Dream of My Thoughts(Semi-Filler[and yes you have to read to understand the next chappie])

Coffee isn't a Game you JERK!

"Sungmin! Sungmin! SUNGMIN!!!!"

I jumped up at looked around me for the sound of that insane voice. Wait...where the fish was I? Around me were  miles and miles of green grass dotted in little white flowers fluttering in breeze. You know how you stand on a beach and look out at the ocean and it looks like it stops and meets the sky? That's how much grass there was around me. I whirled around and tried to figure out where I was. Why was I here?


I flinched and looked for the source of the noise. Straight out of the sky(imagine horizon again) came a little person, getting bigger and bigger and bigger as it came closer to me. When it was finally two feet away from me(bad eyesight) I recognized the person as Kyuhyun. I blinked at him coming closer, then spun on my heel and ran in the opposite direction.

"SUNGMIN?!?!?!" Kyuhyun yelled to me.


"STOP! STOP! I'm not going to do anything bad! I just want to talk to you!" Kyuhyun shouted, panting now. 

After thinking a little, I happily stopped. I hating running...really....

I turned back around to wait for Kyuhyun when something dark with curly hair rammed into me and knocked me onto the grassy meadow.

I got ready to yell at Kyuhyun for hitting me, but realized I couldn't. His lips were closed over mine and his body holding me in a position where I couldn't move. Kyuhyun blinked at me and lifted his face.

"S-S-Sungmin..I-I'm so...so sor-sorry...m-mi-ianhae..." He whispered before his was pulled off my body and landed on a cluster of flowers nearly a foot away from me. I sat up and felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Alex..." A voice whispered in my ear. I turned my head around and saw Heechul glaring at Kyuhyun.

"H-hyung!" Kyuhyun pouted.

"Get off my Alex." Heechul growled.

Kibum, Hangeng, and Leeteuk suddenly appeared in front of us.

"MY ALEX." They all said in unison. I looked around at all the boys in front of me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a girl?" Amber asked, suddenly appearing and crouching down in front of me.

I wiggled out of Heechul's embrace and gulped.

"What's going on?" I started to cry. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks and one hung on my lip. I wiped my tears off but they wouldn't stop.



"WOAH!" I yelled. I bolted up straight in my bed and rubbed my head. (oh ha ha ha yes I rhymed.) "That was the strangest dream ever...what could it mean...?" I asked myself.

"I don't know. You're a girl, Sungmin? Or should I say, Alex?" A low voice said nearby. I looked down and saw Kyuhyun lying on the floor next to my bed.


"So. Tell me. A girl?"



Okay...so... uhmm....

I just saw my friend requests and I apparantly have a lot...? And then people keep subscribing to my stories, but I notice they're mostly subscribing to this or too Super Love Confusion

If that's you, raise your hand. Hahaa kidding...unless you have webcam or somethin O_O

Well anyways, Super Love Confusion ended last year so I don't know how I got more subscriptions to it... not that I don't like it! No! I LOVE IT!!! Seriously!!! And if you subscribed, commenting will be even better!! I seriously love comments, they make my dayy =]]]]

But yeah...if that's you subscribing to my stories from this story, thanks =] It's really nice and cool... I also like All it Takes is Three Words but I lost inspiration for it... but if I get enough people subscribing/commenting on it maybe I'll reconsider? Cuz hey guys, Super Love Confusion has ended...last year....

Soyeah. Thanks!!! Love ya



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killthemall #1
i really love the twist of the story!
I've always wanted to create a character who had a certain style of speech ^^
blazensaddles #3
Lol...what is with that girl?? XD I had to read it slowly to understand!! XD haha lol no!! The girl can't, but Void can ;)
What did she say? LOLOLOLOL ~~^^v

Update again soon!
Daeminie #5
YEEEAAAAYY~! update pleeease!
Unnies FIGHTING~! kekeke ^.^
Quackerz #6
UPDATEEEEEEEE!!! New subbie here, waaay interesting this fic
Please update soon~~~^^ this fic is very interesting~~^^
I really like this story!

Oh, Siwon... The perfect guy, the one who makes his team win...