The Sky Collapses

Bliss & Melancholies
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Saturday. Seunghyun did not have much duties for the day, the head librarian also told him to have a break for that day. He was tired from sleeplessness anyway, as he always was, he doesn’t want to go home so he sneaked to the auditorium and decided to spent the remaining time of the day there. He sat on the furthest seat and Seunghyun couldn’t help but think even as he was dead sleepy and tired. The lady was right in front of him, although in a distance, and in a situation where they couldn’t even have eye contact.



“All right, just tell me what the problem is.” Kang Daesung, a classmate and fellow student assistant, suddenly asked Seunghyun, who was already sitting in front of the desk and doing his duties in the library.



“What?” Seunghyun asked confused. “You look so uptight, you can’t seem to focus. What’s the problem?”  Daesung continues to ask in his boisterous tone.



“These library cards, they’re so many, and I’m sorting them on my own.” Seunghyun replied in a similar note, evading the topic that Daesung apparently sees. Daesung was always the humorist of the University. Although he’s a Senior, he always jokes about things and things just doesn’t seem serious for him.



“Oppa, don’t bother him already. He’s got a lot of things to do.” Minzy butted in, hugging Daesung from behind. Minzy is Daesung’s girlfriend, an another humorist. With her boyfriend, they’re a symbol of amusing and strong pair. They were always so funny and sweet at the same time.



The two then flirts jokingly as they usually do. Seunghyun just looks at them smiling upon their antics. Then he looked down, erasing his smile and biting his lips as he continued what he was doing. The couple couldn’t help but notice.



For weeks he tried all approaches that he could. He tried approaching, but the lady would deny even looking at him straight. He tried acting angry, but the lady never seemed to care. He then acted carefree and casual, acting like it doesn’t matter if the lady talks or not, but he could not fool himself. He cares so badly, he hangs on because there is no closure in the situation.



It was clear that Sandara was avoiding him, but Seunghyun keeps holding on to that fact, that she is avoiding him. He feels that she still care, due to the fact the he is still on her mind, although in a negative way.



But that fact makes him believe that he is still a ‘someone’ for her. That fact he couldn’t let go, though the situation says that he must. He does not know the direction he must take, that’s why he stays still in his painful ground. He wanted a closure, so he decided to take it.



Friday afternoon. There was a meeting-slash-seminar for all the English Majoring students. The said gathering has already ended. Seunghyun then slowly stood up and walked outside. He knew that the girl was on the college council as well; therefore, it would take her more time to go out, so Seunghyun proceeded to the washroom.



Inside the cubicle, he tries to calm himself from his exploding thoughts.



“I will end this today... I will.”



His body was somewhat shaking and he is indeed fretful and unsure, but his intuition is pushing him into it. He then tried to reassure his thoughts. “Seunghyun you cannot think twice this time, you did your serious decision, all you need to do now, is to believe.”



Just then, Seunghyun came out of the cubicle & faced the mirror. “But what if she left already? What if I took too long that she went out and left?” doubt was in his head once again, so he deemed in himself, “No Seunghyun, she is right there outside when you open the door, your timing is just right to meet her. Then you will talk to her, and finally put an end to this once and for all.”



He then stood straight and walked towards the door; he calmly held the knob and opened the door gently.



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afourse #1
Chapter 13: do not die seunghyun! T.T
Chapter 14: *very
Chapter 14: i feel so bad for seunghyun here.
his character is bery steadfast.
i love and hate it.
Chapter 14: Waaaaa love it! HEA!!! Waaaa Tabisan!!! Super like Seunghyun here~ Waaaa Thanks Author-nim!!! Great story!!
Chapter 1: seem like im going to like this one
Chapter 14: Thank you for this wonderful fic.
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 14: Awww.... What a lovely ending, and they have a happy family now ^^ greaaat! Looove this story! <33333
Chapter 14: Thank you authornim! This is! More tabisan fics! fighting~!!
Chapter 8: weee..I enjoy looking at the gif of Tabi with minyoung and tiffany..aiiieee..hahahaha..
Chapter 14: Sequel maybe? ._.