The Afternoon Business Meeting

With Yu and Yoru

    After the short fight of Taemin and Rinrin for the Banana Milk of course Rinrin loss because it was really Taemin's milk and not hers. And besides stealing is wrong, but for Rinrin if you're thirsty and hungry, stealing is not the only one you could do.

"Rinrin-ah, you want some?" Minho offered his energy drink.

"Rinrin-ah, you want some?" Onew offered his chicken sandwich.

Both of them said at the same time.

Rinrin blinked and instantly accepted the offerings of her oppas. She's grateful eventhough she's tired of the horrible test, there are still food waiting for her. She gave her thanks and ate her relief foods.

"You're indubitable merciless Onew-oppa!" Rinhyo complained, "How could you give Rinrin-ah the chicken sandwich and not to me when I asked earlier?" Onew smiled apologetically at her.

"Sorry Rinhyo-ah, at that time I was very hungry that I couldn't give you the sandwich but now... I'm full?"

"How mean..." Rinhyo muttered as she ate the chocolate cake Soochan bought for her with Key's money.

"Noona, why are you complaining about food if you are in the same time eating one?" Taemin asked while Key wiped his sweat on his back.

"It's just unfair Taeminnie... Anyway, could you please give me some of your milk? Remember I'm your noona!"

Taemin as respectful as he is to noonas, he quickly gave his banana milk to Rinhyo but unknown to anyone except for him; he already drank all the milk. Rinhyo was about to drink it but realized that the carton was already empty.

"Ahh!!! Taemin, you little liar! You and your hyung are sooo mean to me!" She cried and dug the remaining cake. Taemin was laughing his head off but Key smacked his head.


"Please excuse my agiya, Rinhyo-ah. He still didn't finish his private lesson with me with proper manners" Key said eyeing Taemin, disapprovingly.

Jonghyun, the super hero of his distress female dongsaengs, quickly went to action.

"Rinhyo-ah, they are really mean but there's still one oppa who will never be mean to you and that's not Minho but me! Jonghyun-oppa!" Jonghyun offered his soda to Rinhyo. She gleamed and without second thought accepted his drink. The Choi siblings, but they are not really siblings yet assumed themselves as one, rolled their eyes at Jonghyun's public display of generosity.

"Jonghyun-oppa! Thank you and you're so cool unlike Onew-sshi." Rinhyo muttered.

"Ha! Yoongmun and Rinhyo already commented that I'm cool! Haha, yes I know" He boasted.

"Eh? Call me oppa Rinhyo-ah, be respectful and besides didn't I promise I'll buy you next time?" Onew informed not liking the fact that one of his dongsaengs were a bit sadden because of him. Rinhyo however was glaring at Taemin not even listening to what Onew was saying. She's pretty occupied by the baby infront of her, who was laughing to himself.

"Onew-oppa, you did promise to buy me food next time too" Hyegun said recalling Onew to his promise.

"Onew-oppa, looks like you have promise two of your dongsaengs already, would you mind treating me too? I'm cute you know and you can't say no to me..." Soochan stated as she smiled innocently at Onew, taking the chance to be treated again. Key already treated her cakes along with Rinhyo.

Yoongmun perked up after hearing it, she too started begging to Onew to buy her food.

"I'm the maknae and I'm always calling you oppa so please treat me too!" She begged.

Onew was gaping at them. Sure, he loves his dongsaengs but he also loves his money. He sighed and nodded in defeat. Cheers were heard, even Rinhyo was clapping now. Her fake hatred to Onew vanished.

"Rinrin-ah, you want me to treat you too?" Onew offered eventhough his money is in the brink of destruction. Rinrin was silent a while ago because she was happily eating the relief goods from her oppas and not sparing to say a word when they were having their 'talk' about food and oppas.

After sipping the energy drink given to her. She shifted her attention from the food to his asking oppa. She just stared at him and said nothing. She didn't hear what he just said.

"I think my agiya didn't hear you hyung." Key observed after being mute for a short while.

"Oh, I see... Well, Rinrin. Yyoouu... wwaanntt... mmee... ttoo... tthrreeaatt... yyoouu... ttoooo???" Onew asked rather slowly so that Rinrin might actually get what he wanted for her to hear.

"Hyung, that's rather insulting..." Minho commented.

"No, it's not!" Taemin argued.

"Taemin-ah, I'm your hyung so go with me"

"Ah, well... Yeah, that's rather insulting Onew-hyung!" Taemin quickly changed his reaction.

"I just want her to get it nice and slowly." Onew explained. Rinrin just shook her head.

"No, it's okay Onew-oppa. I'm already grateful about the chicken sandwich you have given me and sorry, my brain is not really in the mood to adapt in this hearing scenario right now. It's still suffering from the trauma about history." She said in one-shot and quickly caught her breathing.

Soochan, as the appa patted the back of Rinrin. Onew just smiled, grateful that one of his female dongsaengs was not in need of food treating but what he promised to the four, he would definitely do to her.

"That's nice Rinrin-ah but I will still treat you justlike the others."

"Cheesy..." Muttered by a janitor who passed by around their table.

"It's called 'Friendship' not cheesy!" Onew quickly countered. The janitor just looked at him like he was crazy, how could a pizza pie with one hundred percent more cheese would be called 'Friendship'? And besides he was referring to the pizza menu while cleaning the dirt around their table. 'Teenagers these days' he thought and went away.


"Now that we are complete and free from any food-scenarios lets begin our short meeting for tonight's activity" Key stated as he flicked his bangs.

"In addition to that, we must comply with the things that we are going to bring for the sake of our essential needs also. Now, here's the list of what to bring: Food and drinks, candles and flashlights, and courage. I think that's all, now who's to bring the food?" Soochan elaborated. When her friends were in heat of silly arguments, she took this as the time to list down the possible things to bring. That's  Rinrin's appa and Key's surrogate husband.

"Courage, appa?" Rinrin asked a bit confused why they would need courage.

"Yes agiya. Courage" Key answered for Soochan. "We're going to use our courage to go outside our houses without our real parents knowing that we sneak out and we're going to hear horror stories for tonight. Courage is simply essential."

They nodded in agreement. Tonight's activity is really in need for courage and bravery.

"So, who's going to bring the foods?" Soochan asked again. All of them looked at Onew's direction.

"Fine, I know. What would be me" Onew concluded. Rinrin leaned over his ear and whispered something.

"You got it right!"

"Good oppa. Now, who's to bring our drinks?" Soochan checked her list.

"I'll take it this time" Minho presented. The five girls together with Taemin stood up and each of them eagerly whispered something at Minho.

"Okay... I guess I really need to go shopping after this."

"Thanks Minho-oppa. Who will bring the candles and flashlights?" She looked around for any one who would bring those stuffs.

"Appa, I think each of us should bring a flashlight because it's already dark outside when the time we're sneaking out, right?"

"Yeah, good thinking agiya. Your brain is functioning now." Soochan commented. "What about the candles?"

No one raised a hand.

"Alright, I'll bring the candles" Soochan confirmed. "I think that's all"

"Eonnie, you have forgotten about the blankets" Yoongmun affirmed.

"Blankets, for what?" Rinhyo interjected.

"Blankets, just in case the temperature might go down to a negative Celsius and we might die in cold." Yoongmun explained, earning looks from her friends.

"I take that you will bring the blankets for us, Yoongmun-ah?" Minho asked teasingly.

"Yeah, whatever... 100 yards for you my dear OPPA"

"What time are we going to meet?" Jonghyun asked after being snatched from his public display of generosity.

"The same time hyung and the same place" Key verified.

"I think that concludes our afternoon business- I mean, outing meeting. Lets go home now chingus" Soochan proposed.

They nodded in agreement. All of them went outside the food court and eventually outside the school. Each of them was heading to different places for they are not leaving in the same house. The surrogate appa and umma were going east together with Hyegun and Jonghyun while Minho, Rinhyo, Yoongmun and Taemin were heading north and both parties were to ride a service car for their houses are quite far from the school. However Onew and Rinrin were to walk just a few blocks to reach their separate houses, much to the author's dismay. Their houses were not far from each other and they were heading in the same way.

"Take care appa! Umma walk appa home, alright?" Rinrin bid her surrogate parents a farewell.

"Alright, just because you said so! Annyeong!" Key waved and went inside the car. Soochan gave him a look.

"I'm just kidding Soochan-ah. I'll walk you home, don't worry" Key popped his head over the car's window and shouted.

"Onew-hyung! Be sure to watch Rinrin go inside her house, arasso?!" And the car went east.

"Of course Key!" Onew shouted back and turned to his companion, "Now, lets go home Rinrin-ah"

The two walked for a while until they reached Rinrin's house.

"Thanks for walking me home oppa" She said after the silent walking with Onew.

"Key told me to do so" He began, "I'll just fetch you at nine o’clock outside your gate Rinrin, okay?"

She nodded.

"Alright, nine it is and oppa..."

Onew already has his back at her. He titled his head.

"What if Key-umma didn't tell you to do so, would you still walk me home?" She blurted out. Onew turned around.

"Hmm... It depends if my house is still infront of yours. Bye Rinrin-ah, see you later." He patted her head and started walking to his home that was standing just infront of Rinrin's house, indeed.

"Onew-oppa! Don't forget what I told you!" She hollered and went inside her house.

"Alright..." He said and he tripped. Stones these days.

The ten beings were safely arrived in their respective houses and went to organize the things they needed for tonight's activity.

Annyeong! I’m in bliss..! Onew looked younger than before in Replay Japanese version and I like it! Lol. Comments and subscriptions are loved.

-All Seeing Eye


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Plmokn #1
update soon!!
Haha, praningkoy nga dubu.
Onew should feel glad that he's in her house!<br />
It'll make him sure whether he mmight have feelings for her or not.
onyuu you you you you you..!!!!
Hahaha!<br />
From fic to Life 4 Dead 2.<br />
This chatbox is so happening!
@feiji_aikawa- Ani. It was so cold bcoz of the aircon. yayayaya!
yes you are scared~~ nyahahha...<br />
<br />
aigoo~~ its soo hot that time but i let you hug me because i know that you cant sleep...<br />
feiji_aikawa- yeah sure. hahaha. Miss playing it too. wahaha<br />
<br />
W-what? I'm not scared! It was all an act. hahaha.<br />
<br />
Really? We'll talk about the killings next week. Nyahahaha.
wahahha,,, i miss playing left 4 dead 2~~<br />
lets play some other time dongsaeng~~<br />
i want to feel my adrenalin rushing again~~<br />
yah~<br />
i remember when we slept at yoongmuns were so scared then.. right RINRIN..??<br />
you hugged me all night... :))<br />
and about that killing stuff, few months ago, near in our house a body of a dead boy around 7- 13 years old was found, without an eyes and a kidney with a 50k inside his mouth~~<br />
and a child of a watermelon vendor was nearly kidnapped by the said killer~~