
Forget Me, Remember You
"I'll be going now Tiffany. It was nice seeing you again," Nichkhun smiled.


"Do invite me to your wedding. I'll be bringing Taeyeon along," Tiffany said and smiled back.


"Will do. Bye Tiff," Nichkhun said and left the shop.


I wonder where TaeTae is now.


Tiffany pulled out her phone and pouted when she saw that Taeyeon did not call or text her.


Is she that busy? I should try calling her.


Tiffany dialled Taeyeon's number and placed the phone near to her ear. She sighed when Taeyeon did not answer after a few rings and hung up the call.


TaeTae, I hope you're alright.


It was five in the afternoon and Tiffany's shift was over. She changed into her normal clothes and greeted the other workers goodbye. She was happy to go home as she could see Taeyeon again but she did not know that Taeyeon was in trouble.


I bet TaeTae's at home now. Should I call her for dinner?


Just then, a car stopped in front of her. Surprised, Tiffany turned around and wanted to return back to the cafe but a hand grabbed her and pulled her into the car. "Let me go!" Tiffany screamed.


"I'm sorry I can't. Your father asked me to pick you up," the guy said and pushed Tiffany into the car and locked it.


"No! I don't want to see him at all," Tiffany said stubbornly. However, the bodyguard ignored Tiffany and drove away.




Mr. Hwang smiled as he saw his daughter entered his room. The guard closed the door and made sure to lock it so that Tiffany would not be able to escape. "Tiffany, please, have a seat," he said with a smile.


"Just say what you want and I'll be out soon," Tiffany said coldly.


Mr. Hwang chuckled and threw a few photographs on the table. "Look at them," he said.


"I don't have time daddy. I'm going to meet Taeyeon," Tiffany said.


"Taeyeon's only using you Tiffany. Look at the picture and you'll know what I mean," Mr. Hwang told Tiffany and smiled.


Tiffany was hesitant. She was curious but her heart told her not to.


Taeyeon would never cheat on me. I trust her.


Bringing up her courage, Tiffany grabbed a photo and her heart crashed when she saw it. Mr. Hwang was silently laughing. He had been waiting for Tiffany to get separated with Taeyeon. He would rather Tiffany stayed with Nichkhun. However, since Nichkhun already had a fiancee, he already had another person in mind and this time, he would make sure that Tiffany marries that guy.


"Taeyeon is in the guest room that Nichkhun used to sleep in. Why don't you end everything there?" Mr. Hwang smirked.




Taeyeon had finally woke up. She felt her head feeling heavy and she felt another figure on top of her.




Taeyeon slowly adjusted her position and was shocked when she realized she was on the bed with someone else.


"What the ?!" Taeyeon shouted and pushed the figure away. She looked under the blanket and saw that she was and could not help but to feel guilty.


If only I did not let down my guard. Argh... what should I tell Fany?


"Quiet down will you. I'm tired," the figure said as she rubbed her eyes.


"You... how could you do this to me!" Taeyeon shouted at the person.


The girl smirked and replied, "As long I get paid, I don't mind."


Taeyeon groaned loudly and left the bed. She put on all her clothes back and glared at the girl. "I hope you die in hell," she cursed.


The girl chuckled. "Your pretty girlfriend won't be happy," she said and smiled slyly.


Taeyeon left the room angrily and was surprised to see Tiffany in front of her. Her angry expression changed into guilt.


"This is not what it looks like Fany. Your father asked someone to drug my drink," Taeyeon said with guilt shown on her face. "I will never cheat on you Fany ah. Please believe me."


Tiffany looked at Taeyeon, expressionless. She did not know whether to believe Taeyeon or not.


Taeyeon sighed and ran through her hair with her fingers. "If I did cheat on you, which I will never ever do, why would I be at your house doing it? That's just stupid. Please believe me Fany," Taeyeon said as she pulled Tiffany into a hug. "I don't want to lose you again. Please, please believe me."


Tiffany thought for awhile before saying something. "My father has gone too far this time. I can never forgive him," Tiffany growled. She pulled away from the hug and held onto Taeyeon's hand firmly, pulling her tonher father's study room.


Mr. Hwang was shocked when she saw his daughter holding Taeyeon's hand. He had just called Donghae, one out of many suitors he had in mind for Tiffany, to come over.


"How could you daddy? I hate you!" Tiffany shouted.


Mr. Hwang clenched his fist and slammed the table. "If it wasn't because of her, you wouldn't even be raising your voice at me. I only want what's best for you and this is how you repay me?"


Taeyeon felt small. It was like she was the cause of all of this and she felt even more guiltier.


"My happiness isn't for you to choose daddy. I love Taeyeon and I realized I never did cheat on her. I lied to her saying that I don't love her anymore and stayed with Nichkhun just for your very own happiness. Nichkhun isn't what I wanted. Why can't you see that?" Tiffany said and she broke down afterwards.


Tiff... Tiffany never cheated on me?


"Tiffany Hwang Miyoung take back whatever you said!" Mr. Hwang lost his patience and shouted at Tiffany.


"Not until you accept my relationship with Taeyeon," Tiffany said firmly and dragged Taeyeon out of the house.


"I'm sorry Fany. Because of me, your relationship with your father is going downhill," Taeyeon apologized.


Tiffany sighed and stopped walking. She turned around and traced Taeyeon's jaw with her thumb. "It's alright TaeTae. It's my choice. I don't want to lose you as much as you don't want to lose me. It's time I take action. You mean a lot to me and I don't mind if I can't remember the past. We can always create new ones as long as we're together," Tiffany smiled slightly.




"Don't say a word Taeyeon ah," Tiffamy muttered and leaned forward, capturing Taeyeon's lips.


Just one kiss and Taeyeon knew that Tiffany meant every word she said.


A/N: I wrote this while I was out of idea lmao. If there's some part that somehow doesn't make sense, then try making them make sense somehow xD


Till the next update~ :)

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Chapter 12: OMG! Author please update this more often! I'm a real fan of this story! I've read this repeatedly and still, I can't get over it coz it left me hanging on the most interesting part. Please have mercy for our hearts .. It's really longing for an update .. T.T THE FEELS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE !!! *points to my heart* IT STILL LINGERS!! please update this beautiful story more often. The creativity, the ideas, EVERYTHING was put into a whole new level which made the story perfect for readers, especially for TaeNy shippers. Thanks author for sharing your talent!
Chapter 12: Woahhh....
Your story is daebak author... i can feel the pure love between taeny :')
I hope Mr. Hwang can see Taeny really love each other..
Even Tae isnt rich, maybe when she join in Hwang's it can make more bigger anf have a lot profit.. haha forget it lol...
Well, hope you have a nice day author :D
taeny_bear #3
Chapter 12: Where is the next update );
tipco09 #4
Chapter 12: Did Fany pull Taeyeon out of the house while Taeyeon was ? It seems like she didn't have enough time to put clothes on.Hahaha! But, I think its not your intention to have Tiffany's father et al see Taeyeon . At any rate, I'm so glad that TaeNy have cleared up the misunderstandings between them.
puppyyeon #5
Chapter 12: Yes! update soon author :) ♥
Chapter 12: Hehe make Tao appear as one of the suitor, then somehow he saw their pure love and decided to help them out. Make Tao and his EXO team bring out Mr. Hwang's crime or anything. Lol. No.
I love your stories author-ssi! Hwaiting for next update!
Chapter 11: aiitt.. Mr Hwang, why you? i hope Tae will be fine.