Food Court Rumpus

With Yu and Yoru


 It's traditional that every Friday night ten best friends were to meet in their secret meeting place inside an old abandoned house just a few blocks away from their school, Daejin University. The ten shared a peculiar fascination about horror stories and they decided to do this hobby of telling stories to seek fulfillment.

It was Friday and the classes in Daejin were about finish this late afternoon. The ten bestfriends were split into different classes because of their small s. The third years were Lee Jinki, Kim Jonghyun and Choi Hyegun, they were the oldies. The second years were Yoon Soochan, Kwon Rinhyo, Kim Kibum and Choi Minho however Song Yoongmun, Lee Taemin and Park Rinrin belonged to the first years because the three were the youngest in the group. They knew each other a long time ago.

After the long exhausting classes in the university they met in the school's food court to finalize their outing for tonight. As third years, they have few subjects to take so they already have been in the food court for almost half an hour now, waiting for their dongsaengs to come. The three were bored out of their skulls that they decided to have snacks while waiting for the rest.

"Jjong, would you mind buying me some coffee?" Hyegun asked while digging her money in her bag. She lost her wallet a few days ago and she forgot to buy a new one, so she just put her money inside her bag, just like what she did to her single sheet of notebook.

Jonghyun looked down at her.

"Eh? Why would I? And besides I don't responds to the one who don't call me 'oppa'" He smirked.

Hyegun rolled her eyes and kept digging for her money. She looked up when her money wouldn't stop hiding from her.

"Fine! Would you PLEASE buy me some iced coffee JONGHYUN-OPPA?" She asked again now, too sweetly for anyone who heard it. It's Jonghyun's turn to roll his eyes.

"That's toooo sweet Hyegun-ah!" He said sarcastically and went off buying some soda and iced-coffee for his too-sweet too-sour bestfriend. Onew chuckled at the sight before him.

"Oppa, what's funny?" Hyegun asked as she gave up from her search for the missing won.

"Nothing, just don't mind me. Anyway, aren't you hungry?"

"No, I'm just starving!"

"Good for you- I mean... I'm going to buy some chicken sandwich; you want me to buy you anything?" Onew inquired and took some money from his wallet.

"You're too sweet oppa unlike Jjong, you know that?"

"Am I?" She nodded.

"I see but don't expect me to buy you food for free"

"Huwhat? I thought- Nevermind! I take back what I have said!"

"Next time Hyegun, I'll buy you some food" Onew laughed and went off running to the chicken stall afraid that some students might buy the limited chicken sandwiches.


The second years were now heading to the food court as where they have agreed to meet. Minho was holding all the bags of his fellow friends. As gentleman as he is, he offered to carry the small bags of Rinhyo and Soochan but Key saw this and asked Minho to carry his luggage.

"What? Hyung! You're not a girl, are you?" Minho backed away as soon as Key handed him his luggage. Yes, a luggage, key was the school model. Not the model in good behavior or anything related to moral but a model to a fashion show, he brought a lot of clothes so a luggage would be a good place to put his dresses.

"Of course I'm not! I'm just your 'hyung', so just follow me" He said crossing his arms. Minho sighed and carried all the bags to the food court.

Soochan and Rinhyo just watched Minho suffered.

"Your wife is too harsh Soochan-eonnie" Rinhyo observed.

"Yes, obviously dongsaeng. Poor Minho-ah" came the reply.

The four now came to the food court.

"Minho, why are you carrying all that bags?" Onew asked and then he took a bite of his chicken sandwich. Fortunately, the chicken vendor has reserved Onew two sandwiches, knowing that Onew is one of her valid costumer inside the school.

"Minho-oppa is such a gentleman, he carried our bags for us" Rinhyo answered for Minho.

"But unfortunately, my surrogate wife is suffering from his mood swings and targeted Minho. Key forced Minho-oppa to carry his luggage" Soochan added shaking her head disapprovingly at her wife.

(Maybe, you are wondering about this. Key wanted to be the wife in the surrogate family eventhough he’s a boy and Soochan assumed that she’s the husband despite the fact that she’s a girl. Confusing, I know but they are not really a married couple, they are just acting like one.)

Key opened his mouth, they were siding Minho.

"Soochan! How could you do this to me? I'm your wife, remember?!" He said at loud. All the students inside the food court stopped eating and looked at him.

Suddenly aware of the attention he got, Key shut up and sat on the chair, hiding himself from the public, he have reputation as the school's model you know. Minho just smiled silently, liking the fact that his friends were siding him. He handed the bags to their owners, each saying their thanks to him except for Key, who was depressed. Mood Swings really are annoying.

Jonghyun came with his soda and iced-coffee. He handed the coffee to Hyegun but before that, he sipped it much to Hyegun dismay. Anyway, he bought it by his own money, so that would be fine.

"Err! Thanks a lot Jjong!"

"It's 'oppa' Hyegun" He corrected, "Good, that you four are here" He said upon seeing his four dongsaengs. Jonghyun sipped his soda and offered the distress Key some.

"No thanks Jjong"

Jonghyun looked confused, what gotten into his ex-wife? He looked at Soochan for explanation.

"Mood swings" Soochan confirmed. Jonghyun nodded as he sat down.

Rinhyo looked around for her baby. Not literally a baby, arasso? She was looking for Taemin and her dongsaengs.

"Where are the rest?" She questioned.

"Yoongmun texted me that they are going to be here in just a few moments" Minho answered and he sat too after buying his energy drink. His energy was drained because of lifting Key's very heavy luggage.

"Ah... Hmm, I'm hungry" Rinhyo stated and then she caught a glimpse of Onew's chicken sandwich on the table, she thought for a moment, whether she would asked for it eventhough she knew Onew would never gave up his chicken to her or not, yet it's worth a shot. She started doing the puppy eyes that Taemin taught her.

"Onew-oppa... I'm hungry; could you please give me that chicken sandwich of yours please?" She said sweetly.

Onew stopped eating and stared at her for a while. The rest were watching if he would give his chicken or not.

"You're cute Rinhyo-ah... but no. Next time, I promise." And he smiled brightly and took another award-winning bite.

Rinhyo froze, Taemin lied at her. The puppy dog eyes never worked to Onew. She pouted and began pleading for Soochan to buy her some sandwich of any kind.

"Haha, I win, where's your money, Jjong?"

Key and Jonghyun bet before Onew could give his answer to Rinhyo and Jonghyun loss the bet, he owe Key some money.

"You two are crazy! How could you bet for that?" Minho slapped his face mentally for asking that. For Key and Jonghyun no one would know what they are up to.


After the dreaded History class, the three youngest walked their way to the food court gloomily. They lost all the reason to live because of the test they took and all the memorizing they had.

"How could they done this to us? We are too young to die!" Taemin complained.

"I think my brain is going to explode! What about you Rinrin-eonnie?" Yoongmun asked glancing at her.

She said nothing, for her brain was malfunctioning right now. Rinrin was pale and was kicking the history book on the ground. The two saw this and did the same.

In the hallway, the students in Daejin University where avoiding the three crazy first years that were kicking books, thinking that the three were nuts and have nothing to do with their lives. A discipline officer came walking by and saw the three. He started scolding them for ruining the books that they only borrowed in the library. Now, they were banned inside the library for a week. With this incident, the three snapped out into reality and went running to the food court.

"Where are they? It's getting late now" Rinhyo go on about for the second time. Rinhyo was still observing the still untouched chicken sandwich of Onew. He already ate the first one.

"We're here!!!" Taemin exclaimed.

"What took you three so long?" Key asked after recovering from the mood swing.

"Umma, we had a history test and it's so hard!!!" Rinrin explained and collapsed on the floor. Yoongmun collapsed too but she hit a chair, making her head banged.


"Rinrin-ah, didn't I told you to study?" Key asked as he helped his agiya to stand up.

"Ah, you did?" He glared at her, "Oh, yes! You did! It was very easy umma!" She lied.

"Good! How about you Taeminnie?" Key asked checking his other child. "Taeminnie?"

"One Banana Milk please" Taemin was far away and was buying his milk.

Key shook his head. His agiyas were getting worst and worst. Yoongmun stood up after hitting her head and beg to Hyegun to give her some of the iced coffee.

"No!" was the stern answer.

"Hyegun-ah! You're so mean, give Yoongmun some! That's mine, remember?" Jonghyun declared. Hyegun glared at him and gave her iced-coffee to the exhausted maknae.

"Thanks Jonghyun-oppa! You're so cool!" Yoongmun said after emptying the can.

"Haha, I know dongsaeng"

Taemin came backed now with his precious Banana Milk. The ten were now seated around the table. Upon seeing the banana milk in Taemin's hand, Rinrin snatched it and drink it without second. And the rumpus of Key's agiyas began.


I love Milk... By the way, I've dream about Onew. What a silly dream. Neh... Chapter 3 is up tomorrow? Or the next day? But I assure you this week. Comments and Subscriptions are loved.

-Book Kicker.

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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~