- - Y I X I N G - -

I'm In Love With The School Bully!



Immediately, I realised my mitake; Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in shock, and he loosened his grip around my shoulders. He pulled back to stare deep into my eyes, anger and disappointment written clear in his expression. I shook my head, pointing at some wide area behind the wide-eyed boy, and said boy turned around. Behind us stood my boyfriend, tear-stricken and flustered. Kyungsoo’s angry expression flicked to one of confusion as I slipped away from Kyungsoo to throw my arms around Junmyeon. I barely noticed Kyungsoo sitting alone as I hugged my boyfriend.

“Oh my god, Yixing... Are... are you okay?”

I looked up into Jun’s eyes –fat tears rolled down his cheeks. I shook my head slowly, wincing at the faint thumping behind my eyes as I squeezed tighter to the other boy. He hugged back, and I could sense Kyungsoo feeling ever so more confused than before, and I pulled away slightly to look at him.

“Junmyeon, can you... can you please make some coffee for us? I have... I have to tell Kyungsoo the full story...”

“Of course, baby,” Junmyeon replied, and kissed me lightly before heading towards the dorm kitchen. I, meanwhile, pulled Kyungsoo over to sit on my bed next to me, and I hugged my pillow tightly. It smelled faintly of Junmyeon.

“So? What happened? I thought you said Junmyeon hurt you?”

“No, you... you misheard, okay? I’ll tell you... what really happened.”

Kyungsoo wiped my tears away softly, and I heard Junmyeon cluttering through the kitchen. I breathed deeply, diving into my story...

- - A  F  E W  H O U R S  A G O - -

Junmyeon shoved me forwards lightly into my classroom, pausing only to kiss me roughly before stalking off down the hall. I entered the classroom, and was greeted by a series of wolf whistles and giggling. I shook my head in hopelessness; society isn’t quite used to the idea of two boys together, but... teenagers viewed things a lot differently than adults. No one in the class called out names or rushed forwards to bully me – they sat at their desks, almost minding their own business.

I sat down in my chair, or, at least I thought I would. Instead, my crashed to the floor, and I gasped in shock, and in a little pain. Looking up, I saw the sneering faces of, of course, Luhan and Sehun. Great.

“If you would be so kind as to slide me my chair back, so that I may begin my work?”

The two boys only glared in response, and shoved my chair forwards; I made it out of the way just in time, to avoid a bruised back. Sitting down, I pulled out my books and a pen, turning to an empty page to begin my writing. The second pen touched paper, a slip of white lined refill fluttered to my desk. Eyeing it, I noticed the note was in Hangul. Of course, I was fluent in Korean, despite being Chinese myself. I understood the sentence all to clear. And I do not wish to repeat what the note had said, but I felt tears sting my eyes at the cruelty of the note written only by the two HunHan dorks.

I stood up suddenly, shoving books into my bag that slung around one shoulder, and I stormed out of the classroom, ignoring the teacher’s protests. I stalked down the hall, and crashed into the bathroom; finally, tears dripped down my face. Sehun burst in, suddenly sneering and grinning as he clutched my shirt in one fist.

I barely felt the punches, the kicks, the scratches of nails by Sehun and his friend Luhan. What really hurt were the names they called, the torturous verbal abuse and cruelty. The harassment towards me being gay... that hurt more than the physical violence to my body. And it went on and on and on...

They left sometime later, cackling like hyenas. I too raced out of the bathroom, shoving past Junmyeon on the way back to my dorm. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, not even my loving, caring boyfriend. The words hurt me, and I could not bear for Junmyeon to feel my pain.

- - E N D  F L A S H B A C K - -


I look up. My tears were dry, but Kyungsoos’ weren’t. And neither were Junmyeons’, who stood in the doorway, gripping three cups, somehow, of steaming coffee. I smiled softly at him in reply, and he set down the cups to kneel in front of me, holding onto my shaking hands.

“Yixing, you should have told me... I need to know these things, okay? I need to know if ever my friends, or anyone, are hurting you. I hurt when you are hurt, I cry when you cry, and I feel every other emotion. Because I love you, okay? And I cannot stand to see you hurt this way because of me... my entire fault...”

“No, don’t you dare say this is your fault, Junmyeon, because you and I both know it’s not. I love you, too, okay? I trust you. And I understand HunHans reasoning’s...”

“What reasoning’s? This is unjust, and you did not deserve this!”

“I know, I know... I understand; yes, they really did hurt me in ways that I did not deserve. But, Junmyeon, you need to talk to them. Like you always say, they are in denial of their own uality; they don’t, and won’t, understand their feelings for each other. And, because of this, they hurt others to hide themselves from, well, the truth. Forget about me for a while, okay, and focus on fixing them so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else! Not to you, or I, or even Kyungsoo here.”

“Kyungsoo? You’re gay too?”

“This isn’t the focus right now, Jun!”

“Sorry! Okay, yes, I’ll talk to them. First thing tomorrow, okay? Tomorrow’s Saturday, then the next day, Sunday, is our holiday trip. I’ll be sure to talk to them before then, okay? Now, drink your coffee; you’ll feel much better after a drink and some sleep.”


It was late near midnight, the curtains opened wide to allow in the light of the moon and the stars shine across my bed. Junmyeon and I lay awake, unable to sleep as the days’ events drifted through our thoughts. He hugged me from behind, strong arms wrapped around my waist as he nestled his face into the crook of my neck. I absolutely hated people breathing on my neck, but with Junmyeon I didn’t mind. Not at all. We didn’t talk, merely thinking as we star-gazed. Kyungsoo was fast asleep; his soft mutterings of breath seemed ever so far away.

I felt so lucky at that moment. I had a wonderful, loving boyfriend, and a fantastic best friend –and, of course, two other great friends. I didn’t want to think about anything right now, only to simply lie alongside my lover. But, well, Kyungsoo’s predicament kept resurfacing my mind. Jongin would be coming along with us during the holidays. I didn’t quite trust him, not yet, though Junmyeon did. But yet, he coming along only brought laughter and teasing between Junmyeon and I. We, behind closed doors, teased Kyungsoo – what if the two fell in love during our stay at Kyungs’ family home? Oh, what a predicament that certainly would be! Junmyeon and I discussed this –we would make it our mission to bring the two together, somehow... But, how to do that?

Oh my flippin god.

Hahaha, I tricked you guys! I'm sorry, but I seriously didn't know this was gonna happen. PLOT TWIST~

So, is this far better than Junmyeon hurting our lovely Yixing? I certainly hope so ^^


I wish I could say more, but I gotta go. I hope this made you guys feel better~ ;)

Bye for now~


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cup_of_coffee #1
Will you update this? .-.
Chapter 6: I've always been used to TaoRis....this is going to get kind of interesting! Oh and Luhan!!!! He's D.O's friend right? And Kai likes him? Oh gosh! I can't wait to read on XD SULAY FTW!!!!
Chapter 14: But I like $uho hurt Lay... >:D
Chapter 14: Oh my god. Sure wasn't expecting that! Lol that was good. You tricked me xD unf, I can't wait til hunhan gets together too lol
YuShing7 #5
Chapter 14: Poor Yixing :( Hunhan are being meanies. At least Yixing has Suho and Kyungie ! Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 14: aaaah, I thought so! hehe...whoopsies, sorry :P guess I got a lil carried away and accused Suho! Forgive meee~~
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 14: Oh woah Hunhan couple is so mean, and Sulay i like your plan x)
Chapter 13: OMG WHUUUUUUUT?!?!?!,! NOOOO, Suho you ! The is wrong with yooooou T.T
Chapter 13: OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID $UHO DO???? OMG OMG update soon please~!!!
oh btw am a new reader~