
Forget Me, Remember You
Tiffany woke up feeling a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the sleeping figure. It had been a while since Tiffany had a good sleep and Taeyeon made it better. Tiffany did not want to wake Taeyeon up so as nimbly as possible, she got out of Taeyeon's embrace and went back to her apartment to freshen up.


When Taeyeon woke up, she sighed when Tiffany was not by her side.


Was it only a dream?


She got out of her bed and went to the bathroom to wash herself up before making breakfast.


After having breakfast, Taeyeon realised that her door was not fully closed. She was sure she closed it last night. Just then, when Taeyeon wanted to close the door, Tiffany appeared and shocked Taeyeon.


"I'm sorry I left before you woke up Taeyeon," Tiffany apologized.


Taeyeon was calming her heart but when she heard what Tiffany said, her heart was only racing faster.


So it was real?


"Are you there Taeyeon?" Tiffany asked as she waved her hand in front of Taeyeon's face.


"Would you like to come in?" Taeyeon asked as she snapped out from her thoughts.


Tiffany giggled and nodded her head. She entered the apartment and straight away went to the kitchen. Taeyeon closed the door and followed Tiffany wondering why the latter had went to the kitchen.


"You had breakfast before me? I thought we could have breakfast together," Tiffany pouted.


"I thought that last night was only a dream so I prepared breakfast only for myself. Would you like me to prepare breakfast for you?" Taeyeon asked as she looked at Tiffany with her head tilted.


Tiffany felt lightheaded. Her heart was beating madly and she felt like there were little butterflies flying in her stomach. She could not think straight. No one had made her feel that way before not even Nichkhun.


"S-sure," Tiffany stuttered. Taeyeon grinned and went to the stove to begin her cooking. Tiffany sat at the dining table in the kitchen and watched as Taeyeon cooked. She could hear the older girl singing softly and also observed every single detail of Taeyeon's action. Tiffany found it cute how Taeyeon was dancing as well and she smiled slightly. Just then, her head started to hurt and a part of her memory entered.


Tiffany had woken up and went to the kitchen. She smiled as she saw Taeyeon cooking. She loved how Taeyeon was singing and dancing at the same time while cooking. Tiffany crept behind Taeyeon and wrapped her arms around Taeyeon's waist.


"What are you cooking TaeTae?" she asked although she could see the food clearly in the pan.


"Your favourite," Taeyeon simply replied.


Tiffany pecked Taeyeon's cheek and stayed in that position which was of course distracting Taeyeon.


"Fany ah...you know I can't cook if you're distracting me like this right?" Taeyeon pouted.


Tiffany giggled and gave another peck on Taeyeon's cheek before releasing herself from Taeyeon. "We will just cuddle later," Tiffany said happily and sat down at the dining table.


"Tiffany are you okay? Tiffany...?"


Tiffany groaned and rubbed her forehead. She saw Taeyeon looking at her worriedly and remembered the memory. It did not help her much but she could confirm that she was really close to Taeyeon before she lost here memory.


"How long was I out?" Tiffany asked weakly. Her head was still throbbing slightly.


"About two hours. You really scared me Tiffany," Taeyeon replied. "Have a glass of water."


"Thanks," Tiffany said and drank the water in one gulp. Taeyeon let out a sigh and lied down on the floor. Her back was hurting for sitting too long on the floor. "Do you always cook for me before I lost my memory?" Tiffany asked and that caught Taeyeon off-guard.


"Yeah, we used to live together before you left for Nichkhun," Taeyeon answered with a frown but was then replaced with a shock look. "You remembered something?"


"I saw you cooking after I woke up and I back hugged you but you said I was distracting you so I pulled away and said we can cuddle later. That's all I remembered," Tiffany replied with a pink face.


Taeyeon chuckled. "There's nothing to be shy about. You really like to hug me a lot," she teased Tiffany. Taeyeon was happy that Tiffany was starting to remember. The younger girl's face turned redder and she avoided eye contact with Taeyeon.


The two of them stayed silent for a couple of minutes until Tiffany decided to stand up. Her head spun and she almost fell but Taeyeon quickly sat up and caught Tiffany by the waist. Tiffany's legs weakened and she fell on top of Taeyeon.


"A-are you okay Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked. Having Tiffany on top of her was making her crazy.


Tiffany did not reply but instead was observing Taeyeon's face. Taeyeon did not realize that her hands were still on Tiffany's waist.


"When was our first kiss?" Tiffany asked.


Taeyeon's eyes widened. She did not expect Tiffany to ask those kind of questions. She even wondered if Tiffany knew what position they were in. "It was a week after we got together," Taeyeon replied.


"How was it like?" Tiffany asked.


Taeyeon bit her lower lip. How was she supposed to answer the question?


"It couldn't be explain. I don't know. The feeling was magical?" Taeyeon replied. "Well, that was how I feel. I'm not sure how you felt."


Tiffany just nodded her head. Taeyeon saw that Tiffany was staring at her lips and felt her heart pounding as if it could escape from her rib cage and out of her chest.


Without any notice, Tiffany leaned forward and crashed her lips with Taeyeon's own one, wanting to know how she felt when she kiss the older girl. All Tiffany could think of was that she felt the same as Taeyeon.


A/N: Okay...I have no idea what to say about this chapter._.
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Chapter 12: OMG! Author please update this more often! I'm a real fan of this story! I've read this repeatedly and still, I can't get over it coz it left me hanging on the most interesting part. Please have mercy for our hearts .. It's really longing for an update .. T.T THE FEELS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE !!! *points to my heart* IT STILL LINGERS!! please update this beautiful story more often. The creativity, the ideas, EVERYTHING was put into a whole new level which made the story perfect for readers, especially for TaeNy shippers. Thanks author for sharing your talent!
Chapter 12: Woahhh....
Your story is daebak author... i can feel the pure love between taeny :')
I hope Mr. Hwang can see Taeny really love each other..
Even Tae isnt rich, maybe when she join in Hwang's it can make more bigger anf have a lot profit.. haha forget it lol...
Well, hope you have a nice day author :D
taeny_bear #3
Chapter 12: Where is the next update );
tipco09 #4
Chapter 12: Did Fany pull Taeyeon out of the house while Taeyeon was ? It seems like she didn't have enough time to put clothes on.Hahaha! But, I think its not your intention to have Tiffany's father et al see Taeyeon . At any rate, I'm so glad that TaeNy have cleared up the misunderstandings between them.
puppyyeon #5
Chapter 12: Yes! update soon author :) ♥
Chapter 12: Hehe make Tao appear as one of the suitor, then somehow he saw their pure love and decided to help them out. Make Tao and his EXO team bring out Mr. Hwang's crime or anything. Lol. No.
I love your stories author-ssi! Hwaiting for next update!
Chapter 11: aiitt.. Mr Hwang, why you? i hope Tae will be fine.