Trip to Jeju Part 5

I gave my first love to you.



This is the outfit your going to wear.





Trip to Jeju Part 4 - Goodbye Jeju ! :)








Goo Hana's POV (You)




The trip was fun actually, At first I thought It'll be horrible. Now were heading back to Seoul. It's kinda' sad though. I'm sure when the normal days will be back, Kwangmin's jerk personality will be back again. I wish He's always like that, I kinda' like it that way. What am I saying? I'm crazy. He just wanted to eat meat so badly that's why he's being good to you, you PABO. ~End~






(P.S This time, when heading back to Seoul. Ms. Kim assigned new seat for you. You are now sitting beside Youngmin.)







Youngmin's POV




I'm sitting with Goo Hana right now, Why am I feeling like this? tsk. tsk. I'm so weird -.-








You arrived at Seoul, After arriving back to normal. You glanced at Kwangmin, He's no longer on his seat. Youngmin bid goodbye to you but in a weird way. You got back to your home and rest.








Goo Hana's POV




What a day -.- I'm tired. tsk.tsk.













Short Chapter right ? ^^ Keke ~ I'm going to update tonight. My brain only function when I'm writing during midnight. Kekeke ~ I'm weird. Thankyou for those who subscribed and commented on my story. Especially those who appreciated it. Thankyou for your positive comments. It gives me strength to write my fic. ^^ I'm still craving for POSTER. No one will help me. I already request it but no answer, Keke ~ But If maybe someone will help me. I hope Goo Hana's cover is my favorite Ullzzang, Hong Young Gi. She's perfect for Goo Hani's character. Small. Keke ~ Short. Funny. Crazy. Bubbly. Keke ~ THANKYOU READERS AND LOVE LOTS;**

























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Chapter 22: You look just like a ulzzang!!!! :o Seriously i think the world has gone crazy i have never met anyone that was older than me that was shorter than me I'm telling you the world has gone crazy! Dx Update soon anyways!!!! XD
Chapter 22: Yay! Yeppeo *o*
Chapter 22: You're so pretty....
Chapter 20: Yes!!! Yay! :))
Chapter 20: Yes............
Chapter 17: Please update soon...... I really like your story :)))))
Chapter 16: Aww now i feel all short im only 146 cm XD but i still have like a couple more years to grow!! And can't wait for the update!!! <3