Super Cafe!

Coffee isn't a Game you JERK!

"Okay let me get this straight!" I said, staring at the person,

"Go ahead"

"Two mocha frapps, Two lattes, and one green tea frap?" I asked,

"Yup" the people at the table said,

"Alright! I'll be back soon!" I smiled, and walked away,

Well. It's been 2 weeks I've been working at "Super Cafe" or as Leeteuk calls it, "SHUPAH Coffehh" ... Yeah... You can tell that he didn't make the name.... 

But do you know what's worse?

"Yah, Sungmin"

I glared at the guy who called my name,


"Oh? Is that how you treat the son the the man who owns this place?" Kyuhyun smirked, I clenched my hands, and walked towards him,

"I apologize, but please just sit still while I am working!" I said, and hit him with a newspaper,

"OW!" he flinched,

"Good dog, you know at least 1/8th of the pain you are causing me right now" I said, and walked back to the kitchen, "AHJUSHI!!" I yelled,

"What?!" he yelled back,

"Ahjushi, I need 2 mocha frapps, 2 lattes, and 1 green tea frap!" I yelled,

"No food?"

"Yupp!" I said and walked back to the table,

Aigo... 2 weeks passed by so fast! I mean... The first day, when I came here, Leeteuk showed me the uniform, I was kinda.... well... Hated it? It was just a peach color and white stripped button up shirt with a black vest and pants!

"AH! Minnie oppa!" high school girls yelled, I turned around and faked a smile,

Urgh... Annoying girls! Do they not know that I have other customers? If they don't want to buy anything than LEAVE! Ugh... Okay Alex! Smile! Smile! Or else Kyuhyun will fire you!

"Hello ladies!" I smiled walking over to them

"Oppa what do you recommend today?" the girl (named... I think Yoona?) asked,

"Ah, well, I think the green tea chocolates are REALLY good!" I smiled and the girl started giggling.

"We'll take them then. And...5 mochas, please? With sugar and nutmeg on the side." I nodded and started to leave.

"Wait! Minnie oppa!" I sighed and turned around with a forced smile.

"Yes...?" One of the other girls nudged ?Yoona? and she giggled.

"Would..would you like to meet up after your shift is over?" She said, fluttering her eyelashes.

'Seriously, these girls...I wonder if they know they're asking a girl out, not the boy they think I am.' I thought with a sigh. I smiled politly and shook my head.

"Aniyo, I'm sorry. I have...things to do." Her smile turned upside down and she sighed.

"Maybe another time then?"

"Maybe." I said, walking away. 'In another lifettime, if I had no choice but to marry her, or leeches. Then again, I might choose the leeches.'


"Sungmin!" He yelled back with a smirk.

"Aish," I slapped his arm. "Those girls would like some of your special green tea chocolates and 5 mochas with nutmeg and sugar on the side." He winked at me and retreated into the kitchen.

"Practically done."

"Hangeng, are you gay? Don't flirt with Sungmin!" Kyuhyun said, suddenly appearing behind my shoulder. Hangeng laughed and winked at me again with a flirty smirk.


"Hey, there's a crowd coming. You gonna help them, or what?" Kyuhyun said, turning to me.

"Or what.." I muttered, walking towards them.

"Hello, welcome to Super Cafe. May I help you?" One of the girls holding onto a boy's arm looked me up and down and smiled flirtily.

"Mm...yes I think you can." The boy looked at her with an offended look.

'Here we go again...'

"So, table for how many?" I said, ignoring her.

*After work*

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder as I walked home.

Kyuhyun had left before me, as he did everyday since I started working there. So it left me to walk home alone. Which was fine with me. I got time to figure out revenge on him then.

'Now..should I-'

"Sungmin!" I whirled around and saw Amber running up to me.

"Amber! Hi!" I smiled as she caught up.

"Just came back from work, huh? How was it?"

"Same as always. Kyuhyun was absolute torture, Leeteuk was pratically invisible, and Hangeng cheerful as ever. Although I did get asked out by Yoona..." She covered to stifle a snort.

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah...Why?" She stopped laughing and smirked at me.

"Well, because. Yoona is second in command to the queenka of the school. If Yoona likes're on your way to popularity!" I leaped back, startled.

"No way! Amber, you have to be kidding me!" She shook her head and grinned.

"Nope. You go, Sungmin. You may as well take Kyuhyun's place. Although..." She looked me up and down and frowned.

"Although what?" I asked her curiously. 'Do I look to feminine? Does she know?!?'

"You..your, it ." I sighed and laughed.

"Not much I can do about that."

"Well I can. Give me your uniform." I stared at her and stuttered.

"W-w-w-what? Are you kidding me?" She rolled her eyes.

"Nope. Come on, go in there and change." She said as she pushed me into a different cafe.

"A-a-amber, I don't have anything else to wear." She shrugged her shoulders and pulled some clothes out of a bag hanging on her arm.

"Looks like you'll have to wear girl clothes for a while. Sorry Sungmin. But give me the uniform and I'll remodel it. Then you can take it back to Leeteuk and ask for it like that."

"Amber, I really-"

"Zip it. Now get in there and change." I grudingly(sp?) nodded and changed. After I had put her clothes on, I looked into the mirror. It was my first time in a while wearing feminine(ok, she's kind of a tomboy, but still.) clothes and I sighed.

'I wish I didn't have to do this...but I have to avenge Sungmin oppa.' I walked out and tried to look as manly as I could. When Amber saw me, she snorted again/

"Ahem....okay...ah....hahaa.." I handed her the bag and the uniform.

"What? What is it Amber?" She laughed and took the bag.

" look like a girl!" She choked out, cracking up. I resisted the urge to scream. 'I AM A GIRL!! I AM I AM I AM!!!!!!!' Instead, I pretended to look offended.

"Pfft. I'm wearing your clothes, wut'd you expect?" She shrugged and laughed again.

"I dunno. You just look more girly than I thought you would."

"Just take the clothes and go." I said sarcastically, shaking my head.

"Sorry Sungmin. See you tomorrow at the cafe with your new uniform!" She waved and I rolled my eyes.


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killthemall #1
i really love the twist of the story!
I've always wanted to create a character who had a certain style of speech ^^
blazensaddles #3
Lol...what is with that girl?? XD I had to read it slowly to understand!! XD haha lol no!! The girl can't, but Void can ;)
What did she say? LOLOLOLOL ~~^^v

Update again soon!
Daeminie #5
YEEEAAAAYY~! update pleeease!
Unnies FIGHTING~! kekeke ^.^
Quackerz #6
UPDATEEEEEEEE!!! New subbie here, waaay interesting this fic
Please update soon~~~^^ this fic is very interesting~~^^
I really like this story!

Oh, Siwon... The perfect guy, the one who makes his team win...