- - K Y U N G S O O - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!

I lay in bed the whole of the next day, too exausted, upset and sore to move myself out of bed. Well, Yixing's bed. I didn't want to sleep alone the previous night, and Yixing completely understood. I had fallen asleep with his warm arms around me, though he had drifted off long before I had, leaving me to think about things. Such as What did Yixing want to tell me? What was that all about, with him and Chanyeol, Suho and Jongin? And I didn't only worry about him, either. I thought about my own problems. Why did I have to fall in love with Zitao, anyways? My life would be far more simplier without my feelings for him... Why couldn't I love someone else, someone who actually liked me? Someone like... Yixing? No. Although, sometimes I do wonder why I hadn't fallen in love with Yixing the day he saved me from Suho. He was kind, generous, happy and excited all the time. And very, very handsome. But I didn't. Although, I'm almost glad I didn't. He clearly felt something for someone... was that someone Suho? Well, Chanyeol had said 'Suho, Yixing loves-' practically right infront of the boy. So, was that what he wanted to tell me? I would have to find out...

Then again, I still wish I could get over Zitao. He never loved me back, that much was clear... So, all I needed to do was find someone who could distract me, take my feelings away from Tao. But, who?

I had myself seated in the middle of our dorm. The mattresses were pulled off the beds and were dragged to the centre of the room, making a giant bed. Kris, Chanyeol and Yixing were seated around me, fussing around with the bags of chips and coke that Kris had brought over with him. The lights of the dorm were off, save a few lamps placed around our makeshift bed. Blankets were strewn everywhere; we aren't the tidiest bunch. The three were chatting to each other, while I looked on.

I was glad to have made friends. Despite, when I began at this school, the fact that I had told myself that I shouldn't get close to people, I was utterly glad I changed my mind. Yixing was perhaps the bestest friend I have ever had; infact, I had never had friends before, and so I considered Yixing my best friend. Chanyeol and Kris were perfect friends too. I couldn't have asked for better people.

Soon, Yixing's voice broke me out of my thoughts. 'Hey, Kyung, ready to start?'

'Sure, Yixing. So, then... who goes first?'

It was quickly decided. Kris would start, then the turns would rotate clockwise ending with me. Suprisingly, I wasn't nervous, about telling them every secret about me. They were to do the same, and they weren't backing away, so why should I?

Kris began.

'Not entirely sure if this counts as a secret, but... I never liked anyone, like, at all, until I met Chanyeol about three years back. I never found myself finding anyone particually attractive, which really worried my mother when she began introducing girls to me. I carefully turned each one down. After about thirty different girls, my parents pretty much gave up, showing their disappointment. I mean, if I "wanted" to make my parents proud and be successful in life, I would need to find a wife of some sort. Didn't matter about loving her. But, when I told them I finally found love, they were so pleased, and begged me to bring the "girl" over. As you can imagine, they had a fit when I introduced Chanyeol. Pretty much disowned me from recieving their wealth. But, I didn't care; I still don't. As long as I have Chanyeol, nothing like money or wealth matters.' And with that, Kris pecked Chanyeol's lips, causing the other boy to blush bright red.

The game continued like that. Chanyeol began after Kris, talking about how people made fun of his awkwardness and height as he grew older. Yixing refrained from letting out his important secret, when it came his turn. I figured that he probably wanted to wait a few rounds. So, I did too. I told them small secrets, such as the fact they were my first friends, and how I was often bullied, or that my father left us for some rich American girl or whatever. And, for the first time, nobody judged. They nodded, Yixing calmly patting me on the back, smiling lightly in an accepting manner. I felt closer to my friends that night. Especially when Yixing began to let out his secret.

'When I first came to this school, I was quiet, friendless, invisible. Not a single person took me in as a friend. Well, the first person to actually speak to me was a boy I would never forget as long as I live. Kim Joonmyeon.'

I sat in silence, noting that Joonmyeon was Suho's real name.

'I still remember that day, clear as anything. He pretended to be kind, showing me around and the like. He even introduced me to his friends: Luhan, Sehun, Kai. I thought they were kind, and I soon felt accepted. But then their true colours showed. I was at the skatepark with them, Kai showing off on his board. I was laughing and grinning alone with Luhan, and gazing lovingly at Joonmyeon, for reasons I didn't quite know at the time. Then all of a sudden, their aura grew darker. Luhan stopped smiling, Sehun moving closer to where I was seated. I noticed the park was empty, the last couple leaving as the sky grew darker. Then, they moved on me.'

With a  small gasp, I gripped onto Yixing's hand. I sliently told him that I understood. I knew what it felt like to have people turn against me. Yixing continued.

'Luhan and Sehun started, with Joonmyeon beating me soon after, laughing at my pain. Though, for some reason, Kai refused to participate. He didn't even watch. The others, they hurt me for who knows how long. The sky grew inky and black, a light rain began. Sehun and Luhan soon left, carrying their horrible laughter with them. As for Kai... I don't know. I thought that he had left long before the Hunhan couple. Only after the others were gone did Joonmyeon stop, allowing me to run off. I heard names being called in the distance, but I didn't listen. To this day, I have no clue why the hell those boys hurt me the way they did. I didn't do anything to deserve it, as far as I knew. Joonmyeon continued to bully me, but only when his group of friends were around... not that I thought very much about it.'

Then, Yixing began giggling, which suddenly surprised me. He didn't look mad or upset, but instead smilely and happy.

'The funny thing is, is that I never took a grudge against the boy. Wouldn't you know, I fell in love with the kid!'

And there it was. The sentince I was expecting.

'I mean, he's handsome and beautiful, and he seems as though he could be a kind-hearted boy, if only he didn't use violence to express himself. And now I believe he only hurts me when his friends are around... to impress them, maybe? Who knows. But, whenever we're alone, he doesn't even look at me. He hides his face, mutters a few words, and leaves. It is fairly odd, but I never talk to him about it.'

Yixing didn't look as though he had anything more to say, and instead he bent down to grasp at his glass of coke and take a long sip. I, too, joined him. For the rest of the night, we laughed and joked. Kris and Chanyeol soon curled up against each other, snoring and kicking lightly. Giggling, I scrambled around for my phone and took a picture of the two. Yixing and I began a conversation together, though quietly. Soon, though, I realised that I hadn't told Yixing about Zitao. So, I did.

Yixing remained silent throughout my story. He nodded in understanding, his soft, warm fingers rubbing mine slowly. Near the end of my telling, he rested his head against my shoulder, though he remained awake.

'Looks like we're both unlucky in love, huh?'

I agreed with him, clinking my glass of coke against his. 'Looks like it. Though, I do wish I had never fallen in love; at least, not with him. I mean, I wouldn't mind loving another guy, someone who I deserve, right?'

'Definately, Kyungsoo. Same goes for me. But, then again, I never want to forget about Joonmyeon. One day, he'll come through, or I will. I'll tell him, and if he doesn't return my feelings, then I can move on. But, before I do, there is one thing that I want.'

'Oh, and what is that?'

'I want Joonmyeon to be my first kiss. It seems only right, in my opinion.'

I thought about that silently. I knew the wanting of that wish only too well. But I figured I'd never see Tao again, so Yixing deserved that wish before Suho disappeared, if and when he did.

'I think that might just be managable, Yixing.'

'W-what? Are you serious, Kyungsoo?'

'Of course. You'll get your wish, as I never did. You deserve it, right? We'll get Joonmyeon to kiss you, despite how impossible it sounds right now.'

Yixing beamed at me, his smile wide. He wrapped his long arms around my shoulders, squeezing tightly. He muttered a dozen 'thank you's as he buried his nose into the crook of my neck.

I was going to do it. I was going to get Yixing's wish granted. Now, all I needed was a plan!

Aww, you go, Kyungsoo!

Okay, no joke, I love Yixing! Which is why I want some, or even most, of this story to be about him. I feel that he doesn't get many fanfiction written about him and Suho, so... yeah, this is why he's in the story! ^^

So, do you guys like my story so far? It sounds kinda lame to me right now, so I hope it gets better :) And don't panic too much, people... I'll have Kaisoo happening soon! Just gotta find a way to get them together, is all ;) So, for right now, enjoy squishy KrisYeol and confusing SuLay <3

Love you all, guys! <3


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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~