
Coffee isn't a Game you JERK!

"Tadaa!" Amber said handing me my uniform, I looked at it... 

We were outside the coffee place waiting for Leeteuk to open the stupid place up. I grabbed the shirt and stared at it

"What did you do to it?" I asked her,

"Oh, well I noticed that it was reeallly big on you, SO!" she smirked, then handed me the vest,

"Oh dear..." I said staring at it,

"I made it somewhat smaller and cut off some fabric~ so it would be a little bit ier!" she laughed, "Also, it could attract the customers!" she pointed out, I looked at her,

"Y-you do know that I have to wear this for work right?"

"What? Did I do a bad job?" she questioned, I shook my head,

"It's amazing, but... I'm not sure what the boss would say" I mumbled, her eyes widened,

"AH! I'm soo sorry! I completely forgot about that!" she said, rubbing her hands in a "Sorry Sorry" motion,

I sighed and gave her a small smile, "It's okay, I'll just..." I shuddered, "Try to convince Kyuhyun that this is okay"

"Kyuhyun?" she asked giving me a questionable gaze,

"It's the son of the guy that owns the place" I said, and leaned against the wall,

"Don't worry! I'll be there for you!" she said giving me a fist pump. I looked up at her, 

"Then would you work here with me? Hangeng and Leeteuk are amazing, but I just need someone to protect me from Kyuhyun"

"Eh? What does he do to you?" She asked curiously.

"Well he always yells at me and critizizes me and bugs's not nice..." I sighed,Amber giggled.

"Sounds like you two are getting closer.."

"AMBER!!! NOO WAYY!! NO FREAKING WAY!!" I shrieked by accident,she laughed and ran "AMBER!!!!!!!!" I yelled

"Minnie?" I turned around to see Hankyung and Leeteuk smiling curiously at me.

"Oh..hey you two." Hankyung walked over to me and looked me up and down.

"Dang...Minnie, you look"

"y." Leeteuk mumbled, interrupting Hankyung. I blushed and bent my head down.

"Ah, my friend decided to redesign the uniform because she thought it looked bad." Leeteuk smiled, showing those dimples. Seriously, he has to stop that. I almost melted...

"It looks absolutely amazing! You should tell her to come in later so we can discuss it with Kyuhyun." I nodded and smiled.

"Yes..yes of course! I'll call her in later." He smiled and Hankyung put his arm around me.

"It looks really good on you. Although, the wearer makes it even better." I blushed and shook my head.

"No..I don't look that good..." He laughed and shook me lightly.

"Seriously, you do. If you weren't pretending to be a boy, I'd consider going for you."

I stutterd. "H-h-hankyung.." He smiled and tickled my arm.

"Come on. Let's see how the customers like you."


"" I gulped and bit my lip as Kyuhyun walked around me, examining me. Leeteuk was frowning and ruffling his hair, Hankyung was absentmindedly squeezing cream into a cup, Amber was biting her nails, sitting on the spinning chair with her knees up (kinda like L from death note!) as we were all waiting for his answer.

"Well...I gotta say. I like the uniform. Not the wearer." he finally said, I sighed, he rolled his eyes.

" you'lll let her remodel all the uniforms?" Hankyung asked, pointing to Amber. Kyuhyun thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Eh, why not? Why don't you redecorate the entire place while you're at it? I'll pay you." She nodded eagerly.

"Yes yes yes yes YES!!!" She shrieked and threw her arms around me.

"This is great!! Thank you guys!!" And with that, she grabbed her jacket and ran out, shrieking in happiness.

Amber... I love you... but... what happened to your tomboy image?

"Okay...nice. Let's get back to work..." Hankyung nodded at Leeteuk's words and they both went out. I was left alone with Kyuhyun. I turned to him and found him staring at me.

"What?" I said rudely.

"You know...when you wear look like a girl. A hot girl.." He said, murmuring the last part so I couldn't hear. I knew that normally this would be an insult to a guy so I tried to be offended.

I threw a punch at him, but he caught my fist in the air.

"Hey...your hand is so a girl's.."

"Small your foot!" I yelled, struggling against him. But he swung me around, trying to get me away from him. Instead, I slipped on some cream (I blame Hangeng) but he caught me, me being only inches from the ground.

" have a small waist petite and curvy.." I glared at him, which he probably didn't see since his face was only millimeters away from my own. I pushed away from him and stepped on his foot.

"AGH!!" He yelled through clenched teeth.

"Now who's the girly one, huh weak boy?" He scowled and wagged his finger at me.

"Don't talk that way to your boss!" I scowled at him.

"Don't touch my waist!" I replied snarkily.

"What do you care, you're just a boy!" He rubbed my waist again.

"YAH!!" I pushed his chest. But when I did, his other foot slipped on a wet patch of tile and he fell forward. (I still blame Hankyung)

"Woah!" I closed my eyes. I felt a sharp pain in my back, then a hand on my waist again. I opened my eyes and looked up. We had fallen backwards into a counter when he slipped. One of his arms was placed on the counter next to my neck, balancing him. His other hand was wrapped around my body, holding me up. And our faces were touching.

His lips had landed only one centimeter away from mine, so he was kissing my cheek.

"YAH!! CHO KYUHYUN!!" I was blushing furiously and pushed him off, urgh... I'm pissed, "I'm going on break!" I said, and walked out with my coat to the roof, 


"Sungmin?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and whirled around, jumping.

"OH, Hankyung. Sorry...I didn't know it was you." He shook his head.

"Nah, it's okay.You wanna go somewhere when our shifts are over?" he asked, I thought for a moment.

"Well...I was going to go home to study. I have a test coming up soon..." He scrutinized me.

"What subject?"

"Social science. I'm horrible at it." He smiled at me.

"Well lucky for you, I'm good at it!"

"Chincha?? Oh, then could you help me study? Please?" He laughed and nodded.

"Alright then. Oh...and if things start to get intimate during this..."study session" then-" I glared at him and he gulped.

"Then that'd be horrible. So terribly horrible. It won't happen...will it?" I punched his arm.

"Ha, you know I'm just joking. You just look so hot in that uniform I couldn't resist." I rolled my eyes and shrugged my coat on.

"Are you going to help me or what?"

"Help, duh."  He laughed and adjusted my collar.

I looked out and puffed out my cheeks as he adjusted my collar, he noticed, and stared at me, I looked back at him, aww, he was such adorably brown eyes!

"Hm... and the guys at your dorm believe that YOU are a guy?" he asked me, I nodded with my cheeks still puffed out, 

"Well well, you came up here just to flirt with Geng?" Kyuhyun asked, Hangeng and I turned around and saw Kyuhyun leaning against the door post with his arms crossed in his white blouse with a red tie and black pants with a black apron on making him look like he has work here but never does anything,

"Aish" I rolled my eyes and walked away from him, he grabbed my wrist, "Where are you going?!" he asked me,

"Leeteuk hyung needs my help" I said, and jerked my hand away from him, 

"YAH! SUNGMIN!" he yelled, I ignored him and grabbed my small paper pad and pen and walked to a table,

"Hello" I smiled, "Have you been served yet?" I asked,

"Ah, no, but is Choi Siwon here?" the woman said, hm... I noticed that she was wearing a huge hat, a sophisticated outfit, and glasses with dark brown wavy hair

"He quit 2 weeks ago"

"EH?! Weiii?" she pouted,

"He was getting involved in a church activity"

"O-oh..." she sighed, "Well, I guess I'll just have americano coffee" she said, and started to read her book.... okay....

I walked over to the kitchen window, "Americano Coffee!" I yelled, and put the order on a long metal rack with other orders.

"Alright" the cook said, and made the coffee quickly, I put it on the tray, and walked back to the table and handed the coffee to her, and bowed, I looked around,

"Sungmin opppaaa!!" the most annoying voice in the world said, I sighed and walked to the table,

"Hi Yoona" I faked a smile.

"Oppa Oppa! guess what?! I got a role in a drama!!!" she shrieked in happiness, 

"Woah! Really? Congratulations!" I smiled clapping for her,

"Ah! Thanks so much! I promise I won't forget you when I'm famous!" she smiled and hugged me around the waist.

I gulped and pushed her off.

"O-o-okay...that's I have to go work...." She hugged me again, her lips next to my neck.

....Was that on purpose?


"Let's go out after you finish working, okay?" she asked, I chuckled lightly and pushed her off.

"Sorry, but I'm busy. I have to study for something." I said, walking backwards, away from her.

"I'll help you!!!" She grabbed my arm. I shook her off.

"Acually, Hangeng's helping me... I'm practicing on Chinese!" I tried to smile, but she pouted,

"But oppa~" she pouted,

"P-plus... I-I'm..." I started,

"You're seeing someone? Who is she?!" she asked me, with tears in her eyes,

"YAH! SUNGMIN! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GO TO THE NEXT CUSTOMERS?!" Kyuhyun suddenly yelled, I looked at him, and bowed,

"I-I'm sorry!" I said, then quickly left him, I walked away from Yoona,

For the first time... I'm so thankful for Kyuhyun!


"Minnie, I really think that the stalker obsessed chick is following you! I mean, she's always here!" Leeteuk said, as we were about to close the shop,

"It doesn't matter. Besides, she's going to get tired of my one day anyways" I sighed, as I was sweeping the counter.

"Are you sure you don't want me to kick her?" Hangeng popped his head in, I smiled,

"Yeah, I'm sure" I laughed,

"SUNGMIN!" Kyuhyun suddenly yelled, I rolled my eyes,

"Urgh" I mumbled,

"YAH! SUNGMIN! WHAT'S WITH THIS?" Kyuhyun came in with coffee cups, I sighed,

"I'm sorry that the customers are very bad with these fragile cups" I sighed, then continued sweeping,

"Yah! This is coming out of your paycheck!" he scolded, I looked up at him then glared at him,

"Why? I'm not the one breaking them!"

"Did you charge them for breaking the cups?"

"No I didn't notice, why?"

"That's why! Don't you know that these cups come from Italy?"

"Just like your retarded green and leperd printed jacket?" I asked pointing to his retarted clothing, he glared at me,

"It's from Italy!"

"Look, this is a coffee shop. It's smarter to buy cups that are cheaper!"

He glared at me, then grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the storage room,


"Do you even know how much you get paid here? Not unlike most shops" Kyuhyun glared at me, while I tried to pull away from his grasp,

"L-let go!" I said, 

~~~~~~~~~Kyuhyun POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"L-Let go!" he said, I turned around and looked at him, my heart almost stopped... he looks like a lost puppy! ...Awww! 

Wait! No! I'm supposed to punish him!

I pulled a hand through my hair, "Look kiddo, I don't know who you are, but you better clean this all up by tomarrow!" I smirked,

"What?! But this is too much! It'll take days!"

"I don't care! If you want the same amount of money on your check as it has always been, then you better clean this up!" I said, then started to walk away, 

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home!" I simply replied, "See you later" I smirked, then left.

~~~~~~~~~Alex's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Evil...evil Kyuhyun...

I was walking out, but then Leeteuk ran over to me.

"Alex..ignore Kyuhyun. I'll clean everything. Hankyung told me you have a test to study for with him, so you're welcome to go. Don't worry, okay?" he breathed

I opened my mouth to speak, but he put a finger on my lips to shush me.

"Hush. Just go, alright?" I nodded and he let go. He was about to walk away, but I tugged on his shirt sleeve and he turned around.

I shuffled my feet and looked up at him.

"Teukie Oppa?" He smiled and cocked his head.


Then, I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." Then without waiting for his reaction, I walked away to join Hankyung outside.

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killthemall #1
i really love the twist of the story!
I've always wanted to create a character who had a certain style of speech ^^
blazensaddles #3
Lol...what is with that girl?? XD I had to read it slowly to understand!! XD haha lol no!! The girl can't, but Void can ;)
What did she say? LOLOLOLOL ~~^^v

Update again soon!
Daeminie #5
YEEEAAAAYY~! update pleeease!
Unnies FIGHTING~! kekeke ^.^
Quackerz #6
UPDATEEEEEEEE!!! New subbie here, waaay interesting this fic
Please update soon~~~^^ this fic is very interesting~~^^
I really like this story!

Oh, Siwon... The perfect guy, the one who makes his team win...