Chapter 43

The Sun and The Moon
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Luna buckled herself in and closed her eyes. As YoungBae drove, she kept her eyes shut and her hands clenched on the seatbelt. YoungBae noticed her stiff posture and reached over to grab her hand. She let go of the strap, after a few tugs, and gave him a grateful/embarrassed smile. She took deep breaths and held tightly to his hand.

“You're safe, Luna,” he told her softly as he offered her quiet comfort. “I'll park in the garage. Tell JungHee to call me when you're finished and I'll take you home.” YoungBae told her as he pulled up in front of the hospital. She nodded tiredly before getting out. YoungBae drove in to the parking garage, found a nice, quiet place on the top level, leaned his chair back and went to sleep.

What felt like minutes later, his phone rang. Looking at the screen he saw that two hours had actually passed. “Yeoboseyo?”

“Where are you parked?” JungHee asked curtly.

YoungBae looked around sleepily for a marker. “5H. It's green.”

“Be right there.”

YoungBae sat up and rubbed his face. He was so tired. Not since he was promoting his solo album had he experienced such broken sleep. Just over a minute later, a very unhappy looking JungHee knocked on the window with his hand gripping Luna's collar. Luna looked just as unhappy. YoungBae turned the car on and rolled the window down.

“I caught her trying to hustle money from the nurses to take the bus. Please take her home and watch her. She can't do anything strenuous for two days.”

“I don't need a babysitter.” Luna muttered through clenched teeth.

“Keep it up and I will admit you!” JungHee threatened.

“Have I ever told you that your bedside manner !? You said I was fine.”

“I never said you were 'fine', I said things looked 'normal'. As in, you really do have a brain and it's where it should be!”

“I just want to go home and sleep. What is this? Some sleep deprivation torture?”

“Shut up,” JungHee turned his attention to YoungBae and smiled tightly. He walked Luna to the passenger side and pushed her into the seat roughly. “This,” he said as he reached into his lab coat pocket, “is a note stating that she can not work until she is re-evaluated. I called her script in to the pharmacy by her house, it should be ready when you get there. I can write you one for a mild sedative, if you'd like. I know dealing with her is hard, but I really need someone to be with her. Can you do it?”

“Sure. I don't have to meet back up with JiYong until Kuala Lumpur. I can stay close for a day or two.” Oh, God. What am I talking about?!

“I don't need a babysitter.” Luna repeated.

“If that doesn't work for you, I can always call my mother . . .” YoungBae looked Luna in the face and watched the look of reluctant acceptance settle on it. She crossed her arms and sat back with a huff.

“Looks like we have that settled. Take care of my girl. She's a pain in the , but at least she can cook,” JungHee leaned in and kissed Luna on the cheek. She wiped at it childishly. “Yeah, you're just rubbing it in. If the headaches continue, or you get sensitive to light, call me. No reading, no TV, no movies, no computer, no work. Not today or tomorrow. Not until you come back for another scan. After that, if everything looks 'fine', I'll clear you and you can go back to work. Got it?” Luna grunted. “I will take that as a 'yes'. I've gotta go cure the sick. Take care.” With that, he saluted, closed the door and walked off.

YoungBae put the car in gear and saw her stiffen up. He offered his hand to her again and this time, she took it with no hesitation. He his thumb on the back of her hand while he hummed along with the quiet music. Luna laid her head back against the headrest and fell asleep.




Luna felt herself floating. Well, not floating exactly, but she did feel weightless. This isn't right. She opened her eyes and found herself looking at YoungBae's neck. Oh, he still smells nice, she thought briefly before closing her eyes again. No. Get up.

“It's okay. I'm awake,” Luna told him in a voice that sounded husky to her own ears. She cleared before continuing. “You can put me down.”

YoungBae stopped moving immediately and set her on her feet. He kept his hands on her waist to steady her. They were there for a moment longer than necessary, so Luna stepped away. Looking around, she realized she was in her front yard. The confusion must have been clear on her face because he answered her unasked questions.

“You fell asleep before we left the garage. I stopped at the pharmacy already, and when I tried to wake you, you didn't budge.”

“Sorry about that.” Luna walked ahead of him and found a note on the front door.



Your purse and phone are behind the garage. Hyung asks that you call him as soon as you see this. I'm sorry again about the whole snake thing. Be safe!




Luna smirked and handed the note to YoungBae. “The snake thing?” he asked.

“I'll tell you later.” Luna yawned while she said it.

“I'll get your bag.” YoungBae called over his shoulder as he jogged off. He looked around and found the purse tucked behind a flower pot. He walked slowly back to the front door. The house held a lot of memories for him, and most of them weren't good. The idea of going back into it, and being surrounded again by all the discomfort, made him slow his steps further. Luna was still waiting for him on the porch and waved him inside while she looked for her phone. Once found, she called SeungHo.

Not wanting to intrude on her conversation, YoungBae took a deep breath before walking in to prepare himself for the cold—

Oh. Wow.

Gone was all the white t. All the wood was back to it's original color. The foyer was no longer blue, it was now a rich burgundy color. No more pink dining room, it was replaced by a rusty orange. The living room was now a warm golden hue. No more pastels. No more antique coffee table that he was afraid to touch. In it's place was a steamer trunk. No more Queen Anne chairs with clawed feet and spindly legs. Instead, the room was furnished with a plush sectional that just begged to be flopped on. On the mantel was the woodgrain Be@rbrick SeungHyun had gifted them for their housewarming. The house no longer looked like a picture perfect residence, it looked like a warm and inviting home.

In a trance, YoungBae continued to look around and see the changes she had made. The exposed wall in the kitchen was now chocolate brown. The bathroom was done in hues of grey. Before he could stop himself, he threw open the door to 'his office' and covered his heart. No more mint. The walls were hunter green with cream trim. The furniture was switched to overstuffed, brown leather and there was a large TV on the wall. He leaned against the doorframe and couldn't stop staring.

“YoungBae?” Luna called from the entrance. She looked around and saw him standing by the office. As she walked towards him, he looked . . . dazed. “You okay?”

“I . . .,” he cleared his throat. “I love what you've done with the place.”

Luna blushed a little and ran her fingers through her hair nervously. “Yeah, I finally felt how 'cold' it was. There's a retired judge across the street who helped me do a lot of this.”

“It looks great.” It looks like the home I wanted to share with you, he thought sadly as he continued to look around.

“Come on up. I know you're tired. I'll give you some clothes to sleep in,” Luna turned, walked to her room and out of habit, closed the door a little behind her. YoungBae found himself hesitating at the threshold of what was once 'their' bedroom. Talk about memories . . .

When he walked through, it was the most drastic change. Everything was done in black and white. Three walls were painted a bright, bright white. The ceiling and the wall with the entrance door and bathroom door were painted in a matte black. The bed was replaced with a black canopy bed with a white spread. Her favorite chair was even gone. Now, there was a black, leather armchair that he was sure she spent a lot of time in. The only splash of color he could see was on a black dresser to his right. Looking closer, they were picture frames. They were all different in design and size, but were all painted the same bright red color and containing a black and white image.

He glanced through them absently, until he saw an image that demanded his attention. It was his tattoo, the one on his side. Looking at the pictures closer, he recognized them all. Luna's profile with her hair spread on the pillow. Their hands clasped together. His jawline. The rise of her hips. His face mid laughter. The small of her back. Them kissing with her hair obstructing most of the view. These were the pictures they had taken of each other the morning after they made love the first time.

“Here you go,” Luna announced as she came out of the closet with an arm full of clothes. “These should fit you . . .,” her voice trailed off as she saw what he was looking at. “Oh. That was a middle of night, 'I can't sleep, gee this seems like a great idea' idea. In the morning, it felt a bit morbid, so I never put them up.”

YoungBae set the pictures down gently and took the clothes from her. “I'll go home when I wake up to get clothes to last me a few days.”

“Bae, you really don't have to—”

“But I will anyway,” he interrupted. Luna smiled and he wanted to hug her. “Go ahead and lay down. I'll come back up with your medicine in a second.” He watched Luna walk to the bed and immediately put a pillow over her face. He closed the blinds for her, but there was still enough light in the room that he could see her give him the thumbs up. Some things don't change.




YoungBae woke up before her, not surprisingly. He went to his house to get clothes, then stopped in the YG building to tell them he'd be busy for the next few days and could only attend short sessions. He offered no further explanation than that. He ordered Chinese for he and Luna because he knew she wasn't going to be in the mood to cook. As he walked back in the house, the alarm on his phone went off, signaling that it was time for Luna to take more medicine.

He shook her to wake her up and she fought against him. When he mentioned medicine, she rolled away from him and curled in to a ball. Once he mentioned Chinese food, though, she got up quickly and went to the bathroom to wash. They ate dinner with music playing since she wasn't allowed to watch TV. He cleaned up while she lazed around and talked on the phone to various people. The pills kicked in about an hour after she took them and she went back to sleep. YoungBae watched a movie, talked to JiYong, then followed after. He almost opened the door to 'their' bedroom. Almost.




YoungBae woke to the sound of banging. He looked around the room and it took him a minute to remember where he was and why. After rubbing his face tiredly, he looked at his phone and saw it was three in the morning. What is she doing?

He walked down the stairs to find Luna in the front room, surrounded by stacks of books, with her ipad on one knee and a notepad on the other. “What are you doing?”

Luna screamed and clutched her heart. “I'm sorry. I forgot you were here. Is the music too loud?”

“No, but the sound of falling books is. What are you doing?” he asked again.

She had the grace to look a little embarrassed. “Reorganizing and cataloguing the bookshelves.”

“At 3a.m.?”

“I couldn't sleep any more,” she answered with a shrug. YoungBae rubbed his face again and moved farther in to the room.

“Tell me what you want done. I'll help," Luna tried to tell him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted. “You aren't supposed to be doing anything strenuous. Hauling books back and forth qualifies as strenuous. Might as well put these muscles to use.”

Luna explained the project to him(by author, then in order by series), and after a few seconds of stunned silence, he sat down next to her and started sorting books. They called it quits at the S's.




YoungBae wasn't there when she got up, but he did leave a note on her door. He had to practice his stages for the tour, but would be back after. He set the alarm on her phone before leaving to let her know when to take her medicine. He even had a bagel waiting for her in the toaster, strawberry jelly waiting, and the kettle filled with water. He thought of everything.

While he was gone, she did some light cleaning and a few loads of laundry. She tried to get some paperwork done, but it gave her a headache, so she laid back down until lunch time. With impeccable timing, YoungBae walked in right as she started cooking. He took a quick shower to wash off the sweat, threw his hair into a pony tail, then came back down to join her. He sat at the breakfast bar and watched her move around. Just like old times.

“How are things going with the tour?” She asked as they ate their sandwiches. YoungBae shrugged.

“I think, so far, only one venue hadn't sold out in a matter of minutes.”

“Like there was any doubt that it'd be successful. Are you enjoying yourself?”

YoungBae shrugged again. “It's nice to be on stage again. I think it's actually my favorite part of this job. I like performing. No. I love performing. I just want to dance and sing. Someone else can do the writing and producing and all that. I just want to be up there, you know?”

“I believe that. There's this whole other side of you that takes over once the lights come up. I guess that would be TaeYang, right?” she answered between bites. Luna went to fridge and got them both a bottle of water. “I've always admired that about you. It was different seeing you on stage, versus the other BIGBANG members solo stages. SeungHyun's voice is so low that the crowd has to quiet down, or we can't hear a word he's saying. It's just a deep, rumble through the speakers. DaeSung is fun to watch because he smiles the whole time, and you have to smile back. And he sounds amazing live.

"JiYong is a ball of energy and he wants the crowd to give that energy back. He's in constant motion, he wears loud costumes and there's all this confetti and spectacle going on simultaneously. I like that, but I don't always know where to look, you know? Then SeungRi gets up there and dances his little off. He's fun to watch, too, because he does a lot of crowd interaction.

“But you? You could just stand there. Mohawk, t-shirt, jeans, sneakers, microphone. Done. That's all you need. I mean, the back up dancers, lights and pyrotechnics add a nice flare, but you don't need it. As soon as you step forward and opened your mouth, you immediately grab the attention of everyone. A hush falls over the crowd, and even though the fans know every word you're about to sing, they still stand there and wait to hear you sing it. They watch your every movement, the slightest gesture, hang on your every word. That's powerful. That's a gift. That's a talent not everyone possesses. Not knocking the other members, but there is definitely something special about you.”

The whole time Luna spoke, YoungBae held his sandwich in midai

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Nueky_ #1
Chapter 42: I comeback to immerse myself in the world of fanfic after a long hiatus and this bring back a lot of memories of MBLAQ. They're my first ever favorite grup that introduce me to the world of kpop. I hope they're doing well now.
Came back to re-read like I always do lol
I was so excited to see that Luna and Bae’s story was a fact and not a footnote of LMYF! Because I purely fell in love with Jiyong there and am glad I got to know him there before here because I’m not sure I’d have warmed up as much! I love how you humanize these idols, even fictitiously it’s so perfect. Perfectly imperfect in their humanity. I’m addicted to these stories and have reread LMYF multiple times, coming back to favored tracts and can now see that happening with Luna and Bae’s story
emmoluscaa #4
Chapter 17: haiiiii, before you judge me, im sorry , english is not my first language, but i hope you understand what im gonna saying
i looove your storyyyy, not just your story ilove the way you write them, keep writing bigbang story and im gonna loVE THEM
This was my first ever ambw story. What I liked so much about it is how well you “developed” Luna. She’s fictional but the way you wrote about her in every single chapter with her actions, quirks, back story, habits, good traits and imperfections makes her a living and breathing person to me! I’m a fan of hers! :D The journey of her and YoungBae is a real one, I could perfectly see this happen in real life with all its ups and downs but so wonderfull!!! Compared to my beginning days at aff, I have changed into a more “picky” reader, shall I say? Looking back, I read quite some stories and even subscribed to ones where the female character is just “there” and I don’t/can’t “feel” them in hindsight, if you understand what I mean? There aren’t a lot of Authors who are able to bring an OC to life but you are one of them!! One more thing: the girl on the poster is beautiful! P.S: I totally ship Stacy/Seungri <3
blabber23 #6
Chapter 47: Just finish reading it. oh.. I like it. very well written, nice plot. I'm going to read another story from you.
Chapter 16: Stacey is literally my best friend just a different name and she's in a story it's kind of the greatest
Chapter 7: he is so nice to her, and im so angry she thinks this is just a fling like girl....just go with the flow chill