Meeting the Austere Parents

With Yu and Yoru


                   Onew continued to bang the main door of Rinrin's house. He wanted to talk to her about the news he just heard from the TV reporter and thought that Rinrin must know about the killing, but was he over reacting to that? Yes, he is but he must inform her, he was the self-proclaimed concerned oppa after all. The door burst opened and a rather tall man opened the door. He was clad in a white t-shirt and brown shorts, his face looked annoyed and all. "What do you want?" He asked sternly, "And who are you?"
Onew gulped. It was Rinrin's appa, not Soochan but Rinrin's real appa and he was really tall. Onew was just gaping at him, he haven't seen him in person since Rinrin's appa was working abroad for a while but now, he was face-to-face with him. "I..." He stammered, "I--" He was cut off when the real appa asked again, completely annoyed now.
"Who are you?"
"Chu-chunon Lee Ji-Jinki imnida..."
"Why are you banging MY door then?" He asked still sternly. He put his hand on the door, leaning on it. Onew felt rather conscious infront of this man and felt somewhat small compare to his height. If he kept stammering, Rinrin's appa would absolutely look down to Onew more so, he straightened his posture and introduced again.
"Forgive me for interrupting you sir" Onew began, "I'm Lee Jinki, your neighbor, just there" He pointed his house. "I came here to see your daughter, Rinrin-ssi"
"Why do you want to see my daughter?" His eyebrow curved up, "Are you one of those foolish boys that’s interested to her?"
'What? Interested to her?' Onew thought, 'I just came here to tell her about the news I've heard! This is rubbish!'
"Oh, no sir" He stated, "I'm just one of her bestfriends in school, I’m wondering if she's there inside..."
"Really?" He was still leaning "I'll just call her, wait there". And he close the door rather hastily making a loud noise, Onew have to step backwards just in case the door might slap his hand or if nature forbids, he's oh-so-precious face.
Rinrin's appa came back to his throne and continued to watch TV not even telling Rinrin that she has a visitor waiting outside. Fortunately, Rinrin's mother was there silently listening to the small talk of Onew and Rinrin's real appa. She went to her daughter’s bedroom and informed her daughter that she have a visitor.
"Really?" She asked not really interested to who might visit her, "How does the visitor looks like, umma?"
"He has a long brown hair for a boy and have a chinky eyes" Her mother informed, watching what Rinrin's been doing infront of her laptop, "He also said that he's one of your bestfriend in school"
"Might be a stranger, don't entertain it" She said without second thought but something was not right, "He have chinky eyes? Oh! Wait! It's Onew-oppa!!!"
And she went down straight to the door. Her mother wondered who Onyuu is, she never met that Onyuu before and Rinrin never talk about her school life at them so she has no idea who's Onyuu. She peered on the screen and she saw that Rinrin's account was still online, she sat on the chair and began rummaging her account. Key's chatbox suddenly popped out.
Key: Agiya!
'Agiya?' She thought, 'who's this guy?' So, she replied.
Rinrin: Who are you calling 'Agiya'? and who are you?
Key: What?
Who's this? Is this Rinrin's boyfriend or something? Why is it that he's calling Rinrin agiya? Rinrin's umma's thoughts were like a roller coaster.
Rinrin: Again, who are you?
Rinrin opened the door and she was right Onew was there, looking pale and grim. Her appa didn't even spare her a glance, he was stuck watching the TV news. "Oppa! What are you doing here?" Rinrin asked, quite glad that Onew visited her, "Come on! My appa's here"
'No, no! Not your appa' Onew thought as he went inside.
"Appa!" She called, "Come here, I want you to meet my friend."
The chicken commercial was broadcasted therefore her appa stood up and comply to his daughter, he loathe chicken and never dare eat it ever since an accident happened to him because of the poultry animal. "Appa, I would like you to meet, my friend, Onew" She introduced, "Onew-oppa, this is my father"
The two just stared at each other. Rinrin blinked, they supposed to shake hands right? Why are they in heat of a staring contest. Males. Rinrin nudged Onew. "Oh, I'm sorry" He apologized, "Pleased to meet you sir" Rinrin's appa just nodded. "Okay..." Rinrin was bewildered about the two, "Now, that you two are acquainted, lets go Onew-oppa!"
And the two went to Rinrin's room for Onew to meet her real umma. Rinrin's appa watched Onew suspiciously, after the chicken commercial he went to watch TV again. "Umma! I would-" She cut herself after seeing her umma was looking through and much to her dismay, chatting with her surrogate umma, Key. "Umma! What are you doing?"
The real umma just looked at her disapprovingly, "Who's Key? And why is he calling you agiya?". Rinrin face palmed, hating the fact that her mother kept rummaging her stuff and if she's confused or close to that she would act as if Rinrin did something immoral.
"Key's my friend umma!" Rinrin countered, "And why are you using my facebook account, don't you have yours? Err". Onew stood there and watched the real-mother and daughter verbal fight.
"I was just checking what you are doing in the cyber world Rinrin" Her mother confirmed, "If that Key was just your friend, is that relationship enough to call you baby?"
"No, but he's my surrogate mother!" Rinrin covered , "I'm sorry, we'll talk about it later okay?"
"Surrogate mother?"
"Yes, a long story" She informed, "Later umma! And you're not here to asked questions about Key-umma but to meet my oppa. Umma, I would like you to meet Onew". Onew perked up after hearing his name, he went to Rinrin's side and bowed to her mother. "Please to meet you ma'am"
"Onew-oppa, this is my mother. I know, I'm prettier" She joked. The real umma smiled at Onew and look at Rinrin with the look that clearly state that 'We'll talk later'. She went outside leaving the two with their lives.
"Oppa, sorry about my parents, they are really... uh..." She was searching for the right word, "Austere. They are really suspicious to my friends especially if they are males justlike you. Neh... nevermind them."
"It's alright Rinrin-ah" Onew said, "Parents are really like that especially if they have a daughter like you."
"What do you mean 'a daughter like you'?" She sat on the chair and inspected what her mother's damage on her account, "What are you implying, huh?"
"Well... uh..." He looked at the ceiling, "I'm just saying that parents are strict if they love their child"
"Good." She saw what her mother's been replying to Key, "Ahhh!!! She's saying weird things to Key-umma! Oh, I'm so dead when I see him on Monday!". Rinrin quickly sent Key a message.
Rinrin: Umma! It's me Rinrin. I'm sorry, it was not me but my real mother, she was a little carried away in using my account.
Key: Oh, that explains alot. Where have you been then?
Rinrin: Just here, inside the house. Oh, I'll be back later. Bye
Key: Eh?
Rinrin logged off. Computer could wait but her visitor couldn't. She shifted her attention now to Onew, who was sitting on her bed. "Eh... Oppa, what brought you here by the way?" She asked and hibernated her laptop. "Umm, I'm just wondering if you have heard the news awhile ago, so have you?"
"Sorry, I haven't. I was stuck with my computer for the whole morning and afternoon, why? What about the news?" She wondered what the news was all about that even Onew have to visit her personally and tell it to her face-to-face.
"I thought so." Onew was right, Rinrin has no idea about the killings that happened inside their city, "There's a new victim, it was another girl. Like your age, she was found dead in Daejin Park just this morning by a grandma and according to the reporter she has no hand when they found the body."
Rinrin gulped. She have no idea about that news. Oh, she was so slow. "Ehh, Oppa! You are scaring me!" Rinrin whined, "You really went here just to scare me?"
"No, of course not! I'm here to warn you. Look Rinrin-ah, there's a lot of killings that are happening inside the city now, mostly young girls in your age are the victims. You must be careful, you didn't know, the killer is just there, watching you..."
"Eeee! My eonnies should be warn then too and maknae! I'm scared oppa!" She admitted, "Neh, thanks for telling me that"
"You're one of my dongsaengs and my neighbor you know" He uttered, "Just a concerned and a worried oppa here"
"Cheesy..." Rinrin teased, "Anyway, are you staying here? Please! I'm going to get some snacks then! Wait here!"
And she was off, not even hearing Onew's answer whether to say yes or no. Onew was going to say no because his house was alone and the door was unlocked and chicken! The tv was still on, how could he be so impulsive in going to Rinrin's house? Now, he was sulking on her bed, after Rinrin arrived, he would excuse himself and go home immediately. My house! He sulked. What if some thief already got in? He sulked again.
I updated! Hoo~ I should probably edit this fic. More Yu and Yuro scenes.
- Penguin of Madagascar.
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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~