Saturday's News, Calls, Chats and Games

With Yu and Yoru

"The water looks nice and cool" said one of the park's visitors.

    It was morning in Daejin Park, there were children playing inside the public pool, lovers biking and families bonding. There was a Halmoni together with her middle age daughter, the two of them were strolling in the park when suddenly the grandmother took noticed that there's a rather attractive girl who was sitting on the middle of the flowing water garden. She was dress in a summer outfit and a hat on her head. She was sitting rather still. The grandmother looked at her and to her surprise the teenage girl no longer has a hand.

The Halmoni peered and took a closer look at the girl, maybe her eyes were tricking her but as she looked at the arm, there's no hand attached to it.

"She's missing a hand!" Halmoni said. "You there! Excuse me!"

"Listen! You there!" She called again, calling the lovers, who are just a few stairs away from the girl. "She has no hand!"

The lovers stood up and went to the old woman, asking what she was saying. The Halmoni pointed to the girl and the lovers looked at her and indeed, she has no hand.

"No way!" the boy couldn't believe what he have seen, "There's a police!"

The policeman came and started entertaining the people. Upon seeing that the girl has no hand and proclaimed that she's already dead, he began calling some back up.

"It's frightening!"

"Stay back! Stay back!" hollered by the police.

Yoru was one of the onlookers, she stared at the victim's face, she was pretty and then her eyes lingered on the left arm of the dead girl, it was cut from the wrist. She just stared at it until the police said that they must leave at once for it was the police's job to handle the scene.


"A murder in this quiet neighborhood" began by the TV reporter, "has left the residents and the police stunned."

Onew sat on the couch and started watching the TV news. It was a Saturday night and he already finished cleaning his house alone, his parents were still away from a business meeting in Busan so he was free to wander inside the house yet he couldn’t get away from the household chores.

With a chicken in his mouth, he continued to listen to the reporter.

"The body was found by a grandmother together with her daughter. It seems that the body was left there before dawn. The park with its flowing water garden was built five years ago for the residents in the area. The park is usually filled with families. The victim was a young woman justlike the body that the police had found yesterday but instead of eyes and kidneys are missing, it is now the hand that is nowhere to be found."

Upon hearing it, he swallowed the chicken meat and hurriedly went to his neighbor, unaware to turn off the tv.  

"Rinrin-ah! Rinrin-ah!" He called, banging the door with his hands (head?), again completely unaware that Rinrin still have austere parents with her inside the house.

Rinrin was stuck infront of her laptop, writing chapters for her story titled 'My Obvious Fascination'. She was so engrossed in writing about it that she locked herself for all morning and afternoon. She needed to update it for the sake of her subscribers in

Utterly annoyed by the spontaneous banging of his door, the real appa of Rinrin stood up after watching the tv news about the kills. He went to the door and opened it with an annoyed face.

"What do you want?" He asked sternly, "And who are you?"

Onew gulped.


Soochan was happily drinking her fresh milk from the New Zealand's black and white cow. She sang something that she could only understand while turning on her pink mickey mouse laptop. As she waited, her umma called her to wash the dishes.

"Later umma!" She called from the bedroom. No one could stop her from using her laptop, no one even her mother.

Croak! Croak! Croak!

Was the sound of her cell phone. Someone was calling her; she picked it up and saw that it was no other than Key. Her surrogate wife. She smiled and ignored the call, she love teasing him. She positioned herself infront of the most entertaining gadget in the world and went to log in her account in facebook.

Croak! Croak! Croak!

Her phone kept ringing. Was she going to wait for another minute to answer the call and pissed Key off? She wondered while typing her email address and password.


The said caller was not actually Key, it was his younger cousin who borrowed his phone. The cousin of Key was quite fond of dialing the numbers in Key's pink phone. Pink, Rinrin had chosen that color so that Key would really look like an umma, not doubting his role Key agreed to buy it.

Kim Jonghyun

The first one his cousin dialed but there was no answer so he dialed another number.

Yoon Soochan

Was the name of the owner of the number that Key's cousin dialed. He waited for the answer but there's no one on the line. He called again. Key was now online in his facebook account, he kept ignoring the people who are adding him, he doesn't even know who they are and decided to just ignore them. He knows how popular he is in school that's why alot of people added him.

He checked who is online in his friends. He scanned the list and his agiya is already online.

Key: Agiya!

Rinrin: Who are you calling 'Agiya'? And who are you?

Key: What?

Rinrin: Again, who are you?

Key frowned, was Rinrin fooling him or what?


After the bubbly bath, Jonghyun was now fresh and clean. He helped his ahjumma all morning for the household chores and earned some money in doing it. He beamed upon receiving the cash. He started singing and suddenly he felt that someone was with him inside his room. He titled his head and came face to face with the most handsome being he ever laid eyes on, himself. He stared at the mirror and began the adlib performance starring him, as a woman and himself.

He pretended to be the woman, whom for the first time saw a handsome being infront of her.

"Oh my! You are too hot for your own good!" Jonghyun exclaimed as the woman.

"Am I? Really?" He asked humbly to the woman.

"Yes you are! I... I... I love you!" He blurted out as the lady in the act.

After the stupid performance of Jonghyun, he was quite satisfied of admiring himself when his phone rang. He was about to answer it when it end instantly. He checked who it was, it was Key.


After doing the laundry, Hyegun played left for dead 2 for four hours now without distraction. She was playing online with Yoongmun, Rinhyo and Taemin. The four of them was now in the carnival attacking all the zombies and special infected beings.

"Boomer!!!" She screamed after seeing one.

After realizing what she shouted, she laughed at herself, eventhough she shouted 'boomer' with too much force, she's the only one who could hear herself and besides her members were far away and they could only communicate online.

She silently hoped that for the next Saturday, she would play left for dead 2 with her friends face-to-face.

"Ahhh!!! Witch! Witch!!!" She screamed, the witch attacked her but hopefully Rinhyo killed the witch and Yoongmun 'protected' her from the tank. She was now using her grenade launcher to save Taemin from the Jockey.


Minho, on the other hand was playing soccer and basketball online. He was so close to winning the game when suddenly it black out and after a moment the electricity came back. He sat there infront of his computer gaping, he was really close to become the MVP.

He faced palmed and went down the kitchen.

"Hyung, can I play with your computer?" asked his little brother.

"Later dongsaeng. Hyung's a bit busy right now but I promise later okay? Be a good boy" He said and went back infront of his computer with an energy drink gripped in his hand. He decided to stop the basketball game and just log in his account in facebook.

Email: [email protected]
Password: *****************************************************************

He saw a notification after he logged in. He clicked it and saw many friend requests. His big eyes widened.

50 friend requests.

But he accepted another 50 friend request just this morning.


After playing pokemon for the whole morning, Taemin played left for dead 2 since the afternoon started together with his female friends. Saturday is just too good to be true. No school, no test and definitely ten cartons of Banana Milk by his side.

"Taemin! Get down here!" His brother called. He sighed and went down leaving his character, Ellis behind.

His brother ordered the maknae to get some water for him eventhough the kitchen was really near. He frowned what a shameless brother he has but anyway as the younger one he complied to do it. After that he came back to his computer and found that Ellis, his character was hijacked by the jockey. He screamed yet Hyegun saved him with the use of grenade launcher and Ellis was now safe again. Rinhyo as coach, another character, gave him first aid.


Yoongmun's eyes were getting bigger and bigger everytime she sees a tank. She used her cheated grenade launcher to kill it. She continued to protect her teammates against the flowing numbers of zombies and special infected beings.


She changed her screen name from Yoongmun to that. Rinhyo sent her a message.

Rinhyo: Why did you change your name to that?

Essssing: Haha! Cool, isn't it? Why don't you change yours too? Just push tab and type, name_desired name

Rinhyo: Okay!

Yoongmun after killing a witch, changed her screen name again.



Rinhyo was the one leading in the most number of kills in her group. She was coach, one of the character in left for dead 2. She was watching the back of Ellis, that was Taemin. She was protecting him against the special infected when suddenly she took noticed that Yoongmun changed her screen name.


Rinhyo frowned. What the hell Essssing means, so she asked.

Rinhyo: Why did you change your name to that?

Essssing: Haha! Cool, isn't it? Why don't you change yours too? Just push tab and type, name_desired name

Rinhyo: Okay!

As soon as Rinhyo received it, she followed the instructions and named her screen name from Rinhyo to


Hyegun: Hey! What happened to your names?

Esssser: We changed it!

ers101: Yeah!!! Hahaha!

Taemin: Hey! I want to change my name too!

ers101: Taeminnie, just push tab and type, name_desired name

Taemin: Right away!

Hyegun: I'll change too!

Krazy_Banana: Do you like my name? It's me Taemin!

'Krazy_Banana? Is he on drugs or something close to that?' Rinhyo thought.

ers101: Oh, it’s... cute Taeminnie!

Tamjong: I'm back! How's my name? It's Hyegun here!

And so, the four 'left for dead 2' players kept changing their names all over again. They succeeded in playing the game and finished the entire quest. After that, they decided to log in their accounts in facebook.

HELLo~~~ I'm downloading sims 2 expansions. Haha!

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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~