered. Yoongmun went to Jonghyun's side and they shared the long blanket. Hyegun was checking her story. Rinrin however was already under the blanket; she covered her whole body with it and went near her surrogate parents.

"Agiya, don't you have a partner?" Key asked.

"A partner? I don't need that; I'll just stick with you two and half-brother Taeminnie"

"That's nice to hear, we'll be a happy family then." Soochan added.

"What? Hey Rinrin-ah, share that blanket! I'm freezing here." Onew grumbled, hugging himself.

"Pipshe! Lets ask the mob then" She wanted polls "Who's siding Onew-oppa?"

Onew mouthed to Jonghyun that he would pay him, so Jonghyun raised his hand. Onew sent Minho a look, remembering him about his last fault about the beer, Minho raised his hand.

"Food treating..." He sang, implying his four female dongsaengs about the treats he would give them. Hyegun, Rinhyo, Yoongmun and even Rinrin's appa, Soochan betrayed her. They raised their hands.

"Oh, look! Majority wins Rinrin-ah!" He announced gleefully.

"Why do you always siding the oldest, huh?" She nagged and stomp off to Onew. She spread the blankets so that Onew would be warmed too.

"Stay away from me" She muttered. “You ducken!”

"Then I'll never walk you home starting tonight." Onew warned. With the thought of walking alone in the dark alleyways Rinrin changed her statement quickly.

"I'm just teasing you oppa... Hehehe… Pssssh"

All of them now were secured and warm. The gaps between them were just a mere inch but there's nothing to be worry about. Those ten were not romantically involved with each other; they treated one another as siblings and such.

The candle went off suddenly with an unknown reason. There's no breeze that passed by and the candle was just half melted. Shoutings and screamings were heard. Soochan immediately lighted the candle and so peace gains its glory again.

"Okay, lets begin the tale..." Hyegun began once again.


There was once an old boarding school for girls somewhere near the great Mirkwood. The boarding school has a lot of rooms and jumble of towers that it looked like a castle in medieval period. It was the beginning of the first semester and there were five girls that were new to the school. Their classes have begun and now it was their second week. Upon entering the great hall, the five girls always see the old woman that they took as the boarding school's caretaker; she was always repairing the wirings. Everyday, they would watch as the old woman climbed up the ladder just to fix the busted wirings.

One day, the five girls were wandering inside the castle when they saw the old woman again, as expected she was repairing the wall lamp outside. They went to her and began asking questions why she always mended the wirings and if not, the busted bulbs.

"To keep you all safe"

"Keep us safe, from what?" one of the girls asked.

And so the old caretaker told them about the night being that dwells inside the school. It was a creature with big blue eyes, very very few hair strands, small, boney and it only wears a loin cloth. It only appears at night when the light is off. The creature, according to the old woman, have a very long tongue that could suffocate you, its teeth were sharp and deadly. It always hangs on the wall and the ceiling and the one who always did the hissing at night. The night being is a flesh-eating beast that only attack at night when there's no light and savaged the poor students who was deep into slumber.

"Really? I don't believe you" said one of the girls.

"Yeah, there's no such thing as that and besides I never seen that creature before" added by the other.

"You're only making that story to scare us! Come on guys!" said their leader.

"I'm saying the truth!" countered the old woman, "Don't turn off your lights at night!"

But the girls just walked away, thinking that the old caretaker was somewhat crazy and by being old, building up scary stories to scare the students who wander in the school at night. The caretaker continued to fix the old lamp.

It was night and the caretaker was checking if some students were sneaking again and scolds them for breaking the rule. It was after all for their well-being, the old woman knew that the creature was there, just waiting for the right time to strike and eat the brat students who never listens to her about the lights. The creature hated lights that's why it only appears at night, it was to be said, that the night being was climbing on the wall and destroy the wirings and the bulbs every night so that for the next night, it will devour all of them if the wirings wouldn't be fix.

The caretaker however knew that the night being was the one who kept tearing down the wirings but as long as the old woman fixed the busted cabling, there's no need to worry.

One time, the old woman was sick and she couldn't climb up the ladder to fix the wirings, that the night being again demolished. She just told the students that they would never turn off their candles when night comes for the sake of their lives. The five girls laughed at that but the old students who knew about the night being were terrified.

It was now night and the old caretaker eventhough sick kept telling the students to never turn their candles off. As stated before they were now suffering from the lack of electricity, the wirings were cut and the bulbs were broken. They were to use candles and if they have flashlights then much better.

The five girls were about to sleep and each of them would never listen to the old woman's warning about the lights; they put it off and began to relax on their beds. The night being were now free to wander on the school's walls and ceilings, the hallways were dark and it was searching for a dark room and a student to devour. It started hissing and the smell of girls' flesh was intoxicating its nose, it quickly passed the ceiling and was now inside one of the girls’ room.

It let its long tongue out and started choking the girl’s neck. Screams of help and reaping of meats were heard. After that the night being began to search for victims again. For all night, it already ate five girls, all of them were helpless and they were the girls who wouldn't listen to the old woman's warning.

The sick woman couldn't sleep at all, the screams of help of the students kept echoing on the halls but she couldn't do anything, she couldn't help them but at the beginning she did, she warned them to never turn off the light at night.


It’s Gollum??? Hoo~ it wears a loin cloth, I wonder how Onew will look like if he only wears a loin cloth… *corrupted* Comments and subscriptions are loved. Read ‘Shinee A Twist In Fairytales’. Thanksss…

-Loin Cloth for Onew.


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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
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Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~