Playing our game

With Yu and Yoru

    Since grades school the Morino twins loved playing games but they were only interested with one particular fixture that they both invented as far as they know and it was called suicide game. The twins were very different from any other children in their school. Kids in their age would like to play house, dolls and cars however the twins were fascinated with ropes, the thick red ones. Children would love to play with their classmates as playmates while the two were only entertaining their selves; they never played to their classmates before, afraid that they would never understand them and their weird fascination about death.

The Morino twins were Yu and Yuro. Yuro was the eldest and the one who liked to bully her younger sister while Yu was the one who always cry and the bullied child. Despite the fact that both of them were not that friendly to each other because of some childhood fights and misunderstandings, they were always seen together and never leave any one behind.

One Saturday morning, Yu and Yoru were playing ‘hanging’; this was their favorite game of suicide. They took a ladder and a long red rope. Yoru climbed up the ladder and began attaching the red rope to the ceiling; their game will start in any moment. Yu was just watching her sister do the job silently, afraid that if she does the attaching and the rope was not tight enough, Yoru would definitely yell at her.

"It's done!" Yoru went down, "Yu... You first"

Yu nodded and started climbing up the ladder. She took the rope and encircled it around her head. She pretended to die. Yoru was watching her twin, smiling silently at herself, Yu was doing well in their game, and she looks really dead. Before the game initiate, the two bet who would be the winner judging by the look closest to death. And as far as from their previous game, Yu always won and Yoru was quite pissed about that. She started thinking how to win their game.

After a few moments Yu went down and now it was Yoru's turn to hang herself. Yoru climbed up and encircled the rope around her neck. After doing it the ladder suddenly collapse due to an unknown reason and Yoru started fidgeting, the rope around her neck was suffocating her. Yu gasped and hurriedly helped her twin, she pushed Yoru's feet up just to make the rope loosen up but she was too weak to handle Yoru's weight.

"Can't you do better?! You idiot!" Shouted Yoru, reproaching her sister.

Upon hearing that, Yu's world began spinning around, she couldn't think straight, all her strength was drained from her arms. Yoru always did that to her since they started schooling and it broke her heart knowing her sister hated her. So, Yu just stood there in shock as she watched helplessly her sister choke to death.

That was the first dead body she saw in her life and it was the body of her sister.

Because of the accident, Yu didn't want anyone to blame her due to her sister's death. It was all an accident in the first place; she began planning what to do. She took the collapsed ladder and unties the rope from the ceiling. The dead body of Yoru fell to the floor with a loud ‘thug’, Yu shivered and began undressing. She switched the dress of her and her sister, thinking that they are identical twins no one would know who actually die. Yu now was wearing Yoru's black dress while Yoru's dead body wore the white gown of Yu.

Thinking that if she did die, Yu's father would be grateful that Yoru didn't die but Yu in the accident. The Morino's father favorite Yoru than Yu. So, the younger one eventhough it hurts her so much she pretended to be Yoru for the sake of her father and was now living her life as her older twin sister. No one knew about this but Yu and as long as she lived she would keep her secret.

"Morino Yu no longer existed" Yu as Yoru muttered as she passed their old house where her sister died when they were little. Ever since she went outside their house as Yoru, Yu lost everything even her name.

After the death of Yu, the Morino's family transferred to another street abandoning their old house that was still standing just a few blocks away from Yoru's school.


Yoru was walking alone to her school; she was now in High School, attending Daejin University. Yoru was an attractive young girl but she was not aware of it or simply she was just ignoring her looks. She tried to end her life one time because her sister was haunting her, she attempted to cut her hand but she failed to do it therefore only a scar was seen glaring on her wrist. She tends to keep to herself and not talk to anyone.

Yoru couldn't sleep at night; she was having a hard time to get some peaceful sleep. She has insomnia and she could only sleep if there's a red rope around her neck. Her sister was still haunting her and she could communicate with her. The real Yoru was still bossy despite the fact that she's dead, she kept ordering her younger sister to do things for her and as a result she would stop haunting her from her sleep.

Annyeong! Chapter 2 will be up next week! And along with that the Shinee will be in the story too. More about them and less about the Morino's twins.

-Surrogate Agiya.

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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~