Another Sleepless Night

With Yu and Yoru

    It was now midnight in the streets of Daejin, all the people were fast asleep however there was an exception. Yoru was still up, she couldn't sleep eventhough she was tired of running awhile ago after she met the guy that she always see in school that was Minho.

She sat on the chair and faced her notebook on her desk. She started drawing a wooden coffin and a small girl with a short black hair beside it. The young girl was wearing a black clothing and her face was expressionless. Yoru’s thoughts wandered on the memory of her twin, how she died while they played their suicide game. She opened the table cabinet and snatched the old picture of her and her twin.

The two were facing the camera with no expression at all, she was wearing her white dress however her twin was wearing black, the exact opposite of white. As she could remember, she and the real Yoru always dressed the opposite of each other so that, their parents could tell who were they, who's Yu and who's Yoru. She stared at it for a while then a cold brisk of wind suddenly touched her body making her shivered. She knew that it was her twin, saying that she's always with her and would never leave her alone. She sighed and put the picture back to the table cabinet and continued to sketch.

"I... I'm going to meet my friends in there."

The answer of Minho suddenly crept in her mind, she stopped sketching and faced palmed. Her brain hurts, she wanted to sleep but she couldn't and now the happenings before came back to her.

'Why are they going to my house?' She thought, 'What are they going to do there?'

She shook her head, trying hard not to think why would some teenagers got fascinated by her former house. She closed her notebook and lay on her bed. Maybe, her twin would spare her some sleep. But as soon as she closed her eyes a cold gust of wind came making her shiver more than usual.


She opened her eyes and came face to face with her twin. The real Yoru was floating above her, staring at her face intently, there's a good 12 inches from their faces. She gasped and went to cover . The real Yoru loved scaring Yu but Yu's quite accustomed to it by now but the bloody face of the real Yoru was just utterly terrifying to her.

"Eonnie..." Yu addressed her sister. "What do you want?"

"You couldn't sleep, could you?" The ghost asked.

"Barely" came the short answer.

"YORU!" The real Yoru said sarcastically, "I bet you are happy using my name."

"I am not" Yu countered, "Please leave me alone, I'm tried eonnie"

"Why don't we play our game again?" the ghost suggested, "It's been a few months now since we played it"

Yu stared at her and then she stood up and search for some rope.


Meanwhile, inside Yu and Yoru's former house, the crew of sneakers was still in there, closely seated around the newly lighted candle. It's now the fourth candle from Soochan's bag. Hyegun finished her story, which she found in the old library in Daejin University. She's the leader and the lead producer of horror stories and since they started their secret hobby, she's the one who mostly tell the tale.

"The End." She concluded and eyed her friends, searching for their reactions.

Taemin was now holding his flashlight rather tightly and he kept pointing it above the ceiling and on the dark walls, searching for the night being while Rinhyo was holding two flashlights and she did the same. Jonghyun lend her his flashlight because Rinhyo kept begging for him to let her borrow it.

Jonghyun however was choking; Yoongmun was pulling his dress because she was so scared that she thought that Jonghyun's clothes were part of the blanket.

"Yoongmun-ah, here's the blanket. It's all yours, just stop pulling my clothes" Jonghyun said irritated. Yoongmun smiled apologetically at him.

Soochan on the other hand has a candle ready on her hand and a match stick in case the candle might melt or another wind might put it off, she was just getting ready while her surrogate wife Key was pale than usual.

"Key-oppa, are you alright? You look rather pale... Are you that scared?" Soochan inquired still holding the candle.

"Scared? Me? What a joke! I'm telling you Soochan that me, the almighty Key would never be scared in such story about the night being" He lied but held his chin high, pretending to be a brave umma.

"Minho-ah, aren't you scared?" Hyegun asked as she shifted her eyes to her blanket partner. Minho looked at her after he drank the unwanted mineral water that he was supposed to give to Jonghyun.

"Eh? I..." Minho said, "I... I mean, where did you get that story? In the internet?" He changed the subject.

"From the school library, you know there's a section there full of horror stories but it's off limits" Hyegun informed.

"Off limits? How did you get the story then?" asked Minho, wondering how could his fake sibling get inside the off limits section.

"I'm a Choi, Minho-ah, I can do anything" And then she laugh. She actually snuck inside that section when the school old librarian was not looking around.

"Rinrin-dongsaeng, what about you?" She asked, "Rinrin?"

"Why are you asking her Hyegun-ah?" Onew said, "It's really obvious that she's really scared"

Rinrin was indeed scared, she was now hiding with the use of the blanket, and she pushed Onew away so she could take comfort and security by having the blanket by only herself. From the beginning of the tale, she already hid herself and covered her ears with her hands but to no avail, Hyegun's big voice still found a way to get inside her ears.

"Oh, riiiiiight" Hyegun replied, "What about you Onew-oppa?"

Onew nodded. "But, do you think the night being really existed?"

"I don't know I've just read it in library book." Hyegun confirmed, "Hey! What you heard about the news?"

They all perked up except for the one who was hiding under the blanket.

"News? About what?" Rinhyo questioned.

"You know before the four of us could meet I've watched tv and according to the reporter, there's a lot of killings in Daejin now. They have found so far two bodies of young girls that have no eyes and kidneys. It's really scary"

"Eh? No eyes and kidneys?" Taemin asked, "What kind of murderer is that? Taking the eyes and kidneys of the one it killed."

"Yes, no eyes and as they reported it, the killer put some money in the victims' mouths as for payments for the eyes and kidneys" Hyegun added. At that moment, Rinrin went out of the blanket and listen carefully too.

"That's really terrible! Who would do that kind of killing?" Soochan commented, "That's merciless..."

"I agree with you" Key affirmed, "We should be careful now, Rinrin-agiya and Taemin, you heard that?"

The two nodded and continued to listen.

"But you know, the killer is a bit picky because it only kills young beautiful girls" She included. Jonghyun was listening too.

"Hyegun-ah, don't worry about that, the killer as you have said, was only interested in beautiful girls." Jonghyun teased and laughed. Hyegun threw the empty can of iced-coffee at him yet she missed him.

"Is that so? Hmm... I guess I should be very careful now" Yoongmun joked around. "Seeing that I'm the prettiest here"

Minho shot her a look that clearly state that 'In your dreams Maknae!'. Rinrin, Rinhyo and Soochan however were quite scared about that.

"Halmoni- I mean eonnie, is the killer a male?" Rinhyo asked again.

"Hmm... Maybe seeing that it only killed girls" She guessed. "But, there's an old man that went missing too. He's been gone for a week now according to the news and his family is really worried."

"Neh? I think the killer's interested in boys too" Rinrin stated, she was back in her old self now, being noisy and bubbly like her supposed to be drink.

"Rinrin-ah, don't say that!" Minho muttered, "The killer's only interested in girls!"

"Hyung! What if the killer's a gay and he killed girls because he was insecure about them!" Taemin uttered pulling the blankets away from Rinhyo.

"Taeminnie, how could you say that?" Key gushed, "A gay killer?!"

"Well, Hyegun said that there's an old man missing and..." Taemin trailed off, realizing what he was about to say. A gay taking interest for an old man? Taemin doesn't like that thought.

"Taemin-oppa, I think you have a point there!" Rinrin said, "Maybe the killer's a gay! And... Oh no! I guess his next victim would be boys!!!"

Taemin was a bit grateful that Rinrin, his surrogate half-sister sided him but the thought of a gay with an old man was really disturbing, so he dropped it and became silent for now.

"Rinrin-ah! Drop it! He's only interested in girls!" Minho argued.

"Minho-ah, why are you that concerned if the killer likes to kill men?" Jonghyun suddenly asked. Minho was about to answer when Yoongmun interjected.

"If the killer's a gay justlike what Taemin and Rinrin-eonnie concluded, he might like boys with a stunning features and..." Yoongmun realized what Minho was concerned about, "and... Minho-oppa might be his next victim because oppa is really handsome!---"

After saying those words, Yoongmun covered and stared at the candle. All of them blinked for several times and started saying their reactions to Yoongmun's handsome statement to Minho.

Minho is what? By the way, comments and subscriptions are loved. I’ve finished writing the Frog Prince starring Minho as the frog!

-Cinderella In Boots.

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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~