
A mistake from the start


                “Dongwan!” A deep and manly voice called.

            Both Hyesung and Dongwan turned around and realized who the owner of the voice is. Dongwan saw Hyesung following the waitress to their table and Eric called again, “Nice to see you here. You’re here with you friend?” Dongwan just nodded.

“Can I ask you about something?”

“Sure, you are free to ask me anything. I’ll answer you as long as I’m able to.” Dongwan allowed him.

“Remember our conversation about Steve?” Eric tried to observe Dongwan’s expression.

“Of course.” Dongwan tried to keep himself calm to avoid Eric being suspicious of anything.

“Is he back in Korea? And can you give me his contact?”

“Nope.” Dongwan found himself very good at lying nowadays. “I talked to him yesterday and he said he won’t be coming back. You should find it out yourself instead of asking me, I would like to give it to you but I’m sure Steve will hate me forever if I do that. I need to get to my friend now.” Dongwan wanted to walk to Hyesung after finishing his sentence

“May I know what your friend’s name is?” The sentence stopped Dongwan.

“Hyesung. Shin Hye Sung” Dongwan spoke clearly.

“Are there any chance he is related to Steve?” Dongwan turned around and look at Eric.

“No.” The shorter one replied firmly. “Hyesung and Steve are totally different. Please don’t say this in front of Hyesung. And remember those words I said to you at Minwoo’s café. Bye, see you next time.”

            Eric watch Dongwan walk off and he went out of the restaurant to his car. He sat in the driver seat and thought about what Dongwan told him that day.


“I suggest you to ask him yourself.” Dongwan ended his sentence.

            There was an awkward silence between them before Dongwan started to talk again.

“Eric. Why do you bother to think about Steve after a good three years?”

“I don’t know. I was thinking about the past and he came to my mind.”

“Let me tell you. You didn’t know how much Steve suffered after you left him alone there, and I don’t want to mention it to you cause I don’t think you need to know them.”

            Eric heard the last sentence and said, “Tell me about it.”

“Ask Steve yourself then. Let me give you an advice. Don’t think about him is the best thing to do now. Knowing both of you for such a long time, I thought that this will be the best for you. As well as Steve. And he had already forgotten about you.”

*Flashback Ends*

            ‘And he had already forgotten about you’ The sentence hurt Eric the most. He can’t believe that Steve actually had forgotten about him. He didn’t want this to happen.

            He took out his phone to call someone to help him get some things done.


            Meanwhile, Dongwan and Hyesung are enjoying their breakfast.

“Dongwan-ah” Hyesung spoke. “I think I need to get a job.”

            Dongwan look up at Hyesung. “Why? You are not happy working at the café?”

“No!” Hyesung shook his head. “I’m happy to work there and I really had fun. But you know…” his voice died off.

“I understand.” Dongwan reach out for Hyesung’s hand and held it. “I will talk to Minwoo about it, and see whether he is able to help you.”

“Thank you Dongwan~” Hyesung sang.


            Dongwan spoke to his boyfriend about getting a job for Minwoo, but Minwoo didn’t have any job to recommend for Hyesung. So Dongwan had to find it for his best friend instead.

            Luckily, he found it. It was the secretary position for the Co-CEO in GM Company.


-Interview Day-

            “I have to get this job no matter what happen.” Hyesung was determined to get a job so that he didn’t have to go to Minwoo’s café every day.

            He left his house on time and drove to his car to the company.

            When he was at the car park, he saw a car that was pretty familiar but he can’t remember who own it. Hence, he just went to the lift and it took him to the twenty first level.

“Hi, My name is Shin Hye Sung. I’m here for an interview.” He took the employee at the counter.

“Oh. Please fill up this form, after you finish I will take you to the interviewer.” The female place the form on the counter and requested Hyesung to fill it in.

“I’m done.” He gave the form to the female with a smile.

“This way please.” The female lead him to a room.

“Mister Park, the interviewee is here.” She took the person at the other side of the door.

“Come in.” The person answered. Hyesung heard it and he was kind of scared as his voice was deep. It sounded scary to him.

“You may go in now. Take a seat at the couch in the room.” The female told Hyesung and she walked back to the counter.

            Hyesung walked into the room. His eyes explored the room, it was plain and simple. It wasn’t like those other CEO rooms that he had visited in the past. It makes him feel comfortable.

“Take a seat here.” A voice called and invited him to have a seat.

            Hyesung sat down and looked at the man in front of him. “My name is Shin Hye Sung.”

“Hi, you don’t have to be so formal. Just relax and speak. I’m Park Jun Jin.”

            Both Jun Jin and Hyesung chatted for a while and, thankfully, Hyesung was accepted and he can start working any time he wants. He requested to start the next day and their conversation end.

“I’ll send you out.” JunJin requested.

“It’s okay, Mr Park. You’re my boss.” Hyesung tried to stop him.

“I told you not to be so formal right? Just call me JunJin or Jinnie. Since you’re older than me.”

“But you’re still my boss.”

“I’m not now. The knock off time is over.” JunJin pointed at his watch.

“Oh...” Hyesung whispered gently after realising the time.

“Can we have dinner together? I think it is a good chance for us to get to know each other so we can work better?” The younger one tried to ask Hyesung out.

“Sure, my pleasure.” Hyesung accepted his invitation.

“Can I call you hyung?” Jun Jin showed aeygo to the older on.

“I don’t mind.” And Hyesung chuckled while they walk to the lift together.

“Hyesung-ah” Someone called.

“Oh! Minwoo!” Hyesung was shocked to see his friend here. “Why are you here?”

“To talk to my friend.” Minwoo answered, “and you?”

“He’s here for an interview, hyung.” Jun Jin helped Hyesung answer.

“Both of you know each other?” Hyesung eyed from one guy to another.

“Yea!” The other two said in unison. “We knew each other for about 5 years till now.” JunJin continued.

“Woah~ I didn’t know that!” Hyesung dropped his jaw and the other two just laughed.

“Minwoo-hyung. Where is hyung?” JunJin asked Minwoo about his brother’s current location.

“He is still working. You know him, such a workaholic.” Minwoo looked at the hallway that leads to his friend’s room. “Where are you two going?”

“We are having dinner together, do you want to join?” Hyesung offered.

“Sure!” The trio headed down to the car park together and they split to drive their own car to their restaurant they picked.


            Eric was spending a well-deserved break at home during the weekend after finishing a ton of work during the past week. He was playing with his remote control changing the channel every second or maybe lesser and he came to a halt when he phone rang.

“Good afternoon, Mr Mun. Ivan speaking here.” The caller spoke.

“What have you find out about the person?” Eric questioned.

“I tried to search for the person you are asking for, and the results were I’m unable to retrieve any information about that person. I asked the teachers at the school that you once attended and they said that he had left a week after you left. He left no contacts, basically nothing I would say.”

“How could this be?!” Eric shouted through the phone and ordered, “It’s impossible. Go and continue searching for him!”

“Yes, Mr Mun. I will call again when the search has new information.” The caller finished his sentence and hangs the call.

‘Impossible. How could it be?’ Eric questioned himself.

            Another call came in again. “Eric Mun speaking”

“Hyung!” Eric recognised it. It was JunJin.

“I just got this news from Appa.”

“What is it about?” Eric asked.

“Appa wants you to migrate to another country to help in the development of our company. He hopes that you will follow his instructions this time.”

“What...” Eric was shocked, “If I agree on it, where I will be going to?”

“The place where you used to study at.” JunJin replied and adding on, “Appa said that if you agree to follow his instructions this time, he would object anything you do and support you for anything you want to do.”

“Is he serious about this?”

“Yes hyung!”

“Alright them. Send me the details as soon as possible.”  And he ended the call.

            That place that I used to study at. The place shall not be named.



“Yah! Eric-ah! Why are you leaving again?” Minwoo smacked his best friend as he only told Minwoo the day before the date he is going to leave.

“Well, I have no choice. I have to follow his instructions.” Eric ended his sentence and a voice came from the broadcast system signalling the passengers from Eric’s flight to broad the airplane right now. “I guess I have to go now.” He added.

“I’ll miss you!” Minwoo hugged Eric. “I will too Minu! Keep in contact okay? It will be a long 3 years I guess.”

“Okay...” Minwoo released Eric and look down onto the sparkling ground.

“Don’t be sad Minwoo! I will visit you whenever I can!” Eric cheered him up. “You can always visit me whenever you want to~” He spoke a cute voice so that Minwoo will smile and send him away.

            Minwoo waved at Eric and muttered, “I’m sorry Eric, for not being able to tell you the truth. Be happy.” Then he walked off to his car where his boyfriend is waiting for him.



“Woah! This place hasn’t really changed much since I last came” Eric exclaimed after arriving at the airport.

            He dragged him tired body to the taxi stand and took it to the apartment that he was given. ‘This address is so familiar, where exactly did I see this before?’

            He gotten his answer after he reach the place. He recognised it in one moment. Steve’s house.

“Oh great! I’m sure I will have a hard time living here.” Eric is happy that he is back at a place where most of memories are, but he was lacking of someone...



Hello! I'm back! 

Sorry for not updating the story for quite something. >< 

Was affected quite badly by the haze. yea. and school just started. 

Hope you will like it! ^^ 

To be true, I have totally not idea how many more chapter will this story have, and i started this story without any specific direction. 

So i hope you all will enjoy the story! 

Most importantly, please comment! T^T



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Chapter 16: I hate sad Ricsyung endings..this is so sad!!! But this story is a great one with the love of both Eric and Hyesung always remaining constant for each other. No matter where they are and who they are with. I love Eric's devotion for Hyesung. It's true that he caused Hyesung great pain in the past but then when they rekindle it it was love like no other. I love that Hyesung shows a big difference of how he loves Eric as compared with how he shows his love for Junjin. Although I too am not favor of him not giving up on Junjin making him like a two timer like what Eric's father said... I love it author-nim. I love all the roller coaster of emotion this story brings. Manse! More power to you and thanks for sharing this lovely story to us!
feelgyo #2
Chapter 16: Eric?? Nooooo........ (º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀) I'm glad u finish it author-nim, but yeahh...I mean, eric and emmm...his dying is really broke my heart T^T

Anyway, thanks for the story author-nim :'D
czarheyda92 #3
Chapter 16: HE DIED....So sad...i cant believe i cried and still are..LOL..
They are not together but their love lasts forever..so sad *again
milan0613 #4
Chapter 16: so sad
Ricsyung manse!
thanks au!
wait for ur new fic
Chapter 16: Omg!!! This was perfect!!! Perfect from the start!! I...cry my eyes out. XD lol! I really am sad that Eric died!!! :(
Chapter 16: why eric has to died??? T.T
this is sad! TT.TT
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 16: Wow heartbreaking....but I really like the whole story ....thank you author -nim.

Please comeback with another Ricsyung love...
czarheyda92 #8
Chapter 15: ARGHHHH!!!! Cliffhanger....
I have a bad feeling that Ricsyung wont be together..i hope i'm wrong....
Anyway, thanks for the update...
Chapter 14: Is it just me because I want Jinsyung together :3
Chapter 14: Aaaaarrrghhh... After long time.. That was short... ㅜㅡㅜ
But thats better thsn nothing...
Cant blame you.. School thing goes first...

What happen to eric????