
Forget Me, Remember You

What happened next? If only I had not woken up. This is so annoying.


Tiffany sighed and leaned forward against the counter. Since it was still quite early, there were not much customers coming in. Even if there were, they would come and go.


I wonder where Taeyeon went to. I want to tell her that I did not cheat her.


The American girl was getting frustrated as time passed. She really wanted to remember what happened to her badly.  Just then, Tiffany heard the bell chimed and straightened her position. She was speechless when she saw who the customer was.


What is Nichkhun doing here?


“Tiffany?” Nichkhun said.


“You know her?” the girl beside him whispered.


“Yeah, she used to be my ex but don’t worry you’re my only one now Victoria,” Nichkhun replied and grinned at his fiancé.


Tiffany could not help but smile at the couple. They looked happy to be with each other. She somehow envied the couple. The both of them could be together but for her and Taeyeon, Mr. Hwang was a barrier in between them.


“I didn’t expect you to still work here Tiff,” Nichkhun said. “Give me two of my usual order. If you remember what my usual is.”


 Tiffany giggled. “Of course I remembered. Do take a seat first. I’ll prepare the drinks.”


Victoria pouted at the ex-couple. She grabbed the hem of Nichkhun’s shirt and pulled it. Nichkhun chuckled and kissed his fiancé on the forehead. “We’ll go and take a sit. Victoria here is jealous.”


Tiffany smiled and nodded her head. I’m glad Nichkhun found his happiness. I found mine too.




Mr. Hwang looked up in displeased as he saw Taeyeon. He put his pen down and clasped his hands together and frowned. “You should not be here. What happened to Tiffany is none of your concern,” he said grimly.


Taeyeon scoffed, “It is my concern. I love her and I need to know the truth.”


“If that is so, I don’t know anything that happened to Tiffany. She was not at home,” Mr. Hwang muttered.


"What do you mean you don't know what happened to Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked Mr. Hwang angrily.


Mr. Hwang sighed and said, "You don't really know how to give up don't you? You won't leave unless you have the answers."


Taeyeon was slowly losing her patience. She knew Mr. Hwang knew something and she was not going to give up until she found out what Mr. Hwang had been hiding from his daughter and why he was doing so. “I don’t believe you. You must know something. You’re her father,” Taeyeon said coldly.


“If you don’t leave now, I’m going to call the guards,” Mr. Hwang threatened.


“If you really don’t know how Tiffany lost her memory, you wouldn’t threaten me,” Taeyeon smirked.


Mr. Hwang clenched his fists and called for his guards. Two well-built guards entered the room and stood on one side of Taeyeon each. Taeyeon chuckled and said, “You’re obviously hiding something.”


“Take her out,” Mr. Hwang ordered his guards.


The two guards grabbed Taeyeon’s arm each and Taeyeon struggled to escape. She glared at Mr. Hwang and shouted, “Ask them to let me go!”


It was Mr. Hwang’s turn to smirk. He folded his arms and put his legs on the table. “I won’t tell you anything. What happened to Tiffany is my concern since she’s my daughter.”


“I guess I have no choice. If you tell me what happened to Tiffany, I will leave her,” Taeyeon said in a defeated tone.


Mr. Hwang seemed to agree with Taeyeon’s deal. He told his guard to release Taeyeon and made them leave. “Deal,” Mr. Hwang said. “Please take a seat and I will tell you.”


After Tiffany had make her leave, Mr. Hwang called his guards to look for his daughter. Nichkhun had offered himself to look for Tiffany but Mr. Hwang told him there was no need to do so.


“I know Tiffany, Uncle Hwang. She won’t return,” Nichkhun told Mr. Hwang.


“She will. She will soon realize that the girl can’t bring her happiness,” Mr. Hwang said bluntly.


Nichkhun sighed and took a sip of his drink and prayed that Tiffany would be alright.


“What? I can bring her happiness! We’ve dated for nine years,” Taeyeon raised her voice. Mr. Hwang frowned again. “Now tell me what happened to Tiffany that made her lost her memory.”


Tiffany was really angry with her father. She wondered why her father could not accept Taeyeon. Yes, Taeyeon’s father killed her mother but Tiffany learned to accept the truth. Why can’t her father do so too? Tiffany puffed her cheeks and looked around the place. There were not many people and Tiffany felt lonely. “I should go to Taeyeon’s apartment and clear things up between us,” she muttered.


All of the sudden, two of Mr. Hwang’s guard grabbed Tiffany by the arms and pulled her into the car. “Yah let me out!” Tiffany screamed. She tried to open the door but the guard had locked the door. “I’m part of the Hwang family. I order you to release me now!”


“I’m sorry Miss Hwang. This is your father’s order,” one of the guards said.


“Can I visit Taeyeon for the last time?” Tiffany asked.


The two guards looked at each other. “I suppose you can. Mr. Hwang did not say you can’t visit her.”


Mr. Hwang stopped the story and Taeyeon groaned. She had already lost her patience since the start of the story. “Mr. Hwang, here are the drinks you requested,” Sunny said and placed the tray on the desk. Mr. Hwang nodded his head and said to Taeyeon, “Drink up. You must be thirsty.”


“No thanks Mr. Hwang. I’ll leave once you tell me everything,” Taeyeon told him.


“Please, I insist,” Mr. Hwang smiled.


Taeyeon found Mr. Hwang’s gestures weird but she took a sip of the drink. Mr. Hwang smirked and said, “Should I continue now?”


“Yes you should,” Taeyeon said coldly.


However, Taeyeon’s head started to get heavy and everything was a blur to her. “W-What did y-you do to the drink,” Taeyeon slurred.


“Do you think I’m stupid? I’ m doing this for Tiffany’s own good,” Mr. Hwang said. “Have a nice sleep.”


Damn, I let my guard down. 


Taeyeon’s eyelids were getting heavy and soon she lost her consciousness.


A/N: Evil...author is evil >:)

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Chapter 12: OMG! Author please update this more often! I'm a real fan of this story! I've read this repeatedly and still, I can't get over it coz it left me hanging on the most interesting part. Please have mercy for our hearts .. It's really longing for an update .. T.T THE FEELS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE !!! *points to my heart* IT STILL LINGERS!! please update this beautiful story more often. The creativity, the ideas, EVERYTHING was put into a whole new level which made the story perfect for readers, especially for TaeNy shippers. Thanks author for sharing your talent!
Chapter 12: Woahhh....
Your story is daebak author... i can feel the pure love between taeny :')
I hope Mr. Hwang can see Taeny really love each other..
Even Tae isnt rich, maybe when she join in Hwang's it can make more bigger anf have a lot profit.. haha forget it lol...
Well, hope you have a nice day author :D
taeny_bear #3
Chapter 12: Where is the next update );
tipco09 #4
Chapter 12: Did Fany pull Taeyeon out of the house while Taeyeon was ? It seems like she didn't have enough time to put clothes on.Hahaha! But, I think its not your intention to have Tiffany's father et al see Taeyeon . At any rate, I'm so glad that TaeNy have cleared up the misunderstandings between them.
puppyyeon #5
Chapter 12: Yes! update soon author :) ♥
Chapter 12: Hehe make Tao appear as one of the suitor, then somehow he saw their pure love and decided to help them out. Make Tao and his EXO team bring out Mr. Hwang's crime or anything. Lol. No.
I love your stories author-ssi! Hwaiting for next update!
Chapter 11: aiitt.. Mr Hwang, why you? i hope Tae will be fine.