Turning I

A mistake from the start


               Many opinions came after Hyesung sent messages to his close friends that JunJin and him are settling down.

“Pheww” Hyesung relaxed after looking at the messages.

“Waeyo? Anything happened?” JunJin asked after seeing Hyesung’s shoulder dropped after he read his messages.

“Nothing much. Just happy that my friends are supportive of it.”

“Really?” Jinnie can’t hide the smile that appeared on his face after knowing that Hyesung’s friends supported them.

            Hyesung nodded and he saw Jinnie searching for something. “What are you looking for?”

“It’s nothing actually. I’m just curious what are in these drawers of yours,” JunJin opened every drawer which was situated at Hyesung’s work desk. Then, he took out a book, “What is this?”

            Hyesung saw it and recognized that it was the gift that he received yesterday night. “Ah~ I received that yesterday night.”

“Who is it from?” JunJin asked and Hyesung noticed that the younger one started to feel a little jealous.

“It signed off as nameless. So I don’t know.” Hyesung walked over and separated the gift box and JunJin.

“The person is congratulating us. Don’t be jealous.” Hyesung assured Jinnie as he placed the box back to its original place.

“Who said I’m jealous? I’m not okay.” JunJin pouted.

“Do you really think that your boyfriend is a retard? Of course I know.”  Hyesung then gave Jinnie a peck on his lips and ended their conversation with, “Love you.”

            JunJin can’t help to smile after hearing the phrase from his shy boyfriend.

“Love you too. I need to get going. My parents want me to go home for dinner.” JunJin kissed Hyesung on his fringe and left the house.

            Hyesung then sat on his bed and read the messages from his friends; then suddenly something came to his mind.

“Wait.” He paused, “If I only inform my friends that Jinnie and I are getting married this afternoon, how did that nameless know about it even before I send messages?”

            Hyesung think and used his brain juices that he seldom used.

“One of the four” He snapped, after remembering that he only told his gang other than his and JunJin’s family.

“Don’t tell me…” Hyesung pondered.

            He ran to his work desk and took other the box, before removing the cover. He opened the book hurriedly not caring that it is actually quite fragile.

“The handwriting…” After Hyesung had a rough idea who that person was, he confirmed that it is him after seeing the handwriting.

            It was the handwriting that Hyesung seen umpteen times during his studies, and he will never forget it. It’s him


“Minwoo-ah” Hyesung spoke after Minwoo came over to his house.

“Yea? Why did you suddenly call me over? Is there anything wrong?”

“I need you to do me a favor… Is that okay for you?” Hyesung’s voice trembled a bit.

“Well, as long it doesn’t hurt anyone, I should be fine with it yea.”

            Hyesung went to his room and got the box out.

“What is this?” Minwoo asked. “This looks familiar to me.”

“I received this yesterday.” Hyesung explained. “And it congratulated me for getting married with jinnie.”

“Then?” Minwoo made his famous shrimp eyes and looked at Hyesung, hinting the younger one that he doesn’t get anything.

“I only sent out the message of me and jinnie getting married today.”

“So you suspect it’s…” Minwoo’s voice faded.

            Hyesung nodded and he took out the book inside.

“It’s him.” Minwoo said after looking at the half filled book.


“I guess so. If I’m not wrong I saw this book at his desk last week. And the other half is still with him.”

“So I was right.” Hyesung stared at the book, thinking of what to do next.

“What do you want me to do?”

            Hyesung hesitated, “I.. wants to meet him.”

“What? Are you serious?” Minwoo’s eyes widen.


“I guess so. I have to clear this up with him before I marry jinnie.”

“IF that’s for jinnie, then I will try my best.” Minwoo agreed.


“What with you?” Eric asked, “Why are you suddenly bring me to your café?”

“Is there a problem Mr Mun?” Minwoo spoke, “You mean I can’t treat you?”

“Of course you can! I’m more than happier~ heheh!” Eric giggled.

            The two sat down at a 4-seater table at the corner of the café, and Eric focused on the menu planning to order what to eat.

            Hyesung walked towards the two and greeted them. “Hi”

            Eric was shocked to see the guy here, “Why are you here?”

“Can’t I be here? This is not your café anyway.” Hyesung sat down beside Minwoo.

“I think it is the best to leave you two alone.” Minwoo said and managed to sneak off fast enough before Eric rage at him.

“Don’t.” Hyesung stopped Eric as he can see that the older one will rage any time sooner.

“None of your business.” Eric shut Hyesung.

“I concerns me cause I’m the one who asked Minwoo to get you out from you office.”

“What do you want?”

“That should be my question Eric Mun.” Hyesung snapped. “Why did you send me the book?”

            Eric panicked, looking all around but Hyesung’s eyes. “What book? I didn’t do that.”

“Just admit it Eric. You know that I know you well enough to see whether you are lying or not.”

“So what if I admit it? What will you do?”

“I want to know why.”

“What for Hyesung? It will only make it harder for yourself.”

“At least I know the truth.” Hyesung spoke bluntly and firm. Wanting Eric to say out his reasons.

“I still love you.” Eric confessed.

            After hearing it, Hyesung just walked out of the café. He kept walking along the streets, not knowing where to go though. Just wanting to clear his mind up.

            Water droplets starting to drop from the sky, landing on the floor with the splattering sound. Hyesung continued to walk despite more and more water droplets began to fall.

            The skinny guy was shivering, his clothes and bag all wet, still continuing to walk in the rain. Not caring whether he will be sick after that or not.

“Hyesung!” Someone called from the front.

            But Hyesung just continued walking without bothering who called him, then he felt no more rain falling on him. He realized someone cover him with an umbrella.

“What are you doing?” The guy asked.

“None of your business wannie.” Hyesung mumbled, “Just leave me alone.”

            Hyesung pushed Dongwan’s hand away and continued walking in the rain.

“What’s with this guy again?” Dongwan muttered to himself, following Hyesung from behind.

            After a few more steps that Hyesung took, his legs suddenly gave away and he almost fell on the ground. But Dongwan managed to catch the younger guy and Hyesung’s head landed on Dongwan’s shoulder with one of Dongwan’s hand circling around the skinny guy’s waist.

“Hyesung-ah!” Dongwan called out, trying to wake his friend up.

            Lucky enough, a kind passer-by tried to help Dongwan get a cab so that he can send Hyesung home.

             When Dongwan reached Hyesung’s door, he was already lack of energy. He kicked open the door after entering the security code and drag the skinny but heavy guy into his room.

            Dongwan slowly placed Hyesung onto his bed and when to get a pail of warm water and towel to clean Hyesung. The older one laid Hyesung down properly after changing his clothes and covers his blanket over the younger’s tiny frame.


            Minwoo walked back to Eric’s table when he saw Hyesung left the café, “So how was it?”

            Eric just shrugged his shoulder and responded, “I’m not sure too. He insisted to get an answer when asked me why did I send him the book and I replied I still like him.”

“That’s all? And he walked off like that?” Eric nodded and interrupted, “Can you please get me some food?”

            Minwoo gave Eric the stare and asked his waiter to get Eric some edible food.  Then, the two just look at each other. Thinking of what to say in this awkward situation.

“So… what do you intend to do now?”

“I totally have no idea” Eric replied honestly, “I couldn’t guess the reason why he just walked out after I told him I still love him.”

“Maybe he is shock?” Minwoo raised one of his eyebrow.

“Well, it may be true. But who knows.” After Eric finished his sentence, the waiter served him his food.

“I guess the food is still the best here~” Eric sang with his mouth full, and Minwoo’s phone rang.

“Sorry Eric, excuse me. I have to answer a call.” Eric nodded with his sight locked onto his food. Then Minwoo just walked to the counter to answer that call.

“Hello.” Minwoo spoke after picking up the call.

“Minwoo-ah.” Minwoo recognized the voice very clearly, it’s Dongwan.


“I need to tell you that I may not make it for our date later.”

“Wae…” Minwoo pouted and sulked.

“I’m with Hyesung. He fainted in the streets just now.”

“What?” Minwoo dropped his mouth. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I should be the one asking you that question.”

“He spoke to Eric. From what I know, Eric sent him a book. Hyesung was smart enough to find out it was from Eric and he asked me to arrange a talk for the both of them so that he can clear everything up and be with Jinnie without any burden. But the talk went wrong as soon as it started I guess…”

“Then?” Dongwan prompted Minwoo to continue.

“I heard from Eric just now that Hyesung asked why he sent the book to him. And you know Hyesung, he asked a question and expect and answer. Then, from my prediction, Eric totally shocked Hyesung by saying he still love him.”

“What… What’s with Eric again? No wonder Hyesung was walking in the rain.”

“That guy was in the rain?”

“Yea. Retarded bastard there. Talk to you later alright? I need to take care of Hyesung, and don’t tell Eric.” Dongwan commanded his boyfriend.

“Okay!” Minwoo answered.




Hello again! 

I need to apologise for not updating for around a month! Really busy with school work and finals are coming up. 

So my next update won't be so soon. >< 

Anyways, i've been lacking of inspirations to write. Lol. 

PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT~~~~ To give my ideas! okies?? ><

And also, a lot of you want this story to have a happy ending... and so, i will consider to change it maybe? keke XP i will try my best to make it enjoyable! okies? So please please enjoy the story! >< 

I hope this isn't a boring chapter... T-T


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Chapter 16: I hate sad Ricsyung endings..this is so sad!!! But this story is a great one with the love of both Eric and Hyesung always remaining constant for each other. No matter where they are and who they are with. I love Eric's devotion for Hyesung. It's true that he caused Hyesung great pain in the past but then when they rekindle it it was love like no other. I love that Hyesung shows a big difference of how he loves Eric as compared with how he shows his love for Junjin. Although I too am not favor of him not giving up on Junjin making him like a two timer like what Eric's father said... I love it author-nim. I love all the roller coaster of emotion this story brings. Manse! More power to you and thanks for sharing this lovely story to us!
feelgyo #2
Chapter 16: Eric?? Nooooo........ (º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀) I'm glad u finish it author-nim, but yeahh...I mean, eric and emmm...his dying is really broke my heart T^T

Anyway, thanks for the story author-nim :'D
czarheyda92 #3
Chapter 16: HE DIED....So sad...i cant believe i cried and still are..LOL..
They are not together but their love lasts forever..so sad *again
milan0613 #4
Chapter 16: so sad
Ricsyung manse!
thanks au!
wait for ur new fic
Chapter 16: Omg!!! This was perfect!!! Perfect from the start!! I...cry my eyes out. XD lol! I really am sad that Eric died!!! :(
Chapter 16: why eric has to died??? T.T
this is sad! TT.TT
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 16: Wow heartbreaking....but I really like the whole story ....thank you author -nim.

Please comeback with another Ricsyung love...
czarheyda92 #8
Chapter 15: ARGHHHH!!!! Cliffhanger....
I have a bad feeling that Ricsyung wont be together..i hope i'm wrong....
Anyway, thanks for the update...
Chapter 14: Is it just me because I want Jinsyung together :3
Chapter 14: Aaaaarrrghhh... After long time.. That was short... ㅜㅡㅜ
But thats better thsn nothing...
Cant blame you.. School thing goes first...

What happen to eric????